
Hyaluronic acid for hair: features of use, effectiveness and reviews


Hyaluronic acid for hair is known for all its miraculous properties. This substance is included in many creams, masks and products for the face and hair. And this is not surprising, because it literally can work wonders.

What to avoid?

It is important to remember that this substance should also be cautious, because in unreasonable quantities it can be harmful. It should be remembered that:

  1. You can not use hyaluron for a long time, as this will lead to an excess of this substance. This will have a negative effect not only on the hair, but also on the general state of human health. Prolonged use of this substance can lead to autoimmune diseases.
  2. If there are wounds, cuts, scratches or microcracks on the scalp, you should wait with masks and pure hyaluron, since its contact with injured skin can cause itching, allergic reactions, inflammation.
  3. For skin diseases such as scalp psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea, dermatitis or dandruff, it is also worth refusing topical application of hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid for hair, reviews of which are positive not only from ordinary users, but also from cosmetologists and even doctors, has worked well in medical, preventive and cosmetological practice. Thanks to this substance you can make your hair beautiful and healthy.

The benefits and effects of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a chemical substance that is contained in the human body in different tissues and extracellular fluid. Most of the acid is in the joint fluid, and its main task is to regulate the water balance.

Hyaluron action:

  • moisturizing
  • protective,
  • restoring
  • antioxidant.

A lack of hyaluronic acid in the body leads to the fact that the skin becomes too dry, which can cause irritation. Cosmetic products (mask, tonic) and food supplements with hyaluron are capable of filling up the lack of this substance.

Regular use of a spray or mask with this substance helps to make hair strong, elastic and smooth. High-quality mask with hyaluronka adds volume and eliminates breakage and split ends, cures dandruff and has a moisturizing effect.

Hyaluronic acid is available in different forms:

  • in the form of a liquid
  • powder,
  • gel of various concentrations.

Remedies with hyaluron

Improve the condition of the scalp will help proper nutrition and eating foods high in hyaluronic acid.

These include:

  • chicken skin
  • tendons
  • scallops of cocks,
  • broth cooked on chicken giblets.

As a regenerating agent for the scalp, you can use a dietary supplement that helps saturate the cells with moisture and provide a general rejuvenating effect on the body. For outdoor use, a mask or spray with hyaluronic acid is suitable.

When choosing such a tool, be sure to consider:

  • scalp condition
  • reviews
  • degree of hair damage,
  • desired result.

The spray absorbs quickly enough and can be used as often as necessary.

A good healing effect has a hair mask with hyaluron, collagen and elastin called Hair Pro-tox, which is a universal remedy and is suitable for different types of scalp. As the reviews confirm, such a mask provides restoration of the damaged hair structure, nourishes and moisturizes them, and also prevents the formation of split ends.

After application to the hair, the mask is evenly distributed over the entire surface and does not contribute to an increase in fat content. Hair becomes well-groomed and gain healthy shine. Apply the mask only to damp and clean hair for 5 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Spray hair conditioner called Librederm with hyaluron is recommended to use as a means to restore, nourish and moisturize. Spray is the perfect solution for dyed, damaged and dry hair. Regular use of an air conditioner spray helps to gain extra volume, restore shine and provide nourishment.

This tool does not weigh down the hair and provides them with the necessary recovery. Apply it on a wet head in a small amount before combing. No need to flush.

Despite the positive reviews and the well-known effectiveness of hyaluronic acid, this tool should be used with extreme caution. To avoid unwanted complications and side effects, it is recommended to choose a spray or mask, taking into account the type of skin and the degree of damage to the hair. Before use, make sure there is no allergic reaction to the components.

The essence of the procedure

Hyaluronic acid is one of the components of the human skin. It is involved in the processes of recovery, rejuvenation and nutrition of the body. Termination of acid synthesis may be caused by ultraviolet rays. In this case, skin, hair, eyes, heart and joints are affected. Taken together, these signs are easily seen in older people, because with age, hyaluron production decreases markedly.

If we talk about hair, then the acid that is contained in the dermis is responsible for maintaining their healthy appearance and strength. The main objectives for hyaluron are:

  • recovery,
  • protection,
  • moisturizing
  • antioxidant action.

An important point! How to understand that hair needs extra help, restoration with hyaluron? There are a lot of indicators. Dryness and peeling, dandruff, loss of shine and elasticity can be considered paramount. After applying these problems disappear, and the hair becomes soft and shiny.


Any remedy, however innocuous it may seem, must be tested before use. Each organism is individual, and, due to the unique set of properties, the response to hyaluron can be very different.

Despite the fact that acid is an integral part of the human body, some contraindications are still available:

  • damage to the scalp (wounds, redness, irritation),
  • pregnancy and feeding period,
  • individual intolerance.

In the absence of a contraindication and the use of correct dosages, there can be no harm to the hair and the body as a whole.

Method of application

It is worth saying that increasing the concentration of hyaluron in the human body can be achieved in several ways. The easiest and safest is to use products that increase the production of hyaluron. These products are:

  1. Cock combs. Due to the fact that this is not the most common part of the bird to use, it can be replaced by joints, skin or tendons. The broth cooked from them will lead to saturation of the body with hyaluron. By the way, not only chicken is suitable for this, but any other poultry.
  2. Foods high in starch (rice, potatoes, corn).
  3. Grape juice or red wine significantly accelerates the production of estrogen, on which the amount of hyaluron directly depends.

Separately, I want to remind about dietary supplements. Their use does not bear obvious harm. The downside may be that, receiving substances in artificial form, the own generation of hyaluron is greatly reduced. This must be remembered, and it is also necessary to consult a doctor.

Attention! The most popular outdoor method of application. Here, both the use of ready-made products containing hyaluronic acid and their independent creation are allowed.

Global cosmetics manufacturers provide a wide variety of hair restoration products using hyaluron - shampoos and conditioners balms, masks, sprays.

Independently make a miracle remedy for hair restoration is also possible. Acid comes in three forms: gel, powder or liquid. It is enough to add this component to your favorite shampoo, and it will play with unprecedented healing properties.

A single dose for shampooing is equal to five drops added to shampoo or conditioner balm. However, this will give a short-term effect, it will be much more effective to mix the acid with a mask or spray. The latter is the best option, because it does not weigh down and does not glue the hair, can be used several times during the day, ensuring the restoration of damaged areas.

The powder can be added to a small amount of mineral water, shaken and wait until it swells. The result is a rather viscous liquid, which is applied to the hair without washing. Convenience is also in the fact that hyaluron can be stored frozen.

The result

Hyaluronic acid forms a protective film on the surface of the scalp, whereby its resistance to negative environmental factors is enhanced. There is a normalization of internal metabolism, is the restoration of water balance. Dryness disappears, and dandruff can be eliminated for the same reason.

The very hair is transformed externally - glitter appears, curls acquire apparent elasticity and smoothness. Because of the intense nutrition, the growth of hair rods is accelerated, which leads to an increase in the overall density and thickening of each hair.

By the way. A nice bonus is the ability of hyaluronic acid to enhance the effect of other components contained in cosmetics. Some manufacturers claim that recovery occurs at the cellular level.

Varieties of substance

The advantages of the acid are indisputable, the restoration of the structure is noticeable to the naked eye. But what else you need to know about hyalurone - not any solution, powder or gel will have the same effect.

Conventionally, there are three signs:

  1. Producing country.
  2. Purpose
  3. Molecular weight.

The quality of the product in this case directly depends on the country of production. For example, Chinese manufacturers often sin by adding the minimum amount of hyaluronic acid to the composition. Or poorly carry out its cleaning, with the result that signs of allergies can appear. Such products attract their more than modest price, but if you need a quality tool - pay attention to the product manufactured in Europe.

Purpose is divided into three areas: medicinal, food and, in fact, cosmetic. Depending on the application, the degree of purification is assumed to be different.

Hyaluronic acid usually has a concentration in the range from 0.01 to 0.1% (low molecular weight and high molecular weight). The composition with a low percentage is able to penetrate deeper into the skin layers, and with a high concentration - to form a protective layer on the hair and scalp. Ideal - skillful use of both types to achieve the best effect.

Summarizing, we can say that hyaluronic recovery is an almost harmless procedure for the body, easily feasible at home. When buying funds it is important to observe the balance of "price - quality", pay attention to the manufacturer and the percentage. The result of the recovery will be noticeable almost immediately and will please the beauty and vitality of the hair.

Are you dreaming of healthy and long hair? We have prepared for you a selection of hair growth products:

Useful videos

Effective mask for moisturizing, nourishing, strengthening hair with hyaluronic acid.

How to properly care for thin, unruly hair, a review of moisturizing and restoring hair products.

The benefits of hyaluronic acid for hair

Hyaluronic acid has no analogues among modern cosmetic products. It initiates the activation of the restoration of the skin and hair, eliminating the signs of age-related changes and the negative impact of the environment.

If we consider directly the properties of this substance, it is worth highlighting the following positive points:

  1. Providing intense moisture. This is especially true in the spring, after the end of the heating season and the use of hats. Hyaluron attracts water molecules and distributes them evenly throughout the hair structure.
  2. Nutrition hair follicles. Procedures improve microcirculation and metabolism in the scalp, thereby becoming a powerful activator of the growth of new healthy curls.
  3. Recovery after damage. Exposure to ultraviolet rays, regular dyeing, styling and the use of a hair dryer to dry curls - all of this has negative consequences, which can be compensated with hyaluronic acid.
  4. Stimulation of protein synthesis processes. Revitalizing curls can be achieved by improving the production of collagen and elastin.
  5. Keratin synthesis is activated to form a smooth outer sheath of the hair, additionally a protective film of hyaluron is created.

Regular use of products with hyaluronic acid allows you to restore the structure of the hair, making them elastic and shiny. In some cases, biorevitalization successfully solves the problem of hair loss.

Ways to use

If the financial situation allows, of course, it is better to entrust the procedure to a qualified specialist in a beauty salon. You will select the most suitable cosmetics and determine the duration of the treatment course, focusing on the current state of the strands.

Nevertheless, there are many options for using hyaluronic acid at home - from ready-made masks to mesotherapy.

Ready-made cosmetics

The easiest option is to use special series of cosmetic products containing hyaluron. These include the following products:

  • regenerating shampoos,
  • balms and lotions
  • masks,
  • indelible fluids
  • sprays for easy combing.

It is necessary to use them in a complex to achieve the best effect.

An alternative option may be self-enrichment of cosmetics with hyaluronate. Optimally each time prepare a new portion of shampoo or balm, to benefit was the maximum.

Cooking mask

Also a popular option is the independent manufacture of masks based on sodium hyaluronate. It comes in powder, liquid or gel form. You can buy in the online store, a cosmetics salon or a pharmacy. Usually, powder is used for such purposes.

According to the instructions, the substance should be diluted with water to form a gel-like mass. It can be applied in pure form or added to the mask other useful components: collagen, vitamins.

Use for dilution of the powder need non-carbonated mineral water.

The mask is applied to clean, wet hair. It is necessary to make a small indent from the roots in order not to disturb the natural volume of the strands. Often, these masks are not washed off, which significantly prolongs their action.

Review of popular cosmetics

Every year, new hair care products appear on the market of cosmetic preparations. The most popular products include the following products:

  1. DNC. DZTs is a common cosmetic brand. One package contains 3 sachets of hyaluron-based liquid with the addition of plant extracts.
  2. Shampoo Capus. Treats professional cosmetics and is used for deep clarification and restoration of locks.
  3. Mask Golden silk. Contains a complex of substances necessary for saturation and revitalization of the hair shaft.
  4. Libriderm.The brand is known for its cosmetics with hyaluron, in the assortment there are fluid conditioner to facilitate scratching and light balm, used after shampooing.
  5. Medic. This budget tool is a drop of hyaluronate in a convenient bottle. Used for the enrichment of various cosmetics for hair care.

Healthy food

Home conditions do not preclude the use of modern cosmetics, but their relatively high price can be an obstacle. In this case, it is worth taking care of replenishing the reserves of hyaluronic acid by activating its synthesis in the body. To do this, you must include in your diet the following foods and dishes:

  • jelly,
  • aspic,
  • bone stew,
  • bone cooked soups
  • rice,
  • corn,
  • potatoes,
  • soy.

You can also buy complex vitamin supplements to maintain the body's youth.

Answers on questions

What are the main benefits of hyaluronic acid for hair?

This substance moisturizes and nourishes the curls along the entire length, starts the processes of collagen and elastin production, restores the hair structure and protects them from destruction. Gradually complete revitalization of damaged strands.

Are there any restrictions for the use of such cosmetics?

There are no specific contraindications, except for an allergy to the components of the product. It is necessary to abandon the procedure in the presence of damage to the scalp, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Is there a fundamental difference between drugs?

They differ in the concentration of hyaluronic acid, the quality of its purification, as well as the size of the molecules. Small molecules of the substance are able to penetrate the structure of the hair, large ones remain outside, creating a protective shell.

Summing up

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, choose cosmetics from proven manufacturers. Cheap material can not have the same properties as a quality product. To facilitate the selection of the best hair products with hyalurone, leave your review about the cosmetics that you used.

Chuykova Natalia

Psychologist. Specialist from the website

- May 6, 2015, 15:14

Try Curly Girl System Care

- May 6, 2015, 15:40

The author, if possible - make keratin Japanese straightening with honma tokyo preparations or brazilian straightening cocochoco.

- May 6, 2015, 22:59

If you do a brazilian run-off, it will help, but not for a long time, a month, then they will start to curl again, do cocoon, inuar and some other things, 4 times already done, the more procedures I do, the longer the effect lasts. also go away and wake slender to walk, although the hair seems more lively and as if filled! I don't know about hyaluronic acid, I haven't tried it: /

- May 12, 2015, 12:53

Keratin. Look for Trissola, the coolest keratin I've ever met. My hair 1000 experiments survived, I tried a lot of things, including keratin compositions. Trissola was the most.

- December 13, 2015, 23:02

I can advise you keratin from Inoar G-Hair, the last 2 times did straightening on it and was very pleased. My hair is by nature very fluffy and stick out in all directions, so take care or do not take care and I was always very afraid of wind and rain))
I have already tried coco shoko and trissola up to inoar, and my impressions remained negative. Coco Shock is generally some kind of incomprehensible substance with a pungent smell and disgusting effect, after it the hair became brittle and terribly dry, and the down appeared only a week after the procedure, so obviously my choice is not in their favor) With tressola everything is better, straightening lasted for about 3 months - *****, but the volume certainly suffers a lot, it practically does not exist) you walk like some slick hair.
With Inoar I didn’t have such problems, as with the first two brands, my hair is smooth and voluminous, I have a pleasant shine and it is very easy to wash and comb, but here I was convinced that the experience and skill of the master himself, who straightens you, is very important! My master, in the salon where I did the procedures, was the training of the seminars specifically inoaryovskiye some, that’s why she has such a great result to be shown!)

- February 3, 2016, 16:17

I can advise you keratin from Inoar G-Hair, the last 2 times did straightening on it and was very pleased. My hair by nature is very fluffy and stick out in all directions, so take care or do not take care of it. I was always very afraid of wind and rain)) I tried coco shock and trissola before inoar and I had negative impressions. Coco Shock is generally some kind of incomprehensible substance with a pungent smell and disgusting effect, after it the hair became brittle and terribly dry, and the down appeared only a week after the procedure, so obviously my choice is not in their favor) With tressola everything is better, straightening lasted about 3 months - *****, but the volume certainly suffers, it practically does not exist) you walk like some slick hair. With Inoar I didn’t have such problems, as with the first two brands, my hair is smooth and voluminous, There is a pleasant shine and very easy to wash and comb But, here I am still convinced that the experience and skill of the master himself, who makes straightening to you, is very important! My master, in the salon where I did the procedures, was the training of the seminars specifically inoaryovskiye some, that’s why she has such a great result to be shown!)

+1 I use the inoar myself, namely G-Hair. Fully agree with the comment number 6 - very much depends on the master. And about keratin, there is nothing to think about here - definitely Inoar, a time-tested brand!

- June 2, 2016, 11:35

I personally can advise the salon Instahair on taganka, there they perform quality services and the price is cheap. Try to make either Botox for the hair, I do it from them, I like everything very much! The result lasts a long time, I’ll go to 3 procedures soon, or a course therapy for the hair, they have a label and olaplex care in the salon, a fancy thing for a Nobel premium pulls. Try, in any case, go to the consultation before the procedure) Here is the phone +79055834118 and their website

- December 4, 2017 09:39

The author, if possible - make keratin Japanese straightening with honma tokyo preparations or brazilian straightening cocochoco.

From the eye sokm generally fall off!
What do you advise. This is pure formaldehyde.
Plus your health.
Here is a tip.
A person writes about the care .. that is.
And you give him a vpryami ... yes, and even a mortal squad.

Useful properties and effects on hair

Hyaluronic acid is a builder of cells like collagen and elastin. All these substances form the cellular matrix. Collagen and elastin form the skeleton for cells, and hyaluronic acid is the filler. It perfectly attracts a huge amount of water, so the skin, hair retains its elasticity, healthy appearance.

With age, the natural production of beneficial substances begins to decline, so the aging process of hairs occurs, they lose their elasticity, elasticity, begin to fall out. The lack of substance adversely affects the work of the heart, eyes, wrinkles begin to form on the skin. All this is due to the desiccation of the cells. After all, water makes up 80% of our body.

Therefore, there is nothing better in the fight against aging than the use of hyaluronic acid in various forms. After useful procedures, applying externally, positive changes occur with curls:

  • the hair is rejuvenated, gets a healthy look, natural shine appears,
  • strands become viable, elastic, easier to comb,
  • hair loss is reduced, the cross-section of hairs, it contributes to the natural straightening of the strands,
  • the diameter of each curl increases, strengthens, creates a stunning volume,
  • hair becomes more resistant to environmental effects, less deteriorate.

Due to these properties, many women prefer to use products based on hyaluronic acid. But you can take or rub this product in its pure form, read more about this further.

Find out the instructions for use of Panthenol Hair Spray.

The benefits of the mesotherapy procedure for the scalp and hair are described in this article.

Forms of release

Hyaluronic acid can be delivered to the body in the following ways:

  • external use (all kinds of shampoos, masks, creams, sprays, serums),
  • biologically active additives (in the form of tablets and capsules),
  • injections (used mainly for the skin of the face and not for hair).

Apply at home you can shampoos and masks. You can also make it on the basis of pure acid, which is sold in a pharmacy as a 10 ml solution in a glass package. The price of one bottle is about 300 rubles.

general information

You can buy a wonderful tool for hair in a pharmacy, online store, in various beauty salons. The price of hyaluronic acid in a pharmacy and products based on it varies from 400 to 4,000 thousand rubles. The products of economy and luxury classes have been developed, their quality and principle of impact is significantly different.

What product is most useful for curls

Acid is available in various forms, which means shows the best results for hair? Consider possible ways to deliver acid to improve hair health:

  • medications (so-called dietary supplements). Substances supplement the lack of hyaluronic acid from the inside, have a positive effect on the body as a whole. But additionally, the intake of a substance reduces its natural production by uselessness. Therefore, it is necessary to take dietary supplements courses, but not constantly. Before you start, you need to consult with your doctor. The effect is well noticeable, lasts a long time,
  • external use. Various shampoos, masks and sprays are applied to the curls. From the use of shampoo effect is short. But the light and soft composition of gels and sprays actively penetrates the hair structure, the epidermis itself may not be affected if it is damaged. Masks are the most effective way to use. Active substances have a positive effect on curls and scalp. But it is worth remembering that if the epidermis is damaged, the procedure should be postponed,
  • you can get a useful substance in a natural way from food. This method requires a lot of time, you should not expect quick results. Maintaining a proper diet has a positive effect on hair, skin, and the work of internal organs. Read more about the diet, read on.

When buying a product based on acid should pay attention to its composition and manufacturer. Much depends on product quality.

Hyaluronic acid varies in molecular weight. Some drugs are able to penetrate deep into the cells, while others create only a film on each hair. The first are much more expensive, but not all can come up due to the appearance of allergic reactions. The second is suitable for everyone, but the effect is shorter. Therefore, choose the right tool for you.

Pay attention to the manufacturer. The best quality products are noted in German, French, Czech manufacturing companies. Such products are more expensive, but their quality corresponds to the price. Chinese products based on hyaluronic acid are much cheaper, but they undergo a lower level of purification. The composition contains various harmful impurities that may not help brittle hair, and further aggravate the situation.

How to quickly grow hair at home? We have the answer!

Effective drugs for hair loss in men are described on this page.

At learn how to do a head massage for hair growth.

Hyaluronic acid based products

Taking care of your hair do not spare the money, because the miser pays twice. Choose for yourself effective products that have certificates of quality, tested by many women:

  • Cutrin Hyaluronic Complex. The products of this company are enriched with hyaluronic acid, effectively moisturizes, nourishes each hair, and contributes to its regeneration. This line contains shampoos, masks, sprays for hair. There are separate products designed specifically for colored hair. Therefore, all the fair sex will find for themselves the necessary product. The price of balms and shampoos ranges from 650 to 1200 rubles per pack,
  • Kallos cosmetics. This brand produces a line of shampoos, balms, rinses and even hair ampoules based on hyaluronic acid. The composition of the product includes other excipients (keratin, collagen, coconut oil, panthenol, jojoba ester), which enhance the action of the main component. Products actively nourishes, moisturizes, restores the structure of each hair, gives the head of hair a smooth, shine, removes impurities, fights split ends and other hair problems. The price of goods ranges from 350 to 400 rubles. Produced products in Hungary
  • Professional HYALURON Hair Care. The line includes masks, shampoos, styling products, fluids based on useful acid. Regular use cares for hair, helps to restore its structure, rejuvenates every hair, makes it elastic, protects against free radicals, sunlight. The price of mousse is 200 rubles, shampoo - 367, fluids - 412 rubles for 10 pcs., Balsam - 315 rubles.

Foods containing beneficial substances

This substance is often found in foodstuffs, you only need to know in what, then you can easily adjust your diet. Main products containing useful acid:

  • animal products. With a lack of hyaluronic acid, it is recommended to eat rich chicken broths, not only with meat, but also with cartilage. Also a lot of this substance in the scallops of chickens and roosters, their paws,
  • soy. For vegetarians there is a source of acid - soy. Many products are made from it: tofu, soy milk, meat, beans. From these products you can cook a lot of tasty and healthy dishes. ,
  • natural red wines. You can consume a daily glass of red wine. It should be natural without dyes and preservatives, made from good grapes with the addition of seeds and peel. Those who do not want to drink wine are recommended to use natural grape juice,
  • burdock The plant also has a huge amount of the substance we need. Eat burdock oil, put it on curls. You can also brew tea from a dry burdock. It is advisable to complete a course of treatment in one month. You should not get carried away, because an excess of substance adversely affects the body, as well as its deficiency.

Instant results should not be expected. Moreover, the body itself decides where to send hyaluronic acid to it. So, after a strict diet, the substance will go to the cartilage, there it is more necessary, and then go to the skin, hair.

Effective mask recipe

You can make masks for your hair yourself. Use them once every four days for one month. For the healing mixture you will need:

  • 0.5% acid-based solution or ointment - dessert spoon,
  • kefir or any other dairy product.

Use: mix all the ingredients, apply to a clean, wet hair, cover your head. After 20 minutes, rinse with water, rinse with a decoction of the burdock.

Video - review of dietary supplements for hair containing hyaluronic acid:

Deep moisturizing

We take hyaluronic acid powder on the tip of the knife and combine it with thirty milliliters of mineral water. Shake the mixture and insist it for a few minutes.

In the finished mixture, the powder swells and a viscous and homogeneous agent is obtained. We treat them washed hair and skin. No need to flush. We store, having frozen in small portions in bags.

Improving care products

Balsams, masks, shampoos and sprays can be made more effective if you add a little hyaluronka to them. A gel preparation will be required. Add hyaluronic acid to the hair in the chosen means five droplets per serving. No need to pour everything into the vial, except for the enrichment of sprays and lotions. In this case, the container is shaken.

Thanks to hyaluronic acid, a protective film is formed on the skin, blocking the negative influence of external factors. The exchange processes proceed at a normal rate, and the hair is moistened in moderation. There is no dryness or discomfort, hair is elastic and elastic. They grow faster and look noticeably better. Even the density increases and the volume of hair.

Finished products for hair with hyaluron

If you do not have time to prepare your own preparations with hyaluron, we will use gotvoy means, the benefit of them is enough. KERASTASE is a series of Substantif, Densifique. Means put on clean curls, pre-moisten them slightly. Universal remedy class premium CUTRIN - balm. The drug accumulates, preserving and gradually restoring the power of the strands and their beauty. In the DNC lineup, there are excellent home remedies for brittle, colored dry curls. After distribution into wetted strands, herbal gel preparation is actively absorbed.

HYALURONIC Shampoo is a biorevitalization for strands, according to the manufacturer. Restoring the structure takes place at the molecular level. Japanese shampoo ANIMO and hyaluronka contains, and polymers. True, shampoos are less effective than other products. And the most effective are the masks and lotions with hyaluronic acid for hair.

However, all the benefits of hyaluronka is evident only in high-quality products. Therefore, it makes sense to acquire it only in proven pharmacies where the drug has a certificate.


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