
Keto Shampoo Plus - instructions for use, price, reviews and analogues


On the cosmetic stalls you can find a lot of shampoos, which indicate that they help get rid of dandruff. But, unfortunately, not every one of them turns out to be a truly effective means. However, shampoo "Keto Plus", the manufacturer of which - the Indian company Glenmark Pharmaceuticals LTD. - is a guarantee that you really get rid of dandruff.

This product is a therapeutic agent and has antimycotic properties, which is the main factor in the fight against dandruff.

About Keto Shampoo Plus - in the next video.

Identification of dandruff on the skin of the head is an external evidence that a disease such as a fungus occurs, or a person has a broken metabolism. Dandruff is a scaly detachment of particles of dead skin cells.

As a rule, the fungal disease, accompanied by the presence of dandruff, is not a dangerous disease, but in this case we cannot talk about any attractiveness of hair either. If dandruff appeared on the surface of the skin of the head, this can only mean one thing - a malfunction of the sebaceous glands has occurred. With dry seborrhea, their functioning is depressed, and with oily seborrhea, it is overly active.

As a result, the pores are clogged, an inflammatory process occurs, hair follicles are destroyed and a person begins to lose hair. Both types of dandruff are an obligatory feeling of itching and irritation in the scalp area.

This problem, of course, always existed, because diseases, including skin diseases, did not appear today. Some people help folk remedies to fight dandruff, in the pharmacy you can find a large assortment of shampoos that can cope with a disease like seborrhea, but there are times when expert advice and especially effective measures are not enough. And then there remains the last opportunity - an appeal to a trichologist, who will select the most effective remedy that can still cope with your unsolvable problem.

In both cases, the usual exfoliation cycle is reduced - instead of a month, it now takes only a week. In such a short time, the process of dehydration in the skin particles does not have time to complete, and thus, large amounts of scales are collected on the skin of the head.

How the disease will develop in one way or another - it will depend on how active the fungal effect is. His normal state is inaction. But it is worthwhile for a person to transfer some kind of a strong load - either psychic or physical, as a fungus is immediately included in the work and decides its destructive matter.

The same outcome will lead to a violation of metabolic processes in the body, and a malfunction of the immune system, and even there are cases when such a nuisance has happened due to a sudden change in nutrition - a particular diet.


Multicomponent antifungal medication.

Ketoconazole - artificial derivative imidazole. It has antifungal effects. Affects dermatophytes childbirth Trichophyton, Epydermophyton, Microsporum, yeast-like and yeast mushroomskind of Candidaas well as on Pityrosporum ovale and Malassezia futur.

Zinc pyrithione has antiproliferative effect on cells epithelium, has activity towards Pityrosporum orbiculare and ovalethat cause excessive desquamation of the epithelium.

Keto Shampoo Plus actively reduces the itching and flaking of the scalp caused by seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff.

Keto Shampoo Plus, instructions for use

During therapy pityriasis versicolor Shampoo is applied daily for a week.

Withseborrheic dermatitis It is recommended to use the drug twice a week for 4-5 weeks.

For warning pityriasis versicolorthe drug should be used daily for 4-5 days, and to prevent seborrheic dermatitis - once a week for a month.


When using the drug, the development of signs of overdose is unlikely, since the drug is intended only for local use.

Treatment of overdose: in case of accidental oral administration, special treatment is not required. For the prevention of aspiration, it is prohibited to stimulate vomiting or perform gastric lavage.


When applying the shampoo to patients who take local glucocorticosteroids, should continue therapy last and slowly complete their treatment within 15-20 days.

Given the lack of systemic absorption, reaction with other drugs is unlikely.

Do not use the medicine at the same time as medicines containing glucocorticosteroids.

special instructions

When using, avoid contact with eyes. If the contact with the eyes still happened, then you need to rinse them with warm water.

In rare cases, when using the drug, hair loss was noted.

When using the drug in patients using local glucocorticosteroids, in order to avoid the development of withdrawal syndrome, their use should be continued along with shampoo followed by a slow cancellation. glucocorticosteroids within 15-20 days.

Analogs shampoo Keto Plus: Bifon Skin, Dermazole, Dermazole Plus, Candide, Kenazole, Clotrimazole, Mikospor, Nizoral, Orazol, Perhohot, Ebersept.

No experience with the use of funds in children.


Education: Graduated from Vitebsk State Medical University with a degree in Surgery. At the university he headed the Council of Student Scientific Society. Further training in 2010 - in the specialty "Oncology" and in 2011 - in the specialty "Mammology, visual forms of oncology."

Experience: Work in the general health care network for 3 years as a surgeon (Vitebsk Emergency Hospital, Liozno Central District Hospital) and part-time district oncologist and traumatologist. Farm work as a representative throughout the year in the company "Rubicon".

He presented 3 rationalization proposals on the topic “Optimization of antibiotic therapy depending on the species composition of the microflora”, 2 works won prizes in the republican competition review of student research papers (categories 1 and 3).

Features and composition of keto shampoo Plus

Ketoconazole is the main active ingredient in Keto Plus shampoo. It effectively deals with fungus and is used to treat dermatitis and other skin lesions. The second active ingredient is pyrithione zinc. It has an antimicrobial effect, is used in the treatment of lichen, diseases of fungal origin and removal of inflammation from the skin.

Auxiliary components of Keto Plus shampoo:

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate
  • Propylene glycol
  • Magnesium silicate
  • Silica
  • Coconut oil extract
  • Water

If there is gray hair on the hair or they are subject to chemical treatment, then after using the product a slight discoloration is possible. If they fall out, the process may temporarily intensify.

The composition includes a fragrance "French bouquet", giving a floral scent. The color is pinkish. Available in vials of white plastic 60 ml. Each bottle is packed in a box of cardboard. Shampoo Manufacturer Indian company Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

When is it recommended to use Keto Shampoo Plus?

Ketoconazole shampoo Keto plus effectively copes with fungal skin diseases, relieves itching and irritation, dries skin damage, reduces inflammation. It can be used alone or in complex therapy.

Indications for use:

  • Scalp seborrhea
  • Pityriasis versicolor
  • Dandruff of any origin

Keto Plus shampoo is not absorbed into the body, can be used at any age, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In addition to treatment, the remedy can be used to prevent the occurrence of fungus for people at risk of becoming infected and visiting public places (swimming pools, sauna, solarium, sanatoriums and recreation facilities). Or if one of the family members has a fungus.

Keto Plus: instructions for use

Keto Plus is not recommended for use with other detergents. This may reduce the therapeutic effect. Also, do not use drugs that contain ketoconazole. Overdose of this component can lead to flaking of the skin, its drying and irritation. If the tool is used in complex therapy, then it must be coordinated with the trichologist.

Instructions Keto Plus:

  1. For treatment of scaly depriving shampoo is used daily for 7 days.
  2. For seborrheic dermatitis, it is sufficient to apply shampoo 2-3 times a week with a course of 30 days. Next, look at the result.
  3. To prevent the occurrence of lichen shampoo wash their heads for 3 days in a row.
  4. For the prevention of seborrhea enough to wash your hair 1 time in 5-7 days during the month.

How to use shampoo:

  1. Hair should be wetted with water.
  2. A small amount of shampoo foams in the palm, cover the hair, especially paying attention to the skin.
  3. Stand 3-5 minutes.
  4. Wash off with warm water.

If after using the tool there are problems with hair styling, you can use air conditioning. But it is necessary to apply it only on length and tips, avoiding hits on the skin.

If the drug did not help to finally deal with the problem, then you can continue the treatment. In this case, do not need a break.

Keto shampoo Plus: reviews

Since the drug has been produced for quite a long time, many consumers have already met and shared their impressions after use. Keto Plus shampoo reviews are varied, but mostly positive.

Shampoo Keto Plus delivered me from seborrheic dermatitis, with which I fought for several months in just 2 weeks. He was assigned to me by a trichologist. Now I recommend this drug to all my friends.

Albina, 43 years:

An effective anti-dandruff drug. If it just starts it is enough to wash the hair 1-2 times. Itching passes after the first wash. And there are never any problems with its acquisition, you can buy at any pharmacy.

I have a very sensitive scalp and dandruff appears often, 5 times a year, that's for sure. Previously used folk remedies, various ointments, laundry soap. Now constantly getting shampoos with ketoconazole. They are more convenient and faster. In addition to Keto Plus, they also like Perhohot and Nizoral. I buy different tools, there is no particular preference.

Svetlana, 37 years old:

I really like the drug, but the price bites. Suitable for people with short hair, and for washing my spit bubble 60 ml is only enough for 2 times, and then with a stretch. In the course of treatment of seborrhea, I took 7 bubbles, which is well reflected in the wallet.

Vlada Koroleva, 23 years old:

Keto Plus delivered me from pityriasis versicolor. And fast enough. But the only negative was that she could not style her hair after use. They became very dry and stuck out in different directions. Already on the tips and balm put, became a little softer and more alive. Now everything is ok.

Keto Plus did not help me to cope with seborrhea. Used it for more than a month. After 3 applications the skin condition improved, I continued the treatment according to the instructions. But there was no further improvement, but it did not get any worse. I had to use another tool.

Great shampoo, really helps to cure dandruff. Consumption is very economical, for washing my hair it is enough to squeeze a drop, the size of a coin. By the way, for the first time I was surprised by the pleasant smell, I did not even expect it. Since it is written on the package that the medicinal product thought the smell will be absent or the shampoo will have a neutral scent.

Analogs shampoo Keto Plus

In addition to Keto Plus, there are many products that contain ketoconazol, but there is no exact match between the ingredients of the drugs. Drugs may vary slightly in composition and concentration of the active substance. In general, the action and indication they are the same, only the terms of use may differ. Popular analogues: Nizoral, Sibazol, Mykozoral, Perkhotal, Mikanisal. If we consider the second active ingredient Pertionion Zinc, then Skin-cap can act as an analogue.

Keto Shampoo Plus - an effective and affordable treatment for dandruff and fungal lesions of the scalp. The drug is easy to use, common and can be purchased at any pharmacy. Another great advantage is the absence of contraindications, and the risk of side effects is less than 1%.

Components and principles of action shampoo

The drug consists of two active ingredients that help to get rid of various types of dandruff, which have a healing effect on the skin of the head, ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione.

Using ketoconazole:

  1. Actions to create the structure of the fungal cell wall compounds are slowing down.
  2. Eliminates fats, which are called triglycerides, consisting of substances known as phospholipids, and polycyclic alcohol ergosterol.
  3. Prevents the formation of filaments of mycelial filaments, uniting in a significant layer.
  4. There is a decrease in the leakage of the cell walls.
  5. It has a significant effect on a yeast-like fungus: Malassezii, Candida.
  6. It also affects dermatophytes, the so-called trichophyton, microspore, and epidermofiton.

Shampoo has auxiliary components:

  • sodium lauryl sulfate,
  • propylene glycol,
  • magnesium silicate,
  • silica,
  • coconut oil extract,
  • water

Shampoo Keto Plus is capable of local effects, because it is not strongly absorbed into the area of ​​application. With the help of it for a rather short period of time itchy skin is removed. The scalp also ceases to peel off, that is, seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff are eliminated.

Instructions for use

Instructions for use for Keto Plus:

Used shampoo outer way. It must be applied to the skin areas that have been affected by the fungus, holding on the head for about five minutes. Then shampoo should be completely washed off with water.

Apply shampoo for one month, two days a week. If tinea versicolor is present, the shampoo must be used for the whole week every day.

It is better to carry out preventive treatment once a week for a full month; if seborrheic dermatitis appears, when you have pityriasis versicolor, it is enough to use it once every three or five days.


Keto Shampoo Plus has only one contraindication to use. It applies to people with particular sensitivity to its active components. There are no more contraindications for this shampoo.

Even for pregnant women is not dangerous, compared with other antifungal medications, because it is not able to penetrate and affect the body systematically. Keto Plus is perfectly combined with corticosteroids, with their external forms.

The induction of allergic reactions is extremely rare, including local irritation:

Dyed hair under the influence of shampoo can change color.

Price and its analogues

Despite the good reviews of keto shampoo plus, the price is not so affordable. Keto Plus Shampoo is available in almost every pharmacy, it can be purchased at an average price of about 500 rubles for 60 ml and 700 rubles for 150 ml. Many pharmacies also present shampoo analogues that have the same pharmacological active ingredients.

The cost of Nizoral is an average of 813 rubles for 120 ml, at Perkhotal - 500 rubles for 60 ml, Mikanisal -130 rubles for 60 ml, Sibazol - 5 pieces of 5 ml each - 120 rubles, for 100 ml - 300 rubles, for 200 ml 500 rubles, Mycozoral - for 60 g - 400 rubles.

Feedback from people on the application

What reviews about keto shampoo plus people leave? Judging by the reviews, Keta Plus shampoo is really effective. It helps to eliminate dandruff in a short time. The manufacturer of shampoos is the Indian pharmaceutical company Glenmark Pharmaceuticals.

The shampoo has a perfume with a floral scent, so it is not only useful for them to wash their hair, but also it is pleasant. The shampoo has a nice pink color, and all shampoo bottles are packed in a tight box. Each package is accompanied by instructions for use.

Victoria, Rostov-on-Don

I had a fungal stain not in the usual, characteristic place for him, but on the neck. It is strange where it came from - maybe she picked up in the bathhouse. I went to a specialist and he prescribed Clotrimazole ointment and Keto Plus shampoo to me, as my hair is next to me.

After three weeks, everything disappeared and more did not arise yet. Since then, I carefully wash my neck constantly.

Andrey, Tomsk

I use Keto Plus shampoo once a week, it is stable, only it helps me to get rid of dandruff. Dandruff can occur for various reasons and it is not a fact that it helps everyone, but it can be useful to everyone. For those who can not get rid of dandruff, you should still try Keto Plus.

Veronica, St. Petersburg

The first time I encountered this problem when I was 15 years old. I did not deal with the treatment, so it turned into abundant seborrhea. Dermatologist advised me shampoo Nizoral. But, having come to the pharmacy, I was not satisfied with the price of this shampoo.

The girl in the pharmacy advised shampoo Keto Plus. Using it for a whole month, my itching disappeared, and after four weeks dandruff disappeared, even my hair became the least fat and stopped flowing. Keto is very effective!

Tatyana, Lviv

Already for many years I suffer from dandruff. They advised Keto Plus. The first use of it helped get rid of the itch.

She started the course of shampoo treatment according to the instructions. Now my head is every other day, and not everyone, as before. This I could not even dream of. We can say that Keto Plus has changed my life.

What is this remedy?

Medical shampoo "Keto Plus" - a local drug that is used in the fight against the following diseases of the scalp:

  • dandruff due to various reasons
  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • pityriasis versicolor.

In addition to this, shampoo is used in the treatment and prevention of scalp diseases caused by yeast.

The use of Keto Plus shampoo is shown due to two remarkable properties of the product:

It is important to note that this tool is not an advertising chip. Its effectiveness proved laboratory tests. It was revealed the following:

  • the tool confirmed its effectiveness in combating seborrheic dermatitis,
  • after drug treatment, the period of remission lasts much longer than after using analogues of Keto Plus shampoo.

Patients note that the remedy has pronounced antifungal properties, quickly eliminates itching, and effectively fights skin peeling. The fact is that during the application of the shampoo it stops, the growth of the pathogenic fungus slows down. It is he who causes itching, dandruff. In addition, the tool normalizes the production of sebaceous secretions. Read more about its use - in the reviews on the keto Plus dandruff shampoo, which will be lower.

It has already been said that "Keto Plus" is not just an effective shampoo, but a drug. What provides its properties? To answer the question consider the composition of shampoo "Keto Plus".

  1. Ketoconazole. This is the main active component of the tool. First of all, it is isolated because of the pronounced antifungal effect. Ketoconazole prevents the development of elements that the membrane of the pathogenic fungus needs for further development. Consequence: impaired development, stunting. Further, such an effect of ketoconazole leads to the death of fungi. I must say that it favorably affects the structure of the hair, restoring the normal course of life processes in it.
  2. Zinc pyrithione. This component of the shampoo prevents the reproduction of harmful bacteria that provoke the development of psoriasis, dermatitis and other unpleasant skin diseases. The substance also perfectly restores the hair structure. That is why "Keto Plus" is prescribed to patients with the initial stage of baldness.
  3. Sodium lauryl sulfate. The component has two tasks: foaming and cleansing hair from dirt.
  4. Purified water. Universal solvent found in all shampoos.
  5. Silicon dioxide and sodium silicate. Stabilizers and emulsifiers.
  6. Coconut oil. It is intended to soften hair, envelop them with a protective lipid membrane.

Indications for use

Take a look at the instructions for "Keto Plus". Shampoo is indicated for the following diseases:

  • pityriasis versicolor - treatment and prevention of disease,
  • seborrheic dermatitis - treatment and prevention of the disease.

Side effects

Instructions for use of shampoo "Keto Plus" indicates that the use of this tool can cause the following side effects:

  • local scalp irritation,
  • increased dryness (or, on the contrary, oiliness) of hair,
  • itch
  • change in hair color (quite rare).

If we turn to reviews of direct buyers, we will see that such side effects are extremely rare. In general, people tolerate the use of this drug.

Use during pregnancy

Shampoo "Keto Plus" - not just an effective cleanser, but a therapeutic drug. Is it safe to use during pregnancy and lactation?

The instructions for shampoo indicate that its components are practically not absorbed into the mother’s bloodstream, do not pass into breast milk. Consequently, shampooing with “Keto Plus” will not affect the condition and health of the baby.

How to use shampoo?

The use of "Keto Plus" is traditional for shampoo: apply the suspension on wet hair, thoroughly foam, massage your scalp with your fingers for a few minutes. The peculiarity of the drug - the foam will be formed slightly less than when using conventional shampoo.

At the end of the procedure, completely rinse off the product under warm running water.

The course of treatment "Keto Plus"

For each individual skin disease, a specific duration of treatment is prescribed.

  1. Pityriasis versicolor. Daily shampooing for a week.
  2. Prevention of lichen. Daily shampooing for 3-5 days.
  3. Seborrheic dermatitis. The recommended course duration is 1 month. In this shampoo is used every 3-4 days.
  4. Prevention of seborrhea. Use the drug as one month. But apply it once a week.

Drug reviews

Let's now take a look at the reviews on Keto Plus shampoo (we will definitely present the analogues of the product below), the authors of which are people who have already tried the product on themselves.

  1. A fairly affordable Indian-made drug when compared with the advertised Nizoral. Moreover, Keta Plus has a great advantage - there is not one active ingredient here, but two at once - zinc and ketoconazole. The shampoo itself smells good, it is a thick pink substance. Any side effects that are warned in the instructions, was not found. On the contrary, itching disappears completely. The wounds on the head dry up, their number decreases. However, it is important not only to use "Keto Plus", but also to monitor your diet so that the disease does not come back.
  2. The tool is advised by experienced dermatologists. Everyone knows that dandruff is a rather uncomfortable problem, the cause of many complexes, unpleasant both to the person himself and to those around him. Shampoo "Keto Plus" allows you to say goodbye to her forever. After two shampoos, there are fewer white flakes on the head. After two weeks, dandruff is practically invisible (if you wash your hair with shampoo 1-2 times a week). Not everyone will like the smell of the product, but for the sake of this amazing effect you can be patient. The bottle is small, but the consistency of the product is thick - it lasts a long time. Minus that capacity without dispenser.
  3. Homemade hair dyeing can lead to unpleasant consequences - dry dandruff patches appear on the head, non-healing wounds. Most likely, this is a consequence of a chemical burn. Unfortunately, a dermatologist in this case cannot always prescribe a sufficiently effective treatment. Therefore, an effective remedy has to be found by ourselves. Such a drug was "Keta Plus". If you apply it strictly according to the instructions, the tool immediately after washing the head relieves itching. But only for the day. This is the only positive effect. The problem of seborrheic dermatitis means "Keto Plus" does not always cope.

It is important to note that some patients developed addiction to the product. That is, with regular use of means dandruff disappeared. But after the cessation of Keta Plus, the problem returned again. There are rare reviews where patients complained that their hair began to fall out of the shampoo. However, with the termination of the use of funds, the problem was solved by itself.

Drug cost

Why are people interested in analogues of "Keto Plus", if it is an effective and well-proven tool? The point is the cost of the drug. The average price of the product: 300-600 rubles for a capacity of 60 ml. Packing 150 ml: 700-900 rubles per bottle.

The product is sold only in pharmacies, as it is medicinal. It is released without a prescription. However, self-treatment with it should not be prescribed. Before buying Keto Plus, it is better to consult your doctor.

Since the course of treatment is quite long, therapy with this remedy is quite expensive. Is it possible to equivalently replace "Keto Plus" with other drugs?

Analogs of the drug

We list analogues shampoo "Keto Plus". These are the following remedies:

  1. "Sebosol". The active ingredient is ketoconazole. This is a more economical tool: 100 ml will cost you 300-350 rubles, and 200 ml will cost 450-550 rubles.
  2. Mikanisal. Development of Tallinn scientists. The drug is the most budget of the presented: 60 ml will cost 100-120 rubles. The active element here is ketoconazole.
  3. "Nizoral". The cost of the drug is almost the same price as Keto Plus. However, Nizoral has one active component. In addition, the tool is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
  4. Mycoral. A bottle of 60 ml is somewhat cheaper - in the range of 300-400 rubles. The active ingredient is the same ketoconazole.
  5. Nizorex, Friederm. Two more drugs acting analogs of "Keto Plus."

When choosing an analogue of shampoo "Keto Plus" experts recommend first to pay attention to its composition. It is imperative that ketoconazole is listed in the active ingredients. The popularity and effectiveness of Keto Plus is ensured by the fact that there are two active elements in this tool at once. These are ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione.

"Keto Plus" - an effective tool in the fight against pityriasis versicolor, seborrhea. Both customer experience and laboratory tests have proven that this drug can relieve dandruff in a short time. However, its cost is relatively high, so patients are forced to turn to the search for analogues. So far, there is no equivalent alternative to Keto Plus. In contrast to the "competitors" only this shampoo has not one but two active ingredients.

What is used

The instruction states that this detergent is indicated for use if:

  • the skin on the head in the area of ​​the hair is attacked by the scabies, the infection that affects the keratinized epithelium,
  • skin lesions covered with seborrheic dermatitis, which is located on the scalp,
  • there is some type of dandruff.

Active ingredients

In addition to additional impurities, the composition of the shampoo form the following active ingredients.

  1. Ketoconazole. This component conducts a directed struggle against dermatitis and yeast-like fungi. It slows down the development of structural components of the cell membrane of fungi, such as polycyclic ergosterol alcohol, triglycerides and phospholipids. Due to this effect, the fungi lose the ability to form mycelial filaments and create large colonies. Also, this component reduces the permeability of the cell membrane and is able to quickly normalize skin processes, which leads to the elimination of dandruff.
  2. Zinc pyrithione. This substance creates an antiproliferative effect that affects epithelial cells, eliminating fungi that cause desquamation in pathological volumes. The described component prevents the active increase of epithelial cells.

Thanks to these substances, Keto Plus shampoo fights against flaky skin, which is accompanied by itching from dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and pathological growth of fungi.

How to use

Keto Plus is a viscous liquid with a pinkish hue and a delicious aroma, so its use does not cause inconvenience. Instructions for use recommends the use of shampoo for the treatment of progressive disease and for the prevention of its occurrence. The drug can only be used topically, which requires applying shampoo to the affected skin area for about 3-5 minutes based on the extent of the lesion. After this period of time, the drug must be carefully and thoroughly rinsed with water.

Tinea versicolor treatment should be carried out daily for 7 days until the disease disappears. To get rid of seborrheic dermatitis, it is enough to apply shampoo twice a week for a month.
For prophylactic measures directed against chirimatitis, it is recommended to use a washing preparation for 5 days, and for seborrhea - once every 7 days during a month.

Keto Plus is often used to eliminate dandruff. With constant, timely and proper use of the drug, it quickly retreats, since this medicine acts not on the skin, moisturizing it, but on the very cause of dandruff.

System action

Studies on the use of this shampoo show that this drug has a slight absorption of the existing constituents in the scalp for local use. Therefore, ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione are not detected in human blood, even with long-term use of the shampoo, because of which it can be argued that the systemic effect of this tool is absent.

Other uses

When dealing with the elimination of fungi, seborrhea or dandruff using Keto Plus, care must be taken to ensure that the drug does not get into the eyes. If the shampoo still flowed into the eyes, they should be immediately and abundantly rinse with running water. In the case when in the field of view there are side pathological symptoms, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

Keto Shampoo Plus can be used together with external forms of corticosteroids. This application implies a gradual abandonment of these substances in the period from 2 to 3 weeks.

If this remedy was accidentally taken inside, do not resort to any measures. Do not induce vomiting and flushing the stomach to prevent aspiration.

Similar medicines

Exact counterparts of Keto Plus are not presented in pharmacies in Russia.However, there are several shampoos containing only ketoconazole - for example, Sibazol, Perkhotap, Mikanisal. Many argue that it is these tools - analogues of Keto Plus. There is also a Skin-cap, which contains only zinc pyrithione, but it is not suitable for Keto Plus analogues, since it has an antibacterial effect instead of an antifungal one.

Composition Keto Plus

The composition of the tool includes:

  • Ketoconazole. Fights fungal pathogens, has an antimicrobial effect,
  • Zinc increases the local defenses of the skin,
  • Coconut oil triggers regeneration of the epithelium of the hair, prevents hair loss,
  • Additional components cleanse the scalp of dirt.

Keto Plus dandruff shampoo has a bright pink color with a specific odor. Photo tools can be viewed on the Internet.

Analogs Keto Plus

The pharmacy network presents multicomponent analogues of shampoo. Their basis is ketoconazole and additional medicinal components. The release form is a gel-like substance. Analogue may vary significantly in price or have a similar cost. It depends whether the manufacturer used auxiliary components or not.

Popular antifungal shampoos:

Their manufacturer: Germany, Ukraine, India and other countries.

First about the sad

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Only natural ingredients. 50% discount for readers of our site. No prepayment.

When fighting dandruff, you should think about the hair products that you use, especially shampoos. Studies show that 95% of shampoos that are sold in stores contain harmful chemical components for hair and scalp, such as silicones, parabens, sulfates.

Sulfates are the main cause of hair and scalp disease, and are labeled as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. We recommend that you carefully look at the composition of each product and stop using the shampoos containing these components. Our editorial staff conducted an analysis of the products and published a rating of natural shampoos, where Mulsa n Cosmetic took the first place.

The only manufacturer, which is completely absent harmful chemical components. We recommend to visit the official online store One of the main features distinguishing quality products is shelf life.

Due to the use of preservatives harmful to the body, network products have a shelf life of 2–3 years, while natural products have a shelf life of only 10 months.

Keto shampoo plus

In diseases of the scalp, local shampoo treatment plays a major role in therapy. Keto Shampoo Plus is intended for the prevention and treatment of the scalp affected by diseases caused by yeast. Indications for use:

  • different types of dandruff
  • lichen (scaly),
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

Keto shampoo plus for the prevention and treatment of scalp

Keto shampoo plus has the following properties:

  • antimycotic (antifungal),
  • keratoregulatory

The component ketoconazole fights with the fungus.

Studies have shown that keto shampoo plus:

  1. Provides effective treatment of seborrheic dermatitis.
  2. After therapy with keto shampoo plus remission lasts much longer than after using other similar means.

This is Keto shampoo plus

The tool consists of 2 main components:

The shampoo has excellent antifungal properties, quickly copes with the itching of the scalp and various peeling. In the process of using the product, the growth of the fungus stops, as a result of which the amount of dandruff is reduced and the itching stops. In addition, the work of the sebaceous glands is improving.


Ketoconazole is the main component of the drug, which is known for its pronounced antifungal effect on the scalp. It stops the production of elements required by the membrane of the fungus for development.

Violation of their synthesis stops the development and growth of fungi, gradually destroying their cells. Ketoconazole has a beneficial effect on the hair structure, restoring the main processes.

Recommendations for use

Keto shampoo plus must be applied to the scalp, gently massaging it. Then you need to leave the tool for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water. How often to use shampoo:

  • with pityriasus lichen - 5-7 days,
  • with seborrheic dermatitis - twice a week for a month,
  • for the prevention of depriving - 3-5 days in a row,
  • seborrheic dermatitis prevention - once a week for a month.

Method and recommendations for use

Reception during pregnancy

The components of the product are practically not absorbed into breast milk and do not enter the mother’s bloodstream, so the use of keto plus during pregnancy and lactation not prohibited.

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  • Dandruff causes
  • Reviews of perfectil plus
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Very good therapeutic drug is, Keto Plus
is called. She was advised by a sister, a dermatologist. The only means containing
Ketoconazole and Zinc Pyrithione provide a complex effect, since
affect both causes of dandruff. I was surprised that I did not know about it before.

A very cool thing, the first time the doctor prescribed as prevention from some kind of lichen (small red eruptions on the skin of the hands) was prescribed together with the Zaloin ointment, so I can tell you, I don’t know how to get rid of it (literally, after 1-2 weeks, ointment 2 times a day for rashes, shampoo every 3 days) But the effect on the quality of the hair and the complete absence of dandruff is achieved with pure shampoo. After treatment (as the doctor told me, my form of nastiness (by the way, which I picked up in ordinary public transport) is almost completely untreatable, the fungus lives in the blood and when the immunity falls, the lesions can recur, (usually 5-10 specks of the hand, chest)) So I switched to this shampoo, but the roads, I get about 1,200 rubles per bottle BUT it lasts a month for 3-4 use once or twice a week. The effect of steepness of any "Horsepower" and other raziarennogo vtorostorta ... Enough a couple of drops (ml 5) cool to foam so that covers all hairiness :) we withstand minutes 5 We wash off - PROFIT! Pure shiny hair without any dandruff ... Just before applying, wash your head with the most usual govnoshampunem to wash off the grease and dust ... Thank you manufacturers, all Hand Dersholders are resting!
