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How to choose a medical dandruff shampoo in a pharmacy? Review of popular brands of famous manufacturers


Society often chooses shampoos for a well-advertised brand, good smell, price and some other criteria. Today the market offers a variety of hair care products, or anti-dandruff products. What should be considered when choosing a shampoo?

Components that affect the health of the scalp: zinc pyrithione, ciclopirox, clotrimazole and ketoconazole, salicylic acid. These components have anti-inflammatory effect, slow down and prevent the development of fungi that contribute to the appearance of dandruff.

Also effective dandruff shampoos can be divided into:

  • Exfoliating
  • Antifungal
  • Normalizing

The principle of action of the peeling shampoos reminds a scrub. The line will help you cleanse the scalp throughout the treatment. This type of product is great for oily hair.

One of the main causes of dandruff on the head is a fungus. In the pharmacy, you can purchase antifungal agents to combat dandruff. These funds are struggling with the resulting itching and discomfort. When choosing a shampoo should pay attention to the components included in it, and focus on your hair type, as well as its features.

Components that affect the health of the scalp: zinc pyrithione, ciclopirox, clotrimazole and ketoconazole, salicylic acid. These components have anti-inflammatory effect, slow down and prevent the development of fungi that contribute to the appearance of dandruff.

Normalizing the sebaceous glands shampoos are composed of oils, essential extracts. Both the scalp and the hair structure have a positive effect.

When choosing a shampoo, do not pay attention to the family or universal lines. Anyone means no one!

It must be borne in mind that an expensive and well-advertised shampoo does not guarantee you dandruff disposal, since the problem is individual, and that it is good for one does not always suit the other. Also, if you have big problems with dandruff, do not rush to go to the store or the pharmacy to buy, you should first consult a doctor to identify the exact cause of dandruff.

Watch your hair, run around it from external influence, provide them proper care, because beautiful hair is a pledge and the main condition of an aesthetic external image.

Causes of dandruff

The death of skin cells rather than laid down by nature, is the fault of the yeast fungus that lives on the scalp. Sometimes this “parasite” does not manifest itself for many years, a person does not even suspect what dandruff is.

Under certain conditions, the fungus begins to multiply, the cells die, bypassing the process of dehydration. Result:

  • sticky whitish scales appear.

The accession of the infection provokes the development of seborrhea. To dandruff are added:

  • persistent itching
  • irritation, redness of the scalp.

Factors triggering the development of the fungus:

  • weakened immunity
  • Wrong masks, hair shampoos,
  • often staining, especially cheap formulations, irritating the epidermis on the head,
  • stressful situations
  • addiction to salty, fatty, spicy food,
  • vitamin deficiency (dander often appears in the spring).

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Features dandruff shampoos for women

Dandruff can be dry and oily, and it depends on the nuances of the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Excess sebum often occurs due to hormonal adjustment of the female body. Dry hair and small white snow on them - a sign of a deficiency of sebaceous secretions, which can be the result of chemical exposure to strands: Curling, bleaching, dyeing, too frequent styling. When buying a specialized shampoo, consider the type of white flakes on your hair.

Statistics say: women are more likely to suffer from oily dandruff, men - from dry.

Means for washing hair are cosmetic and therapeutic. The first are more suitable for prevention, sold everywhere and can be used for quite a long time.

Medicinal preparations contain special active substances, therefore they should not be used on a permanent basis. They are in stock only in pharmacies. Products from the second category are divided into antifungal (prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms), exfoliating (act as a hair scrub), antimicrobial and other varieties.

Attention! Most often, therapeutic products are complex effects.

Selection rules

  1. Focus on your type of curls, so as not to aggravate the condition of the strands.
  2. If the manufacturer indicates that the shampoo is suitable for any kind of hair, read the recommendations for which dandruff is effective if it is dry or oily.
  3. Read reviews about various products on thematic forums.
  4. Buy shampoo, after consulting a doctor. He will probably give you a checkup to help you determine the cause of dandruff.
  5. Make sure that the drug has no contraindications that would make its use impossible for you specifically. Sometimes there are restrictions for pregnant and lactating women, as well as people suffering from chronic illnesses.
  6. Well, if the shampoo contains vitamins and is devoid of parabens, sulphates, perfumes, preservatives, dyes.

Optimal composition

Before you buy, familiarize yourself with the ingredients that form the basis of therapeutic hair fluids. It is desirable that there were:

  • substances that inhibit the growth of pathogens. One of the most famous in this area is ketoconazole. Besides him: clotrimazole, bifonazole, ciclopirox and others,
  • exfoliating components - sulfur, salicylic acid, selenium disulfide and others,
  • essential oils with antimicrobial action - lavender, tea tree, cedar and others. Sometimes this function is assigned to the tar, which in parallel has drying, anti-inflammatory properties,
  • natural plant extracts of herbs: burdock, nettle, chamomile or other.

By the way. Virtually all components are complex. For example, salicylic acid further disinfects the skin, and ketoconazole also eliminates itching.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of women's hair products is the presence of additional caring components. Due to this, the curls become smooth, resilient, obedient.

Other Benefits of dandruff shampoos:

  • act quickly enough, often the first changes are noticeable after 1–3 shampooing procedures,
  • remove the main symptoms of seborrhea, including itching, peeling, white or yellow scales on the hair,
  • soothe irritated areas
  • relieve inflammation
  • normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands,
  • moisturize or dry the skin (depending on the purpose),
  • quite often have a pleasant perfume fragrance.

The disadvantages of therapeutic detergents for dandruff include:

  • the possibility of an allergic reaction
  • the presence of contraindications
  • often - the content of sulfates, parabens,
  • low efficiency, but more often it is important if the problem of white flakes is associated with internal pathologies of the body,
  • fragility of action. Some users complain of a temporary result of dandruff shampoos, when after the end of their use the problem returns.


Many manufacturers indicate that their products are hypoallergenic, so the basic ban on its use is related to the individual intolerance of the components. If you experience discomfort while washing your hair, noticed an increase in itching or swelling, redness on the skin - tell the doctor about it and change the drug.

In addition, a clear contraindication for the treatment of dandruff shampoo is the presence on the skin wounds and abrasions. Certain means can not be used during pregnancy and feeding, as indicated in the instructions. Read the liners or package information.

Top shampoo rating

The concept of "best" is quite subjective. Someone thinks it is a product that is ideal for hair, cleans well of excess fat and white flakes, softens and moisturizes the skin. For some, this value judgment hides the balance of price-performance ratio, and for some it is more important the speed of obtaining the result.

It happens that consumers don’t put a maximum score on their funds because of an unpleasant smell, inconvenient packaging, and a lack of a dispenser. This ranking presents the top 20 shampoos that have collected a large number of positive feedback for various reasons. However, aboutThe main criterion is the effectiveness of shampoo for hair against dandruff, itching and flaking.

Attention! There are medical and cosmetic preparations. All of them are arranged in alphabetical order.

  • Alerana. Blocks the spread of fungal infections. It normalizes the sebaceous glands. Stimulates the growth of strong, healthy hair. Eliminates desquamation and soothes irritated areas. Contains antifungal component, panthenol, menthol, and other components. It costs about 350-400 rubles for 0.25 l.

  • Biokon, Anti Dandruff Shampoo from the Hair Strength series. It contains ketoconazole and tea tree oil, which destroy the fungus, reduce the fat content of the strands, and eliminate itching and flaking. The tool effectively cleans the scalp and cares for the hair, filling them with strength and shine. In addition, it is considered one of the most budget in its category: about 170 rubles for 150 milliliters.

  • Tar dermatological shampoo from the Agafya First Aid Kit series. It affects the dandruff of any etiology. Contains an effective antifungal antiseptic - birch tar. Additionally, it is enriched with the drug Climbazol, which is also actively fighting pathogenic microflora. Vitamin PP heals hair, improves its structure. The washing base of anti-dandruff shampoo from Grandmother Agafya is soap root. The cost is about 140-150 rubles per 300 milliliters.

  • Home doctor, Anti-dandruff shampoo "Tar + Tea Tree". Revitalizes the scalp, makes hair light and fresh. The active ingredients normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, soothe the irritated dermis, have an antiseptic effect on it. The drug fights with itching and white flakes, in parallel solving the problem of hair loss and slow hair growth. Makes strands obedient and shiny. Available in 0.3 liter containers. The price is about 100 rubles.

  • Horsepower, anti-dandruff shampoo with ketoconazole. In addition to the main antifungal ingredient contains citric acid. It reduces the fat content of the hair, gives them shine, smoothness, silkiness, makes the color more saturated. Like many other drugs, Horsepower is suitable for eliminating the symptoms of seborrhea and preventing this disease. The approximate price for a volume of 0.25 liters is 430–450 rubles.

  • Russian traditions, Anti-dandruff shampoo with birch sap. It is unlikely that you will find a cheaper tool, because for 0.4 liters of this therapeutic fluid you need to pay only 80 rubles. It contains climbazol (antifungal component), glycerin, citric acid, panthenol, as well as moisturizing and softening components derived from coconut oil.Birch sap accelerates hair growth, prevents their loss, gives the strands shine and elasticity, reduces fat.

  • Sulsen Forte (Mirolla). Sulsen dandruff shampoos are quite effective, so there are many manufacturers in the line. The main active ingredient is selenium disulfide, which inhibits the growth of fungus, prevents peeling of the skin. In addition, the preparation contains burdock root extract, citric acid, and other components. Sulsen Forte strengthens hair, makes them soft and silky, eliminates dandruff. Available in the form of ordinary shampoo and paste. There is a tool with an additional ingredient - ketoconazole. The cost of the vials depends on the volume (75-250 milliliters) and averages 100-250 rubles. An alternative to Mirolla products is sulsen dandruff shampoos from Amalgam Lux.

  • Bioderma Node DS + Anti-recidive. This dandruff shampoo is optimal if seborrhea symptoms bother you regularly. The active ingredients prevent the further formation of white flakes, make the hair shiny, silky and voluminous, soothe skin itching. It contains zinc, salicylic acid, kelp extract (disinfects the dermis, moisturizes it, enhances local immunity). The tool has a light creamy structure. Available in bottles of 125 milliliters. It costs about 1200-300 rubles.

  • Compliment Zinc +. It has indications for use in various forms of seborrhea. Ketoconazole and zinc block the development of a fungal infection, reduce the amount of dandruff on the hair. Salicylic acid disinfects the dermis, soothes irritation and itching. In addition, the complex includes Polyplant Hair® (plant extracts). It has an exfoliating, anti-inflammatory effect. Compliment Zinc + costs about 130–140 rubles for 0.2 liters.

  • Estel Otium Unique. Peeling shampoo effectively cleans the skin and hair from fat, dirt. Controls lipid balance, ensuring freshness and cleanliness of the hair. Removes dandruff and prevents its further appearance. Contains zinc, allantoin, extract of elecampane. Cost - around 500-530 rubles. In a 0.25 liter bottle.

  • Greenpharma, Anti Dandruff Shampoo Pharma Sylic. Suitable for those who suffer from the dry form of seborrhea, has weakened and damaged hair. There is salicylic acid, which exfoliates the horny skin particles. The preparation also contains several essential oils: cypress has an astringent effect, frankincense has regenerating and moisturizing properties, and tea tree is a well-known antibacterial component. Means refers to organic cosmetic products. The cost is about 300 rubles (0.5 liters).

  • Hair vital. Anti-dandruff shampoo regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands and has a detrimental effect on the fungal infection due to its zinc and other antimicrobial components. Natural extracts of burdock and green tea have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties. They improve the hair structure, make the strands soft and protect them from ultraviolet radiation, accelerate growth. Panthenol helps to soften the skin. The estimated cost of a 0.2 liter bottle is 300 rubles.

  • Head & Shoulders Nourishing Care. Contains zinc carbonate, which fights white scales and moisturizes the skin of the head. In addition, it has an extract of lavender flowers, dimethicone (cares for the softness and shine of the hair), as well as components that prevent tangling of strands and facilitate their combing. With regular use, this cosmetic product will significantly reduce the amount of flakes on the hair, but will not eliminate the cause of their appearance. But he perfectly cares for hair. There are bottles of 0.2 and 0.4 liters. Their cost is about 150 and 260–280 rubles, respectively. In addition, Head & Shoulders offers such anti-dandruff shampoos: “Apple Freshness”, with menthol, citrus, from the Basic Care line and others.

  • Jason Natural Dandruff Relief. This anti-dandruff shampoo is suitable for problem skin. It has a rich composition: salicylic and folic acid, jojoba, kelp, oat milk, tea tree, sulfur and other components that have a complex therapeutic effect on the hair. The drug cleans the skin, exfoliating the horny particles. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates dandruff and fights its relapses. It has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties. It actively nourishes the follicles and stimulates blood circulation, promoting hair growth. Among the minuses - a very high price, about 2000 rubles for 360 milliliters.

  • Klorane. Anti-dandruff shampoo with dry form of seborrhea. Contains nasturtium extract, which has an antibacterial effect, reduces inflammation, promotes healing of the dermis and eliminates dandruff from the hair. In addition, the tool peels and disinfects the skin. Vitamin B5 has a positive effect on the growth of curls. You can buy Kloran with nasturtium extract for about 550 rubles. In the bottle of 200 milliliters.

  • Librederm. Offers anti-dandruff shampoo Zinc and Tar. Both are suitable for all types of hair, but the manufacturer still recommends a zinc preparation for dry skin, and tar - with a tendency to curls to fat. Means cleanse the dermis and curls from scaly formations, eliminate dandruff, remove itching. They do not contain fragrances, dyes and parabens. The volume of bottles - 0.25 liters. The cost of Librederm Zinc is about 490 rubles, Librederm Tar is about 450 rubles.

  • L'Oreal Professionnel Expert Instant Clear Pure. The composition of this anti-dandruff shampoo is zinc, amino acids, vitamins, proteins. The tool fights with oily shine, nourishes and moisturizes the hair, gives them shine, elasticity, silkiness. Restores the structure of the curls and normalizes the water-fat balance of the dermis. Eliminates itchy skin and keratinous scales on the hair. Volume - 0.25 liters, the price - about 800 rubles.

  • Matrix Biolage Anti-Dandruff Scalpsync. Contains zinc, peppermint extract. Designed for owners of oily skin. Normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, cleanses the dermis and hair from pollution, eliminating itching and preventing the formation of white flakes. At the same time it strengthens the hair follicles, improves the blood circulation of the skin. Available in a 0.25 liter vial. The cost is 680–700 rubles.

  • Revivor-Perfect by Belita Vitex. Anti-dandruff shampoo is designed for any type of hair. Thanks to Trikenol technology, sebaceous gland activity returns to normal, the fungus does not have the ability to actively reproduce. Itching, peeling gradually pass, the number of cornified scales decreases. The effect persists for a long time. The drug contains salicylic and citric acids, extracts of celandine and white willow bark, castor oil. Volume - 0.4 liters, the cost - about 160-170 rubles. In addition, the company Belita Vitex produces other shampoos for eliminating white flakes from the hair in the series Against dandruff and healing solutions.

  • Vichy dercos. Under this brand 2 types of anti-dandruff shampoos are produced. There are separate products for owners of dry hair, as well as for those who have normal or fat-prone strands. They contain selenium, which blocks the development of a fungal infection, normalizes the microflora of the dermis. This component is not very pleasant smell, but Vichy shampoos are specially enriched with perfume composition. It will appeal to women who love the aromas of violet, melon, mandarin, sandalwood and others. In addition, the preparations contain salicylic acid (disinfects, peels), ceramide (increases local immunity), vitamin E (a natural antioxidant), and other components that soothe the skin and relieve irritation. Means from the Vichy Dercos line prevent further dandruff on the hair.The cost is 300–340 rubles (100 milliliters) and 650–750 rubles (200 milliliters).

Most users also praise the healing shampoos Sebozol, Nizoral, Psoril and others.

Rules of application

  1. Moisten your hair before using the shampoo.
  2. Some manufacturers indicate that their products should be used only on clean, pre-washed hair. To cleanse the skin and curls, use any means to which you are accustomed, and then a therapeutic drug. If this note is not in the instructions, just in 2 steps lather your head with anti-dandruff shampoo.
  3. Do not wash your hair with hot water. However, this is important not only in the fight against dandruff.
  4. Take a small amount of the medicinal product. The opinion that the more - the better, is wrong. On average, it takes about 5–10 milliliters (1–2 teaspoons).
  5. Focus on cleansing the skin. While washing off the foam will clean the hair.
  6. Spread the shampoo on the skin with gentle massage movements to stimulate blood circulation and help the active ingredients to penetrate to a sufficient depth.
  7. Leave the foam on your head for a few minutes: from 1-2 to 3-5. The exact time will indicate the manufacturer.
  8. Rinse off with warm water, apply rinse aid if necessary.
  9. Wash your hair with medicated shampoos 1-3 times a week for a month. Prevention - 1 time in 7 days.
  10. Anti-dandruff cosmetic products are applied as usual.
  11. If, in the intervals between treatments, the curls become contaminated and require additional washing, use regular shampoos.
  12. Violation of the correct algorithm can lead to the fact that the state of your locks worsen or the drug does not work.

By the way. Many companies produce balsams, hair tonics, sprays, masks, lotions, ampoules in addition to anti-dandruff shampoos. This product is designed to enhance performance in the fight against seborrhea.

Effect of use

Getting rid of dandruff is not a quick process and lasts at least 3-4 weeks. Although most therapeutic shampoos guarantee an improvement in the situation after 1-3 procedures, and reviews confirm this. The amount of white flakes will decrease, the itch will become not so strong, and will cease with time.

The appearance of the hair will also change: they will no longer be so abundantly dotted with cornified scales, but they will become smooth, resilient, shiny, and docile.

The course of treatment should positively affect the work of the sebaceous glands, reduce the fat content of the strands, provide them with the necessary hydration and nutrition. However, you need to use dandruff shampoos regularly, but not for long.

The maximum period during which they must demonstrate their effectiveness is 1.5–2 months, and then it is necessary to take a break.

The range of cosmetic products for women is very diverse. On the one hand, this allows you to purchase something that is right for you, on the other hand, it complicates the choice, as the search for the ideal tool can be delayed. If you find dandruff in the hair, it is better not to experiment, and seek the appointment of a doctor. He will advise a good anti-dandruff shampoo just for your case.

In addition, read reviews about various drugs, study their compositions and features of use. But do not abuse treatment. Like other medicines, shampoos have side effects and can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, when applying them, first of all use common sense.

Useful videos

What dandruff shampoo to choose?

Therapeutic shampoos for seborrhea.

Overview of popular brands of pharmaceutical shampoos

In the pharmacy chain and cosmetics stores there are several items for the treatment of dandruff, dry and oily seborrhea. Some good dandruff shampoos also fight against pityriasis.

What dandruff shampoo is better? Each composition has its own advantages.Brief description of medical and cosmetic shampoos will help you find "your" drug.


Popular tool on the market is not the first year. Many people use this shampoo.

  • active ingredient - ketoconazole has a strong antifungal effect,
  • the drug is recommended for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases,
  • with seborrheic crusts, an abundance of dead skin scales, depriving the agent is applied to washed hair, distributed on the skin and strands. After 5 minutes, rinse off
  • after a couple of treatments, itching decreases, desquamation decreases,
  • for treatment, lubricate the scalp twice a week, for prophylaxis - once every 12-14 days,
  • side effects are rare
  • The average price of dandruff shampoo Nizoral (60 ml bottle) is 400 rubles.


The drug appeared relatively recently, but quickly became popular. The reasons:

  • active fight against fungal diseases, seborrheic psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis,
  • reasonable price.

  • the active ingredient is ketoconazole. Citric acid and glycerin are present,
  • means detrimental effect on fungi, bacteria, removes dead flakes, eliminates seborrheic manifestations,
  • the drug normalizes the sensitivity of the skin,
  • Apply Sebozol dandruff shampoo on clean, slightly damp hair, foam. After five minutes, rinse your head well,
  • during treatment, use sebosol for a month. Treat the scalp a couple of times during the week. Prevention takes place every 7–14 days,
  • sometimes shampoo causes itching, dryness or, conversely, increased oily hair,
  • 100 ml bottle price - 230 rubles.


Well-known anti-dandruff drugstores have been sold for years. Before the advent of modern cosmetics and modern medical shampoos, many people bought Sulsen. There is a paste with the same name for the treatment of dermatological diseases. The drug has earned a lot of positive feedback.

  • the active ingredient is selenium disulfide. The substance purposefully affects the "culprit" of the appearance of scales, irritation, itching,
  • the molecule of the active substance is introduced into the cell wall of the fungus, violates the process of division and reproduction,
  • SeS2 molecules are fixed on the scalp, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, prevent dandruff,
  • therapeutic composition has a fungicidal, cytostatic, keratolytic effect,
  • wash your hair, distribute a little Sulsen dandruff shampoo, foam. After 3 minutes, rinse off thoroughly. Immediately repeat the treatment, rinse the hair and skin well again,
  • use Sulsen once a week. Excellent effect gives a combination of shampoo and paste concentrations of 1 and 2%,
  • The average price of a PET bottle is 150 ml - 270 rubles, Sulsen Forte paste - 70 rubles.

Keto plus

A modern drug with an active effect on the affected skin. Quickly restores balance on the scalp, normalizes the action of the sebaceous glands, adversely affects yeast fungi and dermatophytes.

  • active ingredient - ketoconazole, which neutralizes pathogenic flora. Another active ingredient is zinc pyrithione. Substance relieves irritation, relieves itching,
  • with regular use passes seborrheic dermatitis, the number of flaking scales decreases sharply,
  • Apply the composition to clean damp hair, foam well, after 3-5 minutes, remove with warm water,
  • use Keto Plus twice a week to treat dermatological diseases. For prophylaxis, once a month is enough
  • The average price of a bottle of 60 ml is 400–550 rubles.


The shampoo contains active ingredients and plant extracts for the treatment of the scalp. The tool is recommended for seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, psoriasis of the scalp.

  • active ingredients - light ichthyol, tar, climbazole. Substances have a marked anti-seboric effect,
  • Rosemary and mountain arnica extracts reduce inflammation, improve microcirculation of blood in the upper layers of the epidermis on the head,
  • panthenol softens the effect of chemical components in the shampoo,
  • Apply the preparation on the washed wet curls, massage the scalp well. Hold the frothy mass for 3 minutes, remove Fitoval under running water. Recommended re-treatment
  • use the composition once or twice a week,
  • for seborrhea Fitoval shampoo use for 4-16 weeks, with psoriasis - from 8 to 12 weeks. Strengthen the effect will help Fitoval dandruff lotion,
  • The average price is 300 rubles.

Learn all about the benefits and application of sea buckthorn hair.

In this article, read about hair lamination products.

Go here and read information about folk remedies for hair loss.

Tar 911

Means detrimental effect on yeast fungi, has an anti-inflammatory, sebostatic effect. Improves the work of sebaceous glands, there is disinfection of the epidermis.

  • The main component is tar. Organic acids, resins, toluene, are present.
  • the tool smells rather unpleasant, but the smell quickly disappears from the hair,
  • foam during processing is not very much due to the high percentage of natural ingredients,
  • the consistency is quite liquid, the drug is not very economically consumed,
  • wet hair with tar shampoo, distribute the composition over the entire length, massage the skin, leave for 3 minutes,
  • rinse your head with hot water,
  • the composition gently cleanses the hair and the epidermis, the curls become soft, obedient,
  • course - 21 days. Use the product a couple of times a week.
  • The average price of a 150 ml bottle is 130 rubles.

Clear vita abe

The popular anti-dandruff shampoo comes in several variations. There are funds for women and men.

  • The product contains a unique formula that nourishes the deep layers of the epidermis,
  • suitable for frequent use, gently cleanses hair and skin, gently cares,
  • the skin on the scalp heals, preconditions for the appearance of a large number of dead epidermis particles disappear,
  • reviews about shampoo various. One he helped, others did not see a noticeable result,
  • The average price of 400 ml - 310 rubles.

Children's dandruff shampoo

Disruption of sebaceous glands in children is rare. Most often, dandruff appears by 12-13 years at the beginning of adolescence. If you find in children signs of excessive appearance of dead scales, be sure to consult with a dermatologist and trichologist. The doctor will tell you which shampoo to choose.

For babies, you can recommend hypoallergenic products from the famous company Bubchen. The composition of soft cleansers - chamomile extract, glycerin, wheat proteins. Almost no dyes and fragrances. The leading manufacturer of cosmetics for children guarantees gentle care for the delicate skin of the baby.

Another good tool - Friderm shampoo for children. The pharmacy presents a series of drugs with various active ingredients. Each has a pronounced effect:

  • zinc - suitable for treating dandruff,
  • the remedy with PH-balance is necessary for the prevention of dermatological diseases of the delicate scalp in babies,
  • Tar is recommended to combat the increased oily skin and hair.

Use antisexin agents twice a week. Apply the composition for the first time, immediately rinse, during the second treatment, be sure to wait 5 minutes, then rinse your head with plenty of warm water.

The average cost of Bubchen shampoos is 130–180 rubles, Frieder brand 150 ml - 560–800 rubles.

Preventing dandruff


  • Keep your hair and scalp clean. Poor care is the cause of irritation, itching and various diseases, infection penetration,
  • strengthen the immune system, then the yeast mushrooms will be in a "dormant" state,
  • select high-quality hair care products,
  • refuse spicy, fatty, salty foods,
  • in time, start fighting parasites on the scalp,
  • make sure the body gets enough vitamins,
  • try to be less nervous.

Dandruff not only causes unpleasant feelings in others, makes a person embarrassed with seborrheic manifestations. An excess of whitish scales indicates the awakening of the fungus on the scalp, internal malfunctions.

How to choose a dandruff shampoo? The answer is in the following video:

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It is very difficult to find shampoo for yourself. But if you know what kind of dandruff is narrowed down the search. I have dry dandruff, trichologist advised healing shampoo Sebopyrox-911. After a couple of times of washing, the scalp ceased to scratch, and dandruff fell on the shoulders. So, that properly selected shampoo is the key to successful dandruff disposal.

Recently met shampoo Naftaderm. there is also such an ointment ... as part of naphthalan oil, respectively, with skin problems, including excellent dandruff. It helped me well. and the feeling that the hair has become more !!))

Another well-known shampoo - horsepower with ketoconazole is, I bought this, helped me

I suffered from dandruff for five years before I started using Hempina. I recommend a very good composition.

In the pharmacy, the pharmacist advised shampoo with ketoconazole, I chose horse brand of all of them, he came up with the price and liked the volume, which was great for that kind of money, it even later remained after the course, well, of course, dandruff did not return .

I was helped by dandruff like a shampoo with ketoconazole series horsepower, generally it quickly removed the itch - from the first time and dandruff itself in 3-4 days of everything. And of course, he is sold in a pharmacy.

I was quickly helped to get rid of dandruff pharmacy shampoo Naft-derm with naphthalan oil. After me, not only dandruff disappeared, my hair also became much better and healthier.

Overview of the most effective shampoos

With abundant dandruff, severe hair loss, you should use therapeutic agents to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. According to reviews, properly selected shampoo allows you to get rid of seborrhea in 3-4 weeks.

Therapeutic shampoo rating:

1. Nizoral is a popular ketoconazole antifungal agent. With regular use, the skin ceases to scratch, peel off, reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms stops. Shampoo effectively eliminates all types of dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, versicolor. For treatment, it should be applied once every 3 days, as a preventive measure - 2 times a month. The cost is 300–350 rubles.

2. Sebozol - antifungal shampoo with exfoliating action, inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Trichologists recommend it for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases. It is necessary to use it twice a week, to maintain the health of the strands and dermis, it is enough to apply shampoo once every 2 weeks. Price - 300 rubles.

3. Instant Clear from L’Oreal Professionnel - the shampoo contains zinc pyrithione, proteins, vitamins and moisturizing complex. Prevents hair loss, normalizes sebum synthesis, prevents dandruff and seborrhea. The cost is 500-700 rubles.

4. Algopix - shampoo contains tar and salicylic acid, has antifungal and antiseptic effect, prevents the reproduction of pathogenic organisms. According to reviews, this is one of the most effective drugs to combat dry and oily dandruff. It has a strong smell, you need to keep it on the hair for at least 10 minutes, it is contraindicated if there are scratches on the scalp. Price - 350-400 rubles.

According to reviews, the most effective antidandruff for men is Vichy Derkos.Shampoo has a high cost, but quickly removes itching, inflammation, spores of the fungus, promotes the exfoliation of large particles of the dermis, softens crusts. For the treatment of seborrhea in children, you can use shampoos Nizoral, Friderm Tar.

Therapeutic dandruff shampoos should be used in courses, after the end of therapy, you can apply cosmetic compositions that are designed to eliminate seborrhea.

When severely running dandruff and seborrhea, a dermatologist may prescribe professional shampoos - Avalon Organics, Qelual, Divination Simone DeLuxe. Their cost is high - 1000–2200 rubles, so you need to start treating the disease in a timely manner in order to remove unpleasant symptoms with more affordable means.

In addition to dandruff shampoos during treatment, you should use additional drugs that help to cope with itching, prevent the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms - sulfuric and salicylic ointment, sprays based on boric acid and resorcinol, cream with retinol, vitamin E, F.

Cheap shampoo review

To eliminate dandruff takes a lot of time, if the strands are long, then shampoos will have to be bought often, so many consumers are interested in effective, but inexpensive means.

Rating dandruff cost shampoos:

1. Sulsena - a time-tested anti-dandruff drug, produced in the form of shampoo and paste. It affects the dermis in a complex way - it normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, prevents desquamation, interferes with the process of reproduction of the fungus, eliminates itchy scalp. With regular use, dandruff disappears, oily hair slowly gets dirty, dry strands get a sufficient amount of moisturizing agents. The disadvantage is that it affects only one type of fungus, it is necessary to pass tests beforehand in order to identify the seborrhea pathogen. Price - 250 rubles.

2. Dermazole - one of the best shampoos for oily dandruff, contains ketoconazole. It has a pronounced antimycotic effect, it is recommended for the treatment and prevention of various kinds of seborrhea. The cost is 200–250 rubles.

3. Shampoo Tar 911 - removes inflammation of the skin, prevents the growth of fungi, normalizes the sebaceous glands, disinfects the dermis. It should be used twice a week for three weeks. Price - 120 rubles.

Among cosmetic products, Head and Shoulders, Clear products are considered to be the most effective for fighting dandruff. In their line you can find shampoos for men and women for different types of hair.

Homemade Dandruff Remedies

Eliminate hair loss, dandruff, you can use home shampoos and rinses. This method of treatment will be longer and less effective. But folk remedies contain only natural ingredients, which reduces the likelihood of allergies and side effects.

1. The composition of homemade dandruff shampoo:

  • quail yolks - 4 pieces,
  • medical alcohol - 5 ml,
  • rose oil - 2 drops,
  • essential oil of tea oil and sage - 3 drops.

Beat yolks with a mixer, combine alcohol and oils in a separate bowl. Mix both masses, apply on wet strands, lightly rub into the skin. Wash off shampoo with warm water after 5 minutes. Suitable for daily use.

2. Home remedy with Aspirin can replace salicylic acid dandruff medications. Grind into powder 3-4 Aspirin tablets, mix with a portion of ordinary shampoo. Apply the mass on wet strands, leave for 2-3 minutes, rinse with warm water.

3. For oily seborrhea, the scalp should be cleaned twice a month with peeling - mix 15 g of soda with 15 ml of warm water, add 5 ml of liquid vitamin E, 3 drops of tea tree oil. Massage movements rub the gruel into the skin of the head, rinse in the usual way.

4. Well eliminates dandruff and itching apple cider vinegar - it should be mixed in equal proportions with warm water, rub the mixture into the roots. Warm the head with a polyethylene cap and a towel.After a quarter of an hour, wash your hair.

5. Fenugreek - a popular Indian spice, has healing properties. Seeds contain proteins and amino acids that perfectly improve hair growth, prevent dandruff, make the strands smooth and silky. Soak overnight 15 g of seeds in 300 ml of water, rub them in the morning in a paste. Slurry lubricate the scalp, leave for 40 minutes, rinse with neutral shampoo.

Even the most effective means will not help to get rid of seborrhea, if there are harmful products in the diet. Sweets and other fast carbohydrates, yeast pastries, fatty, fried, smoked food, alcoholic beverages and coffee - all this can provoke hair loss and dandruff. A strict diet will have to be held for 20 days, then you need to eat properly and balanced.

Preventing dandruff

When vitamin E deficiency occurs, dry seborrhea occurs - you need to drink fish oil for 14 days to restore balance. Against the background of a lack of retinol and vitamin F, oily dandruff is formed - fatty sea fish, flaxseed, olive oil, sunflower oil, carrots should be included in the diet.

Lack of biotin manifests dandruff of a mixed type - this element is contained in greens, legumes, protein products. Zinc is essential for healthy hair - it is found in raw seeds and nuts. Low fat dairy products enrich the body with vitamin D, which is present in almost all hair care formulations.

How to prevent dandruff:

  • properly and timely care for hair and scalp - dirt, dust, residues of styling allow fungi to multiply quickly,
  • strengthen the immune system, spend more time outdoors, temper,
  • use only quality products for hair care,
  • wash your head with warm or cool water, use herbal rinses regularly,
  • avoid stressful situations
  • choose several suitable shampoos, alternate them,
  • UV rays are great against pathogens, you just need to be in the sun at a safe time, use hair protectors.

To keep your hair and scalp healthy, you must always wear a hat that fits the season. Dry hair strands should be on average temperature. Try to collect the curls less often in tight bunches and tails - poor circulation often provokes dandruff.

Doctors recommend the use of pharmaceutical shampoos for hair that perfectly eliminate itching, peeling, help get rid of dandruff and other dermatological diseases of the scalp.

“Against the background of hormonal adjustment, a lot of sticky dandruff arose during menopause. Ordinary hair shampoos helped a little, turned to the doctor - he advised me to get Nizoral. I use it for 3 weeks - the dandruff disappeared, my hair began to fall off less, the skin stopped scratching. Disadvantages - high cost, small volume of the bottle - I have very long curls, I have to buy shampoo every week. ”

“After the birth, seborrhea appeared - the scalp began to itch, peeled off in huge chunks, the hair, after a few hours after washing, looked dirty, began to fall out strongly. At specialized forums I read reviews of trichologists about Dermazole. I apply the product on wet hair, rubbing it on the skin for a quarter of an hour. Already after the second application all unpleasant symptoms disappeared. After a monthly treatment course, I use shampoo for prophylaxis once a week. ”

“I have oily hair, dandruff appears often, accompanied by severe itching of the scalp. Homemade blends, cosmetic shampoos give short-term effect. The real salvation was Sebosol. It has no flaws - affordable price, economical, has a neutral smell. Dandruff disappeared in 2 weeks at all, so my review is positive, I recommend. ”

“I’ve been looking for a good anti-dandruff agent for a long time, at one forum there were a lot of positive reviews about shampoo from L'Oreal company. His cost is high, but I decided to purchase. The result is amazing - after three applications the dandruff has disappeared, the strands are smooth, shiny, strong, the head has ceased to be scratched. Now I use it regularly - 1-2 times a week, my hair began to grow faster, they are easier to style. ”

Snezhana, Nizhny Novgorod.

“Constant stress, food in a hurry made my hair moody - they quickly got dirty, itching and dandruff appeared. My master advised me to get Sulsen anti-dandruff in a pharmacy. I was skeptical - it is inexpensive, it does not look very presentable. But the effect after the first application dispelled all doubts - dandruff disappeared immediately, the hair looks perfect for 2-3 days, it became easier to style them. Now I use it regularly. ”

“Dandruff haunts me all the time, especially many white scales appear in spring. Used a variety of shampoos from Head and Shoulders - the result was, but very short. This time, she decided to purchase the Algopix remedy at a pharmacy, and was attracted by the affordable price. The aroma is specific - it smells of tar and algae, but does not remain on the hair. Shampoo is liquid, but it foams well. Dandruff disappeared after the third application, hair is docile and soft, even without conditioner. ”

It is better to buy a shampoo for itching of the head and dandruff in the pharmacy - medical preparations will help to quickly and effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms. If, after a course of therapy, seborrhea has not disappeared, you should visit the trichologist, undergo a full examination - seborrhea can be a sign of serious malfunctions in the body.

Dandruff shampoo: how to choose the best

The autumn-winter period often upsets the owners of luxurious hair with dandruff. This phenomenon is easily explained by the change of seasons, lack of vitamins, dermatological and other diseases. In any case, to get rid of this trouble, you will need an effective dandruff shampoo. And about what kind of shampoos and reviews about them, we will tell you today.

3 librederm

According to user feedback, the dandruff shampoo - Librederm "Tar" has the highest performance. This drug contains D-panthenol and birch tar, which, in combination with other components, provide an excellent cleansing of the scalp from dandruff and fat. With constant use helps to accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis, restores the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands and significantly reduces hair loss. Shampoo is suitable for all hair types, but is especially recommended for oily hair.


  • high performance
  • economical consumption
  • does not dry hair.


  • contains sodium laureth sulfate,
  • peculiar smell
  • price.

2 Hair Vital

The best price in the category possesses Hair Vital dandruff shampoo. The tube in 200 ml can be got at low cost. The composition includes an active ingredient - zinc pyrithione. That he is the main assistant in the fight against seborrhea. Its antimicrobial and antifungal effects adversely affect pathogens. The drug is suitable for a wide range of skin diseases, for example, psoriasis, dandruff and others. The shampoo reduces peeling and itching, regulates the work of sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as perfectly cleans hair, accelerates their growth, increases volume and gives shine. It is used once or twice a week, and as a prophylaxis once a week for two months. Suitable for women and men.


  • wide range of action,
  • Suitable for all hair types,
  • economical consumption
  • low price


1 ESTEL Otium Aqua

ESTEL Otium Aqua Shampoo is the best anti-dandruff moisturizer. It is designed for dry hair types. This shampoo can be attributed to prophylactic drugs.Due to the fact that the composition contains a special complex True Aqua Balance and there is no sodium laureth sulfate, the hair and skin cover receive a sufficient amount of moisture and are not adversely affected. It is this that prevents the formation of dryness and, in turn, the appearance of seborrhea. Otium Aqua perfectly strengthens hair and cares for them. This tool can be used daily. The volume of a tube makes 250 ml.


  • perfectly moisturizes
  • suitable for daily use
  • prevents dryness and dandruff
  • has antistatic effect,
  • inexpensive.


4 Horse Force Horsepower

The line of dandruff preparations known brand enjoys increased attention from buyers. This is due to proven efficacy, affordability and natural ingredients. The product actively affects the curls immediately after application. Thanks to its ketoconazole, the result is already visible after the first day of treatment. The tool restores the natural microflora, makes curls smooth and silky.

The shampoo is applied to wet hair and beat the foam with vigorous movements. Five minutes later it is washed off with water. The procedure is carried out from two to three times a week until complete elimination of peeling. If the skin is prone to the formation of flakes, should be used horse power to prevent their occurrence once in 14 days.

3 Ducray Kelual

Dandruff shampoo Kelual from the well-known company Ducray differs from its competitors by its composition capable of providing an instant soothing effect. This tool is recommended for use by people suffering from moderate and severe forms of dandruff, which, as is known, are almost always accompanied by severe irritation, itching and scaling. The drug is also suitable for seborrheic dermatitis. The shampoo contains ingredients such as keluamide, zinc pyrithione and ciclopiroxolamine. They provide a gentle cleansing of the scalp, eliminating dandruff, redness and itching. It is applied twice a week for six weeks.


  • instant soothing effect
  • getting rid of severe dandruff
  • well foams
  • pleasant aroma.


2 Matrix Biolage Anti-Dandruff Scalpsync

Matrix Biolage Anti-Dandruff Scalpsync - dandruff shampoo, which contains only natural substances. The main active ingredient is peppermint extract. It perfectly removes irritation from the scalp, soothes it, also improves blood circulation and has an antibacterial effect. After several applications, the result is already noticeable: the amount of dandruff is significantly reduced. The second most effective component is zinc pyrithione, which normalizes the fat balance in the epidermis and eliminates peeling.


  • natural active ingredients
  • eliminate dandruff and hair care,
  • large volume - 400 ml


1 L'Oreal Professionnel Expert Instant Clear Pure

Expert Instant Clear Pure Dandruff Shampoo from L'Oreal Professionnel brand has a long lasting effect, permanently coping with the problem. From the first application, its active ingredients begin to work, eliminating dandruff, itching and peeling. The tool also provides excellent care, especially for long hair, so it is more suitable for women. After washing, the hair becomes smooth and docile, easy to comb and style. Regular use of shampoo ensures proper functioning of the sebaceous glands and the restoration of water balance. Can be applied daily.


  • provides a lasting effect
  • cleans well
  • gives a lot of foam
  • pleasant aroma.


The best medicated dandruff shampoos

Healing dandruff shampoos are specifically designed to eliminate various diseases of the scalp. They can be used for the treatment of various types of seborrhea and dermatitis, as well as psoriasis, depriving, peeling, irritation.They contain strong antifungal ingredients. Such funds are usually used not daily, but in courses.

3 911 tar shampoo

The dandruff remedy - tar tar shampoo stands out among the competitors with its simplicity and accessibility. He quickly removes from the scalp all the unpleasant symptoms caused by seborrhea. The drug has antifungal, exfoliating and bactericidal action. Copes with abundant dandruff, various seborrhea, psoriasis, irritation and itching. The essence of its therapy lies in the suppression of fungal activity, careful cleansing and elimination of irritation. Means is suitable for men, for women and children not younger than two years.


  • copes with prevention and treatment
  • gently cleanses the scalp and hair,
  • price for a tube of 150 ml - 120 p.


  • not everyone will like the specific tar smell.

2 Sebosol (Pharmatechnology)

Treatment dandruff shampoo Sebozol has the best effectiveness among analogues. It eliminates the cause of the appearance of "white flakes" and prevents their re-formation. This tool has shown excellent therapeutic results in seborrheic and atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and multi-colored lichen. Despite the fact that the drug is an external antimycotic, its use does not change the usual process of washing the head. Thanks to ketoconazole, which is part, it has an antimicrobial effect. The remaining neutral ingredients that form the washing base of the shampoo gently clean the hair and scalp, reducing irritation.


  • high efficiency,
  • suitable for children from the year
  • copes with a large range of skin diseases
  • does not require frequent use.


The best antifungal agent is recognized as dandruff shampoo - Biocon. It refers to therapeutic drugs. During washing, the product gently and gently cleanses the skin and hair, reducing peeling and itching. After applying it, the feeling of freshness is maintained for a long time. The shampoo contains active ingredients such as ketoconazole and tea tree oil. They affect fungal microorganisms, which are the cause of dandruff, and also cope with high fat content, leading the work of the glands to normal. Suitable for both men and women. Can be used for prevention.


  • eliminates itching and dandruff,
  • gently cleanses
  • price.


  • small volume - 150 ml.

3 ALPECIN ALPETSINE with caffeine

Complex shampoo, produced in Germany, developed by Dr. Kurt Wolff Research Institute. The tool not only eliminates the problem of dandruff, but also improves the structure of the hair, prevents their loss. This happens due to the active components of the composition - caffeine and niacin.

This shampoo is especially popular among men, although it is also suitable for women. The product of German manufacturers strengthens the roots and enriches the skin cells with nutrients. It is proved that he is able to slow down hereditary hair loss.

2 Jason Natural Dandruff Relief

The medicinal composition of the shampoo has a firming effect. It speeds up the blood flow and thus allows the locks to get more nutrients. Salicylic acid, sulfur, zinc pyrithione and glycerin contained in it have antibacterial and peeling effects. Also included in the composition of various types of vegetable oils, wheat protein.

Shampoo is suitable for both women and men. Buy it in a pharmacy can not, you can order the product via the Internet. Periodically recommended to use the composition for the prevention of seborrheic dermatitis. A large volume of the bottle (350 ml) is enough for a long time.

1 MaYu Healing Shampoo

A comprehensive tool from Secret Key not only solves the problem of white scales, but also improves the appearance of the hairstyle. Its formula includes more than ten plant extracts and horse fat.The natural composition of the shampoo is great for those who quickly grow fat roots, dry hair, and there is a problem of dandruff.

The composition eliminates eczema on the skin, relieves itching, smoothes and moisturizes the curls. Judging by the reviews, after regular treatment with shampoo hair loss decreases, the ends cease to split. Buyers note that the product works well in a pair with a light, nutritious balsam. The only thing that can confuse is the high price. website warns: self-medication can harm your health! All the presented tips are for familiarization, but they should be applied strictly according to the doctor's prescription!

Published on November 30, 2012 in the category: Beauty,

if you are completely desperate to beat dandruff. as I once (even probably closer to seborrhea) suffered from it for 10 years, if you tried all the shampoos and nothing helped, my advice is sulsen or sulsen shampoo for up to 300 rubles.

clear-vit-abe I use it only. In addition with balm. Enough for a long time foams well. Dandruff with him is long gone, but continue to use. Hair by the way After it comb well

I really liked the combination of CLEAR vita ABE shampoo and Magic Glance BOTANICA Antidandruff balsam. Previously, she suffered greatly, was seborrhea. Now everything is great. Before that, I used various shampoos and balms. As a result, I found the perfect combination for myself.

there is still a very good shampoo dandruff. It only helps me

Only Keto Plus helped me to get rid of seborrhea, it differs from the above ones, it has two active components, so that it will surely “finish off” dandruff) and itch relieves, almost immediately. And it takes a long time.

Rescued a husband and an older daughter by means of scalp
sh-rd, the problem has disappeared, but continue to use, I hope that after stopping the use of dandruff will not appear

My dandruff helps my husband with salicylic psoryl shampoo. Thanks to a specially developed innovative formula shampoo
affects the causes of acute dandruff, and eliminates them. Shampoo foams beautifully and gives the hair a natural shine. It has a pleasant smell.

the best is sulsen. The skin becomes perfect! I have been using it for several years now, it is worth switching to a different shampoo for a few days, as the discomfort begins.

I was helped by dandruff from traditional medicine in India, Ayurveda. I used shampoo without alys and parabens ayurvedic with Nim Chandi. Made herbal and oil masks.

Here they write in the article that it is necessary to reduce the fat content, and it happens that the skin is peeling off, and the woman begins to take these scales for dandruff. For me, the number one dandruff shampoo is Horsepower. This shampoo normalizes sebum secretion, i.e. hair can not be too fat or dry. Sulsena dries my skin, and Horsepower at the time, and the hair grows better from it. Active ingredients - ketoconazole and citric acid. Only here is one that removes not the first wash, and the course should be used. Then you can go to the other Shapomuni, if necessary, repeat.

I have always found it difficult to find a shampoo for myself from expensive and cheap, and from many others, I got irritated or dandruff appeared. Then I began to look for shampoo in a pharmacy and saw tar shampoo. Brand some unfamiliar to me, vitateka. Bought. Began to use. Frankly, the smell just hit me! But once gathered - it is necessary to use. Gathered with the spirit. Washed her hair. So “in action” shampoo is good, and it foams easily, and it is distributed, and it is washed off super. And the hair is well combed! But the next time (in a week) I used another shampoo. But the problem was the same as it was, it did not disappear anywhere (In short, I had to put aside other shampoos and start using Vitateca regularly, because the head calms down immediately, it stops to itch.So, if you do not bother with the smell in the bottle, then the effect is just gorgeous, dandruff has passed! And for those who will use it is necessary a LITTLE-LOOK to take it!

My husband had the same problem; a lot of shampoos were tried and stopped on Malavit shampoo, after the first use the scalp stopped itching and dandruff. And still hair after it shines very beautifully. I advise you to try.

Choose Sebozol works effectively

Of all the shampoos cited in the article, I used three and none, to my great regret, did not give complete relief from dandruff. After nizoral, dandruff appeared again after three weeks, Vichy generally passed by, as if I had not used it. From bioderma, the effect was longer than from nizoral, however, the dandruff returned again, albeit after six months. The only shampoo that today completely rid me of dandruff (one and a half years neither hearing nor spirit) is horsepower. Many are surprised and ask again - is this a horse shad? No, for people, horsepower from dandruff with ketoconazole is sold exclusively in pharmacies, a large yellow bottle (250 ml.) Shampoo, like everything else in this direction, is applied to the second soaping and only on the roots. I held for about 5 minutes, washed my head twice a week. Reducing dandruff occurs from the first application (and very noticeable), it completely disappeared in the fourth week of use. Here is my story with mongrels. You never know what they say, where you find, where you lose.

I have seborrheic dermatitis, as it turned out at a dermatologist's appointment. He appeared after childbirth, unexpectedly. Before that, there were no problems. The dermatologist just spread her hands and said that it is not treated, you can use shampoos, moisturize the skin in order to reduce discomfort. And now I have been suffering for 5 years, I have tried dozens of shampoos, very expensive ones such as la roshe posay, and the cheapest tar ones. Yes, there is an effect at first, but after a month it is gone, and in the next trick it seems that immunity to this shampoo has to be taken new. As a result, I use head and shoulders (as it is not unfortunate). For a day, the effect is enough, in the evening my head itches mercilessly, sometimes I get up in the middle of the night and go to wash my hair, maybe this itch drives me crazy. Recently tried the hood of the Monarda. Monarda is a plant in my country grows like flowers. Extracting CO2, as a friend familiar with biochemistry explained to me, without any thermal and chemical treatments, an oily substance is made from a plant with a gas, such as simply changing the shape of a plant. It is inexpensive. Of course, she will never fully cure seborrhea, but when my head starts to itch, I smear it (especially on weekends, you can not flush and walk all day). It is like fat oil, if I work, then I gently smear only those places where itch, so that there is no greasy shine. And oddly it helps! for a day, two, stops itching. Now my head every other day on weekdays, which I am very glad about, every day, head and shoulders washing didn’t benefit my hair. This year at the dacha, I'll cut off the monarda and will brew tea and rinse my head, it will suddenly become even better. Who would we think that an ordinary plant can help with dermatitis. But of course I dream to find something that will save me from this torment forever. But here only the treatment from the inside, shampoos, oils is only a temporary disguise of the problem. In general, dermatologists believe that if this biaca got out, then forever. ((

If I get dandruff, I immediately buy in a pharmacy, tar poryloma shampoo, I need only 2 weeks of use, and dandruff and itching disappear. The smell of tar does not remain on the hair, so the girls do not worry.

My favorite anti-dandruff remedy, and now Urelia gel from skin flaking, is made in France - Isispharm. perfectly moisturizes the skin.And the cool thing is that this tool is universal, just two in one and a shampoo for the head and a washing gel for the body.

I killed my hair with this “Horse power”. Led to advertising. They began to crawl, appeared dandruff. Before applying this “miracle shampoo”, there were no problems with hair AT ALL! I restore hair with masks based on henna and basma + I add oils and other ingredients. Coloring and health of hair as a bonus!

I only trust pharmacy products. Although there are "surprises". Now I use gel Urelia. From dandruff rid. I bring my skin order also with this gel, it is universal and suitable for the scalp and hair (relieves dandruff)

How this dandruff got me! Already so much money pereprobyvala, the result is only not for long. From shampoos, only Headheads helps me a little. Now here I want to try more Kloran, like they write about him well: Linking to third-party resources is prohibited. I hope for the best ...

Sebazol came up to me. Now I use it for prophylaxis. And Clear Vita Abe began to use. Very good

And Shampoo Zdrava Aktiv with coal and collagen came up to me. Great shampoo! I had a little dandruff, but the hair itself was dry and lifeless, but now there are no problems: well-groomed and shiny. And who has strong dandruff has a medicated shampoo of this brand Zdrave Forte - an enhanced formula. And the price is acceptable for European quality. Great shampoo. Now in Russia you can buy it.

My dandruff on stress begins in the season change, m. just a coincidence, but I noticed such a pattern. My long-term choice has now fallen on Antiforr djuven shampoo. Therapeutic shampoo on the grass and not as wild in its composition as a pharmacy.

When I started to get dandruff, the scalp began to itch very much, I just climbed on the wall from an itch. Mom bought me a shampoo at the pharmacy, it is called Sebopiroks 911. This is a special shampoo for dandruff, it very well relieves itching of the head and peeling. And he fights against the fungus that causes dandruff.

For me from dry dandruff masks with burdock oil with red pepper helped me a lot. The pharmacy is sold, a very budget option. At first I washed it with Sebasol, I was advised in a pharmacy. The result is zero. After the mask, the result is immediately visible. But I still use shampoo every two weeks.

I was advised in the pharmacy by our shampoo, an inexpensive and effective Sebopyrox 911, very carefully cleanses the hair and does not injure the scalp. After a week of use, I forgot what dandruff is, and even now I don’t remember.

When I came to the pharmacy for Nizoral, the pharmacist recommended his 100% equivalent Mycozoral. It also works effectively, as well as 2% ketoconazole, which fights fungi and eliminates dandruff. The shampoo turned out to be really effective. Delivered us from this unpleasant problem. Now, with prophylactic treatment, once a month or two my head is Mykhozoral.

I, too, immediately dandruff appears, it is worth only nervous a little bit. The head itches. Saving Mykozoral shampoo, an analogue of Nizoral it. The composition and action are the same, and the price is almost half the price at Mykozoral. After just a couple of uses, dandruff disappears.

1. Keto Plus (500 rubles)

The composition contains ketoconazole, as well as related elements. This product is intended for the treatment of dandruff and its complications, fungus and inflammatory processes. It quickly removes the symptoms and eliminates discomfort. Shampoo is effective against seborrheic dermatitis.

2. Nizoral (1 thousand rubles)

Excellent anti-fungal agent is actively bought up, despite the high cost. It can eliminate dandruff for a long time, significantly reduce hair loss and keep it clean. It can be purchased at any city pharmacy. The only downside is the unpleasant aroma of the composition.

3. Sebosol (400 rubles)

The ketoconazole shampoo in the composition is indicated for dermatitis, lichen and seborrhea. With all these ills, he copes great. The product is suitable for any type of hair. Dandruff with it begins to gradually go away after the first 3-4 applications. Reviews of shampoo received positive, as the cost is fully consistent with the quality.

4. Perhohot (380 rubles)

Another product, produced on the basis of ketoconazole, is offered to buyers in two versions: for treatment (2% of the active substance) and for preventive measures (1%). The composition has no specific smell, which remains on the hair after washing. Moreover, the shampoo provides clean and healthy hair shine for several days.

5. Fitoval (from 250 rubles)

The drug of strong action consists of ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione and ciclopirox. He copes with fungus, dandruff and hair loss. The only disadvantage is the fact that the shampoo is contraindicated for young men up to 14 years.

Mikanisal (500 rubles)

Antifungal shampoo can not only remove dandruff, but also cope with redness on the skin. It is distinguished by a thick consistency, is easily washed off and provides a long lasting effect. Among the shortcomings of the woman point out the fact that the composition does not foam.

Biodema Node (500 rubles)

The French agent acts as a terrific antifungal product, which additionally has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. He just a couple of weeks of regular use noticeably softens the skin of the head and eliminates dandruff. Many people get shampoo to combat chronic seborrhea, psoriasis and severe itching.

Squaphane S (600 rubles)

A product with an ideal composition helps to improve the functioning of the glands, eliminate the symptoms of inflammation and remove the fungus. It includes juniper oil, climbazole complex and other useful ingredients. The main advantages of buyers include a reasonable cost, economical consumption and a pleasant smell, which lingers on the hair after shampooing.

Dandruff Control Shampoo (700 rubles)

Shampoo, which removes all the symptoms of dandruff, contains plant extracts, peptides, various oils and other components of natural origin. It is economical, even if the hair reaches a great length. Among the negative qualities only specific aroma stands out.

Himalaya Herbals (300 rubles)

The ideal tool for owners of greasy hair types copes well with smoothing hair, prolongs its cleanliness, removes existing dandruff and foams well. It has a peculiar smell, but not too intrusive. Women like the product for a convenient cover and dispenser. Of the minuses customers note the liquid consistency.

Klorane (600 rubles)

The main advantage of this product is its composition. It includes: vitamins, ingredients with antifungal properties, as well as nasturtium extract. It is effective not only for dandruff, but also for dry skin. The tool provides high-quality recovery of hair and stops baldness.

Dermazole (300 rubles)

Shampoo is well proven not only in Russia. He was loved by many women and men for the rapid and high-quality elimination of dry dandruff. In addition, this tool solves the problem of dermatitis and depriving. The product is manufactured in India and contains only useful components.

Home Institut (300 rubles)

An excellent drug is usually used for prophylaxis or for the purpose of completing treatment. He is excellent in fighting seborrhea, dry hair and impaired balance. Shampoo is popular due to its pleasant smell, high efficiency and the ability to stimulate hair growth.

The best shampoos for oily dandruff

Fatty dandruff causes discomfort when washing the head and combing, so its owners are ready for anything to fix the problem.Shampoos for this, as a rule, are able to rid not only of dandruff, but also from the fungus of the skin, lice and various bacterial infections.

TOP 3 best products:

Vichy Dercos (from 400 rubles)

An excellent shampoo with a thick consistency can eliminate the itch after the first use. In its composition there are no parabens and other harmful components. It is great for owners of sensitive skin type. Another advantage is the ability to purchase cheap probes in order to understand how good the product is.

Tervapuun Tuoksu (200 rubles)

Means with Finnish pine tar in the composition is intended for the treatment of fungus, oily seborrhea and various hair infections. It is produced in Finland and is actively distributed throughout the world. Buyers claim that such a shampoo is really worth the money. Moreover, they are enthusiastic about the unsurpassed effectiveness of the composition.

Sulsena (300 rubles)

The unique shampoo of the Ukrainian manufacturer is indicated for oily seborrhea, as well as clear violations of the metabolism of fats in the skin of the head. Its structure contains the following components: climbazole, extracts of plant origin, oils, peptides. This tool is well manifested in the destruction of pathogenic fungi and strong oily dandruff.

MaYu Healing Shampoo (700 rubles)

The shampoo eliminates dandruff, strengthens the hair and allows the hair to stay clean and shiny for a long time. It is famous for its natural composition, seborrhea effect. This tool helps women do styling, smoothes curls and effectively fights split ends. Of the minuses there is only the high cost.

Medicine man Prevent dandruff (500 rubles)

This shampoo moisturizes the skin, maintains cleanliness of the hair for more than two days and is distinguished by good foaming. The drug is sold in any pharmacy without a prescription, so anyone can get it absolutely. Also to its merits can be attributed to the fact that after the first use of the curls fit much better. As for the negative sides, people most often note the lack of a dispenser and the ability to entangle hairs.

Hair Vital (from 300 rubles)

A unique anti-dandruff remedy helps to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and eliminate the scalp fungus. It contains many useful ingredients: green tea and burdock extracts, zinc and others. Thanks to them, the product has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Moreover, it makes the strands soft and provides them with reliable protection against ultraviolet rays.

The best professional dandruff shampoos

Products of professional level relieve from various diseases, are actively used in expensive salons and have a corresponding price. Not all people can afford this luxury, but at least once a year you should pamper yourself and your hair.

The list of leaders in this category includes:

Loreal Professionnel Instant Clear Pure (1 thousand rubles)

Shampoo is not in vain in first place. He gets a lot of positive feedback about the performance, a pleasant consistency, as well as an additional effect of lamination. As for the shortcomings, here it is only one - over time, the effect disappears.

Loreal Professionnel Homme Cool Clear (from 900 rubles)

The main advantages of this tool include fast visual effect, as well as the ability to normalize the sebaceous glands. In addition, women enthusiastically respond to the elimination of "snow" on the head after a week of use (2-3 procedures). Of the minuses people point to a small volume of the bottle.

Chicco (200 rubles)

Shampoo foam intended to be used from the very first days of life. This tool can act as a therapeutic and prophylactic drug. It prevents the formation of crusts on the head, eliminates white flakes and softens the skin.The composition contains extracts of hawthorn and chamomile.

La Cree (from 150 rubles)

Another drug that combines the properties of shampoo and foam, can be used for infants and for children up to 12 years. It contains jojoba and olive oils, salicylic acid, and licorice extract. This type of shampoo has a low price, but rather high quality. He perfectly copes with wounds on the skin, dandruff and dryness.

Mustela (1000 rubles)

Means with components of natural origin does not contain soap and parabens. The main components are: salicylic acid, avocado oil and climbazole. It removes high-quality pollution, copes with dandruff and accelerates wound healing. In addition, this product perfectly maintains the balance of the skin.

Which shampoo is better for dandruff?

Among the large range of products to make a choice can be difficult. In the case of dandruff when buying a shampoo, it is important to pay attention not only to the composition and cost, but also its purpose. Each product is intended for a separate problem and has its own properties. To buy a really decent product, you need to remember a few tips:

  1. Indian products are more suitable for oily hair.
  2. If it was not possible to determine the specific cause of dandruff, then for treatment it is best to select products with a complex effect.
  3. With the constant appearance of dandruff, it is worth picking up everyday shampoos that do not over dry skin.
  4. For prevention, it is better to use products with a softening effect and natural ingredients in the composition that regulate the fat content of the skin.

The best healing dandruff shampoo: TOP 7 rating

The problem of dandruff is not new and there are a lot of products to solve it. How to figure out and choose the right product without overpaying?
Therapeutic shampoo is best purchased at the pharmacy. Customer reviews suggest that the shampoo purchased at the hardware store can be fake and, at best, will not solve the problem, and at worst, it will aggravate and add extra in the form of allergic reactions.
We look at the composition. A remedy that helps eliminate dandruff should contain at least 2-3 components that have the properties:

  • antifungal - climbazole, ketoconazole,
  • antimicrobial - piroctone olamine, zincopyrionate,
  • keratolytic (helping to remove the upper layer of the epidermis) - sulfur,
  • peeling - salicylic acid,
  • cytostatic (reducing the rate of cell reproduction) - selenium persulfide,
  • remove irritation - dandelion, nettle, burdock, birch, chamomile, ginseng extracts, tar additives, etc.

We chose the 7 most popular and effective shampoos presented to date, dismantled their composition, compared the price and checked customer reviews.

To help with the treatment and prevention of dandruff, Vichy has released Vichy Dercos shampoo. The shampoo is medical, so it is not recommended to use it daily. For treatment 2-3 times a week, for the purpose of prophylaxis, two times a month is sufficient, while other time it is necessary to use other cleaning products.
The active substances that are part of Vichy dandruff shampoos: selenium sulfide, clotrimazole, pyroctonolamine, ketoconazole. The drug contains salicylic acid, essential oils and thermal water.


  • high efficiency,
  • quickly eliminates itching
  • does not contain parabens, sulphates and artificial colors;
  • well foams
  • suitable for sensitive skin
  • pleasant aroma.


  • expensive,
  • contraindicated in pregnant women and during lactation,
  • contraindicated in children under 12 years old,
  • individual intolerance is possible.

The price varies from 800 to 1000 rubles per pack of 200 ml.

Although I rarely wash my head, my hair remains clean for quite a long time, and dandruff is completely absent. I advise anyone who has problems with dandruff

Below is a video with a comment about the product from the user:

The drug is a domestic manufacturer with a long, positive history. Perhaps the tool lacks a big name on the package and celebrities, flashing in a commercial with a tube in hand, but this does not imply its quality and a consistently positive result from use. Selenium disulfate, laureth sulfate, benzyl alcohol, citric and salicylic acid, which are approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, are among the active ingredients. Like any drug, shampoo is not suitable for daily use, but is recommended for use no more than three times a week. The result becomes noticeable after only 2-3 applications, but if you do not complete the course of 2-4 weeks, dandruff will return.


  • well foams
  • helps to get rid of frequent hair washing
  • stimulates hair growth, preventing hair loss,
  • low cost
  • quick result.


  • sulphates in the composition,
  • small volume
  • contraindications for individual intolerance.

The cost of Sulsen shampoo ranges from 200-300 rubles for 150 ml.

Foam shampoo is very good, creates a pleasant soft foam without much odor. It is washed off very easily and does not make heavier hair. I use this tool for a long time, I do not have dandruff, but I periodically use it for prevention. But my husband uses it almost constantly along with cosmetic shampoos, as he has psoriasis


The name of the shampoo accurately indicates to us the main active ingredient - ketoconazole, which is contained in 2% of the volume and whose main function is the reduction of fat production. The shampoo is sold in a pharmacy and prescribed by trichologists to treat seborrhea. The course of treatment up to 1 month with a frequency of use 1-3 times a week. Expect the first visible results in 1-5 weeks. Note that the studies conducted on the effects of the drug indicate not only getting rid of dandruff, but also stop alopecia.


  • affordable price,
  • hair loss prevention
  • no contraindications (idiosyncrasy).


    many note dry hair after application.

Cost - 200 rubles for 150 ml of shampoo.

Surprisingly, the itch disappeared immediately after the first application, but the shampoo did with dandruff after 4-5 washes. Spent sparingly. In my opinion deserves a solid top five

One of the most famous, thanks to advertising, drugs that help in the fight against "greasy dandruff". It has a strong antifungal effect due to imidovodina and hydrochloric acid ketoconazole. The action of Nizoral is primarily aimed at treating the scalp.
Following the instructions, the shampoo is applied twice: the first time, massaging the scalp, washing off after 1 minute. The second time apply on the scalp and leave for 3-5 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Shampoo can not be applied to the entire length of the hair, it will lead to their dryness.


  • heals the scalp, preventing dandruff,
  • quickly eliminates itching
  • economical to use
  • harmful components are not absorbed into the skin, but act on its surface.


  • expensive,
  • unpleasant smell
  • causes allergic reactions
  • causes dry hair.

The cost of Nizoral in the pharmacy ranges from 650 to 850 wheels.

After three applications of this shampoo, dandruff has disappeared and for a year now and there is no trace of it, although after a couple of weeks it began to use its usual shampoo.

I use it for 2 months, there is no dandruff, the hair has practically ceased to fall out. Now I use it once every 2 weeks for the purpose of prevention. When using regular shampoo, there is no itching and dandruff does not return.

Alerana is a medicated shampoo aimed at reducing sebum secretion and destroying fungal infections. The composition contains chemical compounds such as piroctone olamine, procapil and dexpanthenol.Use of the drug course, the result is achieved after 4-5 weeks of regular use. Shampoo is applied to wet hair, it foams and is kept for 2-3 minutes on the head, after which the hair is thoroughly washed with warm water. Before use, familiarize yourself with the contraindications, their shampoo is not enough.


  • thanks to the menthol in the composition quickly eliminates itching,
  • treats the cause of dandruff,
  • large volume of the bottle,
  • promotes growth and strengthen hair.


  • contraindicated in pregnant women and during lactation,
  • contraindicated for persons under 18 and after 65 years
  • do not apply if the scalp is damaged.

The cost of packing 250 ml from 370 to 480 rubles.

Hair became more durable, shiny, dandruff disappeared after the 3rd application. Her husband has short hair and soft hair, so he really likes the fact of thickening and compaction of hair. But for women with long hair, I advise you to immediately buy a balm from the same series


Horsepower shampoo was originally created for animals, but is currently improved and adapted to the characteristics of human hair and scalp. The active substance that fights dandruff is ketoconazole. The composition is also enriched with provitamin B5, lanolin, cocoglucoside, collagen, tar, propolis extract and many other components that are known for their positive effect on the hair structure. Horsepower shampoo fights dandruff, restores hair structure, gives it shine and healthy look, stops hair loss, but dries the scalp, so it is not recommended for use with dry skin. When using it is recommended to apply a little of the product on wet hair, lather, hold for 2-3 minutes and rinse with warm water.


  • actively fights hair loss
  • suitable for oily hair
  • makes hair obedient.


  • addictive,
  • can cause itching and dryness,
  • The result comes in 1.5-2 weeks of use.

The cost of 250 ml of shampoo for ranges from 450 to 620 rubles.

After washing the hair became soft, silky, the volume increased. Shampoo is very easy to use, the cap allows you to use it economically. It has a pleasant smell, thick, when washing it foams well and is washed off, but I completely forgot about dandruff

Heden sholders

Heden Sholders (Head & Shoulders) - “No. 1 shampoo in the world against dandruff,” as advertisements convince us. Let's start with the fact that this shampoo is cosmetic. The composition of the drug is filled with chemical components and this generates mixed reviews. The composition of the basis of formalin, zinc pyrithione and menthol.


  • affordable price
  • availability in stores,
  • high-quality cosmetic hair care,
  • elimination of itching.


  • chemical composition,
  • not a drug,
  • there is an individual intolerance.

The minimum price of Head Shoulders is 150 rubles and depends on the volume and type of product.

Shampoo foams well and is well washed off. Pleasant aroma lasts a long time, and hair is easy to comb and get shine. And, most importantly - no dandruff


Watch the video: THE BEST JAPANESE HAIR PRODUCTS. JAPANESE Hair Products you MUST BUY (July 2024).