Useful tips

Hairdressing - 4 personal qualities stylist





Characteristic hair. 12

Hair texture 14







Consistency in the performance of this work. 23

Technology haircuts. 23


Electrical equipment and power tools must meet the following requirements. 25


Often its components are hats, ribbons, beads, jewelry. The type and shape of the hairstyle depends on subjective and objective reasons. Hairstyle as a costume is a work of art. When changing art styles, trends in art changes the look and shape of hair. In the fashion came in and won their pedestals women's short haircut. It changes almost every season, bringing new and new silhouettes into fashion: a short bang, an elongated nape, or vice versa. Difficult coloring original packing. Also, long hair did not come out of fashion. Now the silhouette of a long hairstyle gets more and more clear lines. The most fashionable haircut at the moment "Sesun". In any form of hairdressing, the influence of modern methods is manifested, the hairdressing is developing new tools and devices, and hair care products. There are a lot of new products in the hairdressing business: hair styling varnishes, gels, foams, mousses and creams. Cream - paints with simultaneous hair care and at the same time get a big, bright and lasting hair color. It also appears a lot of tint tools, and it should be noted that they include natural ingredients.

You can talk a lot about new products in hairdressing. But one can say with accuracy that the hairstyle was and will be a kind of passport of a person. The main quality that a hairdresser should have is foresight.

Therefore, Vella organized a creative workshop in London from different countries where they could work on creating a certain style. This year, over the creation of the image of the next season, “Vella” chose stylists from six countries.

Russia was represented by Sergei Zverev. Russia performed in such a prestigious event for the first time. Every day two stylists Sergey Zverev and Christopher Davolli worked in the workshop. When creating hairstyles wizards were not limited to the color and shape of haircuts. And most importantly, stylists had the opportunity to carry out their models, which they themselves assessed as promising. The first models of Zverev created an image of golden - red, brown tones. The work was amazingly well done. The colors are selected surprisingly accurate, although all those who gathered skillfully followed the work of the master. The result, which achieved Zverev was for all a complete surprise. He showed a completely new hair coloring technique. And the colors according to the professionals were chosen in such a perfect combination. The appearance of the second model has been significantly changed. Before Zverev dyed and cut her hair, she looked quite ordinary. The girl changed so much that they saw a new model in her. Both models brought great success to our stylist Sergei Zverev. Despite the fact that in our country temporary difficulties, like all temporary failures, come and go, and the desire to be beautiful will always be. For beauty is eternal. Despite all the difficulties in the country, Zverev proved that there are experts in hairdressing in our country.

The origins of hairdressing go to antiquity. It is known that already 2-3 thousand years before the new era, our ancestors were able to decorate their appearance with a haircut. Centuries passed, and gradually a person introduced into his objects, including his hair, his own idea of ​​beauty, which reflects both his individual taste and the general aesthetic ideal inherent in a particular era. But clothing and hairstyle are also utilitarian and social. Different nations formed their own style and certain traditions related to the natural conditions of the country and the position of man in society.

The study of the history of hairdressing is not only of cognitive interest, but also of practical value, since some details can be used at present.

An interesting form of hairstyles created in ancient Egypt. To perform such a complicated hairstyle, the services of specially trained slaves were required. Egyptians dyed their hair with henna, decorated hairstyles with decorative elements.

The fashionable hair color in ancient Greece was considered blond. In the classical period, the daily hairstyle consisted of shortly cropped hair, “full” from temple to temple of a short beard and mustache. Some beauties wore long hair curled into curls and picked up by a golden hoop. In solemn cases, hair was laid over the forehead in the form of a beautiful bow, the so-called cicada.

Greek women wore long hair and knew several types of hairstyles, but the classic hairstyle can be considered the so-called Greek knot - korimbos. With this hairstyle, long hair was parted on a straight parting, curled in waves and lowered rather low on the forehead, since, according to the aesthetic concepts of that time, the forehead should be low. Then the hair was pulled down along the cheeks, and the back was lifted and placed on the back of the head in a knot, fastened with pins and narrow ribbons. Often the hair was laid in a grid, woven from gold cords, or put on a graceful decoration - Stefan. Stephans had a diverse form and were always richly decorated.

Male hairstyle in different periods of Roman history was different. Hair could be curled into curls, and combed smoothly, with bangs over his forehead.

Usually the Romans shaved their faces. However, small curled beards were also in vogue.

Roman patricians hairstyles were very diverse and complex. In some periods they wore smoothly combed hair, divided into a straight parting: sometimes they curled their hair into long curls, sometimes they wore “Greek” hairstyles. But truly Roman were high hairstyles of curls, fortified on the frame. The fan-shaped frame was strengthened over the forehead and in shape resembled a Russian kokoshnik. On it were fastened neat rows curls. The rest of her hair, braided in a braid, was laid on the back of her head in the form of a basket. Blonde and blond hair were considered fashionable.

The cultural history of the feudal society is divided into two main periods: the early “9–12” centuries and the later “13–15 centuries”. The church begins to play a huge role in the life of people; therefore, the development of hairdressing depends on the regulation of the church, which sought to tame "sinful human flesh."

In the period of early development of the Middle Ages, men's hairstyle was primitive: the hair was cut to the earlobe, and the front was fringe. In the 11th century, they wore long hair flowing over their shoulders.

The girls wore either long braids, or loose hair, pulled around by a hoop around the head, and married women hid their hair under a headdress. Most often, a round scarf made of white fabric with a hole for the face served as such a dress.

In the 15th century, headdresses, in particular, caps, acquired great importance, and the hairstyle, on the contrary, lost its significance. It was considered fashionable to open the forehead and temples, as well as the back of the head, to show the beauty of a long neck. For this, hair should be forehead and nape trimmed.

The Renaissance, or Renaissance, was the most important stage in the history of hairdressing. At this time in Italy, men were considered fashionable hairstyles of two main types: hair, or smoothly combed back, or wore a hair with bangs. Face smoothly shaved.

In women, golden hair was considered especially beautiful. Beautiful was considered a high forehead. Hair could be very complex and elegant. It consisted of combinations of braids, curls, decorated with pearl beads, veils, ribbons. Sometimes young girls wore loose hair.

In Spain, men in fashion had a short haircut, as well as a beard and mustache. The Spaniards wore a simple and strict hairstyle, most often the so-called gang: hair combed into a straight part went down along the cheeks, and folded back in chignon. Hair beautifully cleaned with flowers, hoops, jewelry. In France, distinctive features appeared in the hairstyles, reflecting the tastes of the emerging nation. The last king of the 16th century, Henry 4, had a special influence on men's hairstyles. Hair that had been brushed back, curled back mustaches and a small pointed beard came into fashion. As the king began to turn gray early, hair powder came into fashion, but only whiskey was powdered at that time.

In the first half of the 16th century, the hairstyle of women had the appearance of two semicircular rollers, laid over their foreheads, and was usually decorated with beads or a small, curled in the form of hairstyle cap with a veil. At the end of the 16th century, the shape of the female hairstyle changes significantly. There are two types of hair. The hair was either curled in rows of waves and swept back, or raised high up, where it was fixed on a wire frame. Sometimes ladies wore wigs.

Short description

A few years ago, the hairdresser had to be able to do only haircuts or styling. But times have changed, so today there is a new profession - it is a hairdresser-stylist. Such a master can make hairstyles, but he also helps the client to choose an individual style, talks about the rules of hair care and performs healing procedures.

A representative of the profession must know the basics of chemistry, as well as be able to work with equipment (hair dryers, curling irons, etc.) and cosmetics (paints, masks, etc.). This specialist should be well aware of not only their duties, but also understand psychology. The master should be able to find an approach to each of his customers, accurately determining his mood and desires.

Features of the profession

The master must not only be able to cut or style his hair, no! He should know everything about fashion trends of a particular season, because his duties include:

  • help in choosing the optimal hair length and hair style,
  • assisting the client in choosing a hair shade and dyeing technique,
  • Choosing a hairstyle that fits the occasion (holiday, anniversary, corporate party and others),
  • ability to create stage hairstyles,
  • the choice of the type of styling for hair features
  • making haircuts, all types of hair curling (curlers, chemical and electric), coloring, leveling curls,
  • increase the volume and quality of hair with wigs, extensions,
  • knowledge of modern technologies of hair alignment and treatment,
  • consulting clients
  • hair care treatments
  • attending conferences and participating in various competitions,
  • keeping the workplace clean.

Also, the specialist should be able to develop options for hairstyles, adapting them for makeup and customer attire. Note that if a person suffers from dermatological diseases, joint diseases or allergic reactions, he will not be able to work as a hairdresser.

The main areas of specialty

What is the profession "hairdresser"? Its description is quite extensive. A modern hairdresser is not just a person who can cut and dye his hair. He must be a magician, creating unique images for his clients. In the hairdressing business there are several main areas:

  • male master
  • female master,
  • colorist
  • braid weaving specialist,
  • wagon,
  • Hair stylist.

Characteristics of directions

What is the difference between the work of each of these masters, it is clear from the title.

  • The male master is engaged in the creation of hairstyles for the representatives of the stronger sex, and female curls are at the disposal of the female.
  • The profession of "hairdresser for children" implies working with small clients, which sometimes can be difficult to cut.
  • Colorists are taught the art of dyeing, highlighting and coloring hair.
  • The weaving specialist will easily create evening, youth and avant-garde hairstyles on the head of the client with the help of different types of braids.
  • But the universal hairdresser is valued above all, he alone can replace all the above-listed specialists. Such a master has the technology of cutting men, women and children, knows how to curl, style and dye, knows how to choose the right hair care products, understands the intricacies of the effects on the hair of various masks, shampoos and conditioners. Such masters of a wide profile with pleasure take on work in hairdressing and beauty salons.

Pros and cons of the profession

  • A specialist may not receive higher education, because to work in this area it is enough to complete a training course.
  • You can become a hairdresser at any age.
  • High wages and tips, which leave appreciative customers.
  • You can officially find a job or work for yourself by opening a salon or acquiring a solid client base.
  • You can combine the professions of hairdresser-stylist with the work of a makeup artist, cosmetologist or other professions that are close to the beauty industry.
  • Higher wages, when compared with an ordinary hairdresser, makeup artist or stylist.
  • The prospect of working with famous people (movie stars, pop singers and others).
  1. Demanding customers.
  2. It takes a long time to work to “get a hand” and gain experience.
  3. You need to constantly learn and keep abreast of the latest fashion innovations, studying both domestic and foreign magazines, blogs and video tutorials.
  4. Most often, the income depends on the number of clients with whom the master worked during the day or month.
  5. Capricious clients can ruffle even the most calm person, and this specialist encounters them daily.
  6. Not all customers wash their hair and follow the rules of personal hygiene.
  7. The competition is very high, so there may be problems with employment.

The main disadvantage of the profession is that the risk of occupational diseases is high. The master is forced to work 10 or more hours a day while standing, which causes the development of diseases of the spine, as well as varicose veins and permanent edema.

Important personal qualities

Impeccable appearance is one of the main requirements that is put forward to professionals who work in the field of beauty. The stylist should have a beautiful hairstyle and well-groomed hands.

  1. Kindness and endurance.
  2. Great health.
  3. Artistic taste and creativity.
  4. Sociability.
  5. Responsibility and politeness.
  6. Neatness.
  7. Accuracy.
  8. Pedantry.

Every day the hairdresser encounters naughty and not always polite customers, so he must be very calm, prudent and careful.

Training at the hairdresser-stylist

Sign up for training courses may graduates of grades 9-11, which do not have medical contraindications. The training course is divided into 2 parts:

  • 30% of the time is theory
  • 70% of study time is practice.

Usually the course lasts from 4 months to 2.5 years, and after mastering the program, the student will receive a diploma or certificate. As a rule, the duration of training depends on the age of the student and his professional knowledge.

Training Center "Education of the XXI century", Moscow

The course combines theoretical studies and practice to help students gain invaluable work experience. Representatives of the center guarantee subsequent employment for their graduates.

Training Center "Europe", Moscow

You need to study from 1 to 4 months, and the course will be interesting for professional hairdressers who want to improve their skills. The course program consists of more than 8 topics, as well as theoretical and numerous practical exercises.


The main task of the hairdresser is to choose the right hairstyle for the client, which would be in harmony with his image. What is required for this - simply styling or weaving African braids - depends on the desire and imagination of the client and the skills of the hairdresser.

Like many other professions, hairdressing requires specialization. The general hairdresser makes the most common models of haircuts, styling, dyeing and perm.

Hairdresser - stylist comes up with the image of the client, fantasizes over creative haircuts, is capable of performing unusual operations. Such a specialist is valued much more expensive.

Variety barber - Brader. He specializes in weaving African braids, making harnesses and dreadlocks.

Marina Novoselova blog

I decided to write a great post. To date, more and more masters of the beauty industry are attributing fabulous qualifications to themselves, most often this is a “hair stylist”, or even a “hair stylist” amused me. When I meet these names, I always think: once there is a hair stylist, it means that somewhere near there is an eye stylist, and maybe an ear! Although I have already seen something similar, for example, a brow - stylist, this is essentially an eyebrow stylist! My dear, this is ridiculous. And I’m not even talking about such euphonically attractive qualifications as “Vip - hair stylist, star hair stylist, Lux class stylist, and the like. As for the “master of international class” postscript, it sometimes jars at all, since the qualification is really very high status, and is attributed to putting it “dust in the eyes” to the client, although in fact the master does not have such official status.
I collected information that I want to present in a brief form, for a general understanding of the point, I think after that it will be interesting for many to sort out something deeper. Let's figure it out and start calling things by their proper names.
First of all - about the stylists, which are now very much. But who is a stylist in essence and what he does:

Stylist , simply to say, this is a specialist who understands styles (and in all!) and can give recommendations to the client on the selection of all components of the image: hairstyles, makeup, colors, clothes, style of clothes, accessories, etc. The stylist can be as separate profession, as well as additional qualifications for hairdressers and makeup artists, who during the training or advanced training passed the block “Basics of common stylistics and style trends”. A master with an additional qualification “stylist” can select and execute a hairstyle / make-up in accordance with the stylistic features of the planned image of the client, as well as give recommendations on the selection of other parts, accessories, etc. in order to create a stylish, harmonious and complete image. The same master - stylist advises the client about the appearance for everyday and festive image. A stylist can have both a wide and narrow specialization, for example, “Wedding Stylist”, that is, a specialist / consultant in wedding style who develops an image of a couple, guests, as well as design elements and color solutions in accordance with the stylistic features of the wedding.
This is said briefly, in a generalized way, in your own words, but I advise masters to understand in more detail the meaning of this term. I also advise you to read the difference between the profession of a stylist and the profession of an image maker. I want to note that the general, both among the stylist and the image maker, is that both of these professions, among other things, are necessarily related to clothing. And I also want to note that as a rule, to create a new, stylish image, image, people turn to stylists and image makers, and then go to hairdressers and makeup artists to implement.

And so, let's move on to the qualifications of specialists and masters of the beauty industry:

In the field of fashion, image and style:

Stylist. Style Consultant.Helps people to pick up clothes, accessories, etc. for personal wardrobe, for a special occasion, event, for one person, for a group of people.
Image maker (or image designer).A specialist psychologist who develops an effective image (image) of someone (most often a public person) in order to increase his reputation, influence and popularity, and a favorable opinion of him in the public eye. The activity of the image maker includes not only work on style, but also work with a person in terms of behavior, manners, peculiarities of speech, gestures, etc. Often works as a team or collaborates with related experts in the field of beauty and fashion. Also, an image maker can be a developer of image and corporate identity for entire organizations and companies.
Fashion designer.Clothes designer. Develops the concept of clothing, modern collections of dresses for fashion show, samples of clothing for mass production, the original concept of fashion.

In hairdressing:

Theatrical make-up artist.Theatrical worker engaged in the imposition of makeup actors.
Makeup artist make-up artist on tv.Works in the field of television, performs makeup for artists, TV presenters, and also owns sophisticated technicians in the field of makeup and special effects for the cinema.
Fashion - makeup artist.Makeup artist working on shows, photo shoots for fashion magazines, etc.
Make-up and body art.The artist performing the drawing on the face, all over the body or its parts.
Makeup artist - consultant.Makeup artist who, besides doing make-up, advises on products, most often the one he represents (advertises).
Makeup artist - wedding stylist.Makeup artist with additional qualifications or knowledge of the wedding style. In addition to performing makeup, he can advise on the wedding style, make recommendations on the selection of attire, colors, etc.
Cosmetics - make-up artist.Makeup artist with deep knowledge of skin care products, as well as knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the skin. Gives professional recommendations for skin care of the face, as well as performs non-complex, bloodless cosmetic procedures: face massage, cleansing, toning, applying masks, creams, serums, etc. Do not confuse with a beautician! A cosmetologist is a branch of medicine and requires special honey. education!

Further, I will not list the qualifications in the field of manicure, permanent makeup, etc., with them somehow more and more clear. But with hairdressers, makeup artists, stylists and their combinations, there is always some kind of confusion. Agree that it is not correct: to call a makeup artist or hair stylist a stylist if he is not a stylist. “Hair Stylist” is funny, because it sounds like there is a “hairstyle master” or a “hairstyle designer”, a “hairdresser” in the end. There are no such qualifications as: top makeup artist, star hair stylist, master of VIP salon and so on. Why make such nonsense? And of course I will write about “masters of international class”, whose status some masters like to ascribe to themselves.

Some makeup artists and hairdressers mistakenly ascribe to themselves the title of "international affairs", bearing in mind the presence of some internationally recognized diploma. Or who participated in any festival or championship abroad. Or for whatever reason is not clear.
In fact, neither any international festivals, nor any “Neva banks” or studies in international schools give this title.
In Russia, only those who took part in the European Championships or the World of Make-up / Hairdressing Art of the Organization Mondiale Coiffure and who took the prize from 1st to 5th places can get a diploma and title of international class. And to get there, you must first enter the national team!
The winners receive the title of the master of international class, confirmed by a diploma and the OMC medal. The diploma necessarily has this logo:

And here is such a medal plan:

Such a small "educational program" turned out. I hope some of this will be useful for someone, especially for beginners, as well as for everyone else, and for clients too. Practicing masters all wish you success and have the same photo, which is higher in my album. I would be happy to comment, perhaps some amendments, if somewhere “missed”, as well as additions, if “asks”.

What is a hair stylist?

If the client needs an evening or model hairstyle, then he needs to keep his way not to the wagon, but to the hairdresser-stylist. A specialist of this level is considered the most competent, because he understands the latest fashion trends, creates haircuts and styling of any degree of complexity, knows how to work with hot scissors, knows different ways of curling and dyeing hair, etc. The profession "hairdresser-stylist" is in demand in expensive beauty salons, on television, in show business.

What else does a good hairdresser need?

Mastery is not all that is required of a person who likes the profession of "hairdresser". A description of this activity also includes the need to have communication skills, for which you need to be a good psychologist and be able to maintain conversations on various topics. But here you should not stop. A hairdresser should never forget that his main duty is to make people beautiful. His work requires an individual approach to each client. In order to become a true professional, a hairdresser needs to love his work and treat it as a creative process.

Briefly about the history of hairdressing

Barber was needed at all times, but before that their work was not as highly paid as it is now, and such work could not be called prestigious. The history of the profession "hairdresser" has several millennia. Fashion for hairstyles existed in ancient Egypt. The task barbers included the creation and care of wigs of noblemen. In the Middle Ages, the “under the pot” haircut was popular with the male population, and women hid their hair from prying eyes under cloth capes. The profession of barber reached its greatest skill in the 17th century: at that time huge wigs, reaching a height of 50 cm, became fashionable. In order to construct and maintain such hair constructions in a normal state, masters needed to possess special skills and talent. Barber could not be anyone, because the secrets of working with scissors and comb were inherited from the older generation to the younger.

The merits of the profession

Before you get the profession of a hairdresser, a person needs to carefully read all its pluses and minuses.

The most important advantage of the specialty is high demand in the labor market, since both women and men want to be beautiful. Today even a master without experience can find a job, because in every locality a large number of hairdressers and beauty salons are open.

If a specialist for some reason does not want to work in the salon, he can provide his services at home in his or her client's. Homeworking hairdressers today are not so few. In order to get a stable and decent income, working for yourself, the master needs to have a large number of regular customers.

A good specialist will always be able to feed himself and his family, because hairdressing services are expensive. Even if he temporarily remains without work, he will be able to cut and paint his acquaintances and neighbors, receiving a worthy reward for this.

Working as a hairdresser implies communicating with a large number of people, among whom come across influential persons. After working for several years in the cabin, a specialist will acquire a solid circle of useful contacts that will be useful to him in the future.

Cons of a hairdresser

After reviewing the main advantages of the profession, it is necessary to proceed to the consideration of its shortcomings.

Hairdressers have their own occupational diseases. Due to the fact that the master during the working day spends a long time on his legs, he develops spinal diseases, varicose veins, arthrosis, arthritis. The use of aerosols, inhalation of smells of nail polish and hair dyes leads to the development of allergies and asthma in beauty salon workers.

The dream of becoming a hairdresser can turn into disappointment when a young specialist starts working with clients, because among them there are a lot of conflicting and always dissatisfied people. This craft requires tremendous endurance and resistance to stress; it will be psychologically difficult for an impressionable person to deal with them.

There is a lot of competition among haircut and styling specialists today. In order to find a job in a prestigious salon, a hairdresser needs to be a professional in his field, and for this he needs to constantly improve his skills.

Masters have to buy all the professional tools to work at their own expense, and they are not cheap. For example, only simple scissors will cost the hairdresser several thousand rubles, and besides them he will also need a variety of combs, brushes, clips, hair dryers, curlers, hair curlers, razors, sprayers, hair clippers.

Specialty training

To become a hairdresser, you do not need to spend a lot of time and money on training. One can learn how to wield scissors and a hair dryer on short courses lasting only a few months. Skills and skills acquired there, is enough to get a job at a regular hairdresser. If a person seeks to become a true professional in his business, he will have to additionally attend advanced training courses, take part in various competitions, and take skill lessons from recognized geniuses of his business. Also today, many universities offer those who wish to master all the nuances of working with hair, becoming a qualified specialist with a higher education.

Diligence, accuracy, creativity, endurance, sociability, tact, kindness, the ability to find an individual approach to each client - this is not all the personal qualities that the profession of a hairdresser requires. The pros and cons of this specialty is, like any other. After reviewing them, you can determine for yourself whether to choose hairdresser's art as a matter of your life or it makes sense to look for your vocation in another class.

About the features of the profession

Hair stylist can get a job in a beauty salon or do private practice. In the latter case, you can rent a room and equip it with a mini-salon. Upon completion of training, specialists often remain working where they had previously been practicing. Career growth is entirely dependent on skills and knowledge, as well as experience. To do this, the master must attend workshops and take courses to improve their skills. It is also important to have a large customer base. In the future, the master can become famous and get the opportunity to work with celebrities. You can also open your own salon or become a sought-after expert in the beauty industry.

The professional should have the skills to create different hairstyles in accordance with the preferences and outfit of the client. It is important to stay up to date with events from the world of fashion in order to know the trends of recent years. Depending on the place of work the master must:

  • select the type of styling, taking into account the characteristics of the client's hair,
  • perform haircuts and all types of hair curling,
  • to color and align the curls,
  • help the customer choose a hair shade
  • choose the optimal staining technique,
  • increase the quality and volume of hair using technology extensions or wigs,
  • help the client decide on a hairstyle for any occasion
  • advise clients
  • be able to carry out procedures for hair care,
  • keep the workplace absolutely clean,
  • attend conferences, participate in thematic contests.

Among the advantages of the profession of hairdresser-stylist are salary, no need to get a higher education (you can study at a college or take courses) and the opportunity to work for yourself. In the latter case, it is important to gain a solid customer base. You can also highlight the fact that you can become a master at almost any age.

But there are some shortcomings in this profession that should be taken into account. The amount of income will depend on the number of customers. The competition in this area is quite high. Often there are demanding and capricious customers. To stay in demand, you need to constantly improve, studying thematic magazines and blogs. You can also view video tutorials and attend courses that teach new technologies. It should be noted that this profession is not suitable for people with joint diseases, dermatological diseases and allergic reactions.

Professional skills and personal qualities

Hair stylist must possess several important skills. In particular:

  • be able to handle tools, equipment,
  • be able to handle hair dye formulations
  • be able to use a variety of cosmetics,
  • know the fashion trends in the beauty industry.

Personal qualities are equally important. One of the main requirements put forward to professionals in the field of beauty, is impeccable appearance. A true professional has a neat look, a good haircut and well-groomed hands. It should also have:

  • endurance:
  • goodwill
  • neatness
  • neatness
  • meticulousness
  • responsibility
  • excellent health.

More important to be sociable and polite, because every day the hairdresser-stylist has to deal with capricious and sometimes rude customers. He must remain calm and reasonable.


To become a hairdresser-stylist and get the necessary amount of knowledge, it is better to unlearn in college. During training, emphasis is placed not only on a theoretical basis, but also on the acquisition of practical experience. It is possible to enter this direction both after the 9th and after the 11th grade. In college, you can learn how to make original and stylish hair, to diagnose the condition of the hair and use modern cosmetics.

When choosing a college, it is important that modern laboratories and classrooms be organized to train stylists. These include the aesthetics office, hairdresser, hair styling laboratory. It is possible to study in this direction both on the day and on the evening form of education. The latter option is ideal for those who have already settled in the beauty salon assistant wizard. In this case, you can combine the acquisition of knowledge and skills with their application in practice.

Important qualities

A good hairdresser, above all, must have a good taste, excellent eyesight and an eye meter. Like a stylist, a hairdresser should notice the nature and behavior of a person in order to choose the best hairstyle. In the profession, communication skills, knowledge of psychology, creativity and benevolence are needed.

Reviews of the profession

“Hairdresser is a profession where it is impossible to reach the ceiling, trends are constantly changing, new techniques appear, and you can grow in the profession forever. But you can grow in some other field of activity. If a master wants fame, then he becomes a competitive master - participates in contests, wins. It's like a professional athlete. ”

Alexander Sobolev,
hairdresser, entrepreneur.

Stereotypes, humor

In the work of a hairdresser dealing with the hair of a person, it will be quite difficult to correct the error. But, meanwhile, in life there are funny situations that then turn into popular jokes.

In the hairdresser:
- Please shake your head: I dropped the scissors there!

Renowned for his absentmindedness, the professor sits in a barber's chair:
- Please trim.
- Willingly, Mr. Professor, but first I would ask you to take off your hat.
- Oh, sorry, I did not notice that there are ladies!

To become a hairdresser, you need to get a secondary vocational education in the profession of "Hairdresser", or you can get trained in specialized courses. Professionals interested in higher incomes raise the level of various internships and training.

Career growth

Career growth of a specialist depends on his experience and knowledge, because if a master regularly attends master classes and improves his qualifications, his work will be rated very high. In the future, a hairdresser-stylist can get fame, work with famous people, become an expert in the beauty industry and open his own fashion salon.

What should be able to professional hairdresser

Ideally, those who have completed vocational training at the courses receive the profession of hairdresser-stylist with a set of specific professional skills:

  • Understands the types of hair and properly cares for each of them,
  • Owns the coloring technique, knows the secrets of coloring, knows how to choose a shade suitable for a specific type of client's appearance,
  • Able to make haircuts and hairstyles, demonstrating the possession of modern techniques.

But that's not all! This professional lives his own business. He is aware of fashion trends and trends in cutting and dyeing. He does not stand still and is constantly improving. It is driven not only by the desire to win customers and earn more, but also the inner need to make people more beautiful.

All professional hairdressers-stylists are distinguished by a set of personal qualities.

A true master will unmistakably choose from a huge palette the right shade that suits a particular client.

For a true master there are no bad hairs and clients. In each he sees the "highlight" and is able to reveal it with the help of hair, haircuts, coloring.

A good hairdresser is a psychologist, subtly feeling how to deal with a client. He knows how to win over a person, to cause him a sense of trust. He does not forget that he is included in a narrow circle of persons allowed into the private zone - the client's private space.

A professional hairdresser will not talk about personal problems, on political and religious topics, discuss the work of another master, “poke” the client and gloomily, to answer his questions in a monosyllable way. The professional does not have this right. But there is a right for a friendly smile, good mood, courtesy and courtesy, excellent visual memory and observation.

  • Organization and discipline.

A true professional is not late and does not make others wait. He has everything calculated and carefully planned, neat and clear. Tools - in working condition and in their places, always at hand.

A modern, professional barber's tool, in the required quantity, is a guarantee of its high-quality and precise work.

Professional hairdresser can not do without:

- 3 types of hairbrushes: “tail” - with a thin long handle and frequent teeth - the most working type of comb, “tushevki” - with teeth of different pitch and narrow cloth, comb with long sparse teeth for long hair and perm.

- 3 types of brushes: round brushing for hair lifting at the roots, skeletal for hair dryer, massage, making hair more luxurious,

- 2 types of scissors: conventional and thinning. Important are the quality of steel, sharpening and convenience "by the hand",

- metal and plastic clips and ducks - for separating and fixing the strands,

- hair dryer better in the form of a gun,

- 2 types of pleyek smooth with a side clip and a round, with retractable plastic spikes. Both types are used to create curls, hair styling,

- hair clippers with interchangeable nozzles,

- sprayer to moisturize hair during the haircut.

Own appearance is the business card of a professional hairdresser. A stylish, tidy wizard, who looks attractive in appearance, will immediately place the client and cause him confidence in his professional skills.

The course hairdressers under the guidance of practicing professionals will be given important theoretical knowledge, laid down a systematic understanding of the foundations of the profession. But, besides that, in the right school of hairdressing, enough hours were spent on practicing practical skills in coloring, coloring, cutting, creating hairstyles for long hair. The hairdressing courses also teach the psychology of communication with the client, laying the stylistic foundations. As a result, it turns out a qualified specialist. His diploma is listed on the market of hairdressing services, confirms the status of a hairdresser-stylist and increases the opportunity to find a high-paying job in a prestigious salon.

Basics and history of hairdressing

Hairdressing is considered a creative activity of man. The professional master of his not only does the hair on the female head - he forms a new image of the girl.

Business and creative people are engaged in hairdressing and cosmetic business.

Hairdressing is considered the best occupation for those who make life more beautiful and more comfortable. Salon master constantly improves their skills and increases their own income.

A professional hair stylist, who is enthusiastic about hairdressing, by the first type of girl determines which hairstyle suits her, selects the right makeup and uplifts the mood of the client.

The modern hairdresser has a specialty "fashion designer-artist." In order to become a professional hairdresser, a person must be hardworking, have a creative, creative mind, and also constantly work on themselves.

With daily work in the salon, a novice in hairdressing studies the silhouettes and shapes of haircuts, the nature of their details.

In addition, the young hairdresser understands the peculiarities of the hairstyle creation technique - he learns how to pretreat the female hair, learns from professionals how to direct the strands, how they are combined, etc.

A professional master is always aware of the latest changes that are happening in the fashion world.

Where to learn it in 2017: school, college, academy, courses, centers

If a person has decided to become a hairdresser, then he will undergo appropriate training - submit documents to the school of hairdressing.

In such educational institutions, the future master learns everything about hairdresser's art - he studies new hairdressing techniques and technologies.

When studying at a school student passes the way from a hairdresser to a stylist. Teachers give students a high-quality hairdressing education.

Classes at the school take 80-90% of study time. Teachers conduct fruitful, not boring and intensive lessons in hairdressing with students.

During the internship, a novice in this business uses cosmetic materials that the school provides him.

After completion of schooling, future hairdressers master such salon services:

After studying at a similar school, a person can become the best stylist. However, experience is needed in this matter - there is no place without it.

If a person wants to creatively self-actualize, then he can also master a similar profession in demand in recent decades.

In such a situation, a person must choose an educational course that is suitable for himself - depending on what he wants: to become an ordinary hairdresser or a professional stylist.

The size of the monthly income of hairdressers

At the moment, the master stylist gets 20-50000 p. in months

In this work there is no bid. Earning a hairdresser is considered a percentage of income from clients.

As a result, the more a person comes to the hairdresser or the more expensive the salon procedure, the higher the monthly income.

Advantages of appeal to professional hairdressers

At the moment, girls prefer to do their hair not from beginners, but from professional and experienced stylists.

When contacting a professional hairdresser, a woman receives the following benefits:

In addition, when contacting a salon with professional stylists, a woman uses a high-quality nail service, undergoes a honey massage and receives the necessary body care.

Wanting to change the image with the help of hair, refer to the services of a professional, as his qualifications and experience will help to do it qualitatively

As a result, not everyone can become a hairdresser - for this you need to have certain personal qualities.

However, if a person has successfully graduated from a hairdressing school, then soon he will be doing high-quality model hairstyles, and will also receive a decent income in the salon.


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