Short hair

Perm for short hair


If you are the owner of short hair, do not despair, for this length, developed a lot of ways to create curls.

1. Acid Curling

This type of creation of curls is designed for hair prone to fat, and the result lasts a long time (from six months). The essence of the method lies in the fact that the drug used for fixation is able to penetrate deep into the hair structure. It does not reveal the top layer of scales and thereby preserves the quality of the curl for a long time.

Those girls who have brittle and damaged hair, it is recommended to use the method of biological curling hair. It consists of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. The effect is good enough, while the process of exposure to curls is more gentle. The resulting curls are as natural and not as elastic as with a normal perm, which allows you to use many ways for hair styling.

1. American method

This short hair perm is suitable for those who do not wish to completely expose the hair to the action of the fixer. In this case, only some strands curl, which further create additional volume of the entire hairstyle. The method of execution is vertical, when it forms light curls.

2. Vertical, it is a “wet” curl

Such a perm for short hair (photos will help to make an idea about it) is performed on vertical spiral curling hair curlers. Which, in turn, create a uniform curls along the length. This procedure is used more often than others and is known from the time of our grandmothers.

3. Curling at the ends of the hair

This method is designed for those girls who want to hide a pointed thin chin. The method is the most suitable haircut with a cascade effect. Hair curls at the ends, get extra pomp and easy to style.

4. Radical Curling

It implies a special formulation exclusively on the hair roots. This method is used for regrown "chemistry" or to increase the volume of rare and fine hair.

Pros and cons of perm

The positive side of doing a perm is as follows:

  • additional volume of hair,
  • ease of hair styling
  • a variety of hairstyles
  • shaping naughty hair,
  • the presence of elegant curls.

Negative moments, manifested in some cases:

  • increased fragility of fine hair,
  • idiosyncrasy drugs
  • peeling horse covers of the head,
  • appearance of split ends of hair.

Hair care after perm

According to many hairdressers, high-quality perm on short hair can make its owner more attractive and hide some nuances of appearance.

Today on the shelves of shops are available chemical compositions for curling at home. But it is worth remembering that perm on short hair should be carried out strictly under the guidance of a specialist who is able to choose the composition that is most suitable for your hair, not causing allergic reactions of the scalp. It is recommended to paint curls after two weeks after curling.

Tips and tricks

Curling on short hair is a good solution for many women. But do not forget about the safety of the procedure. Hair while changing its structure is under stress, so in the future it is necessary to take care of them, providing additional care and nutrition.

In order to avoid inflammations and irritations, it is not recommended to resort to chemical perms for girls who have a rather severely damaged hair and scalp structure. In such cases, contraindicated exposure to chemical compositions and blow-drying.

Take care of your hair, use conditioners and balms after washing your hair. A variety of masks and souffles are able to restore the internal balance, strengthen and preserve the structure of each hair. Maintain nutrition and hydration of curls at the proper level. Be irresistible!

What is a perm for short hair

The rhythm of the life of a modern woman makes her look for the shortest way to realize her intended goal. To avoid the daily tedious procedure of winding the hair, to help beauties and fashionistas come perm on short hair. The hairdressers performing the procedure ensure that every day you will enjoy luxurious curls without effort.

The perm is also called “permanent”, which, when translated into ordinary speech, means “permanent”. It allows you to wear curls for a long time, up to 6 months. After the allotted period, the hair comes back to its original form, demanding renewal of chemistry.

During the procedure, curls are formed as a result of the chemical reaction of the reagent and keratin, which makes up the hair structure. The reaction provokes the softening of the cuticles, the strands become pliable and they are given a form with the help of curlers or bobbins. Then this form is fixed with a special solution that restores the mechanical strength of the hair, keeping the curls.

Types of waving, which are recommended in chemistry for short hair

Since perm is characterized as a chemical process, it is classified according to the chemical preparation used, with which the expected effect is achieved. For owners of short strands do not make an exception and offer each type of chemistry:

  • Acid Chemistry Designed for a long service life - up to six months. Curls with this type of chemistry are elastic and durable. This procedure has a negative impact on the hair, so it is not recommended for thin, dry or weak hair. At the same time, it is suitable for those who have oily ringlets, as it guarantees a reduction in sebum secretion.
  • Alkaline curling. It has a softer effect than acidic, so it will last up to three months, but will retain an attractive look of hair. As a result of alkaline chemistry, curls are obtained naturally. This procedure is suitable for normal hair type, it will change hard or heavy strands for a short period of up to 1 month.
  • Neutral waving. It combines the elements of acid and alkaline chemistry. The balanced PH level of the formulations does not harm the condition of the hair, it acts gently and is suitable for each type of curls. Curls are strong and elastic.
  • Curl using thioglycolic drugs. Acid perm, which is performed with thioglycolic acid, helps create fluffy curls. This gentle type of chemistry is used on any strands, including weakened or dyed. Validity up to a month.
  • Amino acid perm. A gentle version of chemistry, refers to the soft, harmless types of effects on strands. As the name implies, the preparations for this procedure include amino acids, as well as vitamins and useful trace elements. They nourish hair, create natural curls.
  • Curling with silk proteins. Silk chemistry will help to create soft curls that will keep their attractiveness for 2-3 months. The composition of drugs include silk proteins, keratins and more. Each element takes care of the hair, improving their structure. Like other gentle curls, it is suitable for all types of hair.
  • Biowave. This type of curling procedure does not damage the structure of the curls, as it does not contain aggressive substances in the composition. After going through the biowave procedure, a woman receives curls similar to natural curls that last for up to three months based on the stiffness of the strands.
  • Curl with lipid-protein complex. Japanese technology based on the protein complex refers to the latest developments of scientists in the field of cosmetology. It will help to create a feminine, stylish image, at the same time, it will restore damaged or strengthen weakened strands.

It is difficult to choose a suitable option on your own, so it is recommended to contact an experienced hairdresser who, based on the type of appearance and condition of your hair, will select the current composition.

Pluses curling curls

We dealt with types of chemistry, we pass to an assessment of this procedure. Having summed up the intermediate result, let us designate the advantages with which the perm for short hair is endowed:

  • Perm serves as a simple way of long-term styling.
  • This procedure will allow you to enjoy luxurious curls not for a day or two, but up to six months based on the chosen type of chemistry.
  • Curls guaranteed to decorate every woman, making her image feminine and attractive. You will remain in the world of fashion trends, because chemistry does not go out of fashion for 200 years.
  • Lush curly hair will help to hide, correct the defects of the appearance or structure of the face, for example, hide excessively wide cheekbones.
  • The impact of drugs on short hair is short, due to the length of the strands, and therefore the damage is reduced.

Disadvantages of the procedure

As I would not like to leave this section empty, this, unfortunately, is impossible. Perm, like other aggressive procedures, gives a negative impact on the hair, scalp and body.

It is not recommended to apply chemistry on very short hair. With a length of strands up to 10 cm to form a curl difficult. In addition, it is worth remembering that when curling curls "jump", and reduced length will have an unattractive effect.

The preparations used for the curling procedure have a negative effect on the hair structure, making it dry and overly brittle. After a perm, pay attention to the care of the strands, their restoration and nutrition.

Also note the medical contraindications for this procedure:

  • It is not recommended to curl curls in pregnant women, nursing mothers,
  • hairdressers advise allergy sufferers to conduct a preliminary test that will eliminate the negative reaction,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, medication also act as contraindications to the conduct of chemistry.

Ways perm for short haircut

After the decision is made, and you have already chosen the means for chemical perm for short hair, you should decide on the type of curls. The method of twisting the strands and the kind of curlers used for this purpose determine the future appearance of the curls. Based on the diameter of devices or bobbins, the barber creates tight African-curls, elastic curls or soft waves.

Masters distinguish the following types of chemical perms for short hair:

  • Radical chemistry. This type of chemistry allows you to create additional volume without exhausting styling or pile. Strands curl only at the roots, which creates the effect of thick as well as fluffy hair. However, women note a drawback, which consists in reducing the visual effect when the curls grow, therefore a method is recommended for girls whose hair grows slowly.
  • Vertical waving. Vertical curls are created when using spiral curlers. The strands are wound on the bobbin vertically from root to tip, which guarantees uniformity. This method of winding gives a long-term result.
  • Horizontal chemistry for short strands. It is performed with the help of bobbins. Curls curl horizontally from the tips to the roots. The result is elastic, natural curls.
  • Partial chemistry at the ends of the hair. Suitable for thin or rare strands, it will help refresh the image, add ease and visual density. This perm will make the hair more luxuriant, and also suitable for the correction of the appearance of girls with a triangular face shape.

Chemistry for short hair - photo results

If you decide to change your image, seek advice from a hairdresser who has experience in carrying out permed hair for short hair. Photos from his portfolio will be a good example. This will help make the right choice of type of perm for short hair, which is right for you.

Care curls after perm

As mentioned above, the perm aggressively acts on the hair, they lose moisture, break, and split. Therefore, care for curls after curling is selected to restore, moisturize and nourish the hair. Care products are selected individually, based on the type of your hair and tasks.

Manufacturers offer a series of cosmetic products, the action of which is aimed at improving the hair after the chemical treatment of hair. Shampoos of the given series, sparing without parabens and other harmful substances. Masks and balms contain herbal extracts, keratins, protein, natural oils.

Combing the treated strands is recommended comb with rare teeth - so curls longer retain their appearance. Dry your hair naturally without using a hair dryer. If you can not avoid drying with a hairdryer, then choose a cold mode, it will save curls.

Observing the recommendations of hairdressers, you will become a happy owner of luxurious curls for a long time without effort and harm to the hair.

Post Curling Reviews

To understand what to expect, ask for help from women who have already undergone the procedure of curling short strands. They share experiences in a review:

Victoria, 34 years old

Haircut "Kare" wear with eighteen years. It suits me, besides it does not require careful styling or care. But over time, I wanted a change, I decided to make a perm. I chose a gentle option with vertical curls, the result is super! Curls live, elastic. They added to the image of ease, romance, while the state of the hair has not changed. I will repeat in three months, when the curls unwind.

Olga, 54 years old

Daily styling terrified me, my bouffant with lacquer mercilessly ruined my hair. My daughter advised to contact an experienced hairdresser for help. Master recommended radical chemistry. The procedure is designed to raise the curls at the roots without harm to their health. I liked the result, but it was enough for a month, after which I had to repeat it.

Tatiana, 23 years old

My hair has been rare and thin since childhood. I wanted to visually increase their number, add density for this, I chose partial chemistry. I have a short hair, curled only the tips. Curls added to my image of expressiveness. It turned out effectively, I will repeat in 2-3 months.

How to wind short hair with an iron?

Very often, this device is used to smooth unruly strands than to curl them. But it is easy to fix, it is enough to get acquainted with the options provided and apply them in practice.

  • Small curls with the help of braids. Clean, slightly wet hair divided into thin strands and braid pigtails. Next, hold it with a heated iron, spread it over and fix the resulting curls with varnish. This haircut will take no more than 5-10 minutes.
  • Unusual way to create strands. Each thin strand is screwed onto a finger. Pin the resulting roller to the head.Squeeze them tightly with a flat iron, take out the invisible being and dissolve the curls. All hairstyle ready!
  • Beach curls. Twist each strand in the form of a flagellum and hold along the entire length with a heated iron.

Now the question of how to wind short hair with an iron will no longer bother.

How beautiful wind short hair?

This is another question asked by girls on thematic forums. If you can not turn to professionals, you can always put into practice this “master class”:

  • raise the bangs up and secure with barrettes,
  • wind the hair on the left side of the iron (curling iron) in the direction of the back of the head. Do the same with the right side of the hair,
  • free the hair on the top of the stealth, divide them into small strands, twist,
  • Now you need to twist the hair at the back of the head. Immediately it should be warned that the first time it will do is not very convenient, but over time it will turn out much faster and more beautiful.

Last of all, the curls are curled onto the central strand. After this, slightly curl the curls with your fingers and spray the means for fixing the hairstyle so that they do not fall apart within half an hour.

But besides this, there are still many tips on how to wind short hair beautifully, you can read them on the Internet - by watching videos, step-by-step instructions with pictures, etc.

How beautiful wind short hair curling?

Having this device at hand, you can create a lot of hair styling options. For example, such as:

  1. Voluminous curls. First you need to wash your hair and dry a little with a hairdryer, then apply the gel or mousse. Head down and casually curl your hair. Give, how to cool and return to its original position. Now it remains only to sprinkle hair with lacquer.
  2. Hollywood waves. Sounds nice, doesn't it? But they can be easily and quickly created on your hair, it is enough to heat the curling iron to medium temperature and keep the strand on the tongs for no more than 1.5 minutes. Comb them with a large comb, and spray any means for fixing hairstyles.
  3. Elastic curls. Set a high temperature for heating the device. Treat your hair with a heat spray. Hold each curled strand on the axis of the curling iron for about 60 seconds, release the forceps, but do not unwind the “wheel”, but fasten it with a hairpin, do this with each strand. Remove invisible only after the strands have cooled.

This is how beautiful it is to wind short hair on a curler, and without the help of professionals or a friend.

How to wind curlers for short hair?

Using hair curlers to create beautiful curls is the safest way to curl hair.

So, the general principles:

  • wash your hair with shampoo, dry to a semi-moist state,
  • comb the hair in the direction of growth and divided into strands, which should be equal to the width of 1 curler,
  • spin all strands, starting from the tips to the crown. After 30 minutes, remove the curlers, fix the curls with lacquer.

To make it easier to wind short hair, it is recommended to use curlers "boomerangs" or "Velcro". That's basically all the information about how to properly wind the curler on short hair.

Types of hair with curls: perm, vertical and light

To curl short hair curling, you need to start with the choice of model forceps. Large curls for such dinah hair will not work, it is better to make small ones. Therefore, curling iron for short hair should be no more than 2.5 cm in diameter. Pay attention to models with a thermostat that gently affect the hair.

Perm on short hair at home

If the strands are naughty, it is better to use special styling products (mousse or gel). Next, take small strands (they should be well dried) and wrap around the forceps. Winding time depends on the thickness of the strand and the expected effect. It can last from 5-10 seconds, but do not hold more than a minute, so as not to damage the curls. When all curls curling on short hair twisted, stack them at will. To keep the shape of the hair, spray it with varnish. The degree of fixation depends on preferences.

For developing curls, use a light tool, and for a fixed hair, it is better to use a lacquer with strong fixation. Laying curling on short hair is quick and easy. Curled locks slightly reduce the length of the strands, so in order to keep the usual look better 1.5-2 cm from the edge of the curl do not cheat.

Large curl curls on curlers

Make curls on short hair, you can use curlers.

  • To make the hair more splendid it is better to use large velcro curlers. In this case, it is better to moisturize the hair, then wind the short hair over the curlers and dry it with a hairdryer.

We wind short and very short strands with a styler (iron)

Many women use the iron only for straightening strands. But the stylers are able to create beautiful curls for short hair.

  1. If using an ironing machine, only large curls for short hair are obtained, then the styler will achieve curls of any size, you just need to change the nozzle.
  2. Nozzle brush for styler will help to make light curls for short hair. If you use a spiral, the curls will turn out smooth and distinct.
  3. But you can get spiral curls and using a rectifier. To do this, iron the strand and make one turn, the device is kept parallel to the floor. Then the ironer is turned to the vertical position and scrolled several times. In this way, twisted short hair will add some carelessness to the hairstyle.

How to curl carving short cut

For a small shawl fit simple styling ironing. Dry small strands twist flagellum and spend the entire length of the ironing. It is better to let the treated strands cool down. And then straighten them. Soft waves are obtained, which are best fixed with varnish. When using rectifiers
and styler curling curls, it is better to use styling to prevent damage to the hair.

Types of curls - we are determined with the choice

Curling on short hair will make the hair more voluminous, attractive. The rich variety of ways to create curls opens up to the owner of a short haircut a choice that is not easy to make independently, without the help of a professional stylist. Consult with the master before going on the procedure. Try to get detailed information about each technology to create hairstyles to choose the best option for the length and structure of your hair.

Biowave hair

The technology of a biological curling is ideal for those who have weak damaged hair. The composition of the biochemical means used to create hair, does not include hydrogen peroxide, ammonia. Biowave has a gentle effect on curls, and the result is maintained for a long time. Curls are obtained as natural as possible, but not as elastic as in chemistry. On the other hand, this hairstyle provides a lot of options for styling.

Perm hair

One of the most popular, time-tested ways to create curls on long or short haircuts is perm. Chemistry provides additional volume hairstyle. This technology is especially suitable for owners of the flat back of the head, will help relieve them from the need to constantly do bouffants. There is also a disadvantage with this method. In the process of growth of hair will lose its volume. Chemistry at the tips is recommended for owners of haircuts with a ladder or cascade, as in the photo below.

Wet Curl

Wet or vertical curling is done with the help of spiral curling-curlers, which create curls of uniform length. Time-tested, this procedure is a reliable and efficient styling technique. With the help of whooping cough, curls were created during the time of our grandmothers. This method of styling curls is perfect for owners of both long and short hairstyles.

Carving is a type of lightweight, long-lasting styling that allows you to create larger, smoother curls, giving extra volume to thin hair. As a result, the haircut becomes more lush, visually increases the density of hair. A distinctive advantage of carving is the lack of a clear line of transition from curled hair to growing back. According to reviews of this technology, the effect after its application is held substantially less than, for example, after a biowave.

Acid perm suitable for hair prone to fat. The result lasts up to six months, which is convenient if you want to change the image for a long time. The tool used to fix the curls, penetrates deep into the hair structure, without revealing the top layer of scales. As a result of the procedure, the effect lasts for a long time.


Bottom method of giving hairstyle volume using curls involves the use of a special composition for fixing, which is applied exclusively to the roots. This method is used to extend the effect of growing chemistry or to increase the volume of thin sparse hair. Radical perm - an effective way to visually increase the density of the haircut.

What can curl short hair

Curling on short hair is an excellent option for those who want to refresh the image by adding a highlight to their hair. You can make playful curls or curvy curls yourself at home by studying the relevant videos on the Internet. To do this, use various tools and devices, which will be discussed below. Remember, as a result of changes in the structure of the hair, even for a short period of time, they experience some stress. Further care for the hair involves intensive care and nutrition.

Curling on short hair at home is done with an ordinary ironing. This is one of the common ways to create curls. The length of the strands should be sufficient to wrap the strand around the device. Curls turn out slightly broken, but very beautiful. To use the iron should not be more than once a week. Its impact seriously injures hair.

  1. Spread clean, dry hair into several strands.
  2. Clamp the end of one strand with an iron and make at least one turn around the device.
  3. Wait a few minutes and release the strand.
  4. A similar manipulation with the remaining hair.
  5. Spray the finished hair with lacquer to fix it.

A simple and common way to create curls on hair of medium length involves the use of curling, which is of different sizes. Owners of long luxurious hair is better to use a curling iron with a large diameter. For a short haircut fit thin curling. Just as in the case of irons, it should not be used every day, so as not to spoil the state and appearance of the hair.

  1. Divide the hair into several strands.
  2. Twist the strand on the heated curling iron and wait a few minutes.
  3. Do the same with the rest of the hair.
  4. The received curls fix with varnish.

The technique of using forceps is similar to working with a curling iron. With the help of this device they create volumetric styling, twist the tips of short hair. This is no less gentle procedure than using an ironing or curling, so you should not abuse it. Depending on what effect you need, choose a certain direction of curling forceps:

  • To get straight curls, hold the forceps parallel to the floor.
  • For spiral curls, forceps position almost vertically.

Learn how to choose the right professional hair curling iron.

Curling on short hair is also carried out with the help of curlers, which should be thin, so that small strands of length can be wrapped several times. Soft curlers made of foam with flexible wire inside - the best option for the owner of the haircut to the shoulders. The main advantage of these curlers, they do not interfere during sleep and rest.

  1. Divide the hair into several strands.
  2. Spread the tips over the body of the curler and start spinning the strand until the design touches the head.
  3. Curlers leave for the night, and in the morning dissolve curls and fix the hair with lacquer or wax.

Recommended to read: Folic acid for hair

Carving is a kind of curling that does not last long on the hair, but does not damage the hair. The technology is similar to biowave, but chemical additives are practically absent.

Hair will last from one month to three, then the hair will straighten itself. Carving, unlike perms, can be performed several times in a row.

The disadvantage of carving is its fragility - it easily loses its shape and volume, so you may need to make a correction ahead of time.

Choosing a haircut

Waving looks good on the classic version of the boar or bob-bob, elongated and graded haircuts. It is not necessary to curl your hair, if they are cut asymmetrically - then the curls will be sloppy. It is necessary to take into account the length of the hair - applying a means for perming does not make sense for a too short haircut, since the length of the strands is not enough to create a curl.

When curling better not touch the bangs - when it grows, it will lose its appearance and shape in the first place, and this will significantly spoil the appearance of the whole hairstyle.

Large curls will look good on a square or elongated square - they will refresh the image.

If the haircut is selected as a cascade, styling in the form of waves will do.

Another unusual option is the spiral styling, which is performed on small-sized sticks.

How is the procedure carried out

You can curl your hair both at the salon and at home, if you follow all the instructions in the manual. It is necessary to perform the curling procedure as follows:

  • Hair shampooed deep clean
  • Dry slightly with a towel to remove excess water.
  • Strands are wound on curlers, papilotki or thin sticks, depending on the selected size of the curl, while the hair can not be too tight, otherwise after a while they will begin to break and fall out
  • A fixative composition and an activator of the reaction are applied directly on the curlers, the product is aged on the hair for a certain time.
  • The hair is washed with running water, while the curlers remain on the curls
  • For several minutes, apply a composition that neutralizes chemistry.
  • Hair dried hair dryer and comb

The next three days you can not wash your hair or style your hair with a curling, just do not use clips and hairpins - it will break the shape of the curls. When winding hair, you need to try to make all the curls of the same size and tension - otherwise they will turn out to be of different shape and size, and will have an untidy appearance.

You can dye your hair after applying the curls not earlier than after eight weeks so as not to overdry the hair roots.

Pluses perms

Short hair perm has many significant advantages:

  • There are no difficulties with styling - hair keeps its shape for a long time
  • You can give a sophisticated, romantic or naughty hair style
  • Modern curling methods do not damage the hairline, so the structure is easily restored.
  • Hair gain volume and fluffiness
  • Excess fat removed from hair roots
  • It is possible to lay curls in different ways, giving the image unique features

However, the procedure should not be performed on thin, weakened hair, as well as if the scalp is damaged.

Any perm in one degree or another dries the roots of the hair - the curl will help the owners of excessively greasy roots to get rid of slovenly looking greasy roots and solve the problem of frequent washing of the head.

At the same time, a biowave is preferable for thin and dry hair, which does not injure the hair so much. If there is a problem of hair loss - you need to treat the hair with the help of vitamin masks and abandon the aggressive procedures, such as waving or bleaching.

Possible difficulties

When performing a perm, there may be several negative points that should be considered before visiting the salon:

  • Hair can be tangled, losing shape and getting an untidy look.
  • The smell of curling keeps for several weeks
  • Allergic reaction may occur to curlers.
  • If you want to get rid of regrown hairs, they will have to be cut.

In addition, curly hair will require careful care so that the hair does not lose strength and shine.

You can not perform perm during pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as at the age of younger than 18 and over 60 years. In order to avoid skin forms of allergies, it is necessary to conduct an allergo test before performing the procedure.

Rules for the care of curly hair

In order for short hair to remain docile and shiny, and curls do not lose elasticity and volume, you need to properly care for your hair:

  • Need to pick a neutral soft shampoo without abrasive components and sulfates
  • Need to wash your hair in the bathroom, because under a shower curls are drawn, then they will be more difficult to lay in the original shape
  • It is not recommended to use curling iron or iron on curled hair. - exposure to high temperatures leads to dehydration of the hair and the appearance of split ends, if necessary, hot styling temperature should not be higher than 150 degrees
  • After each wash, you need to style your hair, using a hairdryer with the diffuser on it., otherwise curls will hang around in all directions, and the hairstyle will look untidy
  • Moisturizing balm should be applied to wet hair. with a frequent comb
  • Two weeks after performing the curling, you should start applying repair masks on your that they do not start to get confused and break

If you nourish and moisturize the roots and gently care for your hair, styling will continue for a long time, and your hair will remain healthy and shiny. If the hair began to fall out, became dull and brittle, and the hair roots lost strength, you need to consult a dermatologist for advice and undergo a hair treatment course. Only competent care and care will help to keep hair thick and attractive for many years.


Watch the video: How To Get Curls With Short Hair! Perm Tutorial (July 2024).