Eyebrows and eyelashes

What glue for eyelash extension is better to choose?


The choice of materials for building cilia should be taken seriously, because during the procedure, the master works with the area near the eyes and you need to minimize the risk of a negative impact on the mucous membrane and eyelids. That is why it is so important to know what is the best glue for eyelash extension experienced craftsmen prefer to use during the procedure.

The key to a good result after eyelash extensions - high quality adhesives

Learning to choose a good glue

There are many types of adhesives, but the main task of a good master is to determine which glue for eyelash extension is better.

You do not know how to choose the best glue for building? We invite you to familiarize yourself with the following rules for selecting a good product:

  1. Decide what material color you need (sometimes transparent and black). Transparent is used to decorate and attach colored hairs, and black glue is applied on black eyelashes.

Note! To determine whether the glue is fresh or not, as well as whether it is of good quality, is simple enough: its color does not change after drying. If the product has changed its color, the quality of the material is very low and it is better not to use it.

  1. Choosing adhesive material, do not forget to clarify with the seller data on the manufacturer, the composition of the product, shelf life and date of manufacture. Pay special attention to the composition of glue for eyelash extensions, because some instances may include formaldehydes, which can cause special harm to the delicate skin of the eyelids.

The certificate of conformity to quality gives considerable confidence in the product

  1. The compositions also differ in consistency: there is glue-resin for eyelash extensions or a liquid adhesive. The glue resin is thick, lays on the cilia in a very dense layer, dries for a long time, collects in lumps during the procedure, often has a sharp unpleasant odor, and its evaporation quite often causes allergic reactions from the foreman and client. Such a material is usually very cheap and, in contrast, liquid formulations form a thin layer, do not form lumps and are invisible after use.
  2. There are materials for masters with different levels of training. For experienced masters in their work, there are compositions of instant fixation, and for beginners there are materials that dry longer and allow you to correct the eyelash if it is glued unsuccessfully.

Note! Regardless of the rate of adhesion of the product and skills of the master, during the procedure, stickers should be used under the eyes for eyelash extension. In no case should not begin work, if the skin area under the eyes is not protected, because the ingress of glue on such a site can lead to negative consequences.

  1. Also an important role in the choice of glue for eyelash extensions is played by the reactions of the clients' organism on the product. A considerable number of people suffer from allergies and hypoallergenic compounds are made for them, but they hold much less than usual. To build cilia with their own hands (you need to keep your eyes open) as well as for people with very strong allergies produce products without fumes, and when they hit the mucous membrane of the eyes they do not burn and do not cause irritation. They are often kept very little.
  2. Do not forget to pay attention to the shelf life of the product: Usually, the closed composition is stored for 6 to 10 months, and the open one - from 2 to 4. Do not forget about how to store the product correctly: in a cool and dry place, and if you keep it in the refrigerator, you need to get at least an hour before you can build it up.

No matter how good the glue, it requires compliance with the storage rules in any case.

Popular brands of glue manufacturers

Adhesives of different manufacturers may differ in connection time, color, texture, durability and odor

Glue is a necessary product for cilia extension, on which the safety of the procedure and the quality of its implementation directly depend. Many people wonder what is the best eyelash glue? To date, there are several brands that have established themselves as leading manufacturers of high-quality adhesives for fixing artificial cilia.

Rules of application

Technology capacity depends on the experience of the master. From the preferred method will depend on the procedure. Knowing how the procedure will take place, it is easier to find out which eyelash glue is better. In any case, it is necessary to act methodically. When applying glue, it is necessary to act with utmost care so that the substance does not touch the eyes, this can contribute to the occurrence of allergies. In addition, a tool is needed to remove excess glue.

Gluing will be done on the edge of the century. No matter what kind of eyelash glue is better, the method of applying it is the same. So, the eyelash fixation involves the joining of artificial and natural materials to one another. Before use, you need to shake the bottle, and only then apply it. To obtain working material, lower the bottle, waiting for the drop to appear. After that, clean the outlet.

The easiest way to decide on what kind of eyelash glue is the best, knowing the diversity of their species.

Resin based

It is a black substance that masks the attachment points of natural and acquired eyelashes. This type of glue can cause an allergic reaction, so it can not be used at high sensitivity.

Glue on powder

Produced later, so for safety the resin is replaced with rubber powder. This substance does not bring harm, besides it is more sticky. However, the tool has drawbacks: the powder quickly settles, so before using it is required to shake the tool thoroughly. In addition, this substance dries for a long time, its life expectancy is small.

Glue with cosmetic soot

Answering the question, what kind of glue is better to use for eyelash extension, you can imagine the substance of the last generation - based on soot. It is a dark gray substance with high adhesiveness.

What is this glue is significantly different from previous versions of the tool? This is important to know in order to decide which eyelash glue is better:

- shelf life of 10-12 months,

- does not form lumps,

- does not evaporate and does not smell,

- perfectly captures materials.

All this means that this type of glue belongs to the tools of the last generation that progressive masters choose.

Liquid or resinous

Glue-resin is made from natural ingredients that do not contain toxins. This suggests that it is hypoallergenic glue for eyelashes. It is usually more dense, fixing reliably and safely not only tufts, but also individual cilia. In addition, the use of such glue increases the resistance of eyelashes to moisture, wind, mechanical damage. In addition, this tool is easy to remove with substances intended for this, so you can remove them at a convenient time by yourself. Disadvantages - a thick layer, the likelihood of lumps, long-term drying.

More liquid glue is not so convenient to use for a beginner, because it is preferred by professionals. In addition, it polymerizes very quickly, so certain skills are required to use it. When working with liquid glue can not be afraid of the appearance of lumps. The procedure time when using liquid cream is reduced.

The most effective comparison is carried out empirically when different kinds of adhesives are used. It is worth stopping at the means which is not having a smell, not having as a part formaldehydes and other toxic substances. If you do not adhere to this advice, there may be a burning sensation or an allergy. Acquire any cream should be in specialized outlets.

Glue selection

You can buy glue in the company or online stores. The choice of glue depends on the type of capacity and the characteristics of the organism. Those who have sensitive skin and eyelashes are weak need soft remedy. Although in this situation, the hairs will not last long, but they will not be damaged. Aggressive glue can be applied to strong, strong eyelashes.

It is necessary to choose only quality products, branded. Chinese products have a high resistance, but they are difficult and long to remove, in addition, they can damage their own eyelashes.

It is important to know that a sparing means is required for false eyelashes, it should not be in front of the eyes for more than a day.

Beam extension involves a greater viscosity of the drug, the tool is able to remain on the eyelashes for up to 14 days. Bundles can be attached to the eyelashes or eyelids. Means for piece buildup keeps about 5 weeks, in addition, it is not applied to the skin, only on the hairs.

Color selection

Today there is a gray, black, transparent glue on sale. Most often used gray and black products. Transparent substance is most often used in artistic build-up. For example, for sticking colored eyelashes. It is very important to know that hypoallergenic glue should be used, since a reaction can occur in any person at any time.

Glue for eyelashes (“Dolce Vita”, for example) is a very important material that influences the effectiveness of the procedure.

The optimum temperature for storing glue for building - from 8 to 23 degrees. It is important that the bottle was away from sunlight. The lid must fit snugly and be securely twisted to prevent the glue from flowing out. After working with glue, the tube must be placed in aluminum packaging with a desiccant. It is important that the packaging does not allow air.

Each master chooses glue for eyelash extension. Which is better, reviews of the product in online stores can help make a choice.

Some users believe that liquid glue is more convenient to use and gives more effective results. They appreciate the fast coupling, the absence of a strong odor, hypoallergenic. Some masters believe that cilia with this type of glue lasts up to 7 weeks.

Girls who build eyelashes independently at home are more appreciated by thick, resinous types of glue. It is especially convenient for beginners who can not properly attach hairs from the first time, and they need additional time for this, which is simply not available when using liquid glue.

Each brand chooses for himself, based on personal preferences and security requirements.

Means for building allows you to securely and quickly strengthen hairs, creating a terrific volume. When choosing it is important to take into account the composition, requirements for wear, moisture resistance and duration of attachment. Following the recommendations, you can buy a really high-quality product that will be convenient to use and which will not harm the health of the eyes.

Even if the build-up is performed in the cabin, you should find out what tools are used by the master in the work.

What requirements must meet a good glue

To implement the build-up process, of course, have to use adhesivewhich depends on the quality of the result.

Therefore, before agreeing to the procedure, you should find out in more detail which glue for eyelash extension is the best, so that the result is the same.

The list of initial requirements for a quality clamp is as follows:

  1. Availability of quality certificate.
  2. The product should not contain formaldehyde.
  3. Shelf life, respectively, is not broken.
  4. Date of manufacture must be marked on the bottle of funds.

It is important to know! The "freshness" of the glue plays an important role; if after applying and drying the color has changed, then it is worthwhile to doubt the quality of this product!

What types of adhesives are and their features

In order to decide what kind of eyelash glue is the best, it is necessary to navigate the parameters by which the ideal option will be formed. You can divide them by color, fixation time, texture and composition.

If you take into account the color, the glue is of three types:

  • transparent - for decoration and pasting of colored hairs,
  • the black - to maintain the natural effect,
  • white - although the glue color is white, it becomes transparent when it dries.

The thickness of the mixture is also different and, depending on this, there is a liquid consistency and a thick, so-called glue-resin, very dense and with a specific smell.

By the time of fixation or polymerization, as professionals call this process, eyelash glue comes in the following classes:

The parameter depends on the composition of the cosmetic preparation and on its density.

Glue-resin will dry much slower than any silicone, liquid. But this has its advantages for beginners - the best alternative when mYou can always have time to correct unsuccessfully glued eyelashes.

If we proceed from the list of components, here the manufacturers have diversified the range. AND They offer four types of structures, they received their names by the main ingredient:

  1. Glue-resin. "Elder" in its own way, has long been used in cosmetology because of its naturalness. Advantages - waterproof, durable (firmly holds rhinestones), reliable (the duration of wearing even silk eyelashes is maximum). The disadvantage is allergenic.
  2. Rubber (latex). Thick, therefore, is mainly used for beam extension of both artificial and natural eyelashes. Reliable, but again it has a factor contributing to allergies, and the fixation time increases due to the consistency of rubber powder.
  3. Silicone. Hypoallergenic, transparent, resistant to all external influences. The only negative - is not suitable for extensions.
  4. Rubber. Its basis is a specially processed type of rubber, it has all sorts of colors, but the classic is black. Reliable, affordable and rarely causes allergic reactions.

Allergy Adhesives

Just one of the most important criteria by which one can judge - which glue for eyelash extension is the best is no allergic manifestations after the procedure.

Even a hypoallergenic adhesive can cause irritation and itching when it comes into contact with eyes. Therefore, the master must use special stickers.

Such clamps, of course, exist; the main thing is to pay attention to the ingredients in the composition and to observe safety precautions during the process.

However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that hypoallergenic adhesives fix cilia for a rather short period of time.

Note! When working, the master must apply stickers under the eyes even to prevent the ingress of the hypoallergenic substance and its fumes on the skin and mucous membrane of the eye.

Which is better: glue-resin or liquid glue

According to the statements of professionals and their clients, glue-resin is more often caused by allergies.

glue-resin has an unpleasant smell, rolls, dries for a long time, unlike liquid formulations

Therefore, experienced craftsmen, despite some positive qualities, always give preference when working with the latter.

Professional brand of eyelash glue

That the eyelash stroke was visually noticeable and emphasized a look, not only the professionalism of the master is necessary, but also high-quality, high-quality materials, especially glue for eyelash extension.

Which is the best you can choose, both from expensive options and from the budget, will be discussed further.

Inexpensive high quality fixers

Despite the low price, the quality of these products does not disappoint at all. And, on the contrary, there are such good specimens that they can even compete with more expensive ones.

For example, glue for eyelash extension Ardell, its price varies between 200–300 rubles. The product is based on latex resin, which does not cause allergies. It will fit in the best way for all methods of extension and will withstand the fixation stability up to 4 weeks, while no external level of exposure will be intimidated by it.

About the same quality and in the same price category are mixtures:

TOP 3 best adhesives

These adhesives for eyelash extensions are the best because they allow you to make the process not only pleasant and fast, but also without negative consequences.

DolceVita, Sky, Vivienne are in the ranking of the best adhesives.

What compositions can be attributed here, consider further:

  1. DolceVita- a professional fixer of a premium class of a known world brand. The liquid composition is a mix of resin and latex, which does not cause allergic reactions. Polymerization is very fast - 2 seconds, good adhesion of artificial and natural eyelashes. The average price is 1300 rubles.
  2. Sky - an innovative American development, the composition of a moderately liquid consistency, hypoallergenic, moisture resistant and retains sticky properties for a long time to about 7 weeks. Full drying time, after application - 3 s. Suitable for both experienced craftsmen and beginners in this business, the main thing is to follow the rules for storing the product. Average price - 700 rubles.
  3. Vivienne - glue of this brand of quick fixing up to 1-2 s, liquid, does not cause allergies. Beautician developers did not stop at one type of product, but created a whole line, thereby increasing the consumer audience. Pricing starts at 600 rubles. and ends at about 2000 rubles.

Reviews of the best adhesives

The range of adhesives is so great that it’s good to find out which one is the best and, most importantly, is suitable for certain conditions, impossible without considering the features of the most popular.

Glue for eyelash extension which company to choose

Eyelash extensions are a painstaking and lengthy procedure that requires a lot of attention and care. The main factor ensuring a long sock is the selected glue.

The highest quality and safest formulations produced the following brands:

4. Lovely Perfect

8. Dona Jerdona Corporation

It is not surprising that most of these brands come from South Korea. In fact, it is there that the best artificial eyelashes and materials for their extension are made. Even European and American manufacturers buy raw materials from Koreans for their “original” products.

The best adhesives for eyelash extensions instant setting

It is better to entrust the complicated salon procedure immediately to a Leshmake stylist. This process is long and laborious, and the result depends not only on the experience of the master, but also on the quality of the adhesive. We need cyanoacrylate agents that will quickly and reliably seize - the so-called instant formulations. They will provide long lasting artificial eyelashes, but they will require a good skill from the master.

Sakura champion

Japanese glue for the eyelash extensions gives an instant hitch (0.5-1 seconds) and guarantees a wearing time of up to 8 weeks. The glue has a liquid consistency, so it quickly hardens. Available in black, does not cause discomfort when worn. Sold in vials of 5 ml.


  • It gives a minimum of harmful fumes,
  • Does not cause allergic reactions
  • Does not form lumps,
  • Can be used for lower lashes,
  • Convenient dispenser - prevents cost overruns,
  • With sufficient humidity, it works normally even in hot weather,
  • The longest sock.


  • Low elasticity of the composition makes it work very quickly.

This glue (as well as all Sakura products) is not criticized either by the masters or by their clients. So he deservedly occupies the first line in our TOP.

Vivienne elite

Liquid product with the same instant coupling (0.5-1 sec), although in the Vivienne line itself there are several types of glue with different speed of hardening. All products of this company are hypoallergenic and do not cause problems at work.

Elite black glue is based on cyanoacrylate, is quite elastic and provides high coupling reliability. It gains maximum strength for 2 days. Suitable for Japanese and bulk extension, sold in vials of 5 ml.


  • Hypoallergenic, not irritating the eyelids,
  • Term socks from 5 to 8 weeks,
  • Does not thicken during operation and does not leave lumps,
  • Optimum consistency and medium elasticity,
  • Almost odorless.


  • High price,
  • Low elasticity - requires a lot of experience.

Lovely perfect

Another instant glue for long socks (up to 8 weeks), but with its own characteristics. It is suitable only for the eyelash extensions, and its contact with the skin is highly undesirable. But even after drying black glue Lovely retains its elasticity. Dosage of bottles: 2, 5 and 10 ml.


  • High quality,
  • Keeps color and elasticity in the process of wearing,
  • No side effects due to lack of contact with the eyelid,
  • Resistant to environmental influences,
  • Does not get stuck in the air
  • Gives a minimum of fumes.


  • Over time it thickens right in the bubble,
  • Narrow temperature range of storage and use (+18 .. + 23 ° С).

This all-purpose adhesive is based on high quality natural resin and has a natural black color. It is recommended for piece and beam building, fixing 2D and 3D eyelashes. Provides long lasting wear, resistant to high humidity and low temperatures. Quickly clutches and freezes.


  • Very elastic
  • Does not glue adjacent eyelashes,
  • Not afraid of water
  • Suitable for sensitive eyes,
  • Holds up to the loss of "native" eyelashes,
  • Available at a price.


  • It dries faster than others after unpacking the bottle,
  • With aging, heavy odor appears.

Sakura queen

Very popular "semi-professional" use. It hardens in about 1-2 seconds, so if you already have several accumulations in your account, it's time to switch to this tool. Provides eyelash wear from 5 to 7 weeks.


  • Optimal hitch time
  • Minimum risk of allergies
  • Not too demanding in room temperature when building up,
  • On sale there are bottles - "probes" on 2 ml,
  • The smallest amount of fumes
  • A drop does not thicken for a long time,
  • Spout on the bubble is not clogged.


  • At low air humidity is covered with a film.

Vivienne bomb

This glue in the manufacturer's lineup is positioned as a tool for craftsmen with average experience. Nevertheless, 6-7 weeks after the extension of the cilia on it will last, and the time for the leshmeking will take a bit - Bomb takes only 1-2 seconds to set. Glue is made on the same cyanoacrylate basis as the Elite version, but has a black and gray tint.


  • Quickly sticks eyelashes, leaving time to give them direction,
  • Very elastic
  • Economical,
  • Suitable for Japanese technology and build beams,
  • When alternating with other adhesives does not cause allergies.


  • Demanding on storage conditions.

Vivien Bomb is often used in training centers, so girls, just starting to practice, with a familiar tool will quickly get involved in the work.

Glue is recommended for professionals, has a good setting speed (1-2 seconds) and a high degree of fixation. Masters point out that the actual time it takes to wear the eyelashes with it exceeds that promised by the manufacturer, so the stated 5 weeks should be considered at least tied to the “lifespan” of natural eyelashes. Black acrylate glue has a liquid consistency and is primarily intended for Japanese buildup. The volume of a bottle is 5-10 ml.


  • Quickly grabs
  • Durable sock
  • Does not cause allergies
  • Fits well - no lumps,
  • Economical.


  • There are slight fumes
  • Quickly thickens in a drop.

I-Beauty Ultra Super (with green cap)

Quite a popular brand among leshmeikers, which they liked because of the minimal risk of allergies among female clients. Coupling speed is no more than 1-2 seconds - it is optimal for the average hand master to make the build as it should. Sufficiently elastic and resistant glue, focused on the "Japanese" technique piece fixing.


  • Suitable for use on sensitive eyes,
  • Virtually odorless,
  • Hypoallergenic,
  • Sock eyelashes - stable from 4-5 weeks,
  • There is a pro-packaging for 10 ml,
  • Adequate price,
  • In the closed form is stored a little longer than others.


  • The drop dries quickly,
  • In case of poor storage conditions, it reacts with a serious reduction in the coupling.

Ardell Lashgrip Adhesive Dark

It is intended for traditional extension with bunches, but can also be used for fastening false eyelashes. The basis is latex resin, which does not cause allergies and is not afraid of water. Grabs quickly and holds for a relatively long time. The volume of a tube is 3.5 g for home use and 22 g for professional use. On sale are black and colorless formulations.


  • Water resistant
  • Easy to use,
  • Suitable for building all types of eyelashes (except Japanese technology),
  • Holds from 1.5 to 5-6 weeks,
  • Easily removed by the same brand debonder
  • Enough for a long time,
  • Low price.


  • For professionals, it dries long, especially if it is a transparent composition,
  • Not suitable for everyone, can cause allergies and at first pinch your eyes a little.

Here, high quality and affordable price are complemented by other advantages. The composition of the adhesive has a moderately liquid consistency and retains its sticky properties for 7 weeks (native eyelashes will be replaced earlier). Grabs 3 seconds after application. Glue is ideal for beginners. Sold in vials of 5 and 10 ml.


  • Optimum curing speed,
  • Long holds eyelashes,
  • Elastic,
  • Hypoallergenic and moisture resistant,
  • Minimum odor and vapors
  • A drop can be less frequently updated - after about 30 minutes,
  • There is no need to finish each treated eyelash - they do not stick together.


  • Not long stored after printing 1-1.5 months
  • Too sensitive to room temperature (optimally +20 .. + 22 ° С).

In our market there are several types of Sky glue, which differ in cap color. Leshmeykerov among them even have their pets, but in fact under the colored covers is the same glue for eyelashes. Although someone notes that the "blue" dries faster, and the "black" is thick.

Dona jerdona

This resin-based glue is also available in two versions: black or transparent - for growing colored eyelashes. Hitch time is relatively long (about 5 seconds), which allows to correct inaccuracies in the process of work. However, the period of socks because of this he is reduced to 3-4 weeks. Nevertheless, for inexperienced craftswomen who still “shake hands”, this option is perfect.


  • Convenient in work - gives time for completion of flaws,
  • Almost devoid of smell and fumes
  • It may well replace the glue for 3D building,
  • Slowly freezes in the bottle,
  • Able to live to a planned correction,
  • Adequate price.


  • At first, she can pinch her eyes a little,
  • Pretty viscous - reaching for the cilia.

In the assortment of Dona Jerdona there are also quick-setting professional adhesives, but according to reviews, they are more allergenic and can harm both the client and the master.

What glue for eyelash extensions buy

1. If you are superprofi in eyelash extensions, the best choice for you will be Vivienne Elite.

2. Does the client want to get maximum wear time? Take for work Sakura Champion.

3. Those who have studied building courses with the Vivienne Bomb can continue to use it in their work - this is a great mix.

4. For leshmeykerov with good speed, the best option for the price and quality will be Macy S. glue. Sakura Queen will be a little more expensive, but easier to work with.

5. If the cabin has a cool place to store your compositions, feel free to take Lovely Perfect. For those who have not tried this glue before, you can first buy a 2 ml mini-bottle for testing.

6. For 2D or 3D leshmeykinga professional Lidan glue is best suited.

7. For those who have a lot of clients with an allergy to cosmetics, for Japanese extensions, you should take the safe Ultra Ultra from I-Beauty.

8. Do you just fill your hand and still do not have time for “adult” acrylate adhesives? Take Sky Glue for training - with any color cap.

9. It is better for beginners in leshmeikeng to start with the “long-playing” means Dona Jerdona. Especially since he has a hypoallergenic composition that does not cause problems.

10. Extend eyelashes with bunches or glue overhead “fans” right at home and on your own - with Ardell Lashgrip Adhesive Dark glue.

What is eyelash extension glue

This is the name of a means with fixing properties, thanks to which artificial hairs securely attach to their own. The quality depends on how the eyelashes will look. It affects the duration of the result. What properties should have good glue for eyelashes:

  1. There is a certificate of quality.
  2. Does not contain formaldehyde.
  3. Specified and has not yet expired.
  4. Storage conditions have not been violated.

The adhesive composition has many parameters and, depending on this, is classified into groups. It may differ in color, components, texture, fixation time. Hue does not significantly affect the quality of the tool, so the master can choose it at his own discretion. The adhesive composition can be:

  1. Transparent. Most often used for attaching brown or colored hairs, lower lashes.
  2. The black. It gives the view additional volume. To build black cilia.
  3. White. It becomes transparent when drying.

The density of the adhesive is divided into liquid, as a rule, silicone, and resin. The first dries very quickly, in seconds. Natural resin remains plastic for a long time, which is good for inexperienced craftsmen who are not sure that it will be possible to fasten the cilia the first time. In most cases, this tool is dense and has an unpleasant peculiar smell. By the period of fixation happens:

Glue composition for eyelash extensions

The tool consists of one main component and several additional ones: the main ingredient includes the following types:

  1. Glue-resin. The most natural and time-tested. It is resistant to moisture, durable, even keeps decorative elements well. The resin is reliable and provides the maximum duration of wearing artificial cilia (silk, artificial), is well washed off with special compounds, but it can cause allergies in women with sensitive eyes, rolls and dries for a long time, is applied in a thick layer.
  2. Rubber (from latex powder). Thick and more suitable for beam buildup. Long held, but can cause allergies as well as resin. Because of the powdery consistency is slowly fixed.
  3. Silicone. Transparent adhesive, hypoallergenic composition, resistant to external influences. Not suitable for descendant extensions.
  4. Rubber Reliable, inexpensive, almost never causes allergies. It is made of specially processed type of rubber.

The best glue for eyelash extensions

Modern craftsmen have plenty of product options that they can use. The compositions have different properties and characteristics, some are more suitable for professional use, while others are better to buy during the period of training and experience. How much glue for eyelashes costs depends on many factors, so a person with any budget can choose the glue. Find out which tools are currently the most popular.

Glue-resin for eyelash extension

Such material is now actively used by many masters, because it has a lot of advantages. Description:

  • Model name: RuNail Professional, Express Luxury glue-resin for eyelashes,
  • price: 450 rubles,
  • characteristics: 5 milliliters in a tube, black color, for piece building,
  • Advantages: high-quality glue, provides a good and strong coupling, dries quickly, does not emit an unpleasant smell, does not irritate the eyes,
  • cons: thickish.

Products manufacturer Irisk Professional very much in demand.Description of their product for cilia:

  • Model name: Irisk Professional, Eyelash Glue Adhesive,
  • price: 300 p.,
  • characteristics: 5 ml, for eyelash extensions,
  • Advantages: high adhesion, durable, water resistant, dries quickly,
  • Cons: Can only be used by professionals.

The convenience of the master and the final result largely depend on the structure of the material. The following product is very liquid in consistency, so it is easy to work with it:

  • Model name: Lovely, NEO Glue,
  • price: 495 p.,
  • Characteristics: 2 ml, black,
  • Pros: fast bonding, long holding, almost no evaporation, elastic,
  • cons: only for very experienced craftsmen.

The following product is also very liquid consistency, it lasts for a long time. Description:

  • model name: Shine Strong,
  • price: 915 p.,
  • characteristics: 5 ml, black, keeps one and a half to two months,
  • advantages: it dries quickly, it is well typed on artificial cilia, it quickly adheres,
  • Cons: leaves small lumps.

Glue on powder

Such a product is more suitable for fastening bundle cilia, but can also be used for single ones. Description:

  • Model name: Irisk, Eyelash Glue, Clear,
  • price: 200 r.,
  • characteristics: transparent, 7 ml,
  • Pros: hypoallergenic, does not cause irritation, is easy to remove, is cheap,
  • Cons: little holding.

The following tool is more suitable for gluing over cilia and lamination, but it can be used by beginners to quickly remove neutralize the negative result. Description:

  • Model Name: DUO, Eyelash Adhesive, Clear-White,
  • price: 790 p.,
  • Characteristics: 7 ml, transparent with a slight white tint,
  • Advantages: safe, easy to use, not felt before your eyes,
  • Cons: little holding.

Hypoallergenic glue for eyelashes

It is very important to use such means for building that would be as safe for the eyes as possible. If you apply these, try to buy glue for eyelashes from the following description:

  • Model Name: Dolce Vita Extension Eyelash Glue Type A,
  • price: 1565 p.,
  • characteristics: 10 ml, for sensitive eyes, the period of socks 2-3 weeks,
  • Pluses: the complete absence of fumes, suitable for beginners,
  • Cons: long hitch time, low durability.

Below is a description of another hypoallergenic and safe glue for eyelash extensions. Brief information:

  • Model name: HS Chemical, Premium Black Glue Type A,
  • price: 495 p.,
  • Characteristics: 3 ml, hypoallergenic,
  • Pros: elastic even after polymerization, evaporation absent, does not cause irritation, fast fixation,
  • Cons: little holding.

Instant Adhesive

Skilled craftsmen who have well-honed movements prefer to use those tools that freeze as fast as possible. Description of a suitable option:

  • Model name: Lovely Perfect,
  • price: 510 p.,
  • Characteristics: 2 ml, black, from organic and inorganic substances, liquid,
  • Pros: Lovely glue does not dry out when in contact with air, is not exposed to the influence of the temperature environment, does not change color in the process of wearing, does not spoil natural cilia,
  • Cons: publishes a strong tangible odor.

The hitch for the next eyelash glue is also lightning, so it is better to use it for experienced craftsmen. Description:

  • Model Name: Vivienne Elite,
  • price: 2890 p.,
  • characteristics: black, 2 ml in vial,
  • Pros: instant coupling, worn for a long time, minimal evaporation and odor, suitable for classic and 3 d eyelashes, does not pinch the eyes, does not leave residue,
  • Cons: low ductility, very sensitive to temperature, high cost.

Medium Coupling Speed

Means of such consistency will suit masters who have already completed training, but are still gaining experience. Product description with medium coupling speed:

  • Model Name: Vivienne Bomb,
  • price: 1370 p.,
  • Characteristics: 5 ml, black and gray, lasts 6-7 weeks, liquid, all-purpose adhesive for combing and beam buildup,
  • Advantages: high plasticity, glue from viviens does not pinch the eyes, leaves no traces at the junction and white bloom, does not cause irritation,
  • Cons: not for beginners, sensitive to temperature extremes.

The tool below also has an average coupling speed. Description:

  • Model name: I-Beauty Ultra Super (with green cap),
  • price: 700 p.,
  • Characteristics: 5 ml, black, liquid,
  • pluses: elastic, practically odorless, hypoallergenic,
  • cons: not resistant, small term socks.


Such adhesives have already become obsolete and are used less and less, because they hold on little. Example Description:

  • model name: Novel Soft Glue,
  • price: 1040 p.,
  • characteristics: transparent, washed off with water,
  • Advantages: suitable for those who are just developing capacity,
  • cons: unstable.

The second tool, with a description of which you are now acquainted, also does not give a long lasting result and will be more useful to those who only learn the basics. Brief information:

  • Model name: Eva Bond Beauty Collection Universal Glue,
  • price: 950 p.,
  • Characteristics: 10 ml, clear,
  • pluses: does not spoil natural eyelashes,
  • Cons: unstable, can not be used without a primer.


Such tools are more often used for false eyelashes, but can also be used in building. Description of one of them:

  • Model name: Ardell Professional DarkAdhesive,
  • price: 390 p.,
  • characteristics: rubber base, 7 g,
  • pluses: water-repellent formula, very simple to use,
  • Cons: easily removed, long set.

The following product is also made on the basis of rubber with additional components. Description:

  • Model name: Andrea Mod Lash Dark Adhesive,
  • price: 325 p.,
  • characteristics: 7 g, dark shade, medium density,
  • Advantages: quickly sets, does not cause allergies,
  • Cons: not long held.

Black glue for eyelash extensions

Such a tool not only reliably fixes artificial hairs to natural ones, but also gives a small additional volume visually. Description:

  • Model name: Salon Perfect Individual Eyelash Adhesive,
  • price: 290 p.,
  • Characteristics: for volume extension of puff and single eyelashes, 3.7 ml,
  • Advantages: firmly attaches artificial villi, does not weigh down, plastic, waterproof glue, suitable for both beginners and experienced craftsmen,
  • Cons: long-term consolidation.

The product, the description of which you will meet now, is suitable only for professional craftsmen with extensive experience. Brief information:

  • Model Name: Verdi Onyx,
  • price: 560 p.,
  • Characteristics: 3 ml, hypoallergenic, works without blotting with added motion, liquid consistency,
  • Advantages: very fast bonding, long holding,
  • Cons: emits an unpleasant peculiar smell.

Glue of this color becomes transparent when dry and suitable for building not black, but brown and other shades of eyelashes. Description:

  • Model Name: Zinger Infinity,
  • price: 225 p.,
  • characteristics: 5 ml, for single hairs and bunches,
  • pluses: it sets fast, does not form lumps when it freezes,
  • Cons: not long held.

The tool, the description of which you will meet now, is more suitable for home use, is available in small volume. Brief information:

  • Model name: Eyelash Glue,
  • price: 250 p.,
  • Characteristics: 1 ml, white, becomes transparent after drying,
  • Pros: good consistency, dries quickly and sets with a natural eyelash,
  • Cons: hard to remove.


Invisible adhesives are the most popular among modern masters. For example, is:

  • Model Name: Clear I-beauty Glue For Eyelash Extension,
  • price: 700 p.,
  • characteristics: 10 ml, transparent, fixes in 3 seconds,
  • pluses: long holds, does not evaporate, is economically spent,
  • Cons: with careless use leaves lumps.

The next glue will also be completely invisible on the cilia. Description:

  • Model Name: Profi Step, Shery, Clear Glue For Eyelash Extension,
  • price: 1050 p.,
  • Characteristics: 10 ml, clear, ultra-fast fixation,
  • pluses: long held
  • Cons: Only for experienced craftsmen.

How to choose glue for eyelash extensions

Many manufacturers make their product lines for sale, and it is very difficult for a master, especially a beginner, to decide what is best to buy. To attract more customers, brands announce promotions and sales, set discounts. Glue can even be ordered in the online store with delivery by mail in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. To make the right choice, remember a few tips:

  1. Decide on the color of the material.
  2. Check with the seller the manufacturer's name, composition, read the terms and conditions of storage.
  3. Choose the consistency with which you prefer to work.
  4. Decide on the speed of fixation based on the level of your professionalism.

What glue is better to build eyelashes?

Each master by trial and error selects exactly the glue that fits under his hand and will be easy to use. Dear glue is not a guarantee of a perfect extension, but you shouldn’t hope that with cheap glue, eyelashes will turn out like on the cover of a fashion magazine.

A drop of glue should be regularly updated (if it is cool in the room, then once every 15 minutes, if it is dry and hot, then more often). Glue should be liquid - this ensures that it will not be visible on the eyelashes, and eyelashes will last longer. Even a little thickened glue greatly reduces the quality of work.

The optimum temperature for building is 22-24 degrees.

Store glue in a cool dark place. Many manufacturers do not recommend storing glue for building in the refrigerator. Be sure to read and follow the instructions.

The main thing in the choice of glue is the client's well-being during the extension (no tearing and redness of the eyes), fast fixation, long toe of the extended eyelashes and ease of operation. And how much it will cost - this is a minor indicator.

And finally - a video tutorial from the master eyelash extension, which is recommended by the wizard on the forums makeup artists:

Attention! There are contraindications, consultation of the expert is necessary.

For various procedures: lamination, strengthening and even curling cilia using special solutions. Glue for eyelashes is a necessary tool for beautiful hair extensions and their treatment.

Among the diversity in the cosmetic market, it is important to choose the right glue that suits your eyelashes in all respects.

Classification is carried out according to the composition, polymerization, the material of the eyelashes and the type of extension (or other processing).

The composition of the ciliary glue is:

  1. Rubber. It consists of rubber that has undergone special treatment. It may have a different color, but in most cases it is made black. Provides reliable fixation, while differing affordable price. In rare cases, it causes allergic reactions. Presented by the brands Lady Victory EG-09 (Lady Victory), Formula Profi, Kodi (Cody), Verdi ONYX,
  2. Rubber or latex. The most popular glue for eyelash extensions bundles. It can be used for both artificial and natural cilia. It consists of rubber powder, providing high-quality and durable fastening of the beams to the skin. It should be noted that it belongs to allergenic compounds and, due to its high density, has a rather long hardening time. This is Natural Rubber Latex, Eyelash Glue, Lash’s Quik Set, Ardell Ardell Lash Tite Adhesive Dark (Ardel), Perfect Silk Lashes,

Silicone. Unlike latex it does not contain rubber, instead of it silicone is used as a glue base for the extended eyelashes. It is hypoallergenic, transparent and very durable. The main advantage is that this type of fixer is resistant to water and other irritants. Among the shortcomings is that it is not used for eyelash extensions. Artdeco Adhesive for Lashes & Sparklers, Biotint, I-beauty, Novel Professional,

Resinous. The basis of this composition is a natural resin. This is the most ancient type of glue used by our grandmothers. It is water resistant, durable and reliable, but allergenic. The advantages can be attributed to the almost complete natural composition (in most brands of wood resin is used). Due to its durability, this base can be used for stickers of rhinestones or other decorations. It is used for silk, mink and other delicate cilia, as well as piece building. These are Vivienne One Touch (Vivienne), Lovely Double Power, Dolce Vita (Dolce Vita), Navy, Mart. But along with this, it is precisely this glue for eyelash extension that most often causes allergies.

Vivienne One Touch

A non-standard option that is not suitable for the options listed is medical glue Vertex BF-6. This is an antiseptic composition that provides emergency assistance for cuts and burns. Due to its composition, it forms a thin film on the skin, on which you can easily stick beams. In addition, it does not dry out and it lasts for a very long time (weight 75 g, as opposed to special means of 5 grams).

Polymerization - This is the rate of hardening of the composition on the skin. Almost every company has adhesives that are divided into several groups. For example, Extra, Ultra and Premium. In most cases, the rate of polymerization depends on the basic chemical component and the density of the liquid. It must be remembered that the thicker the solution is, the longer it will dry.

Glue-resin for eyelashes hardens longer than the others, but is characterized by the greatest duration of wear. Average drying time is 5 seconds. Rubber and rubber fasten the eyelash with the skin of the eyes much faster - on average, freezing occurs in 3 seconds.

The fastest is a professional transparent or black silicone glue. It can be used for puff and single-lash eyelashes of various materials. Most often it freezes in 1-2 seconds.

By type of use, adhesives are divided into:

  • Lamination glue for eyelashes and curls. This is a special type of coating that not only visually makes the hairs much thicker, but also contributes to fixing their specific shape. It is a semi-natural gel, which makes the cilia a little heavier due to the special components. We recommend to consider the features of biowave eyelashes,
  • Extensions. The most popular type. It is used to increase the length, volume, thickness of the lower and upper cilia,
  • Coloring. Glue is also often added to the dye for eyelashes - it contributes to the long-lasting effect of color retention even in aggressive conditions. It is thanks to the adhesive component that the paint is not washed off from water, tears, etc.

Photo - Allergy to glue

By material all kinds of glue designed for different eyelashes. Universal are resinous and rubber options. Latex can adversely affect the state of natural cilia, and silicone in particular strongly conflicts with silk.

How to glue and remove false eyelashes

In order to properly glue the eyelashes at home, it is very important to choose a good glue and quality materials for the lining. We recommend using beam technique at home, as it requires minimal time and effort.

Reviews claim that it is best to work with eyelash adhesives with an average duration of 2–3 seconds.

Step by step instructions on how to glue the eyelashes to glue:

  1. It is possible to glue the cilia instead of makeup, as well as to complement it,
  2. On the one hand, you need to raise your eyelashes and try on, if the chosen length and color of the eyes is suitable,
  3. Further, a primer is applied - it will degrease the surface of the hair, which will provide a more durable and durable fastening. This may be a regular makeup remover or a special solution. For example, Salon Glue Primer,
  4. Open the glue and apply a drop of the composition to the beam. Using tweezers, quickly attach the eyelashes to the chosen place and hold the tuft on the eyelid for a few seconds,
  5. After you can wear a few hours or even a day (depending on the composition).

Photo - Instructions for applying eyelashes

And you can remove eyelash extensions with a special solvent. Please note that they can also dilute the glue, which is a little dried up. Remuver can be purchased in the same stores as adhesives. It is best to choose famous brands with vitamin supplements. To do this, wet the cotton pad and apply for a while on the eyelids.There are also adhesives that are easily washable with water.

If the composition is completely dried up (especially often it happens with resin), it is better not to try to dilute it, but immediately buy a new one. Overdue product causes allergic reactions and edema.

Video: Comparison of adhesives of different brands.

For professional use

If you are a long-time master with a wealth of experience and a large client base, you can take silicone or other glue, which is fixed in one or two seconds. With it, you will spend the least amount of time to build. It is better to have in the arsenal and a transparent tool, and black. Good brands for professionals:

For home use

If you are not ready to use professional tools yet, but have already gained some experience in the field of extension, it is better to concentrate on adhesive means with an average speed of adhesion. They are ideal for placing each eyelash correctly, but not delaying the total time of the procedure. Resins are not recommended, because the capacity will be too tedious for you and for the client. For the purchase of such brands are suitable:

  • AG Beauty Ultra Plus,
  • Macy,
  • Lady black
  • I-beauty.

For newbies

Glues for those who are just learning to build eyelashes, have to dry for a long time. This will give the inexperienced master time to give the right direction to each villus. It is worth noting that such funds, as a rule, do not last long and are easily removed by the remover, so it is not necessary to worry if the result of the build-up is unsatisfactory. Which glue is best for eyelash extension during the study period:

  • Ardell Lashgrip funds,
  • Sky,
  • Neicha,
  • Donna Jerdona.


Watch the video: How to Choose the Right Eyelash Extension Adhesive for You (July 2024).