
Proper rinsing hair with nettle


The value of nettle as a medicinal plant was discovered hundreds of years ago. Knowledgeable people claimed that it can replace many doctors. Possessing a rich chemical composition, natural remedy creates a worthy competition to professional cosmetics.

Features of collecting plants

The curative properties of nettle largely depend on how it was harvested. Be sure to protect your hands with gloves. And then - five simple rules will allow you to stock up on quality raw materials.

  1. Collection period We collect from May to June. We prefer young bushes. It is better to choose warm and dry days. At this time, flowering occurs, which means that the beneficial elements have accumulated in sufficient quantities.
  2. Leaf quality. Do not tear off damaged nettle leaves. In the dead areas there is nothing useful. Yes, and to remove the affected leaves will take time.
  3. Drying raw materials. Lay the leaves on the paper surface. Dry in a dark, but well-ventilated area. The plant is ready for use on average after ten days, when its leaves begin to break.
  4. Storage. Ready raw materials are placed in paper containers. Store in a dark place.

What to fear

In the preparation of home cosmetics can use both fresh and dry leaves. The type of raw material does not affect the quality of the procedures. But before they are held it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the following nuances.

  • Risk to overdry. This therapy is mainly indicated for oily hair, as it is able to regulate sebum production. But for dry strands can cause harm and make them very tough. Additional components are used to solve problems on dry strands.
  • Coloring effect. Nettle extract can change the color of curls. In most cases, this happens with blondes. Light strands can get a greenish tint. You can avoid this by adding lemon juice to the plant. He is able to neutralize the coloring ability of the plant. Also useful will be honey, white clay or vinegar.

How to brew nettles for hair: rinsing features

Rinsing hair with nettles can give results fairly quickly. The effect is visible after several procedures, especially if the problem is not significant. It is important to make the process regular, the only way we will get a good result and fix it. We process hair in two ways.

  1. Rinsing after washing. Shampoo-washed wet hair is washed with home remedies. After the procedure, flush the infusion or decoction is not necessary.
  2. Spraying from a spray bottle. Using a spray bottle, spray the liquid from the roots and along the entire length of the strands. Apply the product to clean and pre-dried curls. Dry without a hairdryer and even towels, do not wash off.

We take into account that the preparation of a nettle extract for hair at home takes more time than cooking a decoction. This is because the tool needs to endure a certain time. We select the number of procedures independently. Strengthening nettle hair occurs fairly quickly, so in most cases one month is enough. Prepare the infusion thoroughly moisten the strands and do not rinse them. You can repeat the process after each shampooing. Consider five cooking options.

  1. Without additives. Spoon of raw materials pour a glass of hot water. Close the container and leave in the dark for 60 minutes. Filter and apply.
  2. Concentrated. Pour 500 ml of boiling water five tablespoons of raw materials. Cover the container and place it in a dark place for 30 minutes.
  3. With coltsfoot and mint. We take four tablespoons of mint, coltsfoot and nettle. Brew a liter of boiling water and insist 60 minutes. We use no more than two months.
  4. With burdock root. Burdock root and dry nettle leaves take 100 g each. Fill with three cups of boiling water. Cover the container and wait 30 minutes. We can apply in tandem with your favorite healing shampoo.
  5. With chamomile. Take 20 g of dried chamomile flowers and mix with 40 g of nettle leaves. Fill with liter of boiling water, insist 60 minutes. The tool is used even on strands of light colors. We will not get a green shade, since there is a chamomile in the infusion.

We prepare the simplest decoction of nettle for hair. For him, we take phytopaketics, purchased in a pharmacy. Brew them according to the instructions. You can also use the following two methods.

  1. Direct boiling. Take a liter pot and pour ten tablespoons of raw material into it. To the brim of the tank fill with water. After boiling, simmer for 60 minutes. Filter and use.
  2. In the water bath. This will save more useful items. For half a liter of water we take 200 g of crushed leaves. Cooking 30 minutes. Strain, add another half-liter of warm water. Rinse the hair.

We increase the effectiveness of decoctions, adding to them other elements. For example, burdock oil with nettle for hair - an effective and effective tool in the fight against dandruff. Just need to add to the broth a few drops of oil. The composition will dry the roots and normalizes sebum production. We study the table options for the preparation of funds and their composition.

Table - Nettle decoctions with additional components

Useful properties of nettle

Nettle contains a lot of useful substances for hair. It contains:

  • calcium, manganese, iodine and iron,
  • vitamin C, which is a natural antioxidant and a conductor of oxygen,
  • Vitamin A, which promotes rapid hair growth and the awakening of the follicle,
  • anti-vitamin A, which has a moisturizing effect on the hair,
  • Vitamin K, which provides shine brilliance and radiance,
  • tanning substances that make hair smooth by smoothing scales,
  • flavonoids that help strengthen the follicles and reduce hair loss,
  • organic acids, ensuring the normalization of metabolic processes.

Due to this unique and rich composition, the use of nettle for hair care brings a lot of use of hair. She is:

  • strengthens
  • feeds
  • moisturizes
  • stimulates growth
  • eliminates dandruff
  • stops falling out
  • softens
  • gives shine
  • eliminates oily shine.

Thus, rinsing nettle hair allows you to restore even the most damaged hair in a short time. And if you apply it regularly, then soon you can forget about the use of salon procedures for hair restoration.

How to prepare a solution for rinsing hair?

To make a nettle rinse, you do not need to have any special knowledge. You will need only a tablespoon of dry or fresh nettle leaves and two glasses of boiling water. If you use fresh leaves, you need to chop them well before using them.

So, take nettle and fill it with boiling water. After that, put the bowl on a slow fire and boil the nettle for another 10-15 minutes. Then the broth should infuse. To do this, leave it in a warm place for one hour. Next, you will need to filter it and dilute it in 1 liter of warm water.

You can make alcoholic infusion of nettle, which will contribute to the powerful strengthening of the follicle. However, it is worth noting the fact that it can dry the curls, so owners of dry hair are not recommended to use it.

For the preparation of alcoholic infusion, you need either nettle juice, squeezed from fresh leaves, or a concentrated decoction of dry nettle. You will also need to prepare alcohol and boiling water. All ingredients are taken in a 1: 1: 1 ratio, mixed and infused in a dark place for 10 days.

After that, this infusion can either be diluted in warm water and just rinsed with hair, or rubbed into the scalp and curls before water procedures. In addition, this infusion is very convenient to use for the preparation of cosmetic masks.

It is worth noting that nettle can cause the development of an allergic reaction. Therefore, you should use it carefully. If you notice a burning sensation during rinsing, you should immediately rinse your head under running water.

Better yet, check your body's response to the prepared solution before applying it. To do this, apply a small amount of it on the skin of the wrist (in this place it is most sensitive and reacts quickly to stimuli) and watch the reaction for 10-15 minutes.

If irritation, redness appeared at the place of application of rinse or you began to feel burning, then you should not use it. Since these are the symptoms that indicate an allergic reaction.

If you use nettle in spite of allergies, then you risk severely damaging your scalp, resulting in worsening of your hair and loss of hair.

What is better to use, fresh nettle or dry?

In fact, it does not matter what kind of nettles you will use to make the rinse aid - dry or fresh. The main thing is that it was collected by you personally. After all, pharmacy nettle is not the highest quality. However, if you do not have the opportunity to collect this herb yourself, then you can use the pharmacy product, but the result from it, alas, will not be so bright.

If you still decide to do yourself collecting nettles, then you should know a few rules and be sure to follow them:

  1. Nettle harvesting should be carried out from May to June. It is at this moment that it blooms and has a great healing effect. At the same time it should be collected in dry weather.
  2. Only good nettles should be collected. Grass with diseased and dry leaves should be avoided.
  3. After the nettle has been collected, it should be divided into leaves and stems. You will not need the latter, but you will need to lay out the sheets on paper for further drying.
  4. Dry the leaves should be for two weeks. During this time they should become brittle.
  5. After the leaves have dried, they should be crushed, placed in a dry jar and closed with a lid.
  6. Store the finished collection should be in a dry place no more than 24 months.

Rinsing nettle hair brings really amazing results. This can testify to the numerous reviews of women who have for a long time been using this tool on themselves. Therefore, you can, without any doubt, go for nettles and restore your hair at home.

How can nettle rinse damage your hair? Female use of nettle: men are not allowed!)

Nettle: there are many myths associated with it, girls regularly turn to a burning plant with the hope of growing thick hair, while forgetting that the 21st century is already outside and science has gone far ahead. I am not an opponent of natural remedies, no, but nettle has hurt my hair, thereby destroying another myth. Well, it happened with castor oil. Straight even take the name: Destroyer cosmetic myths.

So the first is nettle and hair.

My hair: henna-colored, extremely thin, straight and thin. Not a subject of pride, not a subject of envy .. ((

Rinsing hair with nettle often mentioned in articles about great-grandmothers. Say, our great-grandmothers rinsed their hair with nettles, so they had thick braids. Then for some reason I immediately recall my great-grandmother - she raised me part of my childhood. She didn't rinse her hair with nettle, although she was from the village, but she didn't have thick braids. My dears, in the beauty of the hair the main thing is genetics. It is she who determines 80% what you are destined for. And then at least all my life nettle hair rinse ..

Why rinse your hair with nettles?)Let's get serious. Hair saturation with vitamins? It makes sense then to rinse only the roots, but why suffer with brewing, if you can just take vitamins for hair?

Glitter? Isn't it easier to just use silicone soap? It also protects the hair from external influences.

To rinse I myself got nettles in the summer in the village. I thought that throughout the winter I would rinse with herbs, and in summer I would be able to flaunt a freshly grown mane. Nettle manages to prick through latex gloves, imagine.

My experience with nettle rinsing was very short - 1 month after each shampooing. The effect was already after the first time, aha - the hair became drier and became intensely electrified. Well, a little more shine was, but less than with silicones. Maybe, if I had suffered even more than half a year, I would have grown up something, but I couldn’t have the strength to endure this electric brand on my head.

Subsequently, it hit me: maybe I’m not the kind of nettle narwhal?)) Maybe I should apply pharmaceutical herbs and the miracle will happen?)

There was no miracle, the effect was the same.

Why does nettle dry hair? Well, it contains a large amount of tannins. They can give stiffness to hair.

Nettle for menstruation

On the one hand, I don’t really want to devote everyone to the details of my cycle, on the other hand, it will help someone.) Actually, I do not use nettle for the entire period, but only on the most problematic days (usually two days). The amount of discharge becomes less, and nettle does not cause any discomfort or negative effects. But nettle has no analgesic effect. well on me at least. Usually I do not suffer from the difficult rules of brewing. I drink two or three cups a day, a bag of cups.

Nettle Tea has a dark green color and a tolerant peculiar taste. Hypericum, for example, is much worse.

True, there must be be careful - Nettle thickens blood, so if you have thrombophlebitis, then it is forbidden for you. Or a high stage of varicose deficiency. I have an initial one, nevertheless, one or two days a month I drink nettles, because for the time being I do not see any other choice for myself. :

Other contraindications

What is the effect of nettle on menstruation?

So, firstly, nettle is very rich in vitamin K, which, in turn, is an extremely necessary link in the blood clotting chain.

Secondly, nettle leaves contain a huge amount of iron, which is able to replace the amount that is lost with blood. Also, nettle contains ascorbic acid, which promotes iron absorption.

Thirdly, nettle contains broth of chlorophyll - a substance that takes an active part in the wound healing process.

In the aggregate, all these properties provide a hemostatic (hemostatic) effect after taking nettle broth for menstruation.

I understand that after this, many will be troubled by the question: Is it harmful?

On the tutu Nettle is:

Those. nettles can and should be used for heavy menstruation.

Total: I recommend nettles inside, but not for hair. No, well, you can try, but to make strategic reserves, exterminating the nettle thickets - definitely not. In general, do not do as I do.

Obvious hair benefits

Many recommend rinsing hair with nettle due to the fact that it contains a whole storehouse of useful elements:

  1. Chlorophyll. This pigment prevents hair loss and senile baldness.
  2. Vitamins of groups A, K, C, B2 and E. They saturate skin cells with oxygen, accelerate growth, strengthen and give beautiful shine to hair.
  3. Trace elementsIodine, iron, magnesium, silicon, chromium, copper, calcium, potassium and many other trace elements have a positive effect on the scalp and hair.
  4. Organic acids. Carotene, tannin, secretin and other substances of this type control the metabolism in the scalp.
  5. Flavonoids. This group of biological compounds strengthens hair follicles and prevents hair loss.

What positive results can be achieved if you rinse your hair with nettles? But which ones:

  • dandruff disappears
  • hair follicles are significantly strengthened,
  • excessive fat content disappears,
  • hair becomes smooth and natural shine
  • itching and irritation of the scalp disappear,
  • strands feed and are enriched with vitamins and minerals.


Before rinsing your hair with nettles, you should familiarize yourself with the main contraindications:

  1. This herb can trigger an allergic reaction. If you wash your head too often with a product that contains this plant, then it is possible that a person may soon become allergic. If you are in the risk zone, then you are strongly advised not to wash your hair with this grass.
  2. People with dry hair should use nettle very carefully for washing their heads. Best of all this herb is suitable for combating greasy hair.
  3. Blondes and girls with fair blond hair should also be used with this plant very carefully, because nettle has coloring properties, due to which the strands can get a greenish tint. To avoid this, stinging nettle should be used together with other ingredients (burdock, marigold, etc.).

Recipes decoctions, masks and homemade shampoo

Nettle is widely used in home cosmetology. From it you can make a decoction, infusion, firming treatment mask, oil. Further provided the best ways of making remedies from nettle, among which you can choose a recipe for the soul.

  1. Nettle decoction. The easiest and most popular recipe. How to make nettles for hair? It's simple: finely chop the nettle and pour boiling water, insist a little and filter. The resulting cleaning solution is used for rinsing after each wash.
  2. A decoction of nettle with sea buckthorn juice. To do this, 3 tablespoons of dried nettle leaves pour 400 ml boiling water, add 200 ml of sea buckthorn juice, put the mixture on a low heat and cook for 30 minutes with continuous stirring. Cooked broth to cool and strain, after which it is fully ready for use.
  3. A decoction of nettle, calamus root and coltsfoot. All the listed components (they should be dried) finely chopped, mixed in the same proportions (depending on the desired quantity). Then collect the need to pour a liter of hot water and put to boil on medium heat for 10 minutes. This broth will serve as an excellent tool to combat fat, brittleness and dandruff.
  4. Nettle decoction with burdock and hop cones. Fresh nettle leaves cut, chop the cones, mix everything. Then 3 tablespoons of the resulting mixture pour a liter of boiling water and put on a slow fire for an hour (as an alternative, a water bath is suitable, in this case boil the mixture for 10 minutes, then infuse for 1 hour). After filtering broth, you can rinse hair.
  5. A decoction of nettle and marigold: 400 grams of fresh nettle need to be mixed with 100 grams of marigolds, finely chop everything, pour a liter of hot water and put on low heat for 10 minutes. Broth strain. This tool should be rubbed in a circular motion into the scalp before and after washing the hair.
  6. Nettle shampoo. Such a tool can be bought in the store, but it will be much more effective if you cook it at home using the following recipe:
  • 100 grams of dry or fresh nettle pour 1 liter of boiling water,
  • add 0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar,
  • put the mixture on a low fire for half an hour,
  • After cooling, strain the mixture through a sieve.

After cooking, pour a liter of clean water into a basin and add our brewed shampoo (2-3 glasses). It is necessary to wash the hair with this solution without the use of other cosmetics.

  1. Infusion of nettle. How to brew nettles for hair, to make a decoction, you already know, now you can tell about the infusion. Preparation of this tool will not take a lot of energy: 1 tablespoon of dry leaves of the plant pour 200 ml of boiling water, then cover the vessel with a lid and put in a dark and cool place for exactly an hour. After filtering the infusion you need to wipe the scalp. Some people decide to wash their hair after the procedure, but this should not be done, since the whole healing effect will disappear.
  2. Nettle juice For its preparation, it is necessary to finely chop fresh nettle leaves, and then squeeze them well through cheesecloth (you can use the juicer). The obtained extract should be thoroughly rubbed into the hair roots, wrap the head with cling film or put on a shower cap, warm with a towel or a scarf, hold for about an hour. After that, the hair should be rinsed with water at room temperature.
  3. Herbal oil. If you want to use this medicine, then be prepared for the fact that it will take you a long time to prepare: 100 grams of dry nettle need to be poured with olive oil (300 g). The vessel with the liquid must be tightly closed, and then removed for 3 weeks in a dark and cool room. When the tool is ready, it can be rubbed into the roots and tips of the hair or used as an additional ingredient for a mask.
  4. Hair mask based on burdock and nettle. This is a good tool with a powerful healing effect. To prepare it, follow these steps: you need to separately prepare the decoction of burdock root and decoction of nettle leaves, mix in the same proportions. Spread the mixture evenly over the entire length of the hair and rub into the roots. Mask to leave for 1 hour, rinse hair with cool water.

As you can see, in this article, only the best and most accessible recipes that anyone can cook will be selected. The most important:

  • The first week you may not see any effect, but over time the final result will amaze you. The main thing is not to quit the job. Only regular use of products can benefit.
  • Do not store cooked products, use them immediately after preparation. Broths can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Nettle for hair is a unique and very effective remedy for normal and oily type of strands. Now you know how to rinse, how to wash hair with homemade shampoo. We hope this information will be useful to you. Good luck!

Nettle: healing properties for hair

Burning weed is just a store of vitamins and trace elements that improve the structure of the hair. But first, I would like to talk about the areas in which nettle our reasonable ancestors used.

  • Firstly, weaved whole cloths that became sails for Slavic ships,
  • Secondly, fabric was made of it. In Russia, of course, flax was preferred, but in China (the Celestial Empire), the Philippines, Japan and Indonesia, it was nettle that became the main raw material for mastya clothing,
  • Thirdly, an infusion of nettle helps the true flower growers to deal with aphids (a pest devouring flowers and trees),
  • Fourthly, samurai shields were made from dry grass stalks, and twisted fibers from a bowstring for their bows.

We will no longer list industrial, pharmaceutical, and even perfumery merits; let's move on to discussing the organic composition of herbs. The use of nettle for hair due to the presence of:

  1. Vitamin A, which heals scratches and wounds left by comb. This vitamin promotes metabolic processes and causes inactive bulbs to open, "releasing" new hairs outside,
  2. Vitamin C, which helps the cells of the head to receive oxygen, which, in turn, adds to the curls length,
  3. Vitamin K, which fills every hair with glitter,
  4. Beta-carotene, responsible for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. Fast greasy hair will be a thing of the past if nettle goes on the list of caring products
  5. Tannins that glue flakes of hair, making it smooth and more elastic,
  6. Flavonoids that strengthen the bulbs themselves and ensure the strength of the hair in them, so that hair loss can be forgotten,
  7. Organic acids that are necessary for hair growth.

Ideal nettle to strengthen hair, because it is also an important factor in the beauty and healthy appearance of hair.

Any kind of nettle can be used:

  • Dried
  • Fresh
  • As a separate component,
  • In combination with other herbs,
  • Nettle juice,
  • Infusions and decoctions of herbs.

What problems can be solved with nettle

In fact, their list is huge, so we will list the main "bonuses" that are impossible not to notice.

  • Dandruff treatment,
  • Cessation of hair loss,
  • Elimination of fragility,
  • The accumulation of power and color,
  • Increase in density
  • Leveling eczema and dermatitis,
  • Prevention of skin diseases
  • Activation of blood circulation
  • Restoration of the structure of each individual hair,
  • Enhance immune defenses
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels
  • Elimination of itching and flaking.

Split ends - this is the problem of modern girls. Ecology, sunbathing and burns, environmental pollution, automobile gases and exhausts do not contribute to the health of hair. Add unbalanced food to any office worker, and curls have no chance to be attractive and strong. A decoction of nettle for hair easily eliminates all the consequences of everyday stress and returns vitality and shine to curls.

How to make self-harvesting nettle

Although nettles can be purchased at any pharmacy, now it will be a question of how to properly collect and dry the grass with your own hands. First, it is a good idea for those who want to be sure of the quality of the raw materials. Secondly, there are several nuances that should be considered when collecting and which affect the future result.

  • The ideal time to collect is from the May holidays to the end of June,
  • Do not take leaves and stems, if they are damaged,
  • Do not forget about the gloves, so as not to be like Elise from the tale of Christian Andersen,
  • Fresh grass should be thoroughly washed, preferably with hot water,
  • It is necessary to dry indoors or under a canopy so that direct sunlight does not burn the grass,
  • Drying time - from one and a half to two weeks,
  • The most useful 0 is leaves, but the stems can be crushed for further storage,
  • Shelf life is no more than two years, in a separate paper bag.

How to make an independent harvesting, you have learned. Now we learn how to brew nettles for hair.

How does this remedy work?

Nettle contains in its composition a huge amount of nutrients that penetrate into each hair and subcutaneous layers and begin to work actively. Consider the effect of each component of the tool separately:

  • Vitamin A - promotes active hair growth, “awakens” frozen bulbs and heals wounds on the scalp,
  • Vitamin C - stimulates blood circulation in the vessels and nourishes the tissues with oxygen, which also causes hair to grow much faster,
  • Vitamin K - makes hair shiny and shiny, is responsible for pigmentation and gives them a rich color,
  • Carotene is very important for oily hair, as it intensively nourishes the scalp with moisture and normalizes the sebaceous glands,
  • tannins - have a calming effect on irritated areas of the scalp, make the curls elastic and smooth, thanks to them the hair becomes docile and easy to fit into the hair,
  • flavonoids - help fight the loss, effectively strengthening each follicle,
  • organic acids activate metabolic processes in the hair follicles.

It is important to know! Nettle can show a fairly aggressive effect, so the decoction should be used according to all the rules. Otherwise, you risk harming your hair and scalp.

Many women forget about the high efficiency of folk remedies, preferring cosmetic procedures using synthetic preparations. Undoubtedly, the environment and courteous service in beauty salons often captivates, but pharmacological agents often do more harm than good. A decoction of nettles copes with the task more than well - it eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair follicles and stops their loss. The natural shade of the curls is restored in a short time, they become soft and silky.

Nettle decoction is used most often as a hair rinse. It stimulates their growth, activating the activity of each bulb. With its regular use, you can see the result in 2 months - the hair will become much thicker and longer. In addition, the fat balance will be restored, and they will become smooth, shiny and gain elasticity.

Cooking recipes

A decoction of nettle is prepared very simply. The main thing is to choose and prepare raw materials. Dry collection can be purchased at the pharmacy, but for the best result you should use fresh leaves. Both young and mature shoots of nettle will do, but in the latter case it is necessary to pick only the upper leaves, it is possible directly from the inflorescences and seeds.

As mentioned above, most often the decoction is used for rinsing, but in addition to this method, there is also rubbing into the hair roots. Let's look at each recipe in more detail.

Broth for rubbing in

  1. The leaves and roots of nettle chop.
  2. Two tablespoons of raw materials pour 200 ml of water.
  3. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
  4. Cool broth at room temperature and filter.

A warm tool to rub into the scalp after washing hair.

Decoction for rinsing

  1. In the capacity to add 500 g of nettle leaves.
  2. Pour 500 ml boiling water.
  3. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Means to cool and filter.

Rinse the hair after each wash.

Important! Each time you should use a freshly prepared remedy, only in this case you will achieve the desired effect.

How to rinse hair?

Any procedure requires compliance with certain rules, and rinsing with decoction is no exception. What needs to be done?

  • Ready broth should be diluted in warm boiled water in a ratio of 1: 4.
  • Add a teaspoon of baking soda to soften the remedy.
  • Pour diluted broth into a convenient container - a basin.
  • Bend over the pelvis and water the hair with the product for 5 minutes.
  • At the end of the procedure, wrap the hair with a towel, blot, but do not wipe dry.
  • Allow curls to dry at room temperature.

Rinse can be done every other day. Course duration - 20-30 days. After a monthly break is taken and the course is repeated.

Attention! Nettle decoction is not recommended for dry hair.

By following these rules, you can significantly improve the condition of your hair. Regular use of nettle decoction will allow you to restore your health to your hair in a relatively short period of time without the use of expensive drugs.

Nettle decoction for hair: action, application, best recipes

As soon as people do not call this medicinal herb: witches, fire, zhchuchka, “kiss of a bachelor”, Siberian dweller and many other beautiful names of this plant. The healing properties of nettle have been known to people since ancient times, and they concerned not only the health of the body.

Beauties have long used a decoction of nettle for hair against their loss and to establish their normal growth. Today, interest in old-fashioned rinsing recipes and nettle masks is reviving.

With modern unfavorable environmental conditions and too many chemical and synthetic means, natural, natural components are greatly appreciated.

Therefore, nettle, known for its tonic and regenerating properties, is now actively used to restore hair beauty and health.

Nettle effect on hair

The effectiveness of nettle decoction for hair is determined by the chemical composition of this unique medicinal herb.

The leaves of young nettle contain a large amount of vitamins and other substances useful to the hair, which, penetrating into the cells, begin to function for their intended purpose.

As a result, the state of the curls is significantly improved after the first rinsing procedure or application of the mask. Each element in the nettle works for the beauty and health of the strands.

  • The burning hairs of the plant contain a caustic liquid, in which there are acetylcholine, histamine and formic acid: When heated, these elements lose their irritating properties. At the same time, formic acid disintegrates into water (it remains in the cells, due to which the dry strands are moistened automatically) and carbon dioxide (it is able to displace pollution and greasy excesses from the cells to the surface), therefore, after rinsing with nettle, the hair shines with cleanliness.
  • Vitamin A: retinol has excellent regenerative properties, thanks to him, nettle decoction is able to heal various damage to the hair, returning to life the root follicles, which are frozen in development. Therefore, nettle for hair growth - one of the best natural, time-tested funds.
  • Vitamin C: Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant that affects the production of collagen fibers in tissues, which makes the hair smoother, more resilient, strong and resilient. The same vitamin improves blood circulation in the scalp, which has a beneficial effect on hair growth and strengthening the roots.
  • Vitamin K - natural helper of natural pigmentation: it gives hair a beautiful shine and shine. Brunettes and brown-haired women will be surprised at how rich and bright the shade of their curls has become. But blondes are waiting here, rather, disappointment: vitamin K, coupled with carotene is able to give their strands a redhead.
  • Carotene - Another natural pigment in the composition of nettle, which provides active hydration. Therefore, nettle is so useful for dry hair. However, this same carotene is able to control the functioning of the sebaceous glands, so that after rinsing greasy hair with a decoction of nettle, they are not so quickly contaminated and do not become covered with greasy luster as abundantly as before.
  • Tannins, of which there are many in nettles, soothe any irritation of the scalp (stop itching in the presence of dandruff), have an anti-inflammatory effect (nettle is not in vain used for the treatment of various forms of seborrhea), smooth hair scales, so that the strands after nettle rinse smooth, elastic and very docile.
  • Flavonoids strengthen the roots, prevent intensive hair loss, dictated by inter-seasonal avitaminosis.
  • Organic acids actively participate in almost all metabolic processes occurring in the scalp, which has a beneficial effect on the internal health and external beauty of the curls.

Nettle for hair turns out to be so useful and effective if used correctly. Cooking broth involves boiling raw materials, so burning formic acid, which "bites" while the nettle is fresh, does not pose any danger to the scalp.

The complex healing and regenerating effect of nettle broth can be assessed almost immediately - immediately after the hair dries out after rinsing.

If there are no significant changes, find out if you did everything right. Nettle is a unique plant requiring special attention.

Little tricks of handling her will help to avoid unpleasant feelings and annoying disappointment.

Nettle decoction tips

Any homemade hair mask from nettle involves the use of decoction, which must be able to properly prepare. The effectiveness of the applied agent and the expected results will depend on this. Moreover, each stage of this procedure is quite important in the general scheme of the performed manipulations.

Stage 1: collection and processing of medicinal raw materials

  1. A decoction of nettle can be prepared on the basis of the dry collection, which you can purchase at the pharmacy. However, laboratory studies have shown that the most useful decoction of fresh, young nettle. Therefore, it must be able to properly assemble.
  2. Do it better in May – June.when the nettle is very young and light green, the stem is soft, the flowers are just beginning to appear. Harvesting should be done in dry weather. Wet plant harvesting is not recommended.
  3. Damaged by insects and diseases of plants can not be touched.
  4. If the plant is high, only the tops are cut off. If it is still small, it is practically at the root.
  5. The collected raw material is thoroughly rinsed under running water (cold).
  6. After that, from the nettle you can already cook a decoction. If the goal is to harvest grass for the winter, its processing continues.
  7. The collected grass is laid out on a newspaper in a well-ventilated, dry room, protected from sunlight.
  8. 3-4 times a day, the grass should be turned from one side to the other, so that it dries evenly, not stale.
  9. Dry nettle for 8–12 days.
  10. Separate dried leaves from stems, fold them into paper bags or cardboard boxes.
  11. Properly dried nettle is stored for two years.

Stage 2: Cooking Healing Broth

  1. Pour 100 grams of fresh or dried nettle with 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. Put on the fire, boil on low heat for half an hour.
  3. Cool to a warm state.
  4. Strain.
  5. Use as directed.

Stage 3: the rules for the use of decoction

  1. For masks, it is enough to add a decoction to them, according to the dosages indicated in the recipe.
  2. For rinsing a glass of broth is diluted in 500 ml of warm water, which can be softened before that with 1 tablespoon of baking soda.
  3. Bend over your pelvis, water your hair copiously with the resulting solution from a scoop (even better if you are helped by someone) for a few (3-5) minutes.
  4. Blot the strands with a cotton towel, not wiping dry.
  5. Allow the curls to dry naturally, do not use a hair dryer in this procedure.
  6. It is possible to rinse hair with nettle every other day for a whole month, if the problem is very serious (seborrhea, alopecia, etc.). As a prevention mask and rinsing with a nettle broth can be done 1-2 times in 7-10 days.

Now you know how to prepare nettle for hair, so that it is as useful as possible and justifies all the hopes placed on it for restoring and healing the most weakened and diseased strands. Difficulties are possible only for the first time: with each new preparation of a nettle decoction, the process will be automated.

Already after a few procedures, this event will take very little time and a minimum of effort will be expended.

Just start! The variety of home remedies for hair, prepared on the basis of nettle, involves a wide selection of exactly the recipe that will be the most convenient and effective in each specific situation.

Nettle Hair Recipes

Most often at home use rinsing hair nettle, because it is fast and efficient. Someone adds decoctions and infusions from this herb to masks instead of plain water - and also achieves good results.

Try different options, check out new recipes, do not despair if not everything worked out the first time.

Often, to achieve the desired result, regularity is required: for the 3rd or 4th time, everything will work out for you.

  • The classic decoction of nettle

Pour 100 grams of nettle (fresh or dry) with a liter of boiling water, keep on low heat for half an hour, cool, strain.

  • The classic infusion of nettle

Pour 100 grams of nettle (fresh or dry) with a liter of boiling water, cover, infuse for an hour, drain.

Mix chopped nettles, coltsfoot, flax seeds, burdock roots, string (1 tablespoon of each herb), pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for about an hour in the closed state. Before applying to the head, pour 2 tablespoons of fresh onion juice.

  • Nettle for hair loss

Mix in a shredded form nettle (30 gr), mother and stepmother (30 gr), calamus root (20 gr.) Pour 500 ml of boiling water over low heat for 10–15 minutes. Cool, strain.

  • Nettle and burdock for hair

Mix in a shredded form nettle (70 g) and burdock root (30 g), add 500 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath for at least 10 minutes. Cool, strain.

Pour 4 tablespoons of crushed dried nettle leaves 200 grams of unrefined olive oil. For 2 weeks, insist in a dark, dry place (the temperature should be room temperature). Strain, store in a closed bottle of dark glass.

  • Nettle to strengthen hair

Turn the fresh nettle through a meat grinder, put the resulting gruel in cheesecloth and squeeze it thoroughly. The resulting fresh juice is diluted with mineral non-carbonated water in equal proportions, rub into the roots and scalp.

  • Nettle and chamomile for hair

Mix the ground nettle (50 g) and chamomile flowers in a shredded form, pour 500 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath for at least 10 minutes. Cool, strain.

Mix nettle (100 g) with juice sea ​​buckthorn berries (200 ml), pour boiling water (500 ml). Leave it closed for an hour, strain.

Knowing how nettle is useful for hair and how to use it properly at home, you can get the most out of this medicinal plant for the health and beauty of its weakened, falling, dull curls. Before seeking help with synthetic strand care products, try to learn how to use the gifts of nature that are 100% natural.

Nettle - the queen of herbs among those that are used for the treatment and complete hair care.

Take advantage of this - and problems with the scalp and curls will go away forever.

Nettle - the best tool for your hair

Home → Medicinal herbs → Nettle

Masks and oil made from leaves add vitality to weakened and problematic hair. Acting on the follicle and hairs, it gives them vitality, preventing loss.

The healing properties of nettle are based on the content of beneficial substances in its composition:

  • nettle leaves are high in vitamin A,
  • Vitamin A and ascorbic acid in its composition strengthen hair follicles,
  • improve blood circulation in the blood vessels located in the tissues under the hair,
  • Chlorophyll normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat by the scalp, provides intensive hair growth and gives volume to the hair.

How to brew

An easy, but very effective way of care is rinsing. The effect of nettle at the same time has positive qualities. Rinsing is performed after thoroughly washing the head with shampoo.

  1. Fresh torn grass should be placed in a liter jar, filling it more than half the volume.
  2. Nettle cut into small pieces, pre-rinsed with cold water.
  3. When cutting, do not forget to wear gloves so as not to burn your hands.

When harvesting the plant for use throughout the year, it is necessary to cut off the young shoots with a knife and dry them in the open air under a canopy. Can be dried, tied up in small bunches.

Cut dried nettles to simplify future use. It is better to store the dried plant in paper bags or linen bags. Plastic bags are not suitable for this.

A decoction is prepared from the dried nettle for rinsing the washed hair:

  • 2 tbsp. l chopped nettle poured boiling water,
  • brought to a boil
  • a couple of minutes removed from the heat.

This tool has been known for a long time and has been used successfully by women in the old days. Nowadays, such a decoction can successfully compete with preparations for hair purchased from the distribution network. The absence of chemical compounds in it has a beneficial effect on health.

The benefits of nettle

When rinsing the necessary microelements, which nettle is rich in, enter the pores:

It contains vitamins B, K and ascorbic acid, which prevent painful conditions of the hair. No wonder it says that the plant will replace 7 doctors. For hair - this is a wonderful therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

For dry hair

To give vitality to dry hair can be rinsed with a decoction made from nettle and chamomile. The composition of the broth:

  • a couple tablespoons of a mixture of herbs in equal quantities to 1 liter of water,
  • after three minutes of boiling on low heat cool the broth,
  • then strain on a small strainer or gauze to remove even small fragments of plants.

Immediately after washing the head, do not rush to pour the rinse. When washing it is necessary to strip the strands with your fingers so that the life-giving force works on all the hairs. If the hair is long, you can rinse hold on an empty bowl. Thus, it will be possible to rinse the ends thoroughly in broth poured in a bowl, or several times doing the procedure.

A decoction of nettle and chamomile does not give an undesirable shade to blond hair. They can safely use blondes and those who have been discolored with chemical preparations.

For greasy hair

Nettle is used to normalize the separation of subcutaneous fat. The best effect can be achieved with the regular use of saturated broth for rinsing quickly oily hair.

  1. Broth should be prepared at the rate of 1 tbsp. l dried nettle on 150 g of water.
  2. Boiling water in the right amount of grass should be boiled for 10 minutes.
  3. After removing from heat, the decoction should stand for about 20 minutes. Then it can be drained and consumed.

Anti-fallout rinse

To strengthen the hair follicles, prevent loss, you can use the tried and tested recipes.

  1. Prepare 100 grams of nettle and 500 ml of vinegar. Ingredients placed in a pot of boiling water (1 liter). After boiling the composition for 30 minutes, the broth can be removed from the heat and drain. It is enough to add 500-750 ml to a basin with warm water and wash your hair without the use of chemicals. This will prevent the loss.
  2. Boil the above method 100 g of dry nettle with the addition of apple cider vinegar (6%) in 500 g of water. This broth is necessary to wash your hair daily.
  3. Prepare an infusion of dried nettle grass and mother-and-stepmother (3 tbsp.) And a liter of boiling water. Let boiling water over the grass let it brew for one hour. This composition washes the head for a month.

For shine

Glitter hair - signs of their beauty. But if they look dull, a medical mask from the arsenal of traditional medicine will help in this situation.

  1. Take a handful of milled burdock roots and the same amount of nettle leaves.
  2. Pour the ingredients into a bowl and gradually add warmed water. Get a thick gruel.
  3. Apply to hair and wrap with cling film. Leave for half an hour. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Nettle and burdock are rich in active substances that will restore the structure of damaged hair. After two or three procedures, you can see the result, which will please.

Nettle mask

To restore, revitalize and give hair beauty, you can use nettle masks. Having chosen the mask that suits you, you need to use it regularly. This will save you from problems.

  1. Prepare a strong decoction of 1 cup nettle and 2 glasses of water. In the broth, cooled to a warm state, add 50 g of yeast, as well as honey and olive oil (3 tbsp.). After using the mask for twenty minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.
  2. Blender 5 tbsp. l dry nettle leaves, 1 tbsp. spoonful of mint and 100 grams of yogurt or kefir. Mix thoroughly and leave to infuse for several hours. You can keep the mixture in the refrigerator, if you use the next day. Put the finished mask on the head. And after 15 minutes, wash with water without detergent.
  3. Pour hot water over dry nettle leaves (4 tbsp. L.) And colorless henna (3 tsp.). Mix thoroughly until smooth. Then add the egg yolk. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes. Wash with water and detergent.
  4. Suitable for greasy hair. After cooking 100 g of broth, mix it with egg yolk and vitamins B1 and B6. Mask applied to the hair. Wrap your head, and after an hour wash with shampoo.

Rinse for blondes

Argued that blondes can not be used for rinsing nettle leaves, as the hair can get a greenish tint. But these negative consequences can be prevented if you know a few tricks.

So that the hair does not acquire an undesirable shade, you need to add to it while cooking the decoction:

  • 1 tbsp. l honey
  • squeeze lemon juice (1 pc.).

This will whiten the color and prevent staining in green.

You can also add cosmetic clay to the broth, which will take away the coloring properties, or use nettle root. It is very effective in restoring and strengthening.

Against gray hair

To cope with the early gray hair, you can apply a mask using a mixture of nettle juice, squeezed from a fresh plant (in a one-to-one ratio) combined with honey, or from a nettle broth with honey (50 g of strong broth and 1 tsp. Honey) .

On top of the mixture applied to wet hair, put on a swimming cap or wrap with cling film. After 20 minutes, wash.

You should regularly use natural herbal remedies to maintain hair in a healthy and beautiful condition. There is nothing complicated about it. Such procedures are not addictive, as well as safe and effective.

Rinsing hair with nettle, decoction of nettle for rinsing hair, reviews and recipe - Evehealth

The healing properties of nettle are known for a long time. It is often used to treat various diseases, including skin. And such a versatile effect of this herb could not bypass cosmetology. Previously, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used nettle to strengthen hair and give it a beautiful and silky appearance.

Today I would like to talk about how to prepare nettles for rinsing hair and how to apply it correctly. After all, not everyone knows about this.

Rinsing hair with nettle. Nettle decoction for hair. My review.Blog Alyona Kravchenko

Hello dear readers. Spring is coming very soon, which means it is time for flowering, bright colors and positive emotions. And also, this is the time of nettle harvesting, which falls on May-July, as nettle is very useful for rinsing hair. I used nettle to rinse my hair, the results are amazing.

Here are just the last time popular proven tools supplant shampoos, balsams and other hair care products. Nettle is better to collect and dry yourself, and then prepare an infusion or decoction of this herb and rinse the hair.

Now, of course, in the pharmacy you can buy nettles, but the quality of the medicinal herb leaves much to be desired, it has been bought and disappointed itself more than once.

Nettle grows on moist fertile soils along river banks, at the edge of the forest, in ravines, in wastelands, near dwellings, near roads, in gardens. But, it is best to collect nettles away from roads, factories and industrial enterprises.

The fact that nettle is good for hair was told to me by my grandmother, we went and collected nettles with her.

Since my grandmother lived in her house, then nettle grew behind her house, everyone treated this plant as a weed, but not my grandmother.

In adolescence, when my hair began to fall out, Grandma advised me to rinse my hair with a decoction of nettle. I prepared a decoction of nettle in a special saucepan, my mother gave me for this purpose.

Broth, I rinsed my hair after washing with shampoo. Hair became soft, silky, shiny. I was pleased with the result from the first application.

I rinsed my hair with nettle for the whole season, while it was possible to cook decoctions from fresh leaves, I was pleased with the result, my hair began to fall at times less.

This is my review, this is not a joke and not a fiction, but a result that has been verified by personal experience.

Years passed, the shelves of our stores more and more filled with cream, shampoos, ready-made masks, scrubs, and gradually I forgot about natural care, why bother, because it is so convenient. But when already now, I encountered hair loss and dullness, split ends, I remembered the miraculous properties of nettle for hair.

And over the last year I have changed my hair care, I use oils in hair care, masks from natural ingredients, I buy shampoo without SLS, I wash off oil masks with shampoo with SLS. I really like the mask of oils with the addition of lavender essential oil.

In more detail, about all hair products can be found through the blog card, "hair care".

How to collect and dry nettles?

To collect nettles, you need to bring scissors or shears and gloves (either gardening or for washing dishes), and you can also take a basket with you to the package where you put the nettles.

You need to cut off the upper part of the stem, cut off the nettle not damaged by diseases, you should not take nettle with fading leaves, as well as with yellow leaves. It is better to collect nettle in dry weather, in the morning, after the dew dries. Since, if you collect the wet nettle, then when drying it can rot.

Nettles need to lay out a thin layer on paper and dry in a well-ventilated room or in the shade in the air. Dries 5-7 days, while it must be constantly turned over.

Check nettle dried or not, you can break a leaf in your hands, if the leaves crumble well, and the stems break, then the nettle is dry. You can store the finished raw materials in glass jars, in a paper bag, or in thick cotton bags. Store dry nettle can be no more than 2 years.

I am convinced that nettles should be harvested by themselves, both for medical purposes and for hair. Thus, nettle can be used for hair, not only in season, but also at any time of the year.

How to brew nettles for hair

To begin with, it is necessary to determine the goals, because there are several ways how to use nettles. You can do:

  • Nettle decoction for hair,
  • Nettle infusion for hair,
  • Mask for rubbing in
  • Headwash water.

Naturally, the concentration of nutrients in each case is different. We will talk about all the options to fully disclose the useful nettle for hair. So, go to practical tips.

Nettle Mask Recipe

How to brew grass for making a mask is often asked in women's forums. The answer is: the leaves and stalks of dry nettle must be crushed to the maximum (possible in a blender). Then 200 grams of grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and put on a low fire. Cook at least half an hour. The thick mixture is cooled and rubbed into the skin at the roots. This mask can be on the head for half an hour, after which it is washed off without the use of shampoo. We learned how to brew grass for a mask, now let's move on to rinsing.

How to make a rinse infusion

Rinsing nettle hair is one of the oldest rites. Yes, this is exactly what our great-grandmothers treated. First, rinsing helped comb long hair. Secondly, nettle was used against hair loss in women in labor (during pregnancy, the mother’s immunity was weakened). Thirdly, even small hostesses were taught how to wash their hair with nettles, so that girlhood’s hair could be braided into a 12-strand braid (sign of the bride). So, how to make an infusion for rinsing? It is necessary to take 500 grams of dried grass, or 15 live stalks with leaves. Pour 6 liters of water and put on fire. Previously, buckets were used for this, and today's women of fashion will have to allocate a separate pan. Wait until the broth becomes brownish-greenish and remove from heat. Strain and you can add more water in the ratio of 1 to 4. Wash your head with shampoo, and then just pour diluted decoction on it. Vinegar was sometimes added to it to make the hair shine more.

How to make combined infusions and decoctions

How to make nettles for hair properly, already learned. But even better reviews deserve multicomponent broths with the participation of nettle. Here are some proven recipes:

  • For growth: 50 grams of vodka is mixed with freshly squeezed grass juice in equal proportions. Rubbed into the skin and left for a couple of hours, warming with a towel
  • For fatty roots: mix blue clay (2 tablespoons / l) and nettle decoction until thick, then apply on hair and leave to dry. Rinse off with nettle water for greater effect.
  • For dry hair: the first mixture is a decoction of nettle and chamomile taken for rinsing. The second - apply decoctions of oak bark, mother and stepmothers, chamomile and stinging nettle (everything is concentrated) on curls, and hold it for a couple of hours without washing it.

Reviews of each recipe are only positive, so you can try without fear. Now you know how to brew nettles for hair, and use it to maintain your own beauty.

Nettle decoction for rinsing hair. Recipe. My review

From nettle, whether it is dry or fresh, you can prepare a decoction or infusion for rinsing hair. Cooking infusion and decoction of nettle is very easy, the recipe is very simple. Plus, for 1 liter of infusion or decoction of nettle, you can add 1 tbsp. spoon apple cider vinegar. Broth or infusion has a brown-greenish color.

Infusion of nettle for hair. We will need two spoons of dry or fresh nettle, pour a liter of boiling water, cover and insist for 20-25 minutes. Then strain the infusion. Infusion need to rinse your hair after washing them with shampoo.

Nettle decoction for hair. To prepare the broth, we need two tablespoons of dry or fresh nettle a liter of water, boil in a saucepan on the fire, from the moment of boiling for 5 minutes.

Then the broth is set aside, we insist under the closed lid for 20-25 minutes, filter, bring the broth to 1 liter with boiled water and use it for rinsing the hair.

Rinse the hair with a decoction of nettle from root to tip.

The mask of infusion of nettle. You need to take half a glass of nettle and pour it on the floor with glasses of boiling water, insist, strain and rub the resulting infusion into the hair roots. Leave on for 5-7 minutes and then wash your hair with shampoo. Rinse can be infusion or decoction of nettle.

Moreover, it is effective as fresh nettle, and dried. I also want to note that nettle is perfect for brunettes, and chamomile for blondes, for rinsing hair.

Argued that blondes can not use nettles for hair can not, because a decoction of nettle dyes hair in a greenish color.

I have dark hair, nettle for rinsing suits me perfectly.

But if you have blond hair, then you can add a spoonful of honey and lemon juice to the nettle decoction, this will help prevent hair dyeing, and you can add a little cosmetic clay to the decoction of nettle, which will take on a greenish color. If you have blond hair, the decoction can be prepared not from nettle leaves, but from the nettle root.

Nettle for hair. Rinsing hair with nettle.

We often treat the nettle as a weed, and this is actually a very useful medicinal plant. You can read about the beneficial properties of nettle in the article “Nettle useful properties”. Nettle is useful for strengthening hair, nettle improves hair structure, makes hair shine, softness, silkiness.

  • Contains nettle vitamin C, K, E, vitamins of group B, iron, sulfur, aluminum, manganese, barium, tannins, phytoncides, flavonoids. In terms of ascorbic acid content, nettle exceeds lemon by 10 times.
  • Apply nettle for growth and against hair loss.
  • Nettle helps get rid of dry scalp.
  • Nettle regulates oily scalp. A decoction made from nettle helps soothe the scalp during itching, get rid of dandruff.
  • Nettle based preparations accelerate hair growth.
  • Nettle decoction prevents cross-section of hair.
  • The vitamins contained in the nettle nourish the hair and also improve the hair structure.
  • A decoction of nettle is used for silky hair and shine.

How to use nettle with hair loss, you can learn from the pack "Nettle for growth and against hair loss." Nettle decoction for hair is an effective, safe, cheap remedy. Using nettles in hair care, you will get gorgeous hair that you will be proud of. The use of natural hair care products is not addictive, safe and effective.

Rinsing the hair with a decoction of nettle and the best mask recipes

For centuries, nettle for hair has been the basis of all caring procedures. The burning of young shoots did not prevent the girls from collecting huge baskets of medicinal herbs. And today, using home remedies with nettles, you can become the owner of thick, shiny curls.

Nettle use for hair

In cosmetology, the healing properties of nettle are used for:

  1. Restoration of the epidermis of the head,
  2. Giving the curls a glossy shine,
  3. Humidification and nutrition of each unit,
  4. Strengthening and awakening of the follicle,
  5. Improve blood flow and oxygen respiration, stimulating enhanced growth.

The composition of the leaves, shoots and rhizome contains:

  • flavonoids,
  • vitamins K, A, C,
  • organic acids
  • tannins.

Contraindications - individual intolerance. Allergy sufferers can avoid harm from herbal procedures preliminary testing of the composition.


  • 18 gr. nettle,
  • 200 ml of water.

Preparation and method of application: Pour freshly picked leaves or dry grass with liquid, cook on low heat for twelve minutes. After preparation, strain and pour into a cosmetic bottle. Store in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Nettle oil for hair

Rich in vitamins and acids, it is used in its pure form and in the composition of masks from falling out and excessive fat content. The composition is rubbed into the scalp, distributed over the entire length, after half an hour the curls are thoroughly washed with natural shampoo. Nettle hair is very soft and shiny. Using after dyeing, the created pigment is sealed inside the strand.

Reviews on the use of nettle for hair

After a biowave, I had to restore hair for two months. Rubbed nettle oil every night. Passed dry and brittle, they again became strong and obedient.

To strengthen the roots after each wash compulsory ritual - rinsing hair with nettle. Curls began to grow better, soft silky to the touch.

Recently, dandruff appeared, hair quickly began to thin. Made a mask with her, oils and yolk all night. For a week, it was possible to stop the loss, the hair was elastic, and they stopped tangling.


Watch the video: Nettle & Hair Loss: Complete Guide (July 2024).