
Pediculen Ultra as a remedy for lice: instructions for use


Pediculosis is a widespread dermatological and trichological disease that affects both children and adults. Fortunately, today on the shelves of pharmacies you can find a lot of drugs that can effectively and quickly destroy lice and their larvae. One of the most popular products in this group is Pedikulen Ultra Spray, developed by Russian pharmacists.

The composition and mechanism of action of the spray

The main active component of the aerosol is anise oil. The research results prove that the smell of this compound scares off parasites, and the substances in its composition paralyze their internal organs and contribute to the development of other disorders that are incompatible with life in the functioning of their nervous system. In addition to anise oil, the spray contains isopropyl or ethyl alcohol, capric acid and water.

Penicating through the parasite chitin, Pediculen Ultra components paralyze the work of its respiratory system. As a result, both adults and their larvae die from suffocation. The spray is equally effective in treating all forms of lice (including pubic). In addition, it is very often used as part of complex therapy for seborrheic dermatitis, demodicosis and other trichological diseases.

The spray is available in 150 ml vials with sprayers. A special comb for combing dead lice and nits, a magnifying glass and instructions can be put into the package with the preparation.

Aerosol Application Procedure

Pediculen aerosol is very easy to use. In order to achieve a stable therapeutic effect from its use, it is necessary:

  • comb your hair with frequent teeth,
  • wet strands with water
  • process the curls with liquid from the bottle and rub so that a white foam appears on their surface,
  • put a plastic hat on your head,
  • wait 10-13 minutes
  • wash off the composition with warm water
  • wash your hair with shampoo (several times if necessary),
  • comb out all the dead parasites and their eggs from the hair.

When applying an aerosol, it is very important to observe the following rules:

  • make sure that the aerosol does not get on the mucous membranes or in the patient's eyes,
  • to cancel the drug in the event of any signs of allergic reactions (itching, rash, irritation, burning, etc.).

It is forbidden to combine Pediculenus with other drugs designed to combat pediculosis.

Tip! If the drug gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, rinse the affected area with warm water.

The use of spray for prophylactic purposes

Pediculen aerosol can be used as a prophylactic agent to reduce the likelihood of:

  • primary infection in persons who are forced to contact patients,
  • re-infection in people who have already undergone treatment.

Preventive treatment of hair and scalp with spray guarantees a stable protection against lice infestation. The effect of the drug is stored for more than a week.

Contraindications to the use of aerosol

Pedikulen in the same way as other antiparasitic agents, has contraindications. The reasons for not using this drug are:

  • periods of lactation and pregnancy
  • age up to 5 years
  • dermatological diseases that manifest themselves in areas of the skin to be treated with a spray,
  • individual intolerance to anise oil, alcohols, capric acid.

Adverse reactions to aerosol occur very rarely. In exceptional cases, patients undergoing treatment with this drug may complain of itching, burning, rashes, and skin irritation in the treated areas.

Tip! If any adverse reactions appear, it is necessary to stop using the aerosol and consult a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages of spray

Pediculen - a potent drug that has a number of advantages over peers. This spray:

  • helps even when running forms of pediculosis,
  • kills not only adult lice, but nits,
  • allows you to achieve excellent results after the first application,
  • reduces the risk of seborrheic dermatitis, demodicosis and other dermatological and trichological diseases.

However, Pediculen - is a toxic drug that can provoke the development of adverse reactions. Therefore, it can be used only in the absence of contraindications and after the test for sensitivity of the skin to its components.

Mechanism of action

Pediculen Ultra is a protivopedikulezny drug that is produced in various versions: shampoo, lotion, spray. The composition of these products is slightly different, but the active ingredient is 6% anise oil. That it affects the parasites, causing paralysis in them. The oil penetrates chitinous integument and into the respiratory tract. Alcohol, which is part of the drug, accelerates the process of the death of parasites. Anise oil has a devastating effect on the sticky mass of nits, with the help of which they hold tight to the hair. Thus, the combing process is much easier.

Anise oil perfectly safe for a child, and this is its main advantage over products containing chemical components. In addition, it does not develop addictive lice, therefore, efficiency is not lost.

The composition of the shampoo is liquid paraffin. It has an enveloping effect, thereby blocking oxygen to parasites. Vaseline oil has a light jasmine scent. You can start treatment with any drug - shampoo, spray or lotion. It all depends on the personal preferences of the person, and does not affect the effectiveness of the result.

Indications for use

Pedikulen ultra - pharmacy drug designed to quickly rid the adult and child from lice and symptoms resulting from the activity of the parasites.

The first symptom of pediculosis is scalp itching. If it occurs regularly, it is necessary to examine the head and determine whether the following symptoms of lice occur:

  1. Empty or full cocoons, which are located from the hair root 1-2 cm.
  2. Having a live adult louse.
  3. Formation of a rash on the neck. This symptom indicates the presence of an allergy of the body to the waste products of parasites.

Attention! If you find at least one nits or lice need Immediately begin treatment with Pediculen Ultra and sanitize clothing. If this is not done, the parasites will begin to multiply, transmitted to the rest of the family and people around them, leading to the development of an epidemic of pediculosis.

How dangerous is the drug for people

If Pediculen Ultra is used irrationally and incorrectly, then an allergic reaction may develop, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • itching at the site of application;
  • rash,
  • redness of the skin,
  • burning.

Important! If in the process of using the remedies side effects begin to occur, you must immediately cancel the drug and consult a doctor so that another medicine is prescribed.

Mode of application

The method of use of the drug is determined based on the type of the selected agent - shampoo, spray, lotion.

This tool can be used to combat parasites in children from 3 years and adults. Shampoo is completely safe and non-toxic. Its active ingredients destroy all living parasites, as well as their eggs. In addition, the product does not cause addiction or rejection by the body. The exceptions are people who are allergic to the active ingredients of the shampoo.

To combat parasites and nits, you must comply with the following measures:

    Moisten hair, apply shampoo and lather. Make sure that the foam covers all the strands.

Insulate the head with a plastic bag and walk for 30 minutes.

  • After the specified time, wash the hair with warm water.
  • After applying the shampoo, you can proceed to the next stage of therapy, using the remaining products included in the set.
  • This form of Pediculen Ultra is not just a medicine, but also a conditioner. The spray has an effect similar to shampoo, so you can apply it separately. The only minus of the drug in high consumption. If the hair is long, then to get rid of lice will need 2 bottles.

    Spray can be used in two ways:

    1. For treatment. Apply Pediculen Ultra spray on strands and hold for 30-40 minutes. Wash off the drug with warm water.
    2. For prevention. After using the shampoo, spray the strands with a spray and proceed to combing. The product will give your hair shine, shine, silkiness, and even facilitate the process of combing.

    Precautionary measures

    Pediculen Ultra contains only safe active ingredients, but there are a number of excipients that can have a slight negative effect.

    Taking into account these factors, the following preventive measures should be observed when using the drug:

    1. Use the tool only externally.
    2. To handle the head to protect the hands with rubber gloves.
    3. Close eyes, mouth and nose during application.
    4. If contact lenses are present, remove them before processing Pedikulenom.
    5. After the procedure for combating head lice and nits, air the room thoroughly.
    6. If the composition accidentally gets into the eyes, then they should be immediately instilled with sodium sulfate (20-30%).
    7. If a person has inhaled the remedy, stop the procedure and go out into the fresh air, being there for 10-15 minutes. After the walk, rinse with soda solution and visit the doctor for examination.
    8. When the drug got into the digestive system, it is necessary to perform a gastric lavage. And for this you need to drink soda solution (10 g per glass of water). This will cause vomiting. To prevent dehydration, you need to take 1.5-2 liters of purified water, and another activated carbon -1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

    Advantages and disadvantages Pedikulen Ultra

    The following benefits can be highlighted:

    • cleansing hair from the smallest parasites and their eggs,
    • safe composition
    • a positive result after the first application,
    • Pediculen can be used for both treatment and prevention,
    • can be used by children after 5 years.

    Among the shortcomings can be noted contraindication during pregnancy and lactation, as well as the high cost (900 rubles per set).

    Pediculen - a unique drug to combat lice and nits. Already after the first use, the parasites die, and the hair and scalp heals. And although the composition of the product is safe, it is necessary to observe elementary precautionary measures while applying it.

    Means Pediculen - release form, characteristic

    The drug Pediculen Ultra is A number of products represented by lotion, spray, comb with frequent fine teeth and a magnifying glass. The series is intended for disinfection and promotes parasite eradicationtheir eggs and larvae. A series of drugs manufactured by domestic pharmacological companies. Almost always available in any pharmacy or pharmacy.

    Shampoo and spray are available. in bottlesby volume 200 ml and 150 ml respectively. Lotion in pharmacies supplied in a bottle capacity 50 ml.

    The basis of "Pedikulen Ultra" is vaseline oil. Plus are supplements:

    • food supplement E 1520,
    • sodium lauryl sulfate,
    • sorbitanoleate,
    • jasmine oil
    • antioxidant,
    • preservative.

    As part of the spray the main component is anise oil. Other ingredients are alcohol, capric acid and water. Lotion is anise oil and ethyl alcohol.

    pharmachologic effect

    Anise oil, which is a component of an anti-pedicular spray, paralyzes lice, and destroys adults. Nits are attached to the hair with a specific adhesive composition, and anise oil destroys it. This circumstance facilitates the procedure of combing nits. Using more than once, anise oil does not allow parasites to adapt to the drug, so it is always effective.

    The main constituent element is liquid paraffin.which closes the flow of oxygen to the parasites by wrapping them. It produces little jasmine aroma.

    Using shampoo, as prescribed by the rules and appointments of specialists, guarantees the death of adult lice and loss of stability of nits. After the procedure, the dead parasites are combed out with a comb, which is always a gift with a purchase.

    Pedikulen Ultra - indications for use

    Line products produced by the Russian company "BIOFARMRUS" contribute to the destruction pubic and head parasites, as well as their larvae.

    For children from 3 years the doctor prescribes shampoo, and upon reaching 5 years can be applied and spray. Adults mainly use the drug, released in the form of an aerosol can.

    Composition and action

    The composition of the components in lotion and spray similar, the main active ingredient - anise oil (content - 6%), which causes paralysis and death in parasites. The second component is ethyl or isopropyl alcohol (78%), improves the distribution of the active substance. The third component is captocrylic acid, increases the body's resistance, simultaneously eliminating infections caused by microorganisms and fungi. The composition is supplemented with demineralized water.

    Therapeutic effect of shampoo Pedikulen ultra based on the use of vaseline oil, which, covering the surface, blocks the insects access to air, which leads to their death. Additional ingredients - jasmine oil, antioxidant and preservatives, laureth-3, sorbitan oleate and propylene glycol give the healing agent the properties and smell of shampoo.

    Related accessories

    Magnifier with a threefold increase allows you to detect parasites and control the end result of treatment. To cleanse the hair from dead insects, a specially designed crest.

    Rounded teeth do not scratch the scalpand the distance separating the teeth from each other (0.9 mm) is smaller than that of a standard comb and helps to remove the smallest parasites.

    Instructions for use shampoo

    Head processing begins with wetting the hair with water. It is applied in large quantities, the foam should cover the entire head entirely. Next stage - to wrap a head with cellophane film or put on a special cap made of similar material. Hold time is 3 hours.

    The final stage Disinfection procedures - comb out the destroyed parasites, wash the head with water. You can wash your hair with regular shampoo, it does not hurt.

    Spray Pedikulen Ultra - terms of use

    Immediately before use shake the spraysprinkled over the entire length of the hair, not forgetting to process their roots. Desirable spray evenlyby thoroughly moisturizing the hair. Just as after applying, you should wrap your head with polyethylene or put on a hat. Compared with shampoo, the exposure time is reduced to half an hour. Dead parasites and their larvae - comb comb. After the disinfection procedure, wash your hair with a regular hair wash.

    You can repeat the procedure in 7 days. But do not forget that this treatment is done no more than two times during the month.

    Is the lice remedy effective?

    The production of the company “BIOFARMRUS”, in particular the Pedikulen Ultra line, will quickly and effectively destroy pests. The firm guarantees 100% death parasites, subject to all rules of the drug. Cases where the funds do not help, very rare, which indicates the need for the use of analogues or the appointment of another method of treatment of pediculosis.

    Pedikulen Ultra - price

    Price category is available to almost everyone, as they say: "For every taste and wallet." The average cost of drugs varies from 450 to 600 rubles. For example, in online pharmacies volume of 200 ml worth 528 rubles, hair product from the same series, volume 50 ml is on sale for 144 rubles. You can purchase a set of spray plus shampoo, the cost of which will be 880 rubles.

    Reviews real buyers

    The greatest demand from the entire range of products "Pedikulen Ultra" uses shampoo. Mostly, people note its ease of use, the absence of an annoying smell, price / volume ratio.

    Spray is not popular because of the amber, which does not erode from the hair after the disinfection procedure for about seven days.

    Here are some of the real customer reviews:

    1. Spray Pedikulen helped us get rid of parasites after a single use. But its big minus is the smell that directly eats into the skin and does not pass for a long time. If you want to overcome pediculosis guaranteed, then the circumstance should in no way affect the choice of the drug. In general, the agent was satisfied and we recommend it to other people suffering from a similar disease.
    2. The spray is easy to use and really really helps to kill all the lice. But the aroma emanating from him is just awful, my son barely sat out for half an hour. Aerosol helped from the first time.
    3. They found lice in a child, were frightened and ran to the pharmacy. There we were recommended Pedikulen Ultra. Lice died immediately after the first treatment, but the nits remained. A week later inflicted again, helped. From pediculosis got rid of. The remedy is good, but one minus - the exposure time is three hours, for children it is very difficult to sit.
    4. Bought a set Pedikulen Ultra: shampoo, conditioner and comb for combing. Lice and larvae died after the first use. We recommend others to purchase the complex immediately.
    5. Shampoo liked the fact that it contains no chemicals. Reasonable price and ease of use. Helped for two times use.
    6. The child was in the hospital, after discharge they found lice, the result - the whole family fell ill. For the child bought in the pharmacy shampoo for us, adults - spray. He had an effect the second time, spray - destroyed the parasites immediately. In order to achieve the result, the fragrance can be endured.

    We recommend reading: how to quickly cure thrush (candidiasis) in children’s mouth - symptoms, causes, methods of therapy.

    How to permanently get rid of clonorchosis parasitic disease - symptoms, ways of infection and methods of elimination. See all the information here.

    Reading customer reviews, it is felt that the drugs help to get rid, mainly, from the first time only from adults. But this is not surprising, because the nits are surrounded by a protective sheath that does not allow therapeutic agents to fully penetrate it. Repeated use will destroy the shell and nits will die. To achieve the full effect of nits you need to comb out.

    Watch a video about head lice - Pediculen Ultra:

    General information and composition of the drug Pediculen Ultra

    Pediculen Ultra is a facility certified by the Ministry of Health, and its effectiveness has been proven and tested in practice. Available in lotion form for external hair treatment. Recently, the manufacturer produces with a similar composition also shampoo, hair conditioner, but for treatment you can only do with lotion.

    The main component of the tool is:

    • anise oil,
    • capric acid,
    • alcohol (isopropyl or ethyl),
    • purified water.

    Available in plastic bottles of 50 milliliters. This is enough for about 2-3 treatments against lice (depending on the length of the hair). It also happens in a spray bottle, it is very convenient to use as a spray.

    And due to the addition of capric acid to the composition, the permeability of the protective membrane of the cocoons increases, respectively, they also die.

    Almost 90% of anise oil consists of anethole, due to which lice die literally within 20-30 minutes. after hair treatment. In most cases, one such is enough to completely get rid of pediculosis.

    Pediculen Ultra is allowed to be used not only for the extermination of head but also pubic lice.

    How to use?

    According to official instructions, to get rid of head lice, you must:

    1. thoroughly moisten the hair with lotion without prior washing,
    2. it is better to start from the back of the head, brushing each curl and wetting it in the lotion with a soft sponge,
    3. after hair treatment - wet the scalp with light massage movements,
    4. after 25-30 minutes - wash off the lotion with clean running water,
    5. then - wash the hair in the usual way (preferably with household or children's non-liquid soap),
    6. let your hair dry
    7. comb out with the help of a comb that comes with dead parasites and nits remaining on the hair.

    When using the lotion, avoid contact with the eyes, nasopharyngeal mucosa. Inhalation of anise-oil vapor in no way hurts.

    As for the dosage, the manufacturer recommends maintaining the following rate:

    • for short hair - 10 ml,
    • for medium hair - 20-30 ml,
    • for long hair - 40-60 ml.

    How to supplement the treatment?

    Treatment can be supplemented with prophylactic hair treatment with a soap soap 1-2 days after Pediculen. Even if there are a few nits, they will certainly die. And if it is impossible to comb them out, then it is allowed to use vinegar solution (1 part of vinegar and 3 parts of water) - this will dissolve the adhesive base, with which they are attached to the hairs.

    Course duration

    The recommended course of treatment is 1 hair treatment.. Recycling Pediculen Ultra is allowed for at least 4 days. There are no restrictions on the use of other insecticides that do not contain anise oil.

    The incubation period for nits is 14 days. Theoretically, after this time, another colony of parasites can form on the hair. Accordingly, all this period, the scalp at least 1 time a day carefully examined.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Contraindications for the use of Pediculen Ultra are:

    1. pregnancy or lactation,
    2. age up to 5 years
    3. the presence of skin diseases of the scalp,
    4. allergic to active ingredients of the drug.

    But the side effects of its use does not occur. In very rare cases, skin peeling and slight itching may occur immediately after washing off the lotion.

    Total Pediculen Ultra - effective against lice and nits, and at the same time has a natural composition. Its basis is anise oil, alcohol, capric acid. One treatment of hair will be enough to get rid of parasites. Here only lotion is not used during pregnancy or breastfeeding, and it is also not prescribed to young children.

    General characteristics

    Pedikulen Ultra is a series of products that have been developed by domestic pharmacists specifically to combat lice and nits on the hair part of the head. The tool is effective for pubic ploshchits.

    The kit includes:

    • shampoo,
    • lotion,
    • spray air conditioner and cap
    • magnifier
    • crest.

    Funds are sold both in the general set and separately from each other.

    The main active ingredient of the entire series is anise oil, which most insects do not tolerate. The excipients of lotion and shampoo are petroleum jelly, thanks to which each parasite turns out to be, as it were, in a separate capsule. The main substance paralyzes movement at once, and then breathing, then death occurs.

    Spray conditioner will help after treatment, its formula will facilitate combing and neutralizes the detrimental effect of active substances on the hair structure.

    Thick scallop will help get rid of dead insects and nits. The product is made of natural strong, hypoallergenic materials, so its use is allowed, even for newborns. The crest has a dense structure of teeth, through which no parasite leaks.

    We recommend to read: TOP 5 best crests from lice.

    Magnifier It does not have any features in the structure, but with its help the examination of the patient's hair will be more thorough.

    Most commonly used Pediculen Ultra Lotion, it is put in the same line with shampoo. The effectiveness of both drugs will be approximately the same, and the use of lotion a little easier. The drug is a clear yellowish liquid, which, when opened and applied, will strongly smell of anise oil. Due to this composition of the drug:

    • at 6% it consists of anise oil,
    • 78% is ethanol,
    • the rest is allocated for functional additives.

    The lotion is available in bottles of 50 ml, put it with cotton swabs. Anise oil neutralizes parasites, alcohol speeds up the process of paralysis, additives soften the negative impact on the hair structure.

    Pediculen Ultra Spray is no less demanded, with its help the process of combing becomes easier and faster. In addition, the tool removes the negative effects of anti-pediculosis drugs of the series, restores the natural structure of the hair, soothes the scalp, relieves inflammation. Release the spray in spray cans with a capacity of 150 ml. The tool has a pleasant smell of vanilla.

    Board! Apply the spray is optional only after applying the shampoo or lotion. The tool is quite effective to apply to the hair before combing dead parasites or nits.

    Price and analogues

    Means from the Pediculen Ultra series belong to medications of the average price category, their value on the Russian market:

    • for a full set of pharmacists will request from 880 to 960 rubles,
    • Lotion usually comes with a hat, they want from 170 to 260 rubles for it,
    • spray-conditioner costs 520-540 rubles.

    From this it follows that the tool is quite affordable and effective in the fight against parasites. Usually, to eliminate parasites of sufficient one use, but it is better to repeat the treatment for prophylaxis not earlier than in a week.

    Important! Use the drug can not more than twice a month.

    If for some reason this drug does not suit you, then you can consider its analogues: Pair Plus, Permethrin, Spregal, A-Par.

    Pros and cons of funds

    Based on the characteristics of the spray and lotion, we can safely say that for complete destruction of lice is better to use lotion. The tool not only paralyzes a living individual, but also reduces the stickiness of capsules with nits, thereby greatly facilitating combing them from the hair.

    Spray alone does not fight parasites, it is used as an auxiliary tool to improve work with the comb. In addition, the spray improves the condition of the hair after applying the lotion, which is important for health.

    It is better to use both products in tandem, this way you can get rid of parasites and significantly reduce the effect of drugs on the patient's hair.

    Effective folk remedies for lice:

    • hydrogen peroxide,
    • vinegar,
    • kerosene,
    • laundry soap,
    • dust soap
    • natural oils
    • cemeric water.

    Lotion and spray

    Scalp on the head or on an infected area of ​​the body (with pubic lice) moistened using the tool "Pediculen Ultra", vigorously massaging the surface of the affected area.

    Half an hour later, the drug is washed under warm running water and wash hair using detergent. Combing hair with a comb with frequent teeth, removing dead parasites.

    Consumption rate drug (6 ml - 1 press):

    1. for short hair length, ml - from 15
    2. for average hair length, ml - from 30
    3. for long hair, ml - from 60

    The drug is applied to dry hair and rubbed into the skin. affected area until fully hydrated. With a large length of hair they are divided into
    individual strands. After 3 hours, comb your hair with a comb with closely spaced teeth, removing dead parasites, wash the treated areas with running heated water.

    I never thought that this could happen to me. Always proud of her long wavy hair. After all, lice are only in the homeless. She came back from practice by train, a decent man was sitting next to him, he had somehow too much dandruff, and he occasionally scratched his head. A week later, I accidentally discovered “this” in myself. I searched the Internet and found a cure. It turned out that the lotion "Pedikulen Ultra" is sold in a pharmacy near the house and is inexpensive. The smell of the lotion turned out to be quite tolerable, everything was done according to the instructions, now everything is OK with my hair. Well, that quickly discovered. Home alarms, but no one had a head louse.

    I often go to nightclubs, and there are dances, partners, each time is different. One morning I never wake up, but I always use protective equipment. And from this, and proven imported tool did not help. He went to the shower, and there ... An experienced friend advised spray Pedikulen Ultra. I processed it according to the instructions, it burned a little, but this is from scratching. All pubic lice peremerli, as promised in the description, the first time. Now I’ll cut my hair short and I’ll wear a bandanna, otherwise I’ve already had a bottom, and they say it is possible to pick up lice on head hairs in public transport.

    Granddaughter studies in an elite school. One often began to scratch my head, at first slowly, then more and more, dandruff began to appear on the clothes. The class teacher called, it turns out that lice were found in several children in the classroom. And this is in the 21st century! But also advised, at the same time, Pedikulen ultra shampoo. The whole family was treated for prevention. After shampoo combed special comb. Then all through a magnifying glass viewed.
    My wife checked her granddaughter all week, found nothing. Well at least reliable medicine for lice our medicine produces.

    Pediculosis: Description

    Since ancient times, lice bother a person. Therefore, scientists are constantly developing tools to help effectively get rid of annoying parasites. Head lice are transmitted from person to person through contact. Pubic - through sex. Human lice parasitizes hair and clothing. These parasites feed on human blood, and nits (their eggs) stick to their hair.

    Most often pediculosis is found in children. The myth is that head lice love only dirt. They are increasingly found in children who live in clean families. According to statistics, this type of infection is found most often in children up to fourteen years old and in young people from fifteen to twenty-four years old. It is also a mistake to believe that lice jump and fly. They are transmitted by direct contact. Most often this occurs in children's institutions (summer camps, kindergartens, schools). In order to avoid infection, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene: have a personal comb, do not wear other people's hats, do not use someone else's hairpins, rubber bands and other hair ornaments. Infants may be infected by infected parents through contact or through bed.The sooner the family takes steps to rid one family member of these parasites, the less likely it is to infect everyone else.

    Shampoo "Pedikulen Ultra": composition

    The shampoo contains allantoin, which has antipruritic action, and D-panthenol, which heals wounds from scratching. Means "Pedikulen Ultra" (shampoo) reviews have positive as effective against nits and lice. The main active ingredient is anise, which is known for its exterminating effects on insects and parasites. In addition, shampoo weakens the effect of glue, which an adult individual sticks their eggs on the hair. After applying it, combing nits is much easier.

    Advantages over other shampoos means "Pedikulen Ultra"

    Reviews show that the treatment is fast - in one application, that is, in one day! The price of the drug is quite affordable for any family budget, unlike imported analogues. This is a domestic tool, which affects its value.

    Shampoo "Pedikulen Ultra" has as a fairly effective antiparasitic agent. Its volume of 200 milliliters allows one pack to be used for the whole family, which saves the budget. It is easy to use and does not cause irritation. About the drug "Pedikulen Ultra" reviews are left as one of the most effective means.

    Pediculen Ultra Spray

    "Pedikulen Ultra" - a pest control, the purpose of which is the neutralization of parasitic insects (lice and nits) on the head and pubis, as well as their eggs (nits) in adults and children from the age of five. The spray contains anise oil (6 percent) and excipients, such as ethyl alcohol (or isopropyl) - up to 78 percent, functional additives. The spray has a pronounced, strong pediculicidal action, which provides paralysis and, as a consequence, the death of lice. It has an ovicidal effect on nits (lice eggs).

    Action of this remedy

    This remedy helps when the diagnosis of pediculosis is made. Its signs are as follows: itching at the site of congestion and bite of the louse, grayish-bluish color of the spots on the skin, presence of excoriations (scratching), detection of parasite eggs (nits) on the hair. From the moment of infection until the first signs of pediculosis may take several weeks. If scratches are infected, then there will be a pustular disease of the skin. In order to avoid such consequences, it is important to timely detect the presence of lice and twice, with a break of about ten days, to treat the scalp or pubis, depending on the place of resettlement of the parasites.

    Means "Pediculen Ultra" (reviews, instructions confirm the possibility of getting rid of lice and nits at a time of application) is extremely popular with consumers. Developed this tool Research Institute of Disinfectology Rospotrebnadzor. In addition to shampoo, it is also available in a convenient form, such as a spray. The tool is easy, metered and applied to the hair. Spray does not contain insecticides, therefore, suitable for children from the age of five and has a natural smell of anise. In addition, it has an affordable price.

    Sets of this tool

    There is another tool in the Pedikulen Ultra line - the comb. Reviews characterize it as a fairly effective method in the fight against pediculosis. A set of tools of this brand is a complete set that allows you to quickly solve the problem of lice and nits. It consists:

    Pediculen Ultra Spray contains natural anise oil, which eliminates nits with lice in one session. The form of its release is very convenient, as it is easy to apply the product. It is perfectly distributed through the hair. After applying the spray, it is recommended to wash the hair with a balm so that you can comb it more easily. Hold it on your hair for about 30 minutes, so that the action was as effective as possible.

    The comb has rounded metal ends, which makes it possible to completely clean hair from inanimate lice and their eggs. It does not injure the hair and scalp. The optimal distance (0.9 mm) between the teeth is suitable for combing even the smallest parasites with their eggs, which cannot be combed with an ordinary comb.

    For searching for hidden parasites among the hair coat, as well as checking the result, a pediculen Ultra magnifying glass was attached to the kit, which increases the object three times.

    Treatment with Pediculen Ultra using a scallop and a magnifying glass is complex in nature and makes it possible to eliminate even the acute form of lice. Of course, you will have to spend time and feel discomfort, but effective disposal of parasites is worth it.


    Pediculen Ultra is an anti-pediculent drug that comes in the form of a lotion, spray and shampoo, having a slightly different composition, but the active substance is 6% anise oil. It has a neuroparalytic effect on parasites. Causes the death of adult parasites. The oil penetrates well through the chitinous coat and into the respiratory tract. Alcohol in this case accelerates this process.

    Besides, anise oil destroys the adhesive substance nits, with which they are attached to the hair, so the process of combing them easier. It is important that anise oil is non-toxic to the child and this is its advantage over chemicals containing chemicals. Also, there is no resistance to parasites, so the effectiveness is not lost.

    Shampoo contains Vaseline oilwhich envelops parasites, blocking the access of oxygen. It has the smell of jasmine.

    Treatment begins with a lotion, spray or shampoo - it depends on preferences and there is no big difference in effectiveness.

    When keeping exposure time, adults and nymphs die, and nits lose stability. The procedure is completed by combing dead parasites and nits with a comb, which has for this an optimal distance between the teeth - 0.9 mm. After the procedure, you can apply a spray conditioner. It facilitates combing, soothes the scalp (it includes jojoba oil), returns the lost shine to hair and elasticity.

    Shampoo Pedikulen Ultra, instructions for use

    Before using it, the hair is well moisturized. Apply shampoo so that the foam is well covered the entire head. After that, a plastic cap (or bag) is put on the head. Exposure time - 3 hours. Comb lice and nits with a comb, rinse with plain water, you can wash your hair with regular shampoo if desired.

    Pediculen Ultra Spray sprayed over the entire length and always directly on the hair roots. It is necessary to try to do this evenly, wetting the hair well. Also wear a hat and wait 30 minutes. After that, wash your hair in the usual way.

    Lotion plentifully moisten hair some minutes, rub in a head skin and leave for 30 minutes on hair then wash a head in the usual way.

    You can use any form of this tool that is convenient for you, but after the procedures it is necessary to comb out even wet hair with a thick comb. When combing the comb you need to constantly wipe with a towel. It is necessary for more than after processing to continue to comb the nits with a comb, which removes even the smallest individuals, which is impossible to make a comb.

    If necessary, you can repeat the treatment after 7 days. But remember that the procedure for the destruction of lice can be carried out no more than twice a month.

    When using contact lenses, they must be removed before the treatment procedure. Below the hairline make a bandage of cotton cloth (kerchief), so that the substance does not fall into the eyes. In case of contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose or eyes, rinse with water. It is advisable to secure hands with rubber gloves.

    When processing pubic lice, it is necessary to prevent the agent from getting into the genitals and anus. To do this, you can use cotton swabs.

    Reviews of Pedikulen Ultra

    Of the entire product line, the most popular product is Pediculen Ultra shampoo, the feedback on which is often positive. It is noted the convenience of its use (applied as a regular shampoo), the absence of caustic odor, efficiency and reasonable price with this volume.

    Concerning the effectiveness, opinions were divided: someone helped the drug from the first time (most likely, there was a slight infection and thorough daily combing after treatment), and someone had to use it repeatedly. Processing is still worth repeating, because with one not carefully carried out treatment, there remain nits, which then go through a full development cycle.

    Also, there are cases when the drug does not destroy adults due to uneven distribution. Of the unpleasant moments of application of this tool is the smell (more refers to the lotion and spray), which remains on the hair for another week, and on the hands, if you do not use gloves.

    • «... We bought the lotion. The smell is simply intolerable - strong and very pungent. The child could not sit out 30 minutes. Because of the alcohol in the composition of his daughter's skin tingled».
    • «... The tool is effective, but the smell did not like - not very pleasant. In general, the drug satisfied, we helped get rid of lice».
    • «... The spray smells awful, burning intolerable, could only withstand 20 minutes. What about children?».
    • «... used a spray. After the procedure because of the smell you have to air the room. But - the main thing that helps».
    • «... Spray is convenient to apply, really enough for 20 applications, but the smell is pungent and terrible».
    • «... From the spray, the children simply choked, they barely stood the allotted time».
    • «... The consumption of shampoo is small, less than half of the bottle is spent on long hair. Shampoo pleasant aroma».
    • «... Bought in a set - so profitable. Shampoo, conditioner, magnifier and comb were included. Satisfied».
    • «... Shampoo helped us for one treatment. Now it is a proven tool. The truth is a long time to keep on hair».
    • «... satisfied that the composition without chemistry! The smell of shampoo is not caustic».
    • «... I can say that the spray is effective against lice, and does not destroy the nits by 100%. Need careful combing and reapplication. At the same time it is economical, convenient to apply and the hair does not spoil».
    • «... According to my observations, nits are not all removed. Therefore, after 2 weeks, we repeated the processing and thorough combing».
    • «... If you do not want to use chemicals with lice, you can use it. Lice helps for one or two uses».

    As for the destruction of nits, almost all of the tools available on the pharmaceutical market cannot cope with them. Nits have a protective shell that does not allow drugs to penetrate inside. Therefore, it is necessary several times to use means to destroy the newly emerging offspring. A more effective way to combat nits is combing hair.


    Watch the video: Instinct Endoscopic Hemoclip Instructions for Use (July 2024).