Dandruff treatment

How to get rid of seborrheic dermatitis in the ear area


Of course, dermatitis in the ears is not fatal. But if it is not treated in time, it can manifest itself as a strong inflammation, which significantly worsens the quality of life. In addition, at the localization of seborrheic dermatitis, scars and eczema appear over time, which cannot be called attractive. Seborrheic dermatitis in the ears can spread to healthy areas of the skin, and therefore requires immediate treatment.

Seborrheic dermatitis in the ears is manifested by peeling of the skin, itching and redness. Such manifestations are localized in the auditory canal, the auricle or behind the ears.

Symptoms of the manifestation of the disease:

  • there is a change in the usual color of the skin behind the ears and in the auricle,
  • there is a slight swelling,
  • small nodules containing a clear liquid appear on the skin (they are able to break open on their own, forming wet spots that are a springboard for the development of microbes),
  • the epidermis is characterized by dry condition and desquamation,
  • the ear of adults is covered with yellow scabs,
  • pus or colorless liquid may be released from the ear canal, accompanied by an unpleasant odor,
  • if you do not treat the disease in time, the skin in places of localization of dermatitis becomes coarse and becomes covered with pigmented spots.

The severity of skin disease depends on many factors. The more you hesitate with the treatment, the more difficult it will be to get rid of the ill-starred peeling.

Medics, depending on skin type, 3 forms of dermatitis are distinguished:

  1. Dry. White scales appear (dandruff). Sebum cannot normally come to the surface, therefore the pores are clogged and there are signs of dry skin. If the dandruff is removed mechanically, the skin will have a red tint, which indicates inflammation.
  2. Fatty. Increased sebum secretion, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Peeling gets a yellowish tint. Usually found in adolescence.
  3. Mixed. It is characterized by the presence of several lesions: for example, a white rash (dry type) occurs on the face and ears, and the hair and eyebrows are covered with yellowish scales.

Causes of

Seborrhea in the ears may appear due to certain circumstances that are associated with the health of the organs and systems of the human body. Among the causes of ear dermatitis, physicians distinguish:

  • weakened immunity
  • improper metabolism
  • lack of vitamins, which often happens in the spring,
  • hormonal disruptions, especially during adolescence and during pregnancy,
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver,
  • frequent stress
  • genetic predisposition.

There is also contact dermatitis, which may occur due to the following factors:

  • wearing jewelry, hearing aids, or headphones made of metal that does not fit your skin,
  • the use of chemical detergents and dyes that cause allergic reactions on the skin,
  • otitis drops,
  • strong squeezing of plastic caps to the ears.

If time does not engage in the treatment of ear dermatitis, it can develop into dermatosis.

An important point! Dermatosis is associated with the action of the fungus Malasseziafurfur, which is powered by fat secreted through the skin. The products of his life just act toxins, leading to the destruction of the epithelium. Seborrheic dermatosis often affects the auricles.

What does dandruff look like?

Even a simple man in the street is difficult to confuse the usual peeling with ear dandruff. The scales of the second phenomenon are more significant: large flakes of white or yellow color are separated from the skin. Their appearance is accompanied by severe burning and itching. A person tries to get rid of him by combing the skin inside the ear with a special stick or a match.

If with the help of a simple instrument it is possible to eliminate dry skin areas, there is a strong reddening under them. Removing flakes brings temporary relief. The patient constantly feels the presence inside the ear of a foreign body. These are wet crusts - a mixture of sebum and earwax. If, against the background of the described pathology, otitis media develops, the person may temporarily lose his hearing.

General recommendations for getting rid of dandruff in the ears

Dandruff in the ears is not dangerous for health, but experts still recommend starting as early as possible to deal with a similar problem. The fact is that dry flakes can mix with earwax and cause the formation of traffic jams. Their presence can lead to tinnitus and the development of partial deafness.

To get rid of dandruff you need to start at home with the help of baby soap and a soft washcloth. If dandruff is formed on the auricle itself, you can walk through the peeling areas with a sponge, which is abundantly moistened with soapy water, and then thoroughly wash the skin with running water. After the skin is important to dry well with a cotton cloth and apply any moisturizer. If this method of struggle did not help get rid of dandruff in the ears, you must visit a dermatologist. He will find out why flakes are formed, and then prescribe a course of drug treatment.

Drug therapy

There is a large list of tools that can be used in the fight against seborrheic dermatitis. Among them:

  1. Medical tar ("Sebuton", "Friderm"). Its application helps to disinfect the inflamed skin, eliminate dead cells of the epidermis, and normalize the division of healthy cells.
  2. Salicylic acid and "Friederm zinc" successfully fight a bacterial infection.
  3. Ointments and tablets "Clotrimazole", "Nizoral" eliminate the fungus.
  4. Quassia Amara extract cream relieves inflammation well.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to combine the use of local ointments and systemic drugs. The latter are often prescribed by dermatologists “Cyclopirox” - an agent whose active substance is active against the main causative agents of mycoses and certain gram-positive bacteria. If otitis develops, antibiotics are prescribed to the patient. They can be used as a local treatment (otofa drops) or as systemic oral agents. To eliminate the itch antihistamines are used first or second generation.

Recipes of traditional medicine

To enhance the therapeutic effect or reduce the drug load by doctors, traditional medicine is actively included in the treatment regimen. The most popular ones are:

  1. Turunda dipped in sunflower oil. A cotton swab is tightly twisted, then it is moistened in warm oil, slightly squeezed out and inserted into the aperture of the auricle. This turunda helps to soften, and then successfully remove the scabs in the ears (dried dandruff lumps). A cotton swab is left for fifteen minutes, then removed, the remaining oil is removed with a piece of soft napkin. During the day turunda must be inserted two or three times, the course of treatment - a week and a half. If you need to remove inflammation, it is better to wet turunds in rosehip oil, calendula or sea buckthorn.
  2. Rubbing Novocain. The ampoule with the medicine is opened, the cotton wool is moistened in it, the ear is rubbed several times a day with it. This should be done during the week. Novocain well removes the symptoms of physiological discomfort.
  3. Rubbing bread porridge. The rye breadcrumb is lumped and sprayed with boiling water, the slurry is kneaded from wet bread and left for twenty minutes. During this time, the yeast will lose its aggressiveness. Finished gruel is necessary to wipe the ears from the inside. This tool has a pronounced peeling effect.

Before using traditional medicine is useful to test for allergies.

Measures to prevent the appearance of dandruff in the ears

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure, so experts recommend sticking to some rules that allow it to be carried out. Important:

  1. Wash your ears regularly.
  2. Do not use other people's accessories (headphones, ear plugs).
  3. Do not brush your ears with cotton buds. Their use destroys epithelial cells, removes protective lubricant.
  4. Observe sleep, rest and work.
  5. Keep your ears in cold weather, do not overcool the body as a whole.
  6. Protect the ear canals from water.
  7. Regularly process all used devices (headphones, hearing aids) with special ear drops designed for designated purposes.
  8. Do not start treatment for any infections.
  9. Drink more plain pure water.
  10. Avoid stress and psycho-emotional experiences.
  11. Balanced eat.

If you experience symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, contact a dermatologist or otorhinolaryngologist for help.

Causes of seborrheic dermatitis in the ear

Seborrheic dermatitis on the ear is a symptom of ill-being in the body. In order to cure dandruff and get rid of the discomfort that brings the defect of appearance, you need to understand the causes of its occurrence. Exclusively local treatment is not always effective and even with the complete elimination of the symptoms of the disease, a relapse is possible.

On the ear, seborrheic dermatitis develops for the same reasons as in any other part of the body.

This disease is one of the manifestations of seborrhea, which is mainly localized on the scalp and abroad of hair growth.

The affected area can spread over several skin areas:

  • auditory canal,
  • auricle,
  • ear zone.

Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis in the ear:

  • peeling skin
  • peeling flakes of the stratum corneum of the epidermis,
  • itching that occurs periodically, or persistent,
  • skin redness in the affected area,
  • linear or pinch injury to the skin.

Causes of seborrheic dermatitis in the ear:

  • violation of hormonal levels, which can be caused by the restructuring of the body during puberty,
  • thyroid disease,
  • genetic susceptibility to the development of seborrheic dermatitis,
  • unbalanced nutrition
  • lack of care or improper skin care of the body.

Types of seborrheic dermatitis on the ear

Seborrheic dermatitis on the ear can develop against the background of one of two forms of seborrhea:

Depending on the type of disease, the symptoms may vary. With oily seborrhea, oily dandruff is observed, with dry - dry. Peeling type is easy to determine visually.

When oily seborrhea observed:

  • greasy glint
  • exfoliating skin scales covered with an oily film,
  • the density and thickness of the plates consisting of dead epidermal cells are more pronounced,
  • dandruff has a yellowish tint.

Itching is present in any form of the disease. It delivers considerable discomfort, but you can quickly get rid of it with the help of medications and medicines prepared according to traditional medicine recipes.

For successful treatment of the disease, you need to contact a dermatologist, who will try to find out the cause of the pathology. This will prevent possible recurrence of the disease.

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis in the ear with medication

Seborrheic dermatitis is the result of a fungal infection of the skin. The development of pathogenic microflora is most often caused by hormonal disorders. Therefore, in the medical treatment of seborrheic dermatitis use drugs that have the following effects:

  • antifungal (antimycotic drugs),
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antipruritic
  • soothing.

If the cause of seborrheic dermatitis is a violation of hormonal levels, prescribed medications containing corticosteroids.

Dandruff on the ear can be the result of allergic reactions. In this case, antihistamine drugs are necessary.

What is ear dermatitis?

Dermatitis is a disease of the skin that takes various forms, most often it is banal peeling skin, but occasionally a violation of the functions of the skin. Ear dermatitis is an inflammatory process localized to the outer part of the ear canal.

The process initially takes place exclusively in the outer part of the ear. If you ignore the disease and do not start treatment in time, then the inflammation can spread to the inside. Seborrheic dermatitis can be observed in one or both ears.

At the very beginning, the situation seems harmless; in some patients, it takes many years in a mild form and does not particularly bother. However, without therapy, seborrhea of ​​the ear canal can progress and cause a full-fledged inflammatory process requiring medical treatment for a longer time.


Seborrhea can occur for various reasons, most often the condition is not a separate pathology. The following factors are distinguished:

  • heredity - like ordinary dermatitis, the ear can also develop due to a similar mechanism of the sebaceous glands, like someone from family members,
  • non-compliance with the rules of hygiene,
  • use headphones or hearing aids,
  • cosmetics,
  • weakening of immunity due to bad habits, taking antibiotics, poor-quality nutrition, etc.
  • dermatological diseases,
  • failure of the hormonal system
  • the presence of chronic diseases, such as diabetes.

Symptoms of seborrhea may vary slightly, depending on the type of disease. They are distinguished by two - oily seborrhea and dry. In the first case, the condition appears as follows:

  • pronounced luster of the skin associated with enhanced sebaceous glands,
  • coarsening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis,
  • moderate or severe itching,
  • the presence of scales grayish-yellow color,
  • overgrowth of fungal microflora is sometimes possible due to a suitable nutrient medium.

Dry type of seborrhea is manifested in the form:

  • reddish spots on the skin,
  • feeling of tight skin,
  • severe itching
  • fine dandruff
  • epithelial cracks.

There is also a mixed type of dermatitis, then the patient has two types of symptoms at once. In this case, the treatment will be slightly different; a remedy will be needed to correct the functions of the sebaceous glands in both directions.

How is the children

It is believed that the presence of seborrhea in the ears in children is caused by a genetic predisposition and residual maternal hormones. Often the condition is observed in the first months after the birth of the baby and eventually goes away without assistance.

The main manifestations - the presence of fatty flakes and dandruff. Sometimes the symptoms are difficult to notice, you should pay attention to the clothes, exfoliating skin can remain on it.

Despite the fact that in children, ear seborrhea often disappears on its own, the state of the ears must be monitored. If disease progression is noticeable, care and preventive measures will be needed. This will avoid the need for drugs.

First you need to establish the cause of seborrhea, referring to a specialist. After the examination, he will prescribe the most appropriate drug, given the patient's age and the course of the disease. The basis of the therapy is creams or ointments for dermatitis, which are smeared on the ear until the symptoms disappear.

It is not necessary to select a drug for the treatment of seborrhea, it is recommended to consult a specialist who will prescribe an effective and safe medicine.


Medications are used depending on the type of seborrhea. For weeping areas of the skin, a drying agent, such as zinc ointment, is required. In this case, boric or picric acid will be effective.

If the patient suffers from severe itching, it is acceptable to use antihistamines: Claritin, Eden, Suprastin. Children are prescribed drops: Parlazin or Cetirizine.

Sometimes you may need antifungal drugs that are effective: Lamisil, Naftifine and Mikospor.

In the presence of seborrhea on the scalp, you need to use special pharmaceutical shampoos: Nizoral, Skin-cap or Sulsen.

In addition to ointments, creams and shampoos, it is extremely important to take care of taking immunostimulants and vitamins. The best option would be to obtain them with the help of products, if this is not possible, then you should choose a vitamin complex.

Many people prefer to combine treatment with ear drops or creams with traditional medicine. This method often has an effective effect and eliminates the symptoms as much as possible. But it will not be superfluous to consult with a specialist in order not to harm yourself and not aggravate the situation.

You can try to use oils: olive, sea buckthorn, calendula and chamomile. Moisten a cotton pad in oil and gently lubricate the affected areas of the ear. Chamomile has a good effect. Natural tea with chamomile pour boiling water and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. After cooling, the cotton wool is moistened in the infusion and gently placed in the ear for 15 minutes.

Seborrhea in the ears can appear in both adults and young children. Most often, the condition does not bring discomfort and does not particularly bother the person, but there are neglected cases when it is impossible to do without effective treatment. For this purpose, soothing and moisturizing creams are used, sometimes antifungal and hormonal remedies, if the stage of the disease is neglected.

Features of treatment

To cure dermatitis or dermatosis, complex therapy is required:

  • general strengthening of immunity due to proper nutrition and vitamin course,
  • ointment and cream of local action,
  • taking antifungal, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory drugs (oral and in the form of injections),
  • various gadgets based on decoctions from the field of traditional medicine,
  • the use of a special fluid that smoothes wrinkles in the skin (for example, Castellani).

You should not carry out self-diagnosis, because to determine the type of dermatitis, you need to contact a dermatologist or otolaryngologist.

How to deal with drugs purchased in a pharmacy

To dry the skin, use zinc ointment. If there are various swelling and foci, then resort to applying boron or picric acid to the lesion sites.

Strongly itching? Then purchase antihistamines, such as:

The last two options are also sold in the form of syrup, so they are well absorbed by the children's body.

If you have atopic dermatitis caused by a number of factors, the following measures are taken:

  1. In the ear canal bury droplets. The effective drug is considered to be Sofradex solution. It not only relieves inflammation and edema, it is also designed to eliminate unpleasant itching. You can purchase an analogue of the drug - Polidex, which fights fungi and bacteria perfectly.
  2. Corticosteroid ointment is applied in thin layers to localization sites (several times a day). For children and adults, Geocorton has an antimicrobial effect.
  3. In the diagnosis of contact dermatitis, of course, eliminate the irritant.

In addition to the use of various creams and ointments, you can use special shampoos that fight dandruff:

They include:

  • ketoconazole, which blocks the access of nutrients to fungal cells,
  • ciclopirox fighting mycoses
  • zinc, which not only prevents the growth of the fungus, but also eliminates inflammatory processes,
  • selenium disulfide, which slows down the renewal of skin cells,
  • tar (a folk remedy that eliminates peeling).

Ointments and creams in the fight against seborrheic dermatitis in the ears:

  1. Selenium-based Sulsen paste is a good treatment for seborrheic dermatitis. It dries well and eliminates inflammatory processes.
  2. Glucocorticosteroid creams, ointments and lotions have proven themselves on the positive side. But their use should be carried out after consultation with the doctor.
  3. Lotions and ointments, which include salicylic acid, are designed to soften the skin of the affected areas. They are used before the main preparations of intensive exposure to the fungus are applied.

To remove strong inflammatory processes, a dermatologist may prescribe physiotherapy. Exposure to UV rays, cold air and ozone can eliminate even the most severe forms of the disease.


If you want to spend the least amount on the treatment of ear dermatitis, then pay attention to the herbs and drugs donated by nature itself. Of course, unlike the highly effective synthesized drugs, you will have to tinker significantly, but traditional medicine products have practically no contraindications, and they are cheap or do not cost anything at all (in the case of independent preparation).

For the treatment using decoctions and infusions, as well as vegetable oils. They are applied to a tampon, cotton pad or turunda, and then applied to the place of localization of the inflammatory process.

They can be used for acute seborrhea.

An important point! Eliminating the strong manifestations of dermatitis is not enough. To eliminate all the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy for 2 months.

Folk remedies to eliminate oily seborrhea involve the use of the following gifts of nature:

  • Hypericum herbs,
  • sage and chamomile flowers,
  • infusion of nettle,
  • homemade ointment based on oak bark, burdock and honey.

You can also use tar soap, vinegar, and soda solution (baking soda + water).

To cure dry seborrhea, make lotions from:

  • broth onion peel,
  • infusion of dry nettle leaves,
  • linseed oil in symbiosis with violet leaves and sea buckthorn,
  • castor oil with the addition of egg yolk,
  • decoction based on burdock root in combination with pork lard.

All these compresses and tampons are placed on the affected skin. After a while, they are cleaned and a good rubbing of the auricle with a cotton disc.

Little about diet

During treatment, you need to follow a diet.. Exclude:

Stop eating large quantities of baking and sweets, because they contribute to the development of fungus. If you take vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin A, E, B (carrots, apples, cabbage, asparagus, etc.), you can not only strengthen the immune system, but also ensure the rapid regeneration of the skin.

Drink as much water as possible (preferably mineral without gas), because it will contribute to the establishment of metabolism. At least 2 liters of liquid should be consumed per day.

If you have bad habits, try to give them up, because smoking and alcohol are just the factors that, although indirectly, provoke the occurrence of dermatitis and dermatosis in the ears. Replace them for sports. Such compensation will only benefit.

In this way, seborrhea in the ears is easily eliminated with the help of conventional medical treatment, which, in combination with cosmetic preparations and decoctions from the field of traditional medicine, can eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the causes of the disease. People actively struggling with dermatitis in their ears are advised to follow a diet, hygiene and begin to eat a balanced diet.

Useful videos

How to get rid of seborrhea on the head and body.

Seborrheic dermatitis. Treatment.

Treatment with the help of folk remedies

They also carry out treatment with the help of folk remedies. But treat dandruff in the ears at home with great care. Apply masks and tampons soaked in herbal infusions or oils.

  1. Oils. To soften the dried layers of the epidermis in the ear, apply oil. Use olive, sunflower, sea buckthorn, chamomile or calendula. A tampon dipped in oil is carefully placed in the affected area and left for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, the remaining oil is removed along with dead skin particles. Oil tampons should be applied three times a day, week.
  2. Infusion and oil. Moisten a cotton swab in an infusion of chamomile with the addition of a few drops of oil. Chamomile has a calming and healing effect. For this recipe take a bag of pharmaceutical chamomile pour 100 ml of boiling water and infuse for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out with dandruff caused by the malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands. Repeat the procedure three times a day for a week.
  3. Novocaine. It was noted that novocaine can be successfully used to combat seborrhea, which is what should be done if it has a fungal rock. About five times a day during the week, rub the areas affected by seborrhea in the ears dipped in Novocain cotton wool.
  4. Garlic. Also use a mask of mashed garlic cloves with a pinch of soda and a teaspoon of oil. The mixture must be infused, after which it is used to rub the ear three times a day for at least a week. By the way, dandruff soda is effectively used as an independent means.

Ear dandruff is not treated:

  • alcohol,
  • rough mechanical scale removal
  • frequent cleaning with cotton buds.


In order for dandruff not to return, and its eradication was final, it is necessary to observe the following preventive measures:

  • avoid stress
  • enough get enough sleep
  • eat right, eat less spicy, fatty, fried, and eat in a relaxed atmosphere at least five times a day in large portions.
  • consume more foods that contain zinc, selenium, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins,
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene of the ear,
  • drink more water
  • do not irritate the delicate skin of the ear with frequent mechanical intervention,
  • wear a hat in the cold.

Often, the manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis on the face, and not only in the ears, are confused with the usual peeling of the skin. These unpleasant phenomena are similar, they have a different method of treatment. What is effective in seborrhea does not help with peeling.

Peeling is a consequence of strong drying of the skin, and it is never accompanied by itching. Also, the number of dead epithelium is less, and it is always dry, unlike dandruff. In addition, if dandruff appears in the ears, it is often associated with the presence of fungus, which is not the case when peeling.

Simple and affordable methods will help not only get rid of the discomfort of ear dandruff, but also prevent its return.

Types of seborrhea

Depending on its specifics, seborrhea can be of three types - such as:

  • fat, characterized by an increased level of secretion (this type of disease is called liquid),
  • dry, the main feature of which is to reduce the amount of fat produced by the glands (its second name is thick),
  • mixed, combining the symptoms of both of the above types of seborrhea.

It is also worth adding that the disease under consideration can affect various areas of the skin, namely:

  • head (most often, the hairy part of it),
  • back
  • chest,
  • other areas of the body.

Affects seborrheic dermatitis and ears, most often "reminding myself" of the characteristic peeling - dandruff. In and on the ears, it falls from the scalp, although in some situations this may not be the case.

Practice shows that the ailment in question does not pose a threat to human life. In no case should it be ignored, since it can lead to many complications, which will have to be treated much longer and more expensively.

Seborrhea often affects the head area.

The main causes of

It should be noted that the appearance of seborrhea in the ears can be triggered by a mass of factors, the most significant among which are:

  • disorders of the endocrine system,
  • being in a state of permanent nervous overstrain,
  • problems with the digestive tract,
  • ignoring human hygiene rules
  • avitaminosis,
  • weakening the body of chronic diseases,
  • genetic predisposition.

As noted above, ear seborrheic dermatitis may be a consequence of the development of a lesion localized on the scalp.

If we single out the most frequent cause of the disease in question, then these are hormonal imbalances caused by a change in the ratio of androgens and estrogens, and specifically by the prevalence of the first over the latter. Of course, other factors are not uncommon - as well as some of their combinations.

Another common cause of seborrhea - in particular, the ear - is puberty. In many ways, it can be attributed to the previous point, since it is also characterized by a significant hormonal imbalance.

It is also worth adding that this phenomenon is so frequent that, in the absence of strong severity, it is the norm for adolescents - persons whose age is 12-16 years.

Good hygiene is an excellent prevention of seborrhea

The most characteristic symptoms

Speaking about the manifestations of this variation of seborrhea, it should first be noted that it can affect:

  • auditory canal,
  • auricle,
  • ear zones.

Thus, when signs of seborrheic lesions of any of the above areas are found, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist for adequate and competent assistance.

With regards to the main symptoms of the fatty variety of this disease, these include:

  • the appearance of a noticeable shine of the skin caused by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands,
  • increase the thickness of the stratum corneum,
  • acne formation (as a result of pore blockage),
  • severe itching
  • the presence of scales, which have a yellowish-grayish tint, separated from the skin.

In addition, the growth of fungal microflora is very often observed, for which the integument covered with greasy secretion is a nutrient medium.

If we single out the characteristic features of the dry type of the disease considered in this material, affecting the ear and the surrounding areas, then these are:

  • dandruff (fine as dust),
  • feeling of skin tightness
  • significant court
  • the formation of reddish spots on the skin,
  • the appearance of cracks and / or detachment of the epithelium.

It is worth adding that this type of dermatitis may also be accompanied by infections (primarily fungal, although others are not excluded - viral and bacterial).

Mixed seborrheic dermatitis, affecting the ears and the ear regions, can combine the symptoms of both of the aforementioned ailments. For this reason, its treatment is the most difficult - providing for the simultaneous restoration of the correct functioning of the sebaceous glands, which differ in both hyper- and hypofunction.

Dandruff and noticeable scales are true signs of seborrhea

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis is made on the basis of an external examination of the patient, as well as through additional examinations, if such are necessary. Most often, this is:

  • blood tests that determine the specificity of the hormonal background,
  • bacteriological crops,
  • Trichogram (in situations when the skin areas covered with hair adjacent to the ears are affected by seborrhea).

The appointment of treatment is engaged in the profile specialist - a dermatologist.Consultation of an otolaryngologist is also highly desirable - especially in cases where skin lesions affect the inner ear.

With regards to the treatment of seborrhea, it may, depending on the variety of the latter, have its own characteristic features. Thus, a set of measures to get rid of the oily variation of this disease provides for:

  • the use of drugs that help stabilize the hormones,
  • use of antifungal agents (if necessary),
  • treatment of the affected skin with anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.

In addition, restorative therapy, the essence of which boils down to the correction of the diet, as well as the intake of vitamin complexes and other means that enhance immunity, is not the last thing.

Treatment of dry ear seborrhea may include:

  • taking drugs to normalize the sebaceous glands (specifically - to increase the amount of fat they release),
  • with the development of fungal infections - the use of appropriate means to stabilize the local microflora,
  • exclusion from the diet of foods that are fried and spicy, as well as reducing salt intake to a minimum.

In addition, it is reasonable for the patient to stop smoking and drinking alcohol - of course, if he has these bad habits. They are recommended to be replaced by moderate sports or regular walks.

If seborrheic dermatitis of the mixed type takes place, then the specific list of measures aimed at its treatment should be determined by a specialized specialist - based on the results of the examination and, if necessary, additional examinations.

Fried foods aggravate seborrhea

What about traditional medicine?

Of course, in the fight against seborrhea, which struck the ear, can help and means known for a very long time - belonging to the category of folk. In their absolute majority, they are harmless to humans, and therefore their use does not require special caution. Elementary knowledge of the measure, manifested in compliance with the recommended proportions - that's all that is required from the patient in this case. Also, before using folk remedies, it makes sense to consult with your doctor - especially if the prescribed drugs are applied in parallel.

So, to get rid of oily seborrhea use is recommended:

  • tincture of herb St. John's wort,
  • Acetic lotions
  • compresses from the infusion of sage and chamomile flowers,
  • tar and / or ichthyol soap,
  • nettle tinctures
  • lightly moistened baking soda,
  • a mixture of oak bark, burdock root and honey.

With regards to the treatment of dry ear seborrhea, it involves the use of the following folk remedies:

  • oils of flax, tricolor violet and sea buckthorn,
  • decoction of onion peel,
  • infusion of dried nettle leaves,
  • a mixture of egg yolk and castor oil.

In addition, the use of decoction of burdock root with the added lard is very productive.

Traditional medicine, as well as official, provides for the observance of the diet, and the main emphasis recommends doing on the use of natural products - fresh fruits and vegetables, cottage cheese and sour cream, cereals, etc.

Tar soap - folk remedy for seborrhea

Possible complications, prognosis and prevention

It should be borne in mind that in case of prolonged disregard of the problem considered in this material, it can lead to the development of complications - not fatal, but capable of significantly reducing the quality of human life. First of all, they can be caused by the activation of pathogenic microflora in the areas of seborrheic lesions causing:

  • the occurrence of atrophic scars,
  • development of seborrheic eczema,
  • spreading the disease to healthy skin.

The prognosis of the disease is quite favorable - provided that proper treatment will be carried out on time and in full.

And the last. In order to minimize the likelihood of recurrence of ear seborrhea, it is strongly recommended:

  • limit the consumption of fatty, spicy and sweet foods,
  • follow the rules of hygiene,
  • abandon cosmetics containing aggressive chemical ingredients.

In addition, do not forget about preventive visits to a dermatologist: practice shows that seborrhea is often detected due to such visits.

With the defeat of the ear canal

When spreading seborrheic dermatitis to the auditory canal area, Sofradex drops are effective. This drug is a complex action, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal effect.

The composition of the remedy includes a hormone of the lucocorticoid series - dexamethasone. Due to this, the drops have antipruritic action. Method of application: 1-2 drops to the auditory canal every 4 hours (3-4 times a day, depending on the severity of the lesion).

You can use the ointment "Sofradex". It is applied to the skin with the same frequency as the drops. Analogs:

With skin lesions in the ear and ear region

The soderm ointment has a pronounced antifungal effect. This remedy is recommended by dermatologists, as a 100% effective drug at the initial stage of the disease. The ointment can quickly eliminate itching and stop the progression of seborrheic dermatitis. It is applied to the affected area daily, at least 3 times a day.

The following drugs can also be used to treat seborrheic dermatitis on the ear:

  • "Retinoic ointment",
  • "Salicylate Ointment",
  • "Birch tar".

Treatment of auricular dermatitis should be complex, including topical medical drugs (ointments and drops) and tablets, taken orally. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 14 days.

The ear canal can be washed with furatsilin and resorcinol solutions. If a sulfur plug is present, it is necessary to seek qualified help from an otolaryngologist. It is impossible to remove the cork on your own, as this may cause injury to the eardrum.

Deviase ointment

Diaceel is known as a natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory agent.

Drugs based on it effectively eliminate itching and relieve redness in the affected area. This plant is considered the "younger brother of ginseng."

Devyala ointment can be prepared independently. This will require the following components:

  • leaves devyasila 10 g (1 tsp),
  • goose or pork fat 50 g

The components are thoroughly mixed and left to infuse in a dark place. The remedy will be ready for use after 7 days. The ointment is applied to the affected area daily, 2-3 times a day. This medicine is stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Herbal Herbs Compresses

Compresses, or as they are called colloquially, “lotions”, are used for external, local effects on the skin. The procedure is simple: a cotton or gauze disc is moistened with a decoction made from medicinal herbs and applied to a disturbing place.

The frequency of use of compresses depends on the severity of the pathological process. If the disease is at the initial stage of its development, 2-3 lotions per day are enough, lasting 5-7 minutes. With the rapid progression of pathology, you can increase the number of procedures up to 5 times a day.

For therapeutic effects with seborrheic dermatitis on the ear, the following herbs are suitable:

  • nettle,
  • Calendula officinalis,
  • Oak bark,
  • lavender,
  • plantain,
  • celandine,
  • sage,
  • pharmaceutical camomile,
  • yarrow

Broths are prepared in accordance with the instructions for use, which is indicated on packages of herbs. On average, for the preparation of a therapeutic agent, it is enough to brew 1 tsp. vegetable raw materials 1 cup boiling water. Insist the decoction for 15-20 minutes. Then the medicine is ready for use.

Features and differences

In the human scalp a huge number of sebaceous glands, which are located in the hairy part. Allocation of leather fat plays an important role. It softens hair and moisturizes them.

It protects the pores of the scalp from the penetration of microorganisms and various infections. It prevents flaking of the skin, its dryness and cracking.

The main task of the leather fat is to prevent the skin from drying out. Therefore, it covers the entire surface with a thin and even film.

Despite the huge number of such glands, some of them are active, some are in hibernation. And only certain factors can provoke a rapid release of leather fat, which is the cause of seborrhea.

How to distinguish dry from oily?

Seborrhea is a common and not very pleasant modern disease. In order for the treatment to be effective, you need to know exactly the type of your disease. Let's try to determine the types of seborrhea.

This type of seborrhea manifests itself due to the reduced production of gland from the sebum by the glands. Fine dandruff appears in the scalp in large quantities, the skin becomes dry, and the hair is brittle and dull. Oily.

In this case, the sebaceous glands begin to actively produce a leather solo, which becomes excessively thick. Dandruff is large in size, and hair becomes greasy and shiny. Mixed

This type of seborrhea combines dry and oily. It has its own characteristics:

  • it can be localized on individual surfaces, and not over the entire area of ​​the scalp,
  • inflammation and coarsening of the epithelium are observed in places of its localization,
  • it is characterized by the presence of redness in places of localization and itching,
  • the scales are small in size and may be yellowish or gray in color,
  • where sebum secretion is impaired, active peeling of the skin occurs.

IMPORTANT! This type of seborrhea is a rather complicated disease for which it is necessary to select a comprehensive treatment.

Signs of dry seborrhea

Most often, this species is typical for children, but in adulthood, dry seborrhea is also found.

The main symptom is increased dryness of the skin due to the very low production of leather fat.

The scalp not only exfoliates in the form of scales, but can also crack. Due to reduced moistening of the scalp, the curls become very dry and brittle. The tips are subject to cross section.

May begin active hair loss.

Pinkish spots may appear on the head, which in most cases cause itching in patients. These are the so-called seborrheids.

Due to poor moisturizing of the skin and the formation of microscopic cracks, there is a high probability of various microorganisms entering the upper epithelium.

Signs of oily dandruff

When oily seborrhea is actively produced skin fat, which has a liquid secret with a pasty consistency. In this case, dandruff is quite abundant, and horny skin scales stick together among themselves.

Hair for a short period of time becomes greasy and have a gloss. There is a feeling that they are abundantly oiled.

In the deep layers of the skin, inflammatory processes can occur due to the active reproduction of bacteria, for which enhanced secretion of skin fat is a favorable breeding ground.

As a result, itchy scalp is possible. Skin may become reddish or gray due to contamination and clogged pores. Dandruff may appear suddenly and have the appearance of flakes of various sizes.

Without treatment, this type of disease can lead to complications in the form of infection of the ducts with staphylococci.

Types and signs of seborrhea

Dermatologists distinguish three types of seborrhea course:

  1. Liquid or fat.
  2. Thick or dry.
  3. Mixed

Moreover, dandruff is one of the main clinical manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis.

Along with dandruff, with dermatitis of the scalp, symptoms such as an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands in the face, back skin, acne on the face, itching of the scalp occur.

According to the external condition of the hair, it is possible to determine the type of the disease and, therefore, to select an adequate treatment, since therapeutic methods differ depending on the form of seborrheic dermatitis.

Next, find out how to distinguish dry dandruff from oily?

Check out reviews of effective dandruff shampoos:

  • cosmetic: Head & Shoulders, Clear Vita ABE, Alerana, Horsepower, tar shampoo,
  • pharmaceutical: Nizoral, Sulsena, Sebosol, Fitoval, Ketoconazole, Vichy, shampoos with zinc.

Read tips on how to choose the right shampoo for men or women, as well as dry or oily dandruff.

Signs of dry dandruff

With dry seborrhea, a large amount of dandruff is observed, in contrast to its liquid form of manifestation, which is caused by a violation of keratinization of the epidermis. This form of the disease is more common in men.

Dandruff is very fine, and it can be seen on a person’s shoulders, especially on dark-colored clothing. If you tilt your head slightly down and comb your hair in such a position, then you will see a large number of falling white dust particles resembling snowfall.

The scalp is very flaky, there is a characteristic periodic itching, aggravated by the pollution of the hair. After washing the head itching becomes less noticeable.

Hair looks dull, gradually thinning, as a result of which they break off, split at the ends, begin to fall out strongly.

Women who often expose the scalp to aggressive chemical procedures such as bleaching and perm are also at risk of developing dry seborrhea.

Important! Occurrence of dandruff (about once a month) for 1-2 days is a physiological phenomenon associated with the renewal of the scalp, which is not a cause for concern.

What dry dandruff looks like is shown in the photo below:

Scalorrhea scalp treatment

Modern people, due to lack of time, often treat not the cause of the disease, but its symptoms in order to quickly get back to normal life. Subsequently, driven into the disease develop into chronic, destroying the inside of the human body. Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is referred to as chronic diseases, when the first stage occurs, as a rule, in adolescence, is ignored, and then it makes its whole life feel unpleasant symptoms. Let's see what seborrheic dermatitis is and how it can be cured.

What is seborrhea and the reasons for its occurrence

Seborrhea skin is a dermatological manifestation that occurs in people of different lifestyles, different age and gender. The reasons for its occurrence are many, but they are all associated with hormonal changes in the human body, so seborrheic dermatitis is often observed in adolescents during puberty, when hormonal changes dramatically. Another cause of seborrhea skin include:

  • psychogenic factors: overstrain, nervosa, stress, psychosis, schizophrenia,
  • benign or malignant tumors,
  • diseases of the endocrine glands,
  • immunodeficiency,
  • diabetes ,
  • poor nutrition,
  • long-term use of drugs
  • genetic predisposition.

Types of seborrhea

Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp is of three types:

  • Oily seborrhea is expressed by the release of fatty grease, which, when combined with keratinized skin scales, forms a thick yellow mass. This type is often accompanied by various inflammatory processes: severe itching, accumulation of crusts, scales, and weeping areas on the skin. Partial or total hair loss is added to them.
  • Dry In this form, dermatitis is manifested by dry skin, dandruff, hair is dull, brittle, and sometimes dry seborrhea is accompanied by pronounced itching.
  • Mixed form. Its symptoms are oily seborrhea on the head and dry seborrheic dermatitis on the face.This is the most complex form that requires complex treatment, because the methods of treating dry and oily seborrhea differ significantly from each other.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

Seborrheic dermatitis develops not only on the head, it can appear on any part of the skin where the sebaceous glands are located: near the auricles, nose wings, eyebrows, neck or décolleté. The characteristic symptoms of seborrhea of ​​the skin are inflammation, flaking of the inflamed areas, often accompanied by itching. Severe flow is accompanied by red plaques appearing on the epithelium, and sometimes scaly crusts with bloody secretions.

If the disease is not treated, then its course can be complicated by a bacterial infection. The obvious signs of seborrhea include:

  • hair becomes greasy on the second day after washing,
  • the scalp is covered with stuck together particles
  • hair stick together, have a greasy luster,
  • there is a rapid cross-section of hair and increased fragility,
  • small scales, similar to dandruff, appear on the scalp.

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home

Home treatment of seborrhea of ​​the skin can be very effective if you approach the problem comprehensively. First of all, review the diet, systematically make hair masks using only natural ingredients, and if possible remove shampoos and balms from the circulation with a high content of components harmful to the skin: ammonium sulfate, sodium, formaldehyde and others.

Before treating seborrheic dermatitis with pills and medicines, it is necessary to establish proper nutrition, as it is the main stage of therapy. With seborrhea of ​​the scalp, it is far from clear to all doctors, and even the specialist will not always be able to name the factors that influenced the beginning of inflammation. Therefore, a diet with this ailment should pursue several goals:

  • strengthening immunity
  • normalization of digestion,
  • saturation of the body with vitamins, minerals, nutrients,
  • elimination of toxins and slags,
  • an exception to the diet of allergen products.

Diet for chronic seborrhea should be constantly, and not only at the time of exacerbation of the disease. Since seborrheic dermatitis provides for increased sebum production, eliminate foods that enhance this process:

  • flavor enhancers,
  • dyes,
  • preservatives,
  • semi-finished products
  • spices, spices,
  • spicy, salty, pickled dishes.

For any type of seborrhea skin, it is desirable to abandon sweets, confectionery, fast food, a variety of snacks (crisps, crackers), fatty foods and alcohol. Refusal of these products will not only reduce relapses, but also solve other problems associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract. When seborrhea does not hurt to limit the consumption of products that are considered allergens:

No need to think that with seborrheic dermatitis from the diet will have to remove all the delicious foods. If desired, it is easy to eat healthy and tasty. For example, to improve digestion and enrich the body with microelements will help dairy products with reduced fat content without the addition of dyes and preservatives, enriched with lacto-and bifidobacteria. When seborrhea skin is allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, herbs - this is an indispensable source of fiber and vitamins that contribute to the improvement of the regenerative processes of the skin.

To normalize the metabolism. you need to enter with seborrhea in the diet of animal protein, which is in lean meat, fish eggs. Do not forget about seafood (mussels, squid, oysters, seaweed), because they contain many trace elements, among which is zinc, normalizing the sebaceous glands. For healing it is useful to eat cereals, vegetable oils and cereals, especially buckwheat and oatmeal.

Healing Shampoos

If seborrhea on the head has occurred, how to treat it will immediately be prompted at the pharmacy: with the help of medical shampoos. But no matter how effective the remedy is, it is necessary to observe the basic rules when treating seborrheic dermatitis: do not wash your hair with hot water, use the chosen remedy regularly, but not more than three times a week. In most cases, manufacturers offer shampoos for seborrhea. Anti-dandruff, for example, head and shoulders products. But these shampoos only help temporarily, eliminating the visible part of the problem, but not removing the cause of its occurrence.

It is better to buy shampoos based on zinc or tar, which effectively act against the fungus. For example, Friederm-zinc, Friederm tar, Nizoral, tar soap. They contribute not only to eliminate dandruff, but also itching of the scalp, regardless of the cause. The course of treatment with these agents should be at least 4 weeks, and for hair thinning up to 12 weeks.

Folk remedies

Self-medication for seborrhea is a risky step. It should be understood that the level of sebum production can be affected by disruptions in the endocrine, nervous, digestive and other systems. Therefore, choosing the treatment of dandruff and seborrhea folk remedies. to eliminate the signs of skin disease is easy only for a short period of time. During the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound scan of the abdominal cavity, perform a blood test, and recommend a visit to the gynecologist. The most important point in the diagnosis of "seborrheic dermatitis" is finding out the true cause of the disease.

To alleviate the condition of the skin with dry or oily seborrhea of ​​the skin, there are several folk remedies that doctors recommend to use at home:

  1. Mix soda, glycerin, boiled water until a slurry forms. Cool the mixture and apply as a mask, gently rubbing the mixture with fingertips on the scalp. Apply the mask should be for 20 minutes before washing. Soda will improve blood circulation, and glycerin will soften the scalp. When dry seborrhea after such a mask does not have to use shampoo, because soda easily removes all excess fat.
  2. Excellent help from seborrhea add to the composition of shampoos and masks of essential oils (2-3 drops to 1 cap). When dry seborrhea are shown: lavender, geranium, patchouli, chamomile, rosewood, peppermint. For oily seborrhea fit: lemon, orange, grapefruit, cypress, juniper, cedar, sandalwood.
  3. Seborrhea skin is well treated with a decoction of oak bark. To prepare it, take 3 tbsp. tablespoons chopped bark, pour 1 cup boiling water. Mix the mass thoroughly and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain the broth, cool at room temperature and wash it every three days.
  4. Walnut leaves also help to get rid of seborrheic dermatitis. Finely chop the fresh leaves of the nut (6 tbsp. Spoons), pour 0.5 liters. boil water for 3 minutes. The broth should be infused at room temperature for 2-3 hours, then soak a towel in it, cover your head, cover with a plastic bag on top. After half an hour, rinse your head without using shampoo. Do this procedure 3 times a week until seborrhea disappears.

Video tips: how to treat seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Seborrhea is not considered a life-threatening disease, but can bring significant discomfort to a person’s life. In a severely advanced stage, it can cause partial or complete hair loss not only in men, but also in women, which will also bring an aesthetic problem. It's a shame that the hair after it is no longer possible to restore.

The causes of seborrhea on the head in men, women and children may be similar, but the treatment is selected for each person individually. An important measure for all patients is the enhancement of immunity by taking drugs that improve the intestinal microflora (Linex, Lactofiltrum). For details on how to treat seborrhea of ​​the scalp, see the video:

How does seborrhea of ​​the scalp look - photo

The skin of the scalp with seborrhea is covered with small white scales, so this disease is often confused with dandruff and is not treated. But over time, the disease begins to worsen, accompanied by reddening of the skin. In the severe stage of seborrhea, red spots, scabs, acne, oval plaques appear on the skin, from which blood sucker stands out. The patient begins to constantly experience discomfort on the affected areas of the skin, feeling a strong itch. See photos showing signs of seborrhea located on the scalp.

Symptoms of the disease

The topic of today's article is seborrhea: home treatment. We will tell you how to cure seborrhea on your head at home as quickly as possible.

We will not cover the causes of the disease (they can be very diverse, ranging from transitional age and ending with unhealthy food), but it is very important to know the clinical symptoms. to recognize seborrhea in the early stages:

  1. Your hair began to grow fat much faster. than before, and the hair roots stick from a viscous grease (except for the dry type of the disease).
  2. Dandruff has appeared. and on the scalp there are clearly felt rough protuberances with easily removable comb or nails with scales.
  3. Constant itching (in the early stages - small, in a neglected state - very strong).

If you notice any of the problems listed above in yourself, then immediately listen to our advice on the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home.

Attention. treatment of this type of dermatitis should be started immediately, because in a state of neglect it can simply deprive you of hair. hair follicles are completely destroyed and not restored on seborrheic patches!

There are, with very similar symptoms, three types of seborrhea:

  • fatty arises due to heredity, unhealthy lifestyle, hormone abuse, drugs to increase metabolism and activation of the fungus Pityrosporum ovale,
  • dry. rather rare form, manifested in the malfunction of the sebaceous glands and characterized by a lack of fat content in the hair,
  • mixed: manifested when combining the above factors.

Very important. with dry form DO NOT! apply shampoos, creams, ointments and other products for oily hair (that is, aimed at reducing the fat level), otherwise you will provoke an exacerbation.

The choice of treatment for seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home is directly dependent on the availability of time and patience, as well as on your material capabilities, since the methods can be used very different. from pharmacy and professional products to home masks. All of them are very effective in themselves, but a combination of special and folk remedies will make it possible to recover much faster.

General treatment algorithm

  1. Shampoo apply at least twice a week during the period of exacerbation, once - with stabilization and recovery.
  2. Ointment. rubbed into the scalp or hair roots before shampooing and kept to the time specified in the recipe or annotation.
  3. Masks. because of the duration of the procedure, they are mainly used on weekends before washing hair.
  4. Rinsing. after each use of special shampoo.

Next, we describe in more detail how to treat seborrhea on the head at home, or rather its different types.

Complex treatment of oily seborrhea

  • Shampoo "Ketonazol" (or "Keto-plus") actively affects the normalization of the sebaceous glands, copes well with dandruff and itching. Used in acute stages twice a week, then once to complete cure. The cost of 150 ml - 170-210 rubles.
  • Shampoos "Elf" for oily hair contain burdock oil, which has regenerating, firming and moisturizing functions. With regular use (2-3 times a week) in combination with homemade masks, getting rid of the main symptoms (dandruff, itching) is achieved in two or three weeks. The price of 250 ml - 150-180 rubles.
  • Preparations containing selenium sulfide (Sulsen, Sulsen-Forte). defat the scalp, destroying fungus and dandruff. Suitable for frequent, but not more than three times a week, use. 280-320 rubles for 150 mg.

Important. you can use other substitutes, having in its composition pyrithione zinc, selenium sulfide, ketonazole, medical tar, ciclopirox.

  • “Salicylic ointment” should be spread on hair roots and scalp 40-60 minutes before washing, to warm. Rinse with special shampoo, rinse with oak water (the recipe is given below). Apply before each wash to complete treatment.
  • Ointment "Nizoral" (or, for example, less expensive generics such as "Dermazole") apply to the affected areas of the scalp for at least 20-30 minutes, then wash off with shampoo. After 10-15 days, the symptoms of seborrhea become almost invisible.
  • Ointment "Hydrocortisone" has long been well proven to treat seborrhea, BUT! it is applied topically to the affected areas of the scalp for no more than 3-5 days and is FORBIDDEN for application to open wounds and lesions.

Important. Hydrocortisone contains hormones, so it is better to consult a doctor before use.

  1. Very effective and proven experience and time mask. all the components of which can be inexpensively purchased at any pharmacy. Alcohol (50 g) is mixed with castor oil (30 g) and tar (15 g), applied to the scalp and hair roots for 2 hours and rinsed with a special shampoo. Rinse with oak water (1 st. Spoon bark brewed with 3 liters of boiling water and cooled to room temperature).
  2. A mixture of one tablespoon of honey (slightly warmed up in a water bath) with castor oil (1 tsp) and aloe juice (1 tsp) is rubbed into the scalp, insulated. An hour later, washed off with shampoo for oily hair. The course is at least one month every 7-9 days.
  3. Beat a little white egg and mix with 5 grams of live (NOT dry!) ​​Yeast. apply on the affected areas until completely dry, but not less than for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and shampoo, rinse with oak water. With oily hair (even after treatment for seborrhea) to do constantly after 10 days.

Complex treatment of dry seborrhea

  • "Sebiproks-911" has a strong antifungal and peeling effect, relieves itching. With regular use (2 times a week), the full recovery of the initial stage is achieved within a month or two. Price: 150-200 rubles for 150 ml.
  • "Friederm plus" (or "Friederm tar") relieves irritation and itching, has antibacterial properties, actively fights fungus. Use no more than twice a week. 450-650 rubles for 150 ml.
  • Algopix contains juniper tar, salicylic acid, etc. It removes irritation, inflammation and moisturizes the scalp, fights dandruff. With a threefold weekly application, recovery occurs in one to one and a half months. It costs about 300-350 rubles for 200 ml.
  • Sulfuric Ointment is an inexpensive drug that must be thoroughly rubbed into the scalp for at least eight days in a row (do not wash your head!). A day of rest, the next day with my special shampoo, then for 7 days we process the hair roots with a solution of boric acid with water (7.5 g per 100 g). We wash hair and get well.
  • "Solcoseryl" perfectly softens the crust and has healing properties. Apply to the scalp for 30-40 minutes, then washed off with special shampoos.
  • “Flucinar” is applied directly to the nidus of inflammation twice a day, but not more than 14 days in a row. Relieves itching, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory functions.
  1. Fir oil (1 teaspoon) carefully rub into the scalp and hair roots for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse with warm chamomile decoction (2 tablespoons steamed with 2-3 liters of boiling water, cool, drain).
  2. Make a gruel from one shredded onion, burdock and castor oil (1 st lotion), apply on the scalp for 60-80 minutes, warm. Wash off with warm birch water (20-30 fresh birch leaves, steam with 2 liters of boiling water, drain).
  3. Mix the nourishing cream with henna (7: 1), apply to the skin for 30-40 minutes, warm.From time to time, massage the mixture into the affected areas with massaging movements. Wash off with warm birch or chamomile rinse. The procedure is carried out at least 10 times.

Treatment of mixed seborrhea

In 95% of cases, confusion is manifested by symptoms of oily seborrhea in the hair (the recipes we cited above) and the dry form on the face or body (we will tell about them later).

Remember this is important. Treatment of seborrhea is necessarily a complex process that involves the use of both medical, and special, and home remedies for hair care. If you do everything in a timely and correct manner, then do not hesitate - the disease will be defeated.

A guarantee that she will not return again, should be a healthy lifestyle in general and meticulous care of your curls in particular. And how to get rid of seborrhea on the head at home, we described in detail in this article.

Beauty and health to you!

Articles from the heading "At Home"

We get rid of seborrhea on the head of the house without any special difficulties.

Important! There are two forms of this disease - fat and dry. Home treatment directly depends on which form of the disease progresses.

What could be the cause of seborrhea:

  • endocrine problems
  • genetic predisposition
  • problems and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • stresses
  • hormonal instability.

Important general information

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home should be comprehensive. After all, here it is necessary to act not only on the scalp itself, but also to strengthen the body as a whole.

Important! Seborrhea should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist. But do not worry about the use of popular methods. Many doctors actively recommend them as part of complex therapy.

What treatments are used:

  • nerve repair drugs,
  • drugs that treat diseases that trigger seborrhea,
  • additional hormones,
  • a diet that includes more fermented milk ingredients, beets and any kind of cabbage, oatmeal in a boiled form. Need to abandon animal fats and spices, as well as canned, salty, fatty foods,
  • additionally take vitamins A, B, E, sulfur and zinc. It is these vitamins and nutrients that are responsible for the body's ability to independently combat seborrhea,
  • physiotherapeutic procedures: massage, ultraviolet exposure,
  • if seborrhea is in dry form, sulfuric and salicylic ointments are prescribed. Hormonal ointments are rarely prescribed in this situation.

Use of ointments

If you need to carry out treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home in children or adults, then with the dry form ointment is often prescribed. The most effective is the usual sulfur ointment 10%. To rub it correctly, you need to follow the course of the partitions. The course of treatment lasts 8 days, and the next day you need to give your head a break. On the 10th day, wash your head with boiled water, special shampoos with the addition of selenium, tar, zinc.

On the 11th day after rubbing in the ointment, start treating the scalp with a solution of boric acid. The solution is made on 150 ml of boiling water, in which a large spoon of boric acid is dissolved. Apply at night, rewind the hair with a towel. Carry out the procedure for three days, then a break for 7 days. This treatment can be repeated, with breaks a week, up to three times.

What will help from oily seborrhea

Best of all with this diagnosis will help burdock or burdock. Moreover, it uses the root of these plants. Preparations based on burdock and burdock have a good chemical composition. They stabilize the sebaceous glands, stop inflammation, do not allow fungi to actively develop. More importantly, such drugs provide drainage of the pores.

You can also prepare your own mix on the basis of burdock. Need a plant age year. Chop the roots and take in the amount of two large spoons, pour 250 ml of water. Boil the ingredients for a quarter of an hour and cool. Two weeks to rub the solution into the hair roots, as well as rinse them with this solution at the end of the main procedure.

Inside, you can take a decoction of burdock root, nettle leaves and wormwood. Take the ingredients in equal doses and drink 30 ml once a day. For rinsing the hair is well suited even a decoction of oak bark.

Masks based on eggs with the addition of alcohol, yeast and chamomile infusion are also popular in the treatment of oily seborrhea at home. Wrapping is recommended to make a decoction of walnut leaves. In this broth soak gauze and put on his head. It is also possible, in the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home, to use aloe juice, with the addition of honey and castor oil.

Important! If we consider the use of infusions of herbs, you can pay attention to the buds and leaves of birch, St. John's wort, tansy, wormwood, chamomile and sage. You just need to wash these plants with your head. The number of such procedures is from ten to fifteen.

To strengthen the roots and reduce the fat content of the hair, you need to rub into the scalp various decoctions. This may be decoctions based on chamomile flowers, birch leaves and nettle, marigolds and field horsetail.

Oils for treatment of seborrheic dermatitis in the ear

For the treatment of dandruff in the ear, ear canal and ear zone, you can use oils that have anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. One of the most effective drugs in this category is tea tree oil. It is applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day. Before the procedure, you must clean the skin from dandruff using a dry cotton or gauze pad.

Procedures should be carried out until complete elimination of symptoms of the disease.

When treating seborrheic dermatitis on the ear with folk remedies, the regularity of the procedures is important. For the correct choice of a medicinal product, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.


Watch the video: Treating scalp psoriasis (July 2024).