
What to drink vitamins from gray hair


In section Other to the question why does a person have white hair? specified by the author Caucasoid the best answer is Not enough pigment in the body.

Why does hair turn gray?
Why do people turn gray? The very first thing that comes to mind is because people are aging. But if you try to dig deeper, then the whole thing in pigmentation and cells. The process of graying hair originates in the depth of the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and gradually goes to its inner layer (dermis). Each of the 100,000 (or so) hairs on a human head is dependent on the hair follicles under the hair follicle.
It is through the hair follicles that various chemical substances that form the hair enter. Often these substances contain keratin. Millions of melanocytes (pigment cells that produce protein) are found in the hair roots and epidermis. They produce substances that are responsible for the color of hair and skin.
In humans, albinos are a sufficient number of melanocytes, but because of a genetic defect they do not have a substance on which pigment production depends. Some people lose color only a small portion of the skin. This forms white spots or white strands of hair.
Melanocytes form a color, “processing” the hair in the hair bag. Gradually the hair increases in length, and its color becomes visible to the eye. When hair becomes colored due to the action of melanocytes, this color cannot change. Pigmentation not only affects the keratin component of the hair, but also penetrates into deeper structures. Pigment substance, melanin, has two main components. The amount of these components is more dependent on what color the hair will get: dark, light or intermediate shade.
In an ordinary person, per day, as a result of friction, approximately 100 hairs fall out. With age, the old dark hair disappears, leaving an increasing number of new, already gray. As gray hair begins to dominate the rest, gray hair increases. Thus, gray hair is a mixture of dark hair and new, already gray hair. In many ways, gray hair is predetermined genetically. However, stress and anxiety can also affect the rate of formation of gray hair. Men and women turn gray differently. Women turn gray a little faster than men. By age 25, about 25% of all people get premature gray hair. The first gray hair begins to appear at age 15. Ironically, the cells that give color often accelerate the production of pigment as we age, so shortly before the pigment cells die, the hair may temporarily acquire a young coloring.
Disruption of the thyroid gland - one of the most widespread causes of premature graying. Diseases that affect the pituitary gland, reduce hair color, as well as interruptions in the production of hormones in the testes or ovaries. Disrupt the proper functioning of melanocytes can diabetes, as well as severe depletion. Premature graying is also associated with a possible increase in the risk of heart disease.

Causes of graying

Age-old gray normal appears after 35-40 years, and with a healthy lifestyle, even later. But often the first gray hair breaks through at 30 and even 25 years. And it is right that it becomes a cause for concern. Certainly something is wrong with the body, and the sooner malfunctions in its work are detected, the more chances to fix them quickly.

The color of our hair is determined by the quantity and quality of melanin present in them. If for some reason it is not produced sufficiently intensively, the hairs become transparent and transmit light. And we think they are white.

Here are the main reasons why your hair turns gray before your time:

  • stress is a real scourge of modern times, because of which the majority of the first gray hair appears,
  • Depression - especially prolonged cause failure of all body systems,
  • avitaminosis - the third most common cause of early graying,
  • hormonal imbalance - slows the production of melanin, which dyes our hair,
  • bad habits - first of all alcohol abuse and drugs,
  • medications - long-term use of some medicines can also provoke graying.

There is also a genetic predisposition, which we can not change. But with the other causes of early graying is quite possible to cope.

Saving vitamins

It is possible to take vitamins from gray hair for both preventive purposes and to suspend age-related changes. Some of them directly affect the human hormones and are able to balance it.

No less important are micro and macro elements, which serve as catalysts of metabolic processes and are part of the body of the hair.

Which is better

Doctors recommend first to pass a blood test, which will help determine what kind of vitamin or mineral in your body is not enough. But if there is no such possibility or desire, then a good multivitamin complex will save the hair that has turned gray beforehand.

In its composition must be present:

  1. Vitamins of group B, especially B1, B6, B12: they activate blood circulation, speed up metabolism and awaken dormant hair follicles.
  2. Vitamin A is essential for normal functioning of the sebaceous glands and good scalp condition.
  3. Vitamin C - stimulates cell regeneration processes, prolongs the life of hair follicles.
  4. Vitamin D - directly affects the production of melanin, regulates the lipid metabolism.
  5. Vitamin E is the strongest natural antioxidant that slows the aging process and neutralizes the effects of free radicals that destroy melanin-producing cells.
  6. Iodine is necessary for proper functioning of the thyroid gland, the hormones of which regulate many processes in the body.
  7. Zinc - important for the preservation of the structure of the hair, making them more durable.
  8. Calcium - promotes rapid growth and prevents hair breakage.
  9. Selenium is responsible for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which means it ensures normal blood supply to the scalp.
  10. Magnesium - especially useful in combination with vitamin B6, strengthens the nervous system, helps to resist stress.

Lipoic acid is very important for hair. It improves liver function, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol and helps cleanse the body of accumulated toxins.

Effectively acts against gray hair methionine, stimulating the additional production of vital hormones.

In pharmacies now there are many specially designed complexes against early gray hair. But if you find it difficult to navigate yourself, ask the pharmacist for help. He will tell you the best option, taking into account your age and lifestyle.

How to use

Remember that vitamins in any quantities can only be obtained from food. In this case, their overdose is excluded, since the body itself regulates how much and what substances it needs. But pharmaceutical preparations and dietary supplements, if used improperly, can lead to an overdose, which is just as harmful as beriberiosis.

There are important rules for taking vitamin preparations:

  • in the form of injections, they are used only as prescribed by a doctor,
  • vitamins in tablets should be drunk strictly according to the instructions
  • in parallel, you can not make masks and procedures with ampoule vitamins,
  • antibiotics and some other drugs interfere with the absorption of vitamins, therefore it is better to take them after treatment,
  • vitamins can not be drunk all the time, after a course of 1.5-2 months a break is necessarily taken.

Important! If you want to take not a complex, but several different vitamins separately, consult if they are not antagonists.

Preventive measures

Remember that with age your hair turns gray anyway. Preventive measures may delay, but not completely reverse this process. Therefore, if you notice that the first hair has turned gray, take it easy. Extra stress will only accelerate the emergence of new ones.

As a preventive measure for early graying, the following can be advised:

  • Review your diet. Vitamins from gray hair do not have to constantly drink, if you always have fresh fruits and vegetables, greens, dietary meats, cereals and rye bread on your table.
  • To keep the hair longer lush and beautiful, provide her normal care. Use high-quality shampoos, apply regularly balms and masks. Frequent coloring and other aggressive procedures also destroy melanin and make the hair transparent.
  • Protect your hair from the negative effects of the environment: sudden temperature changes, direct sunlight, strong wind, high humidity.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. More time in the fresh air and fewer products with more chemistry. And try to give up bad habits.

Important! Do not get carried away with the drug "Antisedin" - it contains lead salts, which accumulate in the body and provoke diseases.

And remember that gray is not a sign of old age. This is a natural process, which must be treated philosophically. And whitened hairs can always be toned.

Causes of gray hair

In addition to the main reason for the appearance of gray hair - stress, there are many others.

    prolonged depression is the most common reason for the appearance of gray hair. A person who has a constant tension in his nervous system is in danger of getting a nervous breakdown, as a result of which everything reflects on his appearance,

bad ecology. With the development of various technologies, the environment is increasingly polluted and causes great harm to human health. Therefore, the impact of bad ecology is a very real reason to turn gray prematurely,

violation in the work of the digestive system,

thyroid disease,

improper nutrition. Recently, more and more people have health problems due to junk food. And at the same time, not only internal organs suffer, but also blood circulation is disturbed, on which the appearance of gray hair depends,

not a healthy lifestyle not only leads to premature aging, but also shortens a person’s life,

vitamin deficiency is a fairly common cause of the appearance of gray hair, since a lack of vitamins leads to its failure,

genetic predisposition. If a person has a genetic tendency to the appearance of gray hair, then the probability of its appearance is 99%. If someone from the family appeared gray hair at an early age, most likely you are in for the same fate.

the use of medicines, and in particular the frequent treatment with antibiotics. The body suffers from chemicals and all defense mechanisms do not work,

  • hormonal changes, such as pregnancy or the postpartum period. It was at this time that women succumbed not only to stress and anxiety, but also the whole robot of internal organs is under great strain.

  • For a more accurate diagnosis of the causes of gray hair is to consult a doctor for the appointment of the desired treatment.

    It should be noted that the appearance of gray hair is a natural process of aging of the organism, and it is not possible to completely get rid of it. But to slow down the process of premature aging is quite real. For this there are many different means and technologies for hair restoration.

    How to get rid of gray hair

    The most effective and affordable way to get rid of gray hair - is painting. You can choose any color, and your gray hair will regain a beautiful and radiant color. The only drawback is that you need to repeat the dyeing procedure once a month, as the strands grow back and your whiteness will be visible again.

    Salon treatments

      Ultrasound improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on the scalp. Stimulates hair growth and has no side effects.

    Mesotherapy is an injection under the scalp, which contains vitamins. They saturate the skin with beneficial substances and make gray hair is not visible.

  • Laser therapy is a very effective procedure. This is a radiation effect on the scalp, thanks to which the metabolism improves, as well as the production of melanin improves, and white locks no longer appear.

  • Will help to cope with gray hair drug therapy. Doctors advise taking vitamins A, B, C, E. They can be taken in combination, but also consume more foods that contain these vitamins, for example, carrots, apricots, peaches, tomatoes, eggs, fish, beans, citrus fruits, nuts etc.

    Folk remedies for gray hair

    Despite the effectiveness of modern methods in the treatment of gray hair, it is also important to treat at home with traditional methods. For example, very often from home remedies use red pepper. From it make tincture on alcohol, which is then rubbed into the scalp. The procedure is done several times a week, and lasts about a month. Hair then ceases to turn gray, gain a dark shade and their growth improves.

    Perfectly fights gray cow's milk, because it perfectly cleanses the scalp, relieves inflammation and treats damaged hair. To do this, it is simply necessary to wash the hair with milk and make treatments until the improvement in the health of the hair is noticeable.

    Each of us knows that the appearance of gray hair speaks about the aging of the body or the violation of its proper functioning. And of course, to avoid the aging process is not possible, but to prevent premature graying by virtue of each. To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, take care of yourself from stress and remember that it is in our youth that we build the foundation of our health!

    What is responsible for hair color?

    In the skin of each person there are particular melanocyte cells that perform a protective function. To protect against UV rays, they produce melanin. It is a pigment that stains the skin, hair and iris. The more pigment, the richer and darker the color.

    The amount of pigment produced depends on how the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland and the sex glands interact, in what condition they are in. Also, hereditary factors have a great influence on the work of melanocytes.

    An example of this is albinism. It is an inherited genetic disorder in which melanocytes do not produce pigment. In albinos, the hair is white, the skin is white or pinkish, the eyes have a reddish tint. Sometimes partial albinism occurs. In this case, only the iris of the eye or the hair strand is devoid of color.

    How does the structure of human hair when graying?

    When the pigment is not produced enough, the hair begins to lose color, it becomes white or gray.

    When studying the strands of hair under a microscope, it is clear that in those places where there was a pigment before, there were voids filled with air. Hair becomes porous, because of this it is more dry and brittle.

    This process is gradual, you cannot turn gray "overnight". First, the hair on the temporal part of the head begins to turn gray, then on the parietal. The back of the head darkens last.

    Gray hair can be:

    • partial, or uneven, when only some strands of hair have lost color,
    • focal - in this case, hair is deprived of pigment only on a certain part of the head (for example, at the temples or above the forehead),
    • full, or solid, in which hair becomes colorless evenly over the entire head.

    It is believed that the dark-haired turn gray earlier than the blond. This is not so, just gray hair with dark hair strikes the eye, while in blondes it is almost imperceptible.

    There is an opinion that men turn gray later than women. This is wrong, because men usually have gray hair with a beard and mustache, and those who shave it do not notice.

    What is gray?

    Gray hair is of several types:

    • age,
    • genetic,
    • congenital
    • acquired

    Age and genetic gray interrelated. This is a natural process that few people manage to avoid. The first gray hair appears on average at 35 years old, but for the most part it depends on hereditary characteristics.

    This process is going slowly, first the hair on the head changes, then the eyebrows and eyelashes become lighter. Last of all, hair on other parts of the body becomes discolored.

    This type of gray hair cannot be prevented, but it can be painted over. Many women and some men resort to hair coloring.

    Congenital gray hair (leukotrichial) is due to a hereditary factor. It can be full or partial. Hair completely devoid of pigment is in people with albinism. It is not only in the hair, but also in the skin, in the iris. Eyelashes and eyebrows also have no color. Albinos are not protected from UV rays, they have weak immunity, a tendency to dermatitis.

    With some genetic disorders in children, only a strand of hair can become discolored at birth.

    Acquired gray hair usually appears at a young age due to failures in the endocrine, hormonal, or vascular systems of the body. This process can evolve quickly.

    Why does the hair on the head fade?

    The reasons for which suddenly can begin to turn gray hair, not due to age and heredity:

    • poor nutrition,
    • lack of micronutrients in the body,
    • endocrine diseases
    • violation of cerebral circulation,
    • uncontrolled hormonal contraceptive use,
    • prolonged stressful situations

    People who strictly adhere to low-calorie or vegetarian diets do not have enough tyrosines and copper in the body, which are necessary for the full-fledged work of melanocytes. When the body is replenished with these substances, the hair color can be restored.

    The same happens with the lack of such trace elements and vitamins in the body as iron, magnesium, ascorbic and nicotinic acid, B10, A, E.

    In stressful situations, a large number of hormones are released into the bloodstream, which have a negative effect on stem cells. Scientists have conducted experiments that prove the connection between stem cells and melanocytes. Melanocytes not supported by stem cells cease to function, and hair loses its color forever.

    In this video, the doctor's comment on the causes of gray hair and whether it is possible to get rid of it.

    Causes of gray hair in girls

    The younger a woman is, the more difficult it is for them to come to terms with the fact that they have premature gray hair. Often, instead of identifying the cause and eliminating it, women paint their hair, causing damage to their structure. But, by removing the cause at an early stage, gray hair can be stopped.

    Here is a small list of what causes many organs to malfunction, improper circulation of blood, and lack of important trace elements in the body. And this, in turn, affects the condition and pigmentation of the hair and the woman turns gray early:

    • persistent low-calorie diets, malnutrition for quick weight loss,
    • weight jumps
    • lack of sleep
    • smoking,
    • constant nervous tension
    • hormonal medication,
    • frequent colds and viral diseases.

    Why do men turn gray early?

    A young gray-haired man looks impressive though, but if this is not a genetic trait, you should think about the reason. In our age of high technology, the lifestyle of men has changed dramatically:

    • inactivity
    • food on the run, unbalanced diet,
    • excessive use of coffee,
    • smoking,
    • drinking alcohol of dubious quality
    • stress and lack of proper rest.

    All this leads to diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, vascular dystonia, poor blood circulation, poisoning of the body with heavy metals. By themselves, these diseases do not cause gray hair, but a side effect is the lack of nutrition of cells, oxygen starvation, failure in the immune system.

    All these factors adversely affect the production of melanin by the cells, which affects the pigmentation of the male hair.

    Gray children - it happens?

    Gray hair or strands can even be in infants. But why is this happening?

    The main, most common factor is heredity or genetic disorders.

    Other reasons may be:

    • lack of or excess in the body of vitamin B 12,
    • gastrointestinal tract diseases
    • helminth infection,
    • endocrine diseases
    • hormonal disorders in young girls,
    • infectious diseases,
    • reduced immunity
    • excessive stress causing nervous tension
    • lack of active rest.

    How not to turn gray too soon

    If you want to preserve the hair color for a long time, then first of all you need to reconsider the lifestyle. It is necessary to give up bad habits, establish a daily regimen, avoid stressful situations. This normalizes metabolism, which is important for the activity of the whole organism.

    An important point - proper nutrition. Products containing tyrosine and tryptophan, vitamins C, E, A, B10, trace elements magnesium and copper should be included in the diet. These are meat and seafood, liver, legumes, nuts, dates and bananas, citrus fruits, carrots and cabbage, eggs, cocoa, pumpkin and seeds.

    Excess weight should be dropped gradually, eliminating the fast food products, salted and smoked, fatty and flour from the menu.

    It is important to protect the hair during bad weather. Heat or cold is stress for the hair follicles. Young people often neglect headgear, which can lead not only to the early graying of hair, but also to baldness.

    In the cosmetic clinic can offer treatments that stop graying: mesotherapy, head massage.

    Shampoos or balms containing melanin or an activator of its synthesis are suitable for hair care.

    Brief summary

    • When genetic predisposition should be put up with early graying.
    • Early fading can be a sign of certain diseases and disorders in the body. To eliminate this, it is necessary to conduct an examination and pass tests.
    • Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle - will prolong the youth and beauty of curls.
    • Mesotherapy, which is carried out in cosmetic clinics, suspends hair bleaching.
    • The doctor may recommend taking vitamins or drugs that activate melanin production.

    Does hair color affect the appearance of a woman? Of course! After all, he can take years away or, on the contrary, throw them, and yet this is a lifestyle and behavior ...

    Most hair dye products contain hydrogen peroxide, which may be more or less depending on the type of product. It is peroxide ...

    How to solve a problem?

    To find out the cause of gray hair in each case, you need to undergo a medical examination. Make your food balanced, lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and your hair will be able to restore the old color. Modern medicine is able to identify the cause and even prescribe treatment. There are also special preparations that help to return the original hair color. Such pharmacological drugs enhance the production of hair color pigment, and if you follow the course prescribed by the doctor, there is a chance to get rid of gray hair.

    Also, no one has canceled popular recipes. It has long been a huge number of recipes for getting rid of gray hair and for the prevention of gray hair growth. Insist herbs such as:

    • Dried meadow clover flowers
    • zamaniha root
    • garden nettle roots
    • parsley roots
    • fragrant dill roots
    • horse sorrel roots and leaves
    • ginseng
    • Eleutherococcus

    Decoctions and infusions on these plants relieve gray hair, strengthen hair, promote their rapid growth. All plants insist on medical alcohol. Two tablespoons of the plant, pour 200 grams of alcohol. After a week you can use. Daily rub the infusion into the hair roots for two weeks, then take a break, and after a few days, repeat again. Such courses can be done 3-4, not more. You need to take inside 30 drops half an hour before meals three times a day for a month.

    To make a decoction, pour 2 tablespoons of herbs in a glass of boiling water. Drink decoctions 2-3 times a day for a week or rub into the hair roots.

    If you are over 45 years old, then there is no cause for concern. Normally, an adult begins to turn gray after 45 years, even if you are okay with your health and nervous system. If this happened earlier, then hurry to see a doctor. Be sure to undergo a medical examination. Gray hair is not a problem, but it is a sign that something is missing in the body!

    What is gray

    Gray hair appears in people over the age limit of 33-40 years. After the appearance of the first silver hair, the number of gray strands will only grow - this process is inevitable. What makes the curls gray? And what was the original hair color?

    Human hair is stained with melanin pigments (they are produced by the body's melanocytes). Each hair bulb contains these cells. Melanocytes produce individual substances that form melanin:

    • Eumelanin. He is responsible for the dark brown, black color of the hair.
    • Feomelanin. The bigger it is, the hair is redder.

    Mixing, these pigments and create the main color of keratin - the protein that makes up the hair. Workers melanocytes begin to act even before the birth of a person. With age, the cells get tired, producing less pigment.

    The activity of melanocytes decreases every decade by 15-20%, starting at the age of 30.

    As the hair turns gray. Over time, the melanocytes die, and the hair becomes bleached - gray. Also, the hair follicles form hydrogen peroxide in the course of work - peroxide in a healthy hair is immediately destroyed by catalase (hemoprotein, an enzyme produced by the liver).

    With age, catalase in humans becomes less, and the hairs accumulate peroxide, which bleaches the curls from the inside. An aging curl changes the structure - air bubbles accumulate in it, which add brightness to the strands. Representatives of different nations turn gray differently. How old is gray hair

    • Early people of Caucasoid type silver. The first gray hair appears at their age of 35.
    • Asians keep the natural color of the hair up to 42 years.
    • Representatives of the Negro races begin to turn gray after 50 years.
    • The most resistant to the emergence of gray hair are considered to be Indians - their hair is silver in their 70s.

    A person begins to sit up with the head, then graying gradually covers the rest of the hair: in the groin, under the arms and on the face (beard, mustache in men, eyebrows). Unpredictable ladies distinguished themselves by originality in this process: in women, the hair first silver on the temples, then go to the crown and the back of the head.

    In girls, hair can begin to turn gray from the end. Sometimes gray hair spreads in women stained, capturing parts of the hair. The guys gray hair covers all strands at once (hair turns gray from the root). Representatives of the stronger sex silver years 10-15 before.

    Gray hair - not only the lot of the elderly! Young people, teenagers and even new-born crumbs can become gray. Why do young people at the age of 12, or even before, begin the process of early graying? What is the reason?

    Early graying in adults

    This phenomenon has various reasons. The main one is strong sudden psycho-emotional shocks (a person turns gray from fright), long-term agitations and experiences. Older people perceive resentment with a hint of skepticism, but the young and inexperienced react to the disorder sharply. As a result of the nerves appear gray hairs. Even long hours working at the PC (in this case, the person turns gray from the computer) leads to severe fatigue.

    From stress, the body produces large amounts of neuropeptides (protein molecules). These substances penetrate the hair follicle and destroy the connection between keratin and melanin. Gradually, the production of melanin is reduced, and curl loses color.

    Heredity. Genetics is a fundamental factor in early gray hair. Silver hair of descendants appears at the age when grandparents turned gray.

    Diseases. Some trichologists note the connection of gray hairs with infections (especially with cytomegalovirus infection). It is noticed that early graying is characteristic of people suffering from constant colds and chronic sinusitis. What other diseases blame hair bleaching? It:

    • Atherosclerosis.
    • Pathology of the digestive tract.
    • Liver disease.
    • Diabetes.
    • Vascular disease.
    • Nervous disorders.
    • Vegetative changes.
    • Iron-deficiency anemia.

    Particular attention is paid to the problems associated with the endocrine system. A common cause of early gray hair is an imbalance in the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones directly affect the structure, thickness and color of the curls. Hormonal storm often visits young women during pregnancy and after childbirth. These hard times are fraught with early blooming.

    Lack of vitamin B10 in the body is capable of provoking premature bleaching of hair. This substance has a positive effect on the absorption of protein (pigmentation is impossible without it).

    The lack of copper affects graying. The lack of such a trace element is particularly felt in congenital Wilson-Konovalov disease. With this disease, the hair turns gray immediately on all parts of the body: on the pubic hair, on the head, under the arms, on the beard.

    Interesting fact. A leading scientist at Harvard University argues that gray hair is an indicator of excellent health. Gray strands help rid the body of damaged cells.

    Nutrition. It is noticed that early gray hair comes to vegetarians more often - meat contains tyrosine (this substance supports pigmentation). Young girls seeking to lose weight risk seeing gray curls in the mirror. A hungry diet in which the body loses vital vitamins and trace elements provokes early gray hair. What is missing in the body:

    These trace elements globally affect the normal process of creating melanocytes and the deep coloring of the curls. Even a lack of vitamins in the offseason, and avitaminosis developed because of this, provokes a loss of hair pigmentation.

    Lifestyle. Heavy smokers are often faced with the problem of bleaching hair. Toxins, heavy metals produced by the body along with nicotine from smoking, dramatically reduce the level of oxygen saturation. This leads to oxygen starvation of the cells and death of melanocytes.

    Illiterate care. Frequent use of heating devices (curling iron, ironing, hair dryers) disrupt the normal pigmentation process and lead to gray hair. Hair can be silvered after regular shampooing with too hot water. Curls go gray even from shampoo (if it contains aggressive chemical components). Chemistry makes hair thinner, break off and lose its natural pigmentation.

    The problem arises after visiting beauty salons. Curls turn white from paint due to hydrogen peroxide, lamination, after keratin straightening. Such procedures adversely affect the hair follicles and destroy the natural production of melanocytes.Constant visits to the solarium without a protective cap, a long stay under the hot sun with uncovered head lead to the gray hair.

    Gray in children

    Silver hair in children can appear at any age (gray hair is observed even in newborns). What is the problem? If a baby suddenly appears bleached curl, the reasons should be sought in:

    Heredity. If the relatives of the baby in childhood had cases of early bleaching of hair - the causes of early gray hair lie in genetics. Bleached strands occur during albinism. This is a genetic disease in which the production of pigment is disturbed in the body.

    In addition to gray hair with albinism there is a visual impairment and an unusual reddish color of the iris (this is due to the fact that the iris is not saturated with pigments).

    Avitaminosis / hypovitaminosis. In growing children (especially adolescents), the body is in dire need of vitamins, nutrients, trace elements. Doctors noticed that premature graying in a child provokes a lack (or excess) of vitamin B12.

    The famous trichologist Philip Kingsley in his book “The Hair Bible” says: “We proved that stress directly affects the level of B vitamins in the body. Their absence in experiments on black rats showed graying of animal hair.”

    The development of hypovitaminosis by B12 is facilitated by surgical operations on the digestive organs and hereditary diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With early graying, the body reacts to severe wormhole invasion in children and lack of vitamins C, E and A.

    Stressful situations. The young body reacts sharply to psycho-emotional disorders, stress and anxiety. When a baby cries, it cries - the production of melanocytes sharply decreases in its body, and air bubbles appear in the cortical structure of the hair, leading to discoloration. Gray hair appears and from fear, a sharp, sudden nervous shock.

    Diseases. Problems with the thyroid, endocrine disorders provoke disturbances in pigment production and graying. In girls at puberty, gray hair appears due to hormonal dysfunction. Some hereditary diseases (vitiligo, neurofibromatosis) provoke the appearance of silver hairs.

    In addition to gray hair, such ailments are accompanied by deformation of the skeleton and the appearance of discolored spots on the skin. The list of diseases that provoke hair bleaching includes prolonged acute respiratory viral infections, viral infections, herpes and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Often, gray hair occurs after chemotherapy in the treatment of blood cancer (leukemia). Hair color is restored six months after the end of the irradiation procedures.

    In newborn babies, silvering of hairs appears if the future mom took Levomycetinum (chloramphenicol) in the third trimester.

    Gray hair in a child does not indicate the presence of a serious pathology in the body - this is a consequence of temporary factors. The sudden appearance of silver strand should not disturb adults. But, if the gray hair covers the entire hairline and every day new bleached curls are noticed - go to the pediatrician!

    How to deal with it

    Gray hair is an irreversible process. But early discoloration of hair can be slowed down. For this there are various measures.

    What doctor to contact with the premature appearance of gray curls? Hair problems involved in the doctor trichologist. When deciding to treat hair from early gray hair, women should remember one thing: the strands that have already lost their color can be brought back to life and none of the known drugs can restore the natural look.

    Drugs developed from gray hair only slow down the death of melanocytes. And such drugs cannot be prescribed independently! They are accepted only on the recommendation of the trichologist.

    Before prescribing medication, a detailed blood test is submitted, the condition of the hair and the whole body is checked. This will allow the trichologist to understand what is happening with the person and develop a competent, individual treatment. What to do when graying? Early bleaching strand is treated by taking firming and rejuvenating drugs:

    • Magnesia. The drug is administered by injection.
    • Antisedin. A drug that stimulates the production of pigment.
    • Vitamin complex. It is prescribed if graying is caused by a lack of vitamins.
    • Medicated lotions and shampoos. Trichologist recommends hair care products with a high content of essential trace elements (zinc, copper, iron).

    One cannot expect a 100% result (effective for everyone). Doctors immediately warn about this patient. The slowdown of bloom depends on many factors: the state of the organism, the nervous system. The effect of the use of drugs is enhanced if the treatment is supported by popular recipes.

    Folk remedies against gray hair

    Some time-tested recipes effectively help in the fight against slowing down the early gray hair. Also curls become healthier, softer and more elastic. But check each remedy for the possibility of allergic reactions, and only then use it on the head. What natural dyes will help?

    Essential oil. Mix sesame ether (70 ml) with thyme oil (40 ml). Shake well and leave to infuse in a cool place for a month. The mixture is rubbed into the curls every other day and lasts a quarter of an hour. The course of procedures is designed for 27-28 days.

    For each shampooing, add a rosemary or lavender ester to ordinary shampoo (for each tablespoon of washing liquid, 2-3 drops of oil).

    Pollen. In cosmetic oil Jojoba (4 tbsp.) Mix a teaspoon of bee pollen. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply on wet curls. After 20 minutes, wash the residue. Apply a mask every two days for 17-21 days.

    Pepper. An effective remedy for graying is red chilli pepper. Six dry pods pour pure alcohol or vodka (½ l). The mass is rubbed into the roots 2-3 times weekly before washing. The course of procedures 14-16 days.

    Ginseng root. Grind the "root of life" and pour alcohol (based on 500 ml of alcohol a teaspoon of ginseng). Mass leave to insist in the dark for two weeks. Means is taken inside on an empty stomach in the morning for 22-24 days. Discard this recipe if you suffer from high blood pressure!

    Salt. Salt scrub helps in the fight against gray hair. Iodized salt (1 tbsp.) Stir in fresh brewing black tea. Mass is rubbed into the hair 2-3 times a week. The course of procedures 23-25 ​​days.

    Stylist tips

    While medical luminaries are seeking ways to get rid of the problems of early gray hair, gray-haired curls of young people are firmly entrenched in the favorites of fashion trends. Gray hair is beautiful and incredibly fashionable! According to leading stylists, gray curls are a sign of prosperity, independence and maturity. Silver strands emphasize respect, respect for the older generation and demonstrate sexual, refined beauty.

    Almost every season, hairdressing houses and leading world designers bring models with artificially discolored curls to the podium. Gray-haired models conquer the world with magical and mystical shades of lavender, pearl, gray and silver.

    But only young people can afford such a trend! Gray hair is in fashion at a generation from 18 to 29-30 years.

    Leading stylists of Manhattan in one voice say about the increasing number of people who want to buy fashionable dyeing. And Victoria Hunter (the mistress of the legendary salon in West Village) has developed a whole line of styles and trends to give your hair solid gray hair in his youth.

    But not everyone likes to walk at white-haired at a young age. In this case, hairdressers offer highlighting and coloring of silver strands in any other shade.

    How to paint gray curls

    In the blonde. On the curls, bright by nature, gray hair remains invisible for a long time. But natural blondes are faced with an unpleasant yellow-gray shade of gray curls. For fair-haired people, paint should be carefully selected for dyeing, using the following tips:

    1. For coloring golden shades suitable for 2-3 tones lighter than the original color of the strands.
    2. Refuse ashen shades - such a color will only emphasize the grayish tone of gray.
    3. Pick up paint with ammonia. To get rid of gray hair is possible only with the help of ammonia dyes.
    4. Oxidant to get rid of gray hair, choose only 6%. A small amount of peroxide with silver strands can not cope.
    5. It is better to dye gray hair natural tones (no shades). These colors are marked on the boxes with an integer and zero (6.0 or 7/0) or the Latin letter “N”.
    6. When applying the paint on the head, make sure that the entire surface of the hair is completely covered with the coloring composition - do not feel sorry for it!

    To dye blonde hair, use and popular recipes. In equal quantities mix lime flowers and dried chamomile. Brew the grass with boiling water for an hour and a half. Apply the mixture to your hair and wash it off after 50-60 minutes.

    In Blonde. Fair-haired women are attractive and look younger than their years. This is the best choice when painting gray curls. Then the growing bleached hairs will not be allocated to the general background, and the hairstyle will become natural. In order to paint over gray hair well, pick up fair-haired dyes of natural tones.

    For fair-haired hair, use the folk method: chop the stalks of rhubarb and steam them with hot white wine (1x4 ratio). Boil the mixture until its volume is halved. Apply the mass on curls and leave for 45 minutes.

    To make brown hair slightly dark and turn into a brown hair, use sage. Mix the herb with black tea brewing (a tablespoon each) and pour 400 ml of boiling water over it. Boil the mixture for 1.5-2 hours, filter and add ½ teaspoon of pure alcohol. In a warm form, apply to the head. The mass is rubbed into the hair roots and left for an hour.

    In the brunette. Owners of dark curls should try to get rid of gray hair. Improperly picking up the shade of paint, you can easily add yourself 5-6 extra years (black hair aging) and highlight the shortcomings of the face. For brunettes, it is better to choose tones 1-2 shades lighter than the original color of the curls.

    To remove gray hair on black strands, use the following folk method. In a glass of boiling water, brew a tablespoon of black tea. Cook for 30-40 minutes and add cocoa powder (1 tbsp) to it. Apply a warm mass to your head and wrap with cellophane. From above cover hair with dense fabric, leave for an hour.

    Henna coloring. Gray hair successfully yields to this color! In combination with various additives, grayed curls from henna will acquire surprisingly beautiful shades and restore health. What is added to the natural dye:

    • Chamomile decoction. Curls will get a golden honey hue.
    • Walnut tincture. Spinners will be chocolate-chestnut.
    • Ground coffee (only natural). Hair painted in the color of auburn honey.

    Keep the dye on the hair and henna dye should be 5-6 hours. The head must be additionally warmed with a cap.

    Coloring basmoy. Basma gives gray curls rich dark, chestnut-black shades. But it is better to use basma after dyeing henna (or mix both ingredients, taking basma 2 times more).

    Helpful advice. When dyeing with basma or henna, you cannot immediately switch to chemical dyes. Wait until the natural colors are completely washed off from the curls.

    Prevention of early gray hair

    How to prevent hair bleaching? Those who do not want to face early graying should follow a few simple rules. Follow the advice even with excellent health! Then you can force your hair to preserve its natural color for a long time and not worry about the problem:

    1. What to eat. Include protein rich foods in your daily diet. This is a fish, beans, nuts. Do not ignore natural vegetables and fruits.
    2. Vitamins. Do not forget that there are good vitamin complexes in the world. Pick up drugs with a vitamin B content and with the inclusion of iron, copper and zinc useful for the production of melanocytes.
    3. Doctor. Have regular annual preventive examinations with an endocrinologist and a trichologist.
    4. Nerves. Learn to cope with stress and anxiety! They will help to maintain emotional balance in sports, good sleep and daily walks. It is better to relieve tension with natural preparations (valerian, motherwort). Well soothe bath with the addition of herbal decoction of calendula, St. John's wort and thyme.
    5. Care. Be careful about the health of curls that grow! Do not regret time for the full care of them, master the nourishing, vitaminized mask. Less injure strands with hot appliances (hair dryer, curling iron, iron).

    Sedin is capable of betraying the age, carefully concealed by many women. Nobody wants to grow old fast! So that premature silvering does not become a headache and does not become a subject of unrest and frustration, first of all find out the reason! And take care of the improvement of the body. Only a comprehensive, competent approach can help in such a difficult problem.


    Watch the video: Real Questions - Can PABA retard the grey in hair? (July 2024).