
Hot scissors haircut - reviews and benefits


In 2003, a German company was offered an innovative technology for cutting hair, which not only “seals” the split ends, but also heals them. Soon this procedure became available with us. Now it is very popular in various beauty centers. It is a question of such salon service, as a hairstyle by hot scissors. A review of its results can be found in this article. This procedure has become popular with many famous beauties. Following them fell in love with her and other women who regularly take care of their appearance.

What is hot scissors haircut

And now we will tell you in detail about what a haircut is with hot scissors. Each client's feedback on this procedure is extremely positive, many talk about the complexity of its implementation. The fact is that in order to make such a haircut, you need special scissors, equipped with a temperature controller. Of great importance is the fact that you have curls: thick or sparse, dense or thin. The master in the salon selects a special temperature for each type of hair individually. It is very important. Before starting the process, the hair is curled into flagella, and only then is it cut. In this case, the tips of them as if "sealed." The result of the procedure is a neat haircut, smooth tips, hair along the entire length is elastic and shiny.

This procedure has several features:

  • cutting off the ends of the hair is a painstaking exercise, it takes from 40 minutes to 2 hours,
  • before clipping the hair is twisted into small flagella and only after that they are clipped,
  • can be done only by a master trained in this technology, if cutting with hot scissors, which you find in this article, is done by an unqualified hairdresser, then your hair may be harmed,
  • in order for the benefit of this haircut to be maximum, it is necessary to conduct at least 3 sessions with breaks per month.

It must be admitted that it is not cheap to cut with hot scissors. The price of the service is from 380 to 2900 rubles. It all depends on the length and condition of the hair. If you just need to trim them, then it is, of course, cheaper. And if you need to make edging or model haircut, it will cost several times more expensive. The highest price for exclusive treatment of long hair with the preservation of their length.

Service reviews

And now let's see what the women who have already tried it say about the procedure. Many of them note that after her hair really becomes smooth and shiny, their tips are smooth, as if "polished". Thus, cutting with hot scissors has a positive effect on curls. Flagella, which the master twists, allow to get rid of split ends along the entire length. Therefore, reviews of customers who have noticed an improvement in the appearance of hair, it is possible to believe. There were, of course, dissatisfied people who spoke negatively towards this technology. Most likely, they were disappointed by the price of the service. Apparently, for this money they expected a more noticeable effect.

We concluded that cutting with hot scissors, a review about which can be found in this article, really helps to care for split and weak hair. However, do not think that this service will solve all your problems with curls. In order for them to be always beautiful, constant home and salon care is required.

What is the essence of hot scissors cutting?

Hot scissors has a haircut of reviews of a million women, and the majority of these reviews are positive. So what is the essence of this procedure? To understand this question, you must first consider the structure of the hair and the dependence of the health of the hair on the state of their tips.
According to its structure, the hair is a thick rod, its walls are covered with a multitude of microscopic flakes. If the hair is healthy, then all the scales are very tight to each other, so the hair shines. But such procedures as washing the hair with soap, blow-drying, the use of curls, hair straighteners, hair dyes, mousses, gels, and so on, affect the hair structure is not the best way. The result of such a negative impact on the hair leads to the fact that the scales on the hairs move away from each other and the hair can be compared only with a brush. Naturally, the hair shine in this case disappears, they become dull and cut off.

In addition, very often you have to face such a problem as split ends of hair when you grow hair for a long time. And in order to restore the external beauty of the hair, one has to cut a rather large part of the hair, as a result of which the growth of hair is delayed for a very long time.
Haircut ordinary scissors, of course, also helps to improve the condition of the hair, but only the effect of such a haircut is much less lasting. This is due to the fact that ordinary scissors leave an "open" cut of hairs, with the result that the hair flakes quickly split and negative factors influence the hair much more strongly. Bottom line: hair very quickly lose a healthy look.

So what gives hot scissors haircut? This procedure allows to solve the split ends problem for a long time, because during the hair cutting with hot scissors on the hair tips the scales solder, due to which moisture and useful substances remain inside the hairs. After several treatments with this procedure, the hair structure is fully restored and healthy shine, elasticity and smoothness return to the hair.

And how to make a haircut with hot scissors? Technically, thermo sheath looks like this. During the usual haircut, the hairdresser takes the strands of hair and cuts them off, but during the thermo shears the master takes the smallest strands possible, twists them into flagella, and then ruffles these flagella. Such a ruffling leads to the fact that all the split ends of the hair begin to stick out, so that they can be easily cut off, which the barber does in this case.

Overall, cutting with hot scissors has mostly positive feedback.. Women who have undergone this procedure claim that the hair not only looks healthier, but also grows faster, and the haircut retains its shape much longer. Therefore, cutting with hot scissors, which is indisputable, can be recommended to everyone without exception.

Pros and cons of hot scissors haircuts

Cutting with hot scissors is not only one of the latest hair care procedures, but also one of the most popular. In addition, to the cautious question of women, “is a haircut with hot scissors harmful?” We can definitely answer: “No!” This procedure has a healing effect on the hair, as we have already told you above. The therapeutic effect of cutting with hot scissors becomes noticeable after the very first such procedure. Well, the peak of efficiency from this procedure is achieved after 2-3 haircuts, which guarantees complete elimination of such an unpleasant problem as split ends of hair. In addition, after 4-5 haircuts, the total volume of hair increases markedly - about two times. This is due to the fact that the pressure increases in the tips of the hair, and the thickness of each hair becomes uniformly uniform along the entire length. And if a haircut with hot scissors replaces any haircut with ordinary hair, then the hair will fall out less, be stronger and thicker.

If you ask the forums on the Internet about cutting hair with hot scissors, reviews of women will undoubtedly make you think, and it would not be time for you to adopt this procedure for your beauty. Especially it is worth paying attention to such a haircut for people whose hair is not only cut but also very fragile. Usually such fragile are long hair. But for those who have short hair, such a haircut also doesn’t hurt, because cutting with hot scissors makes for easier and longer hair styling. Also, this procedure is useful for treating hair immediately after a perm or dyeing, since cutting with hot scissors will undoubtedly benefit the hair on such hair: the tips of the hair dried with chemistry and paint are removed.

Well, we figured out whether the haircut is useful with hot scissors. But, as they say, every medal has a downside. Hot haircut scissors minuses are not spared. The biggest drawback here is the complexity of this procedure - this haircut lasts more than two hours. And the longer the hair and the worse their condition - the longer it takes to cut.

In addition, one can argue about the benefits of this procedure. Of course, it is impossible to state firmly whether cutting a haircut with hot scissors is harmful. It's all individually. In most cases, cutting with hot scissors has only positive results, but it also happens that after such a procedure, the hair, on the contrary, becomes more weakened and begins to fall out more. That is, haircut hot scissors reviews are not very good. Some explain this loosening of hair by the fact that the hair is breathed right through the tips, which, when sheared with hot scissors, seem to be “soldered”, which prevents oxygen from entering the hair. But first of all, such a minus happens only in those cases when not a sufficiently qualified specialist makes a hot haircut.

So, to determine whether haircut with hot scissors helps to give your hair a healthy look or not, you can do it yourself after you go through this procedure.

In addition, do not be mistaken that cutting with hot scissors will save you from the problem of splitting hair forever. Alas, it is not. Thanks to this procedure, the hair just does not split much longer, but still it happens sooner or later. Therefore, it is important to think about how to maintain healthy hair in addition to thermal cutting.

What is needed for healthy hair in addition to thermal cutting?

You now know if cutting hot scissors helps to make them healthier. In order for the healing effect of thermal cutting to last much longer, it is necessary not only to carry out this procedure regularly, but also to follow some rules of hair care. The need to regularly trim the ends of the hair is due to the fact that when a certain length is reached, the protective layer of the tips of the hair begins to break down. In addition, it is not necessary to dry wet hair with a hairdryer - let them dry themselves better. If the use of a hair dryer for some reason becomes very necessary (for example, when you are going somewhere, and you do not have much time), then the temperature of the hair dryer should be set to the average, but not the maximum. It also causes serious damage to hair contact with hot metal - for example, hair straighteners or curling irons. In this case, it is better to use the apparatus with a ceramic coating, rather than metal. Well, it is important to avoid unnecessary stress, because stress not only worsens the general state of health, but also affects the condition of hair, nails and skin.
In addition, it is helpful to drink vitamins and use hair care products that are suitable for your hair type. Yes, and should not abuse alcohol and cigarettes, because these bad habits also do not contribute to the health and beauty of hair.

Well, here is our article about hot haircut is coming to its logical conclusion. Now you know everything about thermo shearing, including whether hot hair shears have minuses. And to all this I would like to add that the frequency of this procedure is purely individual. It is not only a matter of cutting technique, when, due to the twisting of hair into flagella, hair along their entire length get rid of split hair, but also in the speed of hair growth. In this regard, someone visits a thermal cutting specialist every six months, and someone has to do it every 3-4 months. And more often in this procedure need hair, which are regularly subjected to chemical perm or dyeing.

In general, take care of your hair and their healthy shine, and silkiness will attract not only the attention of men, but also deliver you a lot of positive emotions with its magnificent look. Be beautiful always and everywhere!

Lyubov Zhiglova

Psychologist, online consultant. Specialist from the website

- January 28, 2010, 3:34 PM

make better biolamination.

- January 28, 2010, 3:36 pm

An individual thing, someone like .. my master offered me a haircut with hot scissors and said, look by yourself, you will see the difference — cut your hair hot. But as she said, some of these scissors on the drum because of the structure of the hair, apparently I am one of these, cut my hair three times in a row and did not see any changes.

- January 28, 2010, 3:45 pm

(1) What is the essence of BIO lamination? Now I read on the salon website, of course they painted everything in the best colors. From him the hair then does not spoil?

- January 28, 2010, 15:53

I agree that it is better to illuminate (laminate) hair, no harm, and the effect on the birthday and another week for 3 is amazing)
About hot reviews from her hairdresser heard bad reviews.

- January 28, 2010, 3:53 pm

ugh about hot scissors)

- January 28, 2010 16:05

My master told me that every hair with such a haircut can not be soldered, so it’s just money pulling.

- January 28, 2010 16:12

Damn, still a little bit stingy, never experimented over hair - I had just an enviable head of hair. And in more detail about the lamination tell someone can?

- January 28, 2010, 16:26

I am doing in September before going to sea! Lightened and made. I liked the shiny hair very well; after the arrival after the sun and salt, the hair looked great (usually after such were like a sponge)

- January 28, 2010, 16:36

my hair is badly cut, and over the entire length, shears it with hot scissors, the effect is 0. so I do not believe in it, but maybe it helps someone. since this procedure is so popular in salons

- January 28, 2010 16:45

Author! Here's a link for you just about split ends and hot hair scissors:

- January 28, 2010 16:46

- January 28, 2010 16:49

- January 29, 2010, 01:10

It helped me. The hair became better, thicker and for many years not split.

- January 30, 2010, 12:15

After the 1st time you will not see any effect. My master immediately warned that on average after the 5th or 6th haircut you will REALLY see improvements in the condition of the hair ends.

- January 31, 2010, 01:05

Well, I've cut my hair for more than a year - I see the effect only for two weeks after the haircut. Then all the same, the ends begin to split. But it’s also because I often use a styler for straightening.
In general, the hair after them is much more neat for a long time. So it is, at least, not superfluous.

- January 31, 2010, 13:01

After the 1st time you will not see any effect. My master immediately warned that on average after the 5th or 6th haircut you will REALLY see improvements in the condition of the hair ends.

Or maybe Evgenia, it makes sense to write only for yourself?
My girlfriend, for example, these scissors did not fit like crazy. The structure of her hair is thin, and the ends became thick because of hot scissors, and they constantly became tangled at the ends. So in a month she cut off these 3 cm tows (they really became very tough at the ends).
I personally like ordinary scissors + speed cut :)

- January 31, 2010, 1:03 PM

Write in more detail about the lamination of hair, who did of course, pliz)))))) is very interesting.

Related topics

- January 31, 2010, 20:58

I cut my bleached split ends with hot scissors - at the ends (right here are the tips themselves) they stopped cutting at all, but by the very length (the hair also split in several places) they broke off, that's how it remained. Accordingly, the sealed ends broke off and then everything sank off to a new one.

- February 10, 2010, 19:09

Once in the salon I got into conversation with the master and he told me a lot of “interesting” things about the salon procedure and about hot scissors, including. All this garbage - for the hair is harmful! Metal scissors when heated blunt and just hurt your hair. It does not give any therapeutic effect, you know.

- April 14, 2010, 01:48

And I am very pleased with the hot scissors. they really solder the ends — it's a gift for hair! I have been using them for more than 2 years.

- April 14, 2010, 01:56

And about the "clever" and "major experts" sitting here I will say this! This is an expensive procedure, but it is the best for split ends! And it is stupid to smear your hair with smears and fluids until your pulse is lost, any specialist will tell you that cutting with hot scissors "broomstick" that is split hair, is a chance to restore the structure of the hair.

- July 15, 2010, 15:01

I didn't like hot scissors. Just lay out. And if the master also grows hands from one place, so say “good-bye” to your hair. It happened to me: after cutting with hot scissors, hair became like dry, scorched straw. Then she came to the usual haircut, so the girl asked me: that they burned you with fire, they say, with hair. After all, there if you set the temperature mode incorrectly - it will be terrible! so that. I do not advise. Indeed, it is better to lamination which thread to try.

- July 15, 2010, 15:02

Once in the salon I got into conversation with the master and he told me a lot of “interesting” things about the salon procedure and about hot scissors, including. All this garbage - for the hair is harmful! Metal scissors when heated blunt and just hurt your hair. It does not give any therapeutic effect, you know.

plyus. *** wiring these hot scissors.

- July 16, 2010, 20:21

I have curly hair, and always very strongly split at the ends and along the entire length, the ends a month after the haircut became dry like a panicle. Already three times went to get a haircut with hot scissors, happy. After the first procedure, the hair began to split in 3 months, after the second after 4, after the third I hope I will be able to grow the length I dreamed about. My hot scissors have solved the problem, a lot depends on the master, we should not forget about vitamins and healthy food. And cut your hair on special auspicious days.

- August 19, 2010, 10:03 pm

I have curly hair, and always very strongly split at the ends and along the entire length, the ends a month after the haircut became dry like a panicle. Already three times went to get a haircut with hot scissors, happy. After the first procedure, the hair began to split in 3 months, after the second after 4, after the third I hope I will be able to grow the length I dreamed about. My hot scissors have solved the problem, a lot depends on the master, we should not forget about vitamins and healthy food. And cut your hair on special auspicious days.

- August 19, 2010, 10:07 PM

All this is right! And you can harm and simple scissors. Watch what a master!

- 25 August 2010, 01:29

after biolamination, my hair climbs with scraps, I made it 4 days ago, they break into hell, only I collect it in the bath

- November 24, 2010 at 15:40

She cut her hair once with hot scissors, to drop out less Steel (I think), very happy, although they said that after one haircut the effect will be almost not noticeable. 3 months have passed, now I have registered again in the salon.
I agree with the girls, the effect depends on the master and on the structure of the hair itself.
Good luck to all.

- May 4, 2011, 13:08

Hot scissors solder split ends. Excellent result)))

- July 4, 2011, 15:22

if the hair supply is not enough. then they will continue to cut at a certain length. plus - if you abuse abusers. so hot scissors are meaningless in this case. But if you are caring for them and cutting them with hot scissors - the effect will pleasantly surprise you. But! one attack procedure is not enough - you need a few - and !! - go to a proven specialist - he will correctly set the temperature mode, because otherwise, they will fuse at the ends and visually and to the touch will become even worse than they were.

- September 14, 2011, 00:21

And I am very pleased with the hot scissors. they really solder the ends — it's a gift for hair! I have been using them for more than 2 years.

that they can "solder" if the tempera. far below normal ironing.
All comments about the benefits of hot scissors are only available for WOMEN masters, men really look at it and do it better and not push it ***
let's talk like colleagues!
enough brains soar blondes and pump out the money)) prove the real benefits of hot scissors against cutting a straight cut with cold scissors in the right hands
my clients are simply delighted, nothing is cut and they grow their hair up to the priests))) WITHOUT HOT SCISSORS.

- February 22, 2012, 00:42

solidarity with Dmitry

- February 29, 2012 10:58

Write in more detail about the lamination of hair, who did of course, pliz)))))) is very interesting.

I did the lamination. I have by nature very thin and brittle hair. there was nothing to lose. more girls worked next door from my work. The procedure is somewhat stepwise, with something black oil, black oil, washed. then warm, then cold. in general time. hour and a half. but! after the end, the effect was noticeable! -hair shiny, not electrified, very easy to comb! Minus is that after each head wash the effect disappears every time))) was enough for 2 weeks! I think this procedure is appropriate for short-term activities)))) and it is not therapeutic, but indicative! just like that!

- March 2, 2012, 23:40

I cut the hair with hot scissors once. Now I want to go for the full procedure, I will restore the thickness of the hair that I once lost because of the curling. About biolamination I heard good reviews, I also want to try :)

- March 21, 2012, 21:42

I am against hot scissors, it’s just a waste of money. Shave your tips cold when you studied at the hairdresser, the experts themselves told us about it, and don’t waste your money and time, it’s unpleasant to hope for a better hair in this way, be beautiful!

- March 22, 2012, 02:10

girls! exercise regularly and have sex! eat cottage cheese
and the hair will be great. like mine))

- April 6, 2012, 15:42

I did the lamination. I have by nature very thin and brittle hair. there was nothing to lose. more girls worked next door from my work. The procedure is somewhat stepwise, with something black oil, black oil, washed. then warm, then cold. in general time. hour and a half. but! after the end, the effect was noticeable! -hair shiny, not electrified, very easy to comb! Minus is that after each head wash the effect disappears every time))) was enough for 2 weeks! I think this procedure is appropriate for short-term activities)))) and it is not therapeutic, but indicative! just like that!

I am blond. I decided to do this procedure too. Well, the effect is cool (for the brush), I just did not like the fact that after a few weeks I could not paint my head. the paint does not come down.

- May 25, 2012, 11:07

sheared with hot scissors for 2.5 years. my hair is thin, not thick, porous. after 2 years of shearing, I noticed a section of hair along its length (earlier, when shearing with regular scissors, only the ends were cut off). haircut with hot scissors in a good salon (where all tools are disinfected, and cosmetics are only professional, masters, respectively, are also professionals) at my average hair length is 1400-1600r. So, after almost 3 years of expensive salon, sparing paints and professional shampoos Wella, I thought: is it worth it? You can laugh, but I decided to give up haircuts with hot scissors, hair dye and chemistry =) I’ll go cut with ordinary scissors, start washing my head with an egg and rinse with lemon juice (I tried the egg on my head - no worse than shampoo!) no dryness and tightness, as after shampoos and certainly no dandruff. I will experiment a year and see what has changed in the state of my hair and scalp. and if the forum is alive, I will accomplish my goal))

- May 25, 2012, 11:13

I will also say: I did hair elimination in the same salon. the procedure lasts for a week (i.e., 2-3 shampoos), the ellumen is washed off and everything has zero effect. and as if I was not assured that he penetrates the hair and lasts 2 months, the condition of the hair even purely visual suggests otherwise. You can argue, but I tried it myself: the effect is visible after the procedure, you wash your head several times — the hair is in the same state as before the procedure.

- May 26, 2012 13:35

Hello. I have long hair, to the tailbone, I have a haircut every three months. After cutting with hot scissors, the hair stopped growing. I also do not like torn ends, but this haircut makes them so, but I did not know. The master did not warn. Hair became drier, began to stick together. I did not like. It harms hair.

- May 26, 2012, 19:23

Hi Katyusha, is this a problem? write on the soap, nicely cut (cold scissors)

- May 28, 2012, 11:51

If you read what they write. so it all comes out very individually, someone has an effect for someone who does not))) this is called who believes what and what expects something and happens?

- May 28, 2012, 11:54

girls! exercise regularly and have sex! eat cottage cheese

and the hair will be great. like mine))

wit :))) to be or not to be that is the question. and many people think what to cut with ordinary scissors or hot ones :))) hehe)) and you romanticize)

- May 28, 2012 18:20

I think those girls who by nature have everything ideally do not need to resort to excess. Nails, hair, skin. To be honest, I tried everything because now they impose a lot of procedures. And not one procedure has not done better to me than nature. I just see the advice of girls from the salon. At first they instill that my hair, skin, and nails are not beautiful enough. And then they extort money. But no process has done better than mother nature. I was always interested in the fact that all hairdressers with spoiled hair. At first they would put themselves in order and then they would impose themselves on others.

- May 28, 2012, 23:10

Dmitry girls! exercise regularly and have sex! eat cottage cheese

and the hair will be great. like mine))

wit :))) to be or not to be that is the question. and many people think what to cut with ordinary scissors or hot ones :))) hehe)) and you romanticize)

I'm serious! for healthy methods
This is from the series - those who are too lazy to go in for sports will choose liposuction.
treat the hair from the inside and not the poultice with masks and ampoules (although as a master it is very beneficial for me in the salon to restore the hair after your experiments)))
just about scissors you can sum up - cold sharp (sharp) scissors, better than hot
there will be questions, write [email protected] Dmitry

- May 28, 2012, 23:31

I think those girls who by nature have everything ideally do not need to resort to excess. Nails, hair, skin. To be honest, I tried everything because now they impose a lot of procedures. And not one procedure has not done better to me than nature. I just see the advice of girls from the salon. At first they instill that my hair, skin, and nails are not beautiful enough. And then they extort money. But no process has done better than mother nature. I was always interested in the fact that all hairdressers with spoiled hair. At first they would put themselves in order and then they would impose themselves on others.

I completely agree! But if you listened to advice for general improvement! usually not in this salon come)))
and what about the masters that you are not lucky .. tell the client that she is bad at all a strange approach. I prefer to tell what result really get.

The principle of the haircut

Hot haircut is a modern treatment of strands, thanks to which it is possible to get rid of split ends, to prevent their appearance, to give strength and beauty to curls. Using hot scissors, an expert solders the cut, which makes the hair perfectly smooth. Moreover, the scissors themselves remain cold, only their blades in the cutting area are heated. They acquire a certain temperature, which depends on the type of girl's hair, so the heating level is set individually for each visitor.

Technology perform hot haircuts

  1. Using computer diagnostics, a professional determines individual properties of a client's hair: thickness, structure, and so on. The results of the study help to determine the temperature of scissors heating (maximum - 180 degrees), and, in addition, based on them, the master can advise the client the appropriate means to care for curls.
  2. The barber twists each strand with a cord and cuts split ends.
  3. Hairstyle is given the necessary form. The tool can only change if some areas need to be shaved - then the master uses a hot razor.

Do not be afraid of burns - they are excluded, because the scissors have special protection (plastic edging), which does not heat up with the blades. This provides the ability to create with the help of a hot tool any, even the most complex, hairstyles. The work of the master itself takes from 1 to 4 hours. If the barber did it in less than an hour, the procedure was probably done poorly and you should look for another specialist.

Cost of service in Moscow salons

The price of such a medical procedure is somewhat higher than a standard haircut. In addition, its value is different in different salons in Moscow. The main factors that influence the price of the procedure are, length, degree of damage to the client's hair and the complexity of the haircut. You can choose either wellness or model hairstyle. A simple cropping of the ends will cost about 1000 rubles, a more complex option will cost from 1500 rubles and above.

Reviews of the procedure

Kristina, 27, Nizhny Novgorod: Because of the split ends, I have not been able to fulfill my dream for a long time - to grow long hair. It is necessary to get a haircut often so that the hairstyle has a less well-groomed look. I have already tried keratin hair straightening and lamination, but I did not like the result - after a short period of time, the tips looked awful again. But I was not accustomed to surrender, so I decided on another treatment procedure - a hot haircut, and the effect surpassed all my expectations. Despite the hour and a half that I spend in a barber's chair once a month, it's worth it.

Diana, 20 years old, St. Petersburg: I ​​have to go for a hot haircut, because I really ruined my hair with a perm. I appeal to the master every month, the result is still surprising - the curls are soft, shiny. This procedure was a real salvation after my dangerous hair experiments. The only minus thermostatic - the high price, but these expenses are fully justified.

Anastasia, 32 years old, Smolensk: I am a natural blonde, our big problem is thin hair, which after the first painting becomes like tow. The general condition of the strands before the thermostisk was terrible, the usual trimming of the tips did not help - the hairstyle returned an ugly look already for 2-3 days after visiting the salon. Only after 4 sessions of processing the strands with hot scissors, my hair began to please me.They have grown to the shoulders, no longer split, they seem to be thicker!

Hot scissors haircut: photo before and after

Thermal sheathing is not only an excellent method for making your hair look beautiful, but also an effective way of healing the strands, thanks to which they become smooth, shiny, voluminous. The wonderful effect of the procedure is due to the fact that the tips of the hair are sealed after exposure to hot scissors. So, the curls cease to stab, start to grow faster, less injured by styling an iron or a hairdryer. Below are illustrative examples of how the appearance of hair changes after thermo shearing.

Occurrence of the procedure

Many thousands of years ago it was known about the secret of healthy and long hair. One of the most famous beauties - Queen Cleopatra resorted to the use of such a haircut. However, then it was in a completely different form, since there was neither electricity nor other amenities. Her slaves simply heated the blades on the fire and clipped the tips of her hair. Similar procedures were observed among the Slavs, who used fire to heal their hair, after which the girls could wear long and beautiful braids.

One entrepreneur from Switzerland started studying this issue. Through long experiments, he realized that for optimal results scissors should be heated by electricity, but with constant contact with water, this was problematic.

The final form became known to us from the German corporation Jaguar. They created a professional apparatus that contributed to the treatment of broken and weakened tips. The people who tried the hot scissors on themselves left the most amazing reviews, because such a service completely turned the mind.

The essence of cutting hot scissors

In order to figure out what this haircut is for, you need to understand some points. Our hair is, roughly speaking, a thick rod, and its walls are covered with scales that are adjacent to each other. If they fit tight enough - the hair shines. The use of styling irons, hair dryer, improper use of shampoos and hair dye, lead to violations of the structure of the curls. Therefore, over time, the scales separate from each other, making the hair vulnerable and outwardly unattractive. As a result - over-dried hair and split ends. Treatment of such consequences takes a lot of time and effort.

Undoubtedly, the way of cutting hair, which has long been known to everyone, is also beneficial, but the effect is not as stable. After all, after using ordinary scissors, the cut on the hair remains open, and the scales because of this continue to split, leaving the hair vulnerable. And the influence of negative factors that have become habitual in our lives only aggravates the situation. When shearing with hot scissors, the reviews remain more positive, because the effect after such a procedure remains for a longer time. If after normal cropping the sliced ​​tips return after 1-1.5 months, then the hot scissors prolong this period by 3-4 months.. In this case, the tips on the cut are sealed due to the high temperature, which in turn is selected individually.

"Pros and cons"

The procedure of hot haircut gained popularity among the girls caring for their curls, and if earlier there were doubts about its harmfulness, then now you can say without a doubt: haircut is absolutely harmless! Of course, surfing the Internet, you can read about women who have experienced hot scissors reviews them at the same time vary. What could be the reasons for negative feedback?

For example, among unscrupulous hairdressers there may be one that special expensive ones will replace with a cheap fake. Outwardly, they will not be, but because of its probable malfunction may be harmful. Therefore, if you want to cut with hot scissors, its price will not be identical to the usual procedure. In different salons, it will vary, but you need to take into account that you will need to resort to such a haircut much less often, which will even save you money.

If you are interested in cutting with hot scissors, reviews are a useful source of information, but you need to be quite knowledgeable in this situation. Another factor influencing the result is the professionalism of the master. The correct procedure will last from an hour to three hours, depending on the amount of work. The generally accepted scheme of hot shearing is twisting the strands in a spiral and gentle treatment of the hair along its entire length.

If you use a different scheme of work with hot scissors, leave feedback appropriate in order to warn others about the incompetence of this salon. In addition, from the first time, the whipped tips will disappear only temporarily; at least 3 visits to the barber shop are required for complete recovery. In a good beauty salon, the level of service should be high, and cutting with hot scissors should be worth the price. Moreover, when you see that your hair has noticeably increased in volume and began to grow faster, you will not want to return to conventional means categorically.

You can maintain the result with a variety of masks and, of course, try to minimize the influence of harmful factors: do not be deceived that such a haircut will get rid of split ends forever.

After reading reviews about hot scissors, you can learn a lot, but one thing you need to know for sure: if you don’t try it, you shouldn’t believe someone’s good or bad advice.


Watch the video: Why, How & When To Use Blending Shears For Texturizing Hair (July 2024).