
Hair lamination: reviews, consequences, description of the procedure and technology


Lamination of hair - hair coating colorless composition. Depending on the properties of the compositions used and the methods of their application, marketers and manufacturing companies have come up with several brand names for this procedure: bio-lamination, shielding, cauterization, Brazilian hair straightening.

An important difference between lamination and colorless dye coloring is that the laminating compositions do not use active substances, such as acids and oxidizing agents. As a result of this particular composition, it is possible to cover the hair with a transparent (colorless) “film”.

Colorless dyes are not used for lamination because of the peculiarities of their application technology. For the activation of any dyes, including colorless, acid, peroxane, developer, etc. are used. These formulations contain substances that actively affect the hair and melanin contained in it. Melanin under the influence of acids change color to red, orange, then yellow, and in the subsequent hair completely discolored and becomes transparent. This feature of the work of the composition makes it impossible to use colorless dyes for lamination.

In the palettes of various grades of dyes you can see the compositions CLEAR or 000. These compositions are often used to change the intensity of the level of clarification.

Laminating compositions are fixed on the hair, either due to the ionic method of the preparations, or under the influence of temperature. The impact of temperature varies from less intense (body heat), and more intense (klimamon). In some cases, thermal tongs are used for heat treatment.

What is hair lamination

Nothing transforms strands as lamination hair. Reviews (the consequences of this procedure are not so sad as a certain part of women asserts, and the hair will later take on its previous appearance) I will note that this method allows you to restore curls after extension and removes split ends. This is a special technology of hair care, where, when performed, laminate is applied to the hair (a special product consisting of dietary supplements and vitamin B12), and then it is washed off. After that, the hair is transformed both from the inside and outside. It is covered with a breathable film, the structure of the hair improves. Strands become protected from the negative effects of the environment and premature loss of moisture.

Beauticians believe that lamination does not harm the hair, but, on the contrary, has only a positive effect. Makes them resilient, shiny, obedient and more voluminous. The procedure smoothes curly curls. Protects painted strands from losing color.

Types of lamination

It happens different in technique and type of lamination hair. Reviews (the consequences, as the ladies say, more than once did this procedure, completely depend on the professionalism of the master) claim that this event thickens the curls, makes them stronger.

  • transparent and color,
  • hot and cold
  • conventional and bio.

Transparent gives the impression of gloss. Suitable for any type of hair. Color gives curls not only shine, but also shade. In this case, coloring pigments are used. It turns out the effect of beautiful and healthy strands. Color is also called ion lamination. It is more resistant than transparent.

Hot and cold lamination do not have significant differences. In the first case, the curls are heated with an iron with a thermostat function. This application allows the components to penetrate into the deeper layers of the hair. In the second composition impose on washed, but unheated strands.

In conventional lamination, in contrast to bio, non-natural components may be present, while only organic substances are used in biolamination. Each of these species has its own characteristics.

Salon lamination

Lamination of hair in the salon (the consequences depend on the condition of the strands, which was before the procedure) goes through several stages and lasts about an hour. The effect persists for 4-6 weeks, with time the film is washed off, and the curls become the same. Lose shine, extra volume, chic.

First, the hair is cleaned of dirt and styling products. Then put a nourishing mask, and after it is washed off, lay laminate for thirty minutes. At the end of the hair is washed with water.

Reviews on the procedure of hair lamination in the salon and at home

Reviews of those who did lamination in the cabin or at home, are not always positive. Most of the procedure like the effect. However, some girls note the lack of professionalism of the masters, the use of poor-quality products, poorly noticeable results and quick flushing.

Here are a few reviews of those who did hair lamination:

“Before laminating my damaged hair, I read numerous reviews, watched a video about the process. Only after that decided to go to the salon. I have naughty strands, always stick out, bad comb. The master several times applied funds in the form of a spray, washed my head, did the styling with volume. I liked everything, there was a shine, smoothness, sparse hair became thicker. Probably, in a month, when the effect will pass, I will do it again. It is recommended to undergo 2-3 such procedures in order to get the best result. ”

“I tried lamination of hair from my master, she advised me to do it. My hairstyle is of medium length, I paid 1600 rubles for restoration after chemistry and paints. The strands now do not look saggy, lifeless, have become very soft. I do not know how long the effect will last, they promised at least 4 weeks. ”

“Already 3 times the hair gelatin was laminated with my girlfriend in my house. They just made a mask according to the recipe, put each other on wet strands. Hold about 40 minutes. I have black hair, girlfriend more blonde. The effect of both turned out to be good, the curls glisten and look very smooth. In the salon it seemed very expensive, and a bag of gelatin costs a penny, plus a spoonful of balm. ”

“I didn’t really like the procedure, the result was not impressed. Yes, the hairstyle has become more voluminous, smooth, but the curls I have previously shone well. In addition, they force you to wash your hair with special shampoo and balm only, otherwise everything will disappear. For me, 1800 rubles seemed expensive. Next time I’ll try to buy a homemade Estelle hair kit and apply it at home. ”

The essence of the procedure

Lamination - procedure for the care of curlswhose goal is to restore their healthy structure.

Each hair consists of several layers - cuticle, cortex and medulla. The protection function is assigned to the upper shell (cuticle), formed by a large number of horny scales.

If they fit snugly together, the hair appears smooth, radiant and voluminous.

But under the influence of various adverse factors - heat treatment, poor-quality cosmetics, colorings, hard water, sun, frost, wind - scales depart from each other.

Such hairs are difficult to comb, break, split, look dull and damaged.

The essence of shielding is the effect on the cuticle. A special product is applied to the curls, which contains vitamins, soy and wheat proteins, as well as biologically active components. Acid, oxidizing agents and other aggressive compounds in it.

It is aged on the head for 20-30 minutes. Some drugs require a high temperature, strands can be treated with an iron or a hairdryer.

At the end of the procedure, the laminating agent is washed off, but its components envelop every hair and create a very thin cellulose film on it. It does not prevent the entry of air to the cuticle and hair follicles, but it ensures a tight fit of the scales, their protection from external influences, and also protects the inner layers from loss of moisture and valuable substances.

As a result curls become smooth, shiny, obedient, and their volume increases by 10-15%.

Cementing can be colorless or give a shade to curls. It is allowed to combine it with other hair care procedures. The technique does not have a leveling effect, but the curls are slightly straightened due to weighting.

Watch a video about hair lamination from an expert

In our article you will find a list of non-sulfate hair shampoos.

Reviews of depilatory cream for the face here.

Watch the video about the best nail polishes with the effect of gel coating

Indications and Contraindications

Lamination is not a medical procedure, there are no specific indications for it.. If desired, it can make a girl with any type of hair. The technique is particularly useful for dry, brittle curls with split ends and not enough bulk hair.

In addition, glazing worth doing after staining or reconstruction strands. Under the thinnest film, the pigments and medicinal components will remain on the hair for a long time, which will prolong the color brightness and therapeutic effect.

Another reason for the procedure - the upcoming a trip to a sunny resort. In this case, lamination is a preventive measure that helps protect the hair from adverse environmental conditions - ultraviolet radiation, sea water, wind.

The technique has practically no contraindications. It is allowed for pregnant women and people with allergies. But with pathologies of the scalp, as well as in the presence of wounds and abrasions, it should be postponed until recovery.

In some cases, shielding may cause more damage to hair than good.

The procedure is contraindicated in:

  • hair loss and too thin curls - weighting the strands with a laminating compound can worsen the situation, because weakened follicles will not be able to hold them,
  • The "Asian" structure of the hair - applying the film will make hairs that are naturally thicker and more dense and tough.

Lamination is permissible to be carried out immediately after perm, but curls can be slightly deformed. Combining the procedure with hair extensions can also lead to an unexpected result - the hairstyle will be too voluminous and sloppy.

Video about the pros and cons of hair lamination

Effects of the procedure and effect

Lamination has two sides of the coin. You can expect both positive and negative results. Therefore, you should learn more about all the nuances and possible consequences.

  • Stimulates hair to heal itself. This is due to a protective layer that preserves all biologically active substances strand.
  • Gives volume of hair. The hairstyle becomes more lush, and the styling process takes less time.
  • The color of the colored curls lasts much longer. If the curls of natural color, they become brighter and do not dull under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  • It is possible to choose the appropriate type of lamination.

  • For completely healthy hair, this procedure is meaningless. If your hairdresser convinces you otherwise, then you shouldn’t believe him. The only thing you get - easy installation.
  • Spinning ceases to absorb all the nutrients from the masks, conditioners that you use. You will have to buy special care shampoos, but they are not so cheap.
  • Dyeing laminated hair does not bring the desired effect. The protective film on the curls, rejects the paint molecule.
  • Lamination gives a temporary effect. After a month you will have to repeat it in order to save the result. This fact often repels girls, because it is expensive.

If you are in doubt whether or not to cover the hair with a protective layer, you should read the list of actual indications for this procedure:

  • Brittleness and dryness strand, split ends.
  • Too thin curls.
  • Protection curls after treatment. If you have applied drugs to your hair, then you are recommended to do lamination. This will not allow medicines to be washed away, but will allow the locks to fully recover.
  • Protect hair from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, low temperatures.
  • If the hair was painted, then lamination will help to keep the color much longer. After all, the paint will not be so quickly washed off.

At first glance, the procedure is absolutely harmless. But even she has a number of contraindications:

1. Long hair. We are talking about the strands that reach to the waist. If they are covered with a protective layer, they will begin to fall out intensively. After all, their weight will increase significantly.

2. Dermatological problems. If you have irritation on your head, wounds, scars, any skin disease, you should consult a dermatologist before going to a beauty salon. After successful treatment and wound healing, a protective layer can be applied to the locks.

3. Fallout. Initially, you should get rid of this problem, and only then do lamination. Indeed, without proper treatment, it will only aggravate the situation. Curls and so weak, and they will be applied a layer that will provoke their even greater loss.

Dignity and effect

Lamination has a number of undeniable advantages. Immediately after the session, the hair becomes a well-groomed look: they become silky, voluminous, dense, smooth, elastic, glossy.
Besides, The following effects are achieved:

  • The soldered ends are “soldered”
  • combing and styling is facilitated,
  • the curls do not electrify,
  • any hairstyle lasts longer, even in conditions of strong wind and humidity,
  • the hair retains a rich color if glazing is done after dyeing,
  • strands are saturated with nutrients and are less susceptible to aggressive factors,
  • hair tinted without ammonia and perhydrol (with color lamination).

The procedure allows you to save on cosmetics for hair and hairdresser services. Healthy and smooth curls easily fit yourself without using curling, ironing, varnish, mousse and other means.


In most cases, after the screening procedure, the hair looks very attractive. But as the composition is washed away, the girl may face negative manifestations of this technique.

After removing the drug from the curls of their upper layer returns to its original state, and in some cases - additionally destroyed. In addition, the cellulose film partially blocks the access of oxygen to the cuticle. As a result, the strands become weakened and damaged.

Many women are disappointed to see the results of lamination. In some cases, the reason for this is the high expectations imposed by advertising. In others - the poor condition of the hair, requiring 2-3 treatments to obtain the effect. But sometimes the fault lies with an unskilled or dishonest master. Before the session, it is advisable to make sure of his professionalism, as well as to study the composition of the cosmetics he uses.

The porous structure of the hair can lead to the fact that after the first session the laminating compound will not have any effect on the hair. Before the procedure it is better to reconstruct the locks with the help of masks and serums.


The effect of cementing lasts from 3 to 6 weeks. The exact period depends on the structure of the hair, the drug used and the frequency of bath procedures. The composition is gradually washed off the curls, starting from the tips. It is not necessary to wait until it is completely removed for another session.

Since after washing off the lamination, the appearance of the hair deteriorates, the girls tend to repeat the procedure every 3-4 weeks. But do not do it all the time, otherwise the hair "degraded." The cuticle can lose the ability to protect the deep layers from negative factors.

After glazing, it is better not to dye. Due to the film, the pigments will not be able to penetrate the structure of the hair, the shade will not be bright enough or uneven.


To keep the result of lamination for a long time, you should follow some rules:

  1. For two days after the procedure, do not wash your hair, do not use a curling iron and a hairdryer. It is also undesirable to pin up and tie curls, so as not to injure them.
  2. Do not use aggressive shampoos, cleansing masks and scrubs for the head. Preference should be given to detergent preparations without alkali, as well as to rinses with a UV filter.
  3. After washing, do not rub, and blot the hair with a towel. You can use the hair dryer. It is important not to set the temperature too high and not to overdry the strands.
  4. Refuse or minimize the use of ironing and curling.
  5. Once or twice a week apply a mask for laminated hair.

To activate the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles, it is worth to massage the head with finger pads every evening. This will help strengthen the curls.

Video from All Bude Good about Home Lamination

Lamination prices

The cost of shielding in the salon depends on the length, thickness and condition of the hair, the quality of the used cosmetics and the level of the master also influence. Prices for the procedure in Moscow beauty centers (for 1 session):

  • Solarium Club - 2500-4500 r.,
  • Paul Mitchell - 3300-6100 r.,
  • "Barber" - 1120 - 2120 r.,
  • The First Hair Salon - 2000 - 3800 r.

Lamination can be done at home.

The cost of the procedure will vary depending on the chosen method.:

  • spray for express treatment, which lasts until the first washing of the head - about 300-500 p.,
  • a set including a lamination composition, a mask, a special chelate shampoo and other means - from 1000 to 4000 p.,
  • gelatin (1 sachet weighing 10 g) - 9 p., for long hair may need a few pieces.

Laminating quality without professional knowledge is difficult. Before the procedure, you should assess the condition and structure of the hair, as well as select a suitable tool.

Prices Lierak against stretch marks here, on thermolaki for nails here.

Karina. I do lamination every 4 weeks. I really like. Hair shine, appear thick, do not split and do not break. But the procedure is not cheap. If there are no funds to carry it out constantly, then it is better not to start.

Tina. I tried to make shielding. Immediately I was pleased with the effect, the curls became glossy and obedient. But after 4 weeks they turned into dry straw. In my opinion, it is better to spend money on masks and natural hair oils.

Inga. Heard a lot of good about elyuminirovanii from friends, but it obviously did not suit me. My hair is porous, greasy and slightly curly. After the procedure they became very stiff and tangled at the ends. Combing turned into flour. After the composition is washed off, I will definitely carry out the treatment of the hair.

Lamination is a safe procedure that can add shine and strength to curls by creating a thinnest protective film on each hair. It does not belong to the category of medical techniques and can not solve serious problems - loss, violation of the structure.
Escaping allows you to get a quick aesthetic effect, but after washing off the composition, the condition may worsen. Before the procedure, you should consult with the trichologist and carry out hair treatment if necessary.

Lamination at home

Lamination of hair can be done at home. For these purposes, you must purchase a special set in a professional store. These include: shampoo, restorer, hair lamination, spray and caring oil for split ends.

Home lamination includes several steps:

  1. Hair cleanse shampoo.
  2. In color lamination, toning agent is applied.
  3. Use a nourishing hair mask.
  4. Impose a lamination agent for half an hour.
  5. Hair warmed up with a hairdryer. The air jet should be heated to medium temperature.
  6. Laminate wash off with water.

Of particular popularity recently acquired home lamination with gelatin, it requires minimal cost, and the result is sometimes not inferior to the salon.

Hair care after the procedure

Hair becomes really gorgeous with a procedure like hair lamination. The secrets of beauty are not only in the right procedure, a good specialist and high-quality products, but also in the proper care of the strands after a cosmetic event.

After lamination, you should follow some rules:

  • Do not wash the curls two days after the procedure,
  • Do not use hair curling iron, hair dryer and hair dryer for the next day,
  • use only a mild detergent,
  • use balm conditioner,
  • twice a week to lubricate the scalp with any vegetable oil,
  • Do not apply hair masks, as nutrients do not penetrate through the film that has enveloped the curl,
  • do not use cosmetic products containing alcohol,
  • do not use scrubs and peels for the skin of the head,
  • comb with natural bristles,
  • do head massage
  • Do not overdry the curls,
  • Do not paint the hair.

Proper hair care will maintain the effect of lamination over a long period and will not cause negative effects.

Positive aspects of the procedure

Experts have a different opinion about such a procedure as hair lamination. Pros and cons of this event are women themselves. From the positive sides, they distinguish recovery, which occurs due to the content in the applied composition of nutrients and vitamin B12. Also curls, becoming covered with a film, become less vulnerable to mechanical stress. Shine and additional volume appear. For a longer time, the shade is kept on dyed hair. Light gray is hidden. The hair follicles are strengthened. Split ends disappear. Hair comb well. The hair is chic. Cosmetologists say that the hair from this procedure only benefit.

Harm lamination hair

Despite the advantages of lamination, trichologists agree in a single opinion and claim that the procedure is not as harmless as it seems at first glance.

First, the shell enveloping every hair can disrupt the water-alkaline balance. This is due to the fact that the curls absorb some of the moisture from the atmosphere, and the film in this case does not let the water through. Such a situation entails an imbalance of metabolism and can lead to dehydration of cells, make the strands dull and lifeless. Slow down their growth.

Secondly, the natural respiration of the hair cuticle is disrupted, and the shell passes only a small part of the oxygen. There is a violation of metabolic processes, depletion of hair follicles. The state of the strands becomes unsatisfactory.

Thirdly, the lamination of the hair of the action of all medical and cosmetic products nullifies. Active ingredients cannot penetrate the film. Therefore, unhealthy curls can not be subjected to this procedure, it only worsens their condition.

Fourth, the film increases the load on the strands, and not every hair can bear it. The result is a loss and breaking of the scalp.

Fifth, lamination is not removed with simple shampoos. For its removal use quite aggressive means that destroy the structure of keratin scales of the hair cuticle.

In addition, the procedure has a high cost, and the hair only for a month retains its attractiveness. In the future, their appearance is no longer so spectacular. The procedure must be repeated or with the help of natural means to bring the hair to a similar look.


They say that lamination of hair does not always give the desired effect, reviews. The implications for the hair cannot be foreseen, especially if the preliminary assessment of the state of hair was not thorough. This event has no direct contraindications, but it makes no sense to do it if the lady is going to increase the curls. It is not necessary to expose lifeless and brittle curls to the effects of the laminate, as they must first be treated, and the active substances do not penetrate through the film. You can not paint laminated strands, you need to wait until the composition completely comes off the hair.

How to minimize the harm from the procedure

The negative effects of hair lamination can be negated if you consider the following nuances:

  • Use only high-quality cosmetic products for the procedure.
  • The lamination compound should be applied at a distance of 1-2 cm from the scalp, otherwise it will not breathe. Hair loss, itching and peeling will begin.
  • Before a cosmetic session, the curls should be “pampered”, that is, saturate with nutrients, moisturize, strengthen and restore the damaged structure. This should be done both a few weeks before lamination, and before a cosmetic session.
  • After the next lamination, it is necessary to allow the hair to rest for 2-3 months before re-doing.
  • To remove the composition from the head of hair, you need to use means specially designed for this purpose.
  • In case of poor hair condition, you should refuse this event.

To use this procedure, you need to carefully weigh everything, otherwise the result may not meet the expectations.

The price of hair lamination in a beauty salon ranges from 2-7 thousand rubles. The cost depends on the length of the strands, their condition. The quality of the laminate, the type of procedure, the professionalism of the specialist and the prestige of the establishment influence the price. A kit for home lamination can be purchased for 1200-2300 rubles.

What is hair lamination?

Lamination is a procedure for applying a special cosmetic product to the hair, enveloping each hair with a breathable cellulose film. Thanks to this, hair becomes:

Curls receive protection from the negative effects of the external environment and premature loss of moisture. The procedure also smoothes curly curls, protects colored strands from early color loss.

What kind of hair should lamination do

The lamination procedure is recommended to perform:

  1. Girls with weak and thin strands. In this case, the processing of the lamination composition will increase the volume of the hair, and the treatment with a nutrient will allow the curls to recover under the laminate film.
  2. To owners of strands with split ends, lamination will stop the dissection and even partially restore the structure of damaged hair. However, one does not have to wait for excellent results right away; it will take 3 or more repetitions of the procedure.
  3. Those who wish to hide gray hair are also suitable for this purpose lamination of hair. The paint which is a part of a laminate from some sets will allow to hide a gray hair for a considerable period of time. A protective film will not let the paint slip away and fix the color.

What it is

The essence of lamination is to saturate the strands with nourishing and moisturizing compositions. But the main task is to create an invisible glossy film on the hair surface. It can be natural or artificial.

As a result, the strands become thicker. Accordingly, visually increases the density of the hair.

The technology allows to make straightening curly locks. Due to the weighting they are aligned under their own weight.

On the surface of the cuticles all pores are filled - this aligns the hairs. To restore damaged structures allow such components that are part of the laminator:

  • wheat protein
  • hop extract,
  • keratin complex,
  • millennial extracts and chamomile,
  • natural oils.

Stylists promise that after visiting the salon the hair will change literally before our eyes. Indeed, the result will please you. After all, the procedure allows to solve such problems with hair:

  • gives the effect of straightening,
  • removes fluffiness,
  • smoothes scales of keratin strands,
  • "Glues" split ends and prevents their further delamination,
  • facilitates styling
  • makes the surface of the strands perfectly flat,
  • gives the hair a glossy shine.

How long the lamination of the hair will be held by you depends on the individual characteristics of the hair. And also - from its initial state and composition, which the master uses.

As the reviews confirm, the results from the procedure gradually disappear after 3-6 weeks. Some products have a cumulative effect. But in most cases, the curls return to their initial state even after several repeated treatments.

Advantages and disadvantages

Laminating strands is useful if you do not have time to safely and gradually restore them. The cosmetic result is really amazing. This procedure is often chosen by girls who need to show off at important events.

In addition, this care has other advantages:

  • relatively few contraindications
  • strand saturation with useful substances
  • the ability to change the shade of hair (there are colored laminators),
  • protection of strands from the influence of external factors.

Lamination also has disadvantages. Trichologists claim that the film, enveloping strands, does not allow air, disrupting metabolic processes. Over time, it disappears, grabbing with scales.

As a result, the hairs are left unprotected. From them moisture and useful substances are quickly derived. The porous structure makes them dry and sticking out in different directions.

Other disadvantages include:

  • a high price - from a professional master it will cost 6000-8000 rubles,
  • the duration of the process - on the processing of medium strands takes 1.5-2 hours,
  • the fragility of the result
  • the inability to dye hair after lamination - a protective layer repels pigments,
  • risk of side effects.

The salons offer various lamination options. A hairdresser will help you choose the most suitable one after a detailed assessment of the state of hair.

There are such varieties:

  1. Classic. A colorless composition is applied to the hair, which creates the very glossy film.
  2. Biolamination. The composition of the laminator includes extracts of young zucchini or dandelions. They "seal" strands in cellulose film. The latter is completely natural. Differs in a subtlety and durability, well passes air. In the ranking, this procedure ranks first in popularity.
  3. Phytolamination. Gives exactly the same effect as in the previous version. However, a protective barrier is created using herbal extracts. The compositions are enriched with vitamins.
  4. Elution or color lamination. Allows you to straighten, put in order and simultaneously dye your hair. Pigments act sparingly and do not wash out for a long time due to the presence of a surface film.
  5. Screening It consists in deep penetration of the active components into the hair structures.

Description of hair lamination procedure

Hair lamination is quite a popular procedure, which is designed to protect and restore strands along the entire length.Its essence lies in the coating of all the hairs with a special glossy film containing nourishing, moisturizing substances. Thanks to this technique, the strands become smooth, shiny, and the hairstyle is beautiful, voluminous.

In the salon, Estel's products are most often used; at home, they laminate curls with gelatin, leaving good reviews about the simplicity of the recipe, a noticeable effect. Which way to choose depends only on the availability of finances, free time or personal preferences.

At home or in the cabin

Experts claim that the procedure is best done in the cabin. A competent master will select the most suitable composition and step by step will follow the instructions for its application. This ensures a good result.

If there is no time and desire to visit the salon, you can achieve a similar effect with a professional lamination at home. The main thing is to strictly follow all the instructions and not to deviate from the proportions given in the recipes.

Professional approach

Be patient when going to the salon - lamination is not done quickly. It takes place in several stages:

  1. Shampooing for deep cleansing. It helps to remove the slightest residues of styling products, sebum and dust. And also - raises scales of hair through which the structure will get into their internal structures.
  2. Drying hair dryer. It is necessary that there is no moisture left in the strands. Otherwise, the active components will not be able to fully display useful properties.
  3. Application of the composition for recovery. It fills all damage to the structure and promotes regeneration. Aged for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Care with the use of oils. They nourish, moisturize and restore hair, protect it from the negative influence of external factors.
  5. Treatment of hair with a "soldering" means. Aged 5-10 minutes, depending on the length of the strands.
  6. Re-wash with a mild shampoo.
  7. Easy styling.

Home method

Prepare the composition for lamination can be at home. For this you will not need any super funds. All you need - the usual food gelatin, water and hair balm.

  1. Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with three tablespoons of warm water. Insist to swell.
  2. Place in a water bath and wait for the pellets to completely melt. It is important not to let the mixture boil, otherwise you will not get the desired result.
  3. Add to the composition a tablespoon of conditioner and mix.
  4. Apply to washed and slightly wet strands, retreating from the tips by 2-3 cm.
  5. We put on a shower cap, and on top - a warming cap or towel.
  6. Dry through the head with a turban for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Keep the composition for another half hour, then wash off with cool water.

The girls claim that such a mask gives excellent results. It aligns the strands, making them more elastic and shiny.

The fact is that gelatin contains large amounts of keratin, which consists of the outer layer of our hair. Protein, filling the voids in the cuticle, aligns it and creates a transparent film on the curls. The effect persists until the next shampooing.

Care after the procedure

The protective film is washed off the surface of the strands pretty quickly. However, its service life can be extended with proper care. If you follow the advice of hairdressers, you will enjoy the result of lamination for up to two months.

Follow these rules:

  • Wash your head with only gentle shampoos.. Most often in the cabin recommend the most appropriate tool, which does not include aggressive components.
  • At least 48 hours is required for fixing. During this time, do not allow the hair to come into contact with water and moisture.
  • Two days you can not use any accessories for curls, collect them in hairstyles and even lay the ears. All this can lead to the formation of creases.
  • After each wash, curls should be treated with air conditioning. It will greatly facilitate combing.
  • Nutritious masks will not give any result, as their components will not be able to penetrate the film. It is better to refuse these means for a while.
  • Should be put in the far box cosmetics for hair, which contains alcohol. It is able to dissolve the laminating layer.
  • Hot-pack as little as possible. This will preserve the effect of the procedure for a longer period.
  • Use a comb made from natural material. It gently acts on the strands, better unravels them and relieves static stress.

Lamination can really transform a dry and split hair in a matter of hours. It gives excellent cosmetic result. But about the healing properties of stylists and doctors are still debating.

This procedure is a good way out if the hairstyle needs to be put in order urgently. Proper hair care after it will prolong the effect and for a long time enjoy beautiful shiny curls.

How is the procedure?

If you have medium hair, the session will take 1.5-2 hours. It all depends on how fast the wizard works. With long curls will have to work longer - 2-2.5 hours.

Consists of several stages:

  1. Wash and dry. Master washes the locks with a special shampoo that thoroughly cleans all scales. The hair is dried by a hair dryer.
  2. Hot phase On the curls superimposed regenerative composition, it fills all the scales. A cap is put on the head, which must be warmed. Purpose: to enable all substances to be absorbed into the structure of the strand. The duration of the hot phase is not more than 20 minutes.
  3. Oil phase. Oil is applied to the curls. Purpose: restoration of hair, protection. Even if the hair was badly damaged, it will be restored instantly thanks to the oils.
  4. Cold phase A layer of regenerating substance is applied to the curls. This phase lasts 5 minutes if the client has medium curls, 7–10 minutes if long. Objective: to make the orders obedient, elastic.
  5. Lamination. On the curls applied lamination composition, the elements of which penetrate into all pores. Hair level, become shiny, elastic.

After all the steps have been completed, the master should wash the client's head, dry the strands and make easy styling.

Hair care after lamination

First of all, you should choose special products for washing. You can not wash your hair with ordinary shampoo. The result will not last so long. If you did the lamination in the salon, then the master should explain to you in detail the rules for the care of hair.

  • Do not wash your hair for 3-4 days after applying a protective layer.
  • Use only high-quality cosmetic products and in no case use shampoos for deep cleaning.
  • Be sure to put balms on the strands so that they can be easily combed.
  • From the use of nutritional masks should be abandoned. After the lamination procedure they are useless.
  • Every 4 days, apply an oil mask: before going to bed, apply olive oil on the locks, wash it off in the morning.
  • You should abandon peels, scrubs, cosmetics, which contain alcohol.
  • As rarely as possible to use a hair dryer, ironing. Purchase a comb with natural bristles.

If you do not adhere to all these recommendations for care, the effect will be very quickly leveled.

Can I dye my hair after lamination? The answer is no, the protective film, which is on the strands, can be damaged. Therefore, if you want to change the color of your hair, then it is better to do it before the procedure.

Lamination of medium hair will cost you 2000–4500 rubles, long ones cost more — 3000–6000. Why such fluctuations in price? It all depends on the following factors:

  • Salon's reputation
  • professional hairdresser,
  • cost of consumables.

The obvious pattern is - the better and more expensive the materials, the more you have to pay. If you can afford a cosmetic procedure of 6000 rubles, then make a choice in its favor. Ask the master to whom you turned to show you the photos before and after the lamination of his former clients. This will help to be more confident that your strands will not be spoiled, but only become more beautiful.

We bring to your attention a few reviews of those who have already tried this cosmetic procedure on themselves.

“After lamination, my hair became greasy. I do not know what the reason, but most likely, in cheap materials. I wanted to save a little. Therefore, girls, if you want to make it yourself, then do not be greedy. And then you get the same result as me. "

“I noticed that my curls became worse after constant use of ironing. She turned to the master, and they advised me to do biolamination. First of all, I read the reviews of girls. They all admired, so I decided - the effect is cool! Just remember that you can not wash your hair for several days after lamination. And then you can wash yourself all the charm. And you need to properly care for them - use only special shampoos. "

“I always wanted beautiful long curls. Only by 27 years I waited for it. But I didn’t like how they were constantly “fluffed”, even my husband called me “my poodle”. I decided to conquer all this “fluffiness” with the help of fit-lamination. Oh, how praised this procedure in the cabin! I had to pay 5,000 rubles for it, but the result was worth it. ”

Katya, Nizhny Novgorod.

“I made myself lamination on medium hair. To be honest, I expected more. And after 2 weeks from the protective film is not a trace. I do not know whether the master is “not a pro,” or poor quality materials. Although I knew in advance what means they would do. I read the description that seemed to be good. Be more vigilant, I hope that my review will help someone. "

“I once came across a video with an overview of various cosmetic procedures. I was most interested in lamination, and there were a lot of reviews on it. I decided to turn my long hair into real “charm”. The master began to dissuade me, she said that with such a length of protective film heavily weights curls. And this is the load on the follicles. It is best to conduct lamination on the middle strands.

The principles of lamination are as follows:

  • On curls in several layers using a spray applied means forming a thick transparent film that lets air through. The substances that make up the spray, nourish, moisturize the strands, restore damaged hair along the entire length.
  • The effect lasts about 4-5 weeks while observing all the rules of care and styling. After that, you should repeat the procedure in the cabin again, since the film tends to wash off and thin.
  • Lamination is transparent and color. With it, you can color the strands in the desired tone, make the color more saturated and bright. The paint after this procedure lasts much longer than usual.
  • Means applied to the curls contain protein and keratin, a useful silicone that helps restore a healthy appearance, get rid of untidy strands or puffing.

Indications for lamination

This restoration procedure is recommended in the following cases:

  • if the hair is dry, brittle or weak,
  • if the locks look untidy, untidy, disheveled immediately after laying,
  • in the presence of split ends,
  • to enhance the color of the paint, its brighter and more saturated luster,
  • with complex treatment of hair, because the film does not allow healing means to wash off,
  • before traveling to the sea or a hot resort to protect the curls from the sun, wind, dry air, salty sea water,
  • for hair restoration after harmful chemical perms, bleaching.

Numerous reviews of those who laminated curls before the holidays show that the procedure should be done a few days before arriving at the seaside resort. In this case, the substances from the film are completely distributed through the hair, protecting them from hot rays, salt and dry hot breeze.

Possible contraindications

Lamination is not recommended in the following cases:

  • with strong hair loss,
  • if the hairs are very thin, long,
  • with diseases of the scalp, the presence of wounds, inflammation, acne,
  • with allergies to some components of drugs,
  • after serious illnesses.

The master in the salon must inform that after applying the film, each hair becomes thicker, heavier. This can further lead to loss, if the hairs are very thin and the roots are weak. If there is any doubt, it is better to read numerous reviews, in detail to ask about the pros, possible disadvantages of such a technique.

Stages of the procedure in the salon

In the salon, each master must have a complete understanding of all the preparations, stages of the procedure, have experience and skill. Usually, specialists use Estel brand products to restore hair and apply a useful film. They are of high quality, convenience and ease of application, they retain their effect for a long time.

With colorless lamination, the color of the curls remains natural, the strands are simply given a healthy shine and radiance. Color presupposes a preliminary ionic staining with the desired shade, allowing a much longer retention of saturation, brightness of the paint.

Hair lamination in salon with Estel products consists of the following steps:

  1. Deep cleaning of strands of dirt with a special shampoo, matched to the type of hair. The master washes his head for about 5 minutes, carefully washing away the remnants of the product with warm water.
  2. Blow-dry to a slightly damp state.
  3. Application of Estelle from the first bottle for 10-15 minutes. During this time, nutrients, proteins and silicone are evenly distributed throughout the hair, enveloping them outside. Phase is called hot, because curls are heated with a special lamp.
  4. Applying with an oil dispenser from the second bottle of Estelle. It instantly penetrates inside the structure, restoring it and creating a protective film.
  5. Spraying the last bottle for 3-4 minutes with a regenerating composition. This laminating product closes protruding hair scales, making them smooth. Porous curls become shiny, soft to the touch.
  6. Washing hair with balsam, drying and straightening with a flat iron.

A set of Estel brand drugs can be purchased in specialized stores to apply to the strands themselves. This will save on the services of professional craftsmen. However, in the absence of experience, the effect will not be the same as in the cabin. In addition, color lamination at home is not done, and the restoration of the strands with gelatin does not allow for a long-term result.

Lamination gelatin at home

At home, many girls laminate curls with gelatin. This is a fairly simple, safe procedure that allows you to make them shiny, smooth, beautiful. Split ends in this case, it is desirable to pre-cut, so that the hairstyle looks spectacular and well-groomed.

For homemade hair restoration gelatin requires the powder itself, water and a good restoring balm. Each tool must take one tablespoon.

The steps of lamination of the strands with gelatin are as follows:

  1. Dilute the powder with water in any container, mix thoroughly. Before that you should wash your hair, leaving the strands wet.
  2. Melt the composition in a water bath, add a balm or a nourishing mask suitable for hair. All mix.
  3. Apply the mixture on curls, a little receding from the roots. Keep the composition with gelatin strands 30-40 minutes.
  4. Wash off with water, dry the strands with a hot dryer.

After laying the curls look more healthy, smooth, soft and easy combing. This homemade composition with gelatin contains collagen protein, covering curls with a thin shiny film.However, the effect quickly passes after the next hair wash.

The effect of lamination hair

Lamination of hair using Estel's special products, other preparations or home remedies allows achieving the following visible effect:

  • the curls become smoother, docile, softer,
  • laying time is reduced, strands are less pushed, electrified,
  • The paint applied before the procedure retains its color, its original brightness, longer
  • very thin hairs become thicker, stronger,
  • curls glisten, seem more voluminous and healthy,
  • with wind and rain, the styling is maintained longer thanks to the protective film,
  • ends of hair split less,
  • naughty curls straighten, look beautiful and well-groomed.

The effect is more noticeable in brunettes than in blondes, more visible on weak and dull hair. With each subsequent procedure, the result is accumulated, extending the preservation time of the protective film.

Anna, 22 years old

“Before laminating my damaged hair, I read numerous reviews, watched a video about the process. Only after that decided to go to the salon. I have naughty strands, always stick out, bad comb. The master several times applied funds in the form of a spray, washed my head, did the styling with volume. I liked everything, there was a shine, smoothness, sparse hair became thicker. Probably, in a month, when the effect will pass, I will do it again. It is recommended to undergo 2-3 such procedures in order to get the best result. ”

Irina, 26 years old

“I tried lamination of hair from my master, she advised me to do it. My hairstyle is of medium length, I paid 1600 rubles for restoration after chemistry and paints. The strands now do not look saggy, lifeless, have become very soft. I do not know how long the effect will last, they promised at least 4 weeks. ”

Marina, 17 years old

“Already 3 times the hair gelatin was laminated with my girlfriend in my house. They just made a mask according to the recipe, put each other on wet strands. Hold about 40 minutes. I have black hair, girlfriend more blonde. The effect of both turned out to be good, the curls glisten and look very smooth. In the salon it seemed very expensive, and a bag of gelatin costs a penny, plus a spoonful of balm. ”

Olga, 32 years old

“I didn’t really like the procedure, the result was not impressed. Yes, the hairstyle has become more voluminous, smooth, but the curls I have previously shone well. In addition, they force you to wash your hair with special shampoo and balm only, otherwise everything will disappear. For me, 1800 rubles seemed expensive. Next time I’ll try to buy a homemade Estelle hair kit and apply it at home. ”

Hot Lamination Procedure Description

Hot lamination of hair is preferred to be used in the work of most masters of salons, since it is considered the most progressive and successful option. At the same time, it is a complex, time-consuming process.

First, wash your hair with a special cleansing shampoo to remove impurities, as well as keratinized hair. This will increase the permeability of hairs and the effectiveness of the procedure.

A laminating compound is applied to the prepared wet hair and the time set by the manufacturer for this product is maintained. Then, the treated strands must be heated with an iron or a special apparatus through a cap, depending on the components included in the laminate. When heated, nutrients quickly penetrate deep into the hair, so that the result becomes much more effective.

However, this option has contraindications: hot lamination is not advisable to do on too weak, cut at the ends of the hair. The fact is that due to the exposure to high temperatures that the strands are exposed to, the opposite effect may be obtained, and the damage to the hair will only worsen.

Lamination of hair in the salon is performed in several stages and lasts about an hour. The effect on the curls lasts for 4-6 weeks, with time the film is washed off and the hair becomes the same.

That is why, before performing lamination, it is necessary to consult with an experienced beauty salon specialist to get a clear picture of the possible consequences of the procedure.

Cold Lamination Procedure Description

Cold lamination of hair is not as difficult to carry out as the previous one, and its implementation is possible at home, independently. For lamination at home, you need to purchase a special set in a professional store. These include: hair lamination agent, shampoo, restorer, spray and caring oil for split ends.

At the first stage of the procedure, thorough cleansing of the hair from dirt and styling products is also carried out - this is the key to the success of the entire lamination. After cleansing, a nourishing mask is applied, saturating the strands with useful substances.

Next, a laminating compound is applied to the moistened hair, aged for 20-30 minutes. Wrap the head with a film to create a greenhouse effect and increase the activity of the active components, as well as accelerate their penetration into the hair structure. After that, the remnants of the substance are washed off and a regenerating mask is applied to the strands, fixing the effect obtained.

If you decide for the first time to self-lamination hair, it is best to try the cold method. In addition, it is recommended to use special professional tools. Ideally, the laminating composition should be selected by the master, taking into account the characteristics of the hair and the problems of the girl.

Professionals recommend to their customers professional tools such brands as Dikson, Hair Company, Paul Mitchell, Sebastian and others.

Recently, home-made lamination with gelatin has become more popular, it requires minimal costs, it uses the natural ingredient, and the result is sometimes not inferior to the salon.

Lamination of hair at home gelatin

Lamination of hair with gelatin at home is carried out in several stages:

  1. For home lamination you will need regular food gelatin. Take 1 part gelatin into 3 parts hot water (the exact amount is determined depending on the length of the hair), mix and allow to swell.
  2. While the lamination agent is being prepared, wash your hair and lightly dry it with a towel. Add nutrient balm to swollen gelatin, you can take both store and home. The mixture according to the consistency should resemble sour cream.
  3. Spread your fingers on clean hair with quick finger movements. Do not apply a laminating compound to the scalp, retreat from the roots by about 0.5 cm. Wear a plastic cap and heat the hair under the foil for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Wrap additional hair with a towel, winding it on top of a plastic cap, and hold the composition for 1 hour. Rinse the gelatin from the hair with running water without using shampoo.
  5. To obtain a stable result, the procedure is repeated three times after the next shampooing.

How much lamination keeps

The effect of the salon procedure lamination can last 3-6 weeks. Homemade lamination with gelatin, judging by the reviews of the girls, is stored on the strands for no more than 3-4 weeks. It depends on the frequency of shampooing and hair care products. If a girl is used to washing her hair daily and using aggressive deep-cleaning shampoos, the lamination effect will disappear after 10-14 days.

Hair care after lamination

Hair after lamination hair becomes really gorgeous. However, the secret of beauty lies not only in the correct cosmetic procedure and the use of quality products, but also in the proper care of the strands after it.

After lamination, it is important to follow a number of recommendations:

  • after the procedure, do not wash your hair for two days,
  • Do not use a hair dryer, curling iron or iron for the first 2 days for hair care,
  • use only mild detergent for hair,
  • use balsam conditioner,
  • twice a week you need to lubricate the scalp with any vegetable oil,
  • do not use hair masks, all the same nutrients do not penetrate through the film enveloped curl,
  • not to use hair products with alcohol content,
  • do not use peels and scrubs for the skin of the head,
  • comb with natural bristles,
  • regularly do a head massage, you can self-massage,
  • do not overdry hair with curls after washing the head,
  • Do not dye your hair until lamination comes off.

Proper hair care will retain a positive lamination effect over a long period and will not cause negative effects.

What consequences can be after lamination

Beauticians do not have a common opinion about hair lamination. From the positive aspects of the master distinguish recovery, which they observe in the hair of clients after the procedure. This effect occurs due to the presence of nutrients and vitamin B12 in the composition of the strands applied to the strands. Also curls, becoming covered with a film, become less vulnerable to mechanical stress.

The following positive effects are observed:

  • Shine and extra volume appear on the hair.
  • Light gray is hidden.
  • For a longer time, the shade is kept on dyed hair.
  • Split ends disappear.
  • The hair follicles are strengthened.
  • Hair comb well.
  • Become a chic head of hair.
Before you lamination hair, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons and consult with a beautician, otherwise the result may be disappointing.

However, there are certain contraindications to lamination. For example, with increased hair loss beauticians do not recommend doing the procedure. Since lamination strongly weights the hair, owners of very long hair (up to the waist) are also not advisable to carry it out, as this can lead to their enhanced loss.

If there are wounds and irritations on the head, the procedure should be postponed until the scalp is completely cured. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection and ingestion of lamination agents into the bloodstream.

However, the negative effects of hair lamination can be negated if you use the following tips:

  1. For the procedure you need to use only high-quality cosmetics.
  2. The composition for lamination should be applied at a distance of 1-2 cm from the scalp, otherwise it will not breathe. Itching, peeling, hair loss may begin.
  3. Before lamination strands need to be nourished with nutrients, strengthen, moisturize and restore the broken structure. This should be started a few weeks before the lamination, and immediately before the cosmetic session.
  4. After the next lamination it is necessary to give hair a rest for 2-3 months before doing the second procedure.
  5. To remove the composition from the head of hair, you need to use means specially designed for this purpose.
  6. If the hair is obviously in poor condition, this procedure should be abandoned.


Watch the video: My Hair Transformation. Keratin Complex Smoothing Treatment. Eliana Jalali (July 2024).