
Haircut shell with technique and step-by-step photos


Having a gorgeous hairstyle, regardless of the season, day or allotted time for styling is the dream of any girl. I want to always feel the enthusiastic views of others. Hairstyle, which is popularly called the shell, was introduced to the fashion in France. The shell is the personification of femininity and tenderness. It emphasizes graceful posture and creates a light weightless silhouette.

This hairstyle is easy to make for owners of long and medium hair length. Only the wavy hair will not make it possible to make this hairstyle perfect, because unruly curls will not allow to put the shell perfectly. Hair shell will be appropriate for any occasion and at any time of the year. This hairstyle is suitable for solemn, festive, funny and sad events, business meetings. It will complement your look with elegance and unsurpassed simplicity.

What you need for this hairstyle

  1. Fixation Tools: mousse or foam and varnish. They will help you stay irresistible for a long time.
  2. Studs. Without them, the hair will fall apart.
  3. Iron, if you are the owner of curls or lush hair.
  4. Your favorite hairbrush.
  5. Scallop to create parting or pile.
  6. Decorative studs, flowers and any accessories if necessary.
  7. For some types of hairstyle shell will be useful to you. extras: hairpins, shawl, curling iron, silicone rubber (transparent), Chinese sticks and a twister.

Classic hairstyle shell

How to do:

  1. Prepare the hair. Apply your styling product, and if the hair is wet, dry it well. Shell is better to perform on dry hair.
  2. Brush them well. For girls with curly hair, it's time to straighten them. Owners of straight hair can also straighten them for greater confidence, but this is not necessary.
  3. Now collect the hair in the tail at the back and twist the tourniquet. You can independently regulate its tightness.
  4. Form something resembling a loop or a shell, and hide the loose ends inside the resulting hairstyle.
  5. Fix it with studs, focusing on your own feelings.
  6. Sprinkle with varnish, smooth sticking hairs.
  7. Decorate your hair decoration.

Snail with weaving

How to do:

  1. Prepare hair: apply a varnish or mousse so that the hairstyle lasts as long as possible.
  2. Comb them, girls with curls recommend using ironing.
  3. Make a side parting and begin to braid the fishtail, as shown in the figure. You should have something like an arc.
  4. Braid in a braid and loose strands of hair, then form the semblance of a snail shell and secure with studs.
  5. Spray hair with a varnish for reliable fixation and, if necessary, smooth sticking out hairs.
  6. If you wear a bang, then lay it in any convenient way.

Hairstyle french shell with chinese chopsticks

  1. Prepare hair using styling products and comb them. Make a small basal bouffant.
  2. Gather the hair in the side tail and tie a rubber band on its very tip.
  3. Now you need Chinese sticks: clasp the hair tie with them and twist the locks on them.
  4. Secure the shell with the studs and remove the sticks.

Shell with a twister

How to do:

  1. Prepare your hair: use mousses and foams, comb and dry them well. If necessary, straighten the curls.
  2. Make a tail on the back of your head and pass a twister into it.
  3. Pull it down.
  4. Twist the roller from the tail. Remember to hide the sticking tips.
  5. Fix hair with hairpins and hair spray. Smooth ruffled hairs.

Evening hairstyle shell

How to do:

  • Dry your hair, use hair foam. Girls with curls, straighten hair with an iron.
  • Separate the bang and a few strands and stab them.

  • The remaining hair is divided into two equal parts with a middle parting. It may not be perfectly smooth, but the hairstyle should be symmetrical.

  • Now form a roller from one part, twisting it with a rope. Hide the tips in the hair and fix hairpins.

  • Repeat the same with the remaining hair, do your hair in the opposite direction. Lock the shell.

  • Unravel the previously stabbed bangs with strands and twist a loop out of it, as if you were winding your hair over curlers.

  • Fix bangs invisible and sprinkle with varnish.

Shell with a handkerchief

  1. Comb your hair and prepare it for styling hairstyles with styling products.
  2. Leave one front strand, collect the rest in the tail. Make a tight tourniquet and shape the hair into a loop or shell.
  3. Do not hide the ends of the hair, fix the hair.
  4. Loose hair behind the combed in advance, combining into a common strand.
  5. Now wind the loose ends with a curling iron or ironing.
  6. Wrap a head with a handkerchief and tie up loose ends at the top.

Video on how to do this hairstyle

From this video you will learn how to make a cockleshell hair for medium and long hair in five minutes. If you are not a fan of butts, for you there is a simple reception with a simple silicone rubber band. The hairstyle of the cockleshell is also suitable for short hair, because for each case there are several ways to twist the tow. In addition, such a wedding hairstyle will complement the image of the bride and make her delicate and feminine.

The classic version of the hair style "French Shell"

To make a classic version of the French shell yourself, enough to learn how to make a spiral of hair and put it in a bun.

The usual styling product is applied to the hair and combed well.

Further, the hair is collected by hands in the region of the occiput as for the tail and they begin to twist into a spiral or a rope from which a loop is formed, the ends are laid under the base of the rope.

Well secure the shell with pins and stealth, then fix all varnish.

To have an idea what the French shell looks like, see the photo.

The classic version of this hairstyle looks restrained, elegant and to some extent formal, especially if it is done on straight hair. This style emphasizes the beauty and well-groomed hair and gives the image of charm and French charm.

Perfectly laid in a shell smooth shiny hair can not fail to attract attention.

Hair "French Shell" for curly hair

How to make a French shell owners of beautiful curls, which they got from birth? It is necessary to follow the same algorithm, but with some amendments.

Spinning hair into a spiral, the tip of the tail is not necessary to hide under the beam, it can be left hanging down in beautiful curls.

Forming a bundle of curls, it is not necessary to wrap them too tight. Free "snail" on natural curls looks playful and defiantly.

To make the lightweight careless shell look more harmonious, you can release several strands near your face.

Step-by-step instructions for creating hair "French Shell"

To make a version of the beam "with an eyelet", follow the step-by-step instructions for creating a hair style "French shell" with a loop. It looks original, interesting and will complement both the everyday office look and the evening bow. It all depends on the selected hair accessories.

Well-combed curls are collected by hand at the tail at the desired height in the occipital region.

Then the hair is wrapped around the index and middle fingers.

Turn the loop again counterclockwise.

Holding the loop with your fingers, you should continue the rotational movements, twisting the rest of the curls.

Then the ends are masked under the "snail", and the loop remains on top.

Fasten all the studs and put the hairpin as a decoration.

Festive version of the hair style "French Shell"

How to make a stylish French shell yourself, see below. The principle of its creation is a bit like the classic version, but in the end it turns out a more festive version of this hairstyle.

It is necessary to collect hair at the crown, comb and temporarily stab stealth.

The remaining hair is carefully combed with a brush, slightly removed on the left side, fixed invisible.

Now curls are wrapped in a spiral so that the "shell" was located above and secured with pins.

The remaining ends are not hiding anywhere, but are laid with a free "spiral" on top, clamped by invisible and everything is well sprinkled with varnish.

Beautiful hairstyle "French bun-shell" with a diadem

The hairstyle of a French bun a shell with a diadem very beautifully looks. It can be done at any event, be it a wedding or graduation. The basis is the same classic version of this beam, complemented by modern stylish "chips", and in combination with an elegant diadem, the hairstyle takes on a royal look.

How to make a French shell - a holiday style hairstyle, look at the algorithm below and practice.

To create such a shell hair should be perfectly smooth and well dried. Divide the hair into four parts, on the bottom with the help of invisible women to create the basis for the "snail".

Form a not very tight harness, hide the ends under it, fasten with studs. That part of the hair, which is located above the "shell", combed.

Now you need to carefully lay it on top of the beam and attach stealth.

We take a strand from the left side and arrange it so that it wraps the "snail". To lay it more tightly, fix it on the reverse side with the help of pins. At this stage it is necessary to sprinkle hair with varnish.

The right strand also attached to the "snail", wrapping the tips of both rings and securing invisible.

It remains to wear a tiara or add other chic accessories.

More options hairstyle French shell look at the photo.

Hairstyle french shell step by step

This hairstyle combines simplicity and elegance, luxury and elegance. Yes, and in order to create this miracle, it does not take much time and effort. No wonder this option hairstyles for quite a long time is particularly popular with the female. Consider the process of creating hairstyles step by step, so that you can shine like many celebrities who use this gorgeous hairstyle.

How to make a hair french shell

1. The first step will be a thorough combing the hair along the entire length. To obtain the perfect result, it is necessary to apply mousse on the strands and distribute it over the entire length. Next, you need to comb your hair on one side that is convenient for you.

hairstyle french shell step by step photo

2. Basis prepared. Smoothly combed hair must be secured with several invisibles.

seashell french photo

3. You can once again check the smoothness of combed and fixed hair and even slightly fix the finished side with varnish. Ideally, there should be no loose hair and even more protruding strands.

hairstyle french shell photo

4. Fixed hair must be collected in a free tail and then twisted in a spiral. Collected, thus the hair, you need to lay in the form of shells. And it needs to be done by hiding invisible hairpins, which made the basis of hair. If the hair is thin and you want the shell to be a little bigger, then the loose tail can be slightly combed with a wide comb. So the volume will increase, and the shell will be a little tougher.

french shell photo

5. Shell-laid hair, need to be fixed, for this you will need hairpins.

how to make a french shell photo

6. After everything is well laid and secured, the ends of the hair should be removed, that is, the tail that remained after styling. Hide it is not difficult. The tail will easily fit in the shell and will only give the hair more volume and a special charm.

french shell how to make a photo

french shell DIY photo

7. Fix the resulting hairstyle better lacquer strong hold, if you are going to a party. And for the daily option, you can use the lacquer medium fixation. In the evening or holiday version, you can decorate the hairstyle according to your taste and mood.

french shell hairstyle photo

french shell how to make a photo

A little patience and training and you will become a professional in the creation of a French shell.

Benefits and features

Another name for the hairstyle is “French bun”. Also there are such names as "snail", "banana", and even "twist". Consider what features has a hairstyle, and what advantages can boast.

  • Shell - unusual, original and stylish hairstyle. Like no other, she is able to emphasize the grace of a long neck, neck, beautiful head shape.
  • The hairstyle fixes hair well, will not lose its shape even after a hard working day or a long corporate event.
  • The shell looks good in combination with any face shape, suitable for hair of different types and lengths. This makes the hair universal and explains its continued demand.
  • Any of the options for seashells is based on the classic. That is, if you master the basic way of creating a hairstyle, you can easily perform all other types.

  • Massage brush. Use the option with natural bristles - this brush is more careful with hair.
  • A comb that has a long, pointed, straight tip. This comb is very convenient to grab the strands, adjusting their volume and direction.
  • Comb with frequent teeth will help to level the surface of hair, relieve the shell from the "roosters", "loop" and other flaws.
  • Laying tools: modeling mousse or foam, hairspray. If you do your hair for a holiday, you can use styling products with a brilliant effect - they will give shine to the shine.
  • Invisibles and studs. If you do an evening hairstyle, use more elegant accessories.

Shell seconds

This name speaks for itself - the hairstyle is distinguished by an enviable execution speed. Therefore, it is suitable for beginner self-taught stylists.


  • Comb your hair and collect it at the bottom, at the back of the head.
  • Twist the bundle from them - the strands should be directed inward. Twist the shell from the neck, gradually moving up to the crown. In the course of work, fasten the strands with pins so that your hair does not fly apart.
  • Reaching the top of the head, fasten the last strands, and you get a neat shell - stylish and beautiful.
  • Invisible hide flaws and irregularities, with studs securely fasten hair.
  • If necessary, sprinkle styling with varnish.

This version of the hairstyle is well suited to those ladies who by nature have a wavy or curly hair. The hairstyle is good in this case because it does not require preliminary straightening of the strands, which is necessary in all other cases. As you know, the frequent use of ironing, in addition to taking a lot of time, it also damages hair considerably.

This shell is executed in the same way as the classic version. Do not try too carefully to smooth out loose strands - in this case they are appropriate and, conversely, give the image even more charm, make the hair slightly sloppy, which is very stylish and overwhelmed.

Bang and "shell"

Also, the "shell" can be combined with a bang or be performed without it. In either case, it looks interesting and beautiful in its own way.With a bang, a more mischievous image is obtained; without it, a more strict, classical, and graceful one.

Bang functions:

  • Gives the hairstyle mischief and easy spontaneity.
  • Bangs help hide some flaws in appearance. For example - wrinkles on the forehead, corrects the shape of a long narrow face. Long oblique bangs help to “hide” full cheeks, make the face more harmonious and elegant.
  • Ripped bangs will make styling more youthful and stylish. This hairstyle will look good in combination with everyday images.

How to decorate

Consider which accessories are suitable for decorating hairstyles.

  • A beautiful hair clip with a mechanical clip is suitable if it is light enough. Heavy metal accessory weights hair and will be inharmoniously look on the hair.
  • Shell can be decorated with a crab barrette. This is probably the easiest and fastest option. Suitable for working days and exploring the city. Gives a relaxed look.
  • Elegant studs with rhinestones, pearls and other elegant decor is perfect for decorating the evening seashell and for the wedding option.
  • Wearing an elegant lace net on the shell will make the hair even more elegant and decorative.
  • If you are creating a wedding seashell, then an elegant tiara with sparkling stones or romantic flowers is perfect for decorating it.

On the video hairstyle shell with your own hands step by step:

You may also be interested to see the photo on how to make a beautiful bunch of hair.

For those who have very long hair, it is worth reading the information on how to stab long hair beautifully. But how beautiful this haircut will look on your hair can also be seen on the video in this article.

It will also be interesting to learn about what beautiful hairstyles with flowing hair to school exist and how to make them correctly. To do this, follow the link.


Useful points that will help more harmoniously make the hair "shell".

Although the hairstyle is universal, stylists still advise performing it on straight strands. The smooth structure of the hair will help the hairstyle look especially elegant - as they say, “hair to hair”. Therefore, if you naturally curly hair, then without the help of a straightening iron can not do.

To make a "shell" requires practice and at least minimal, but training. From the first time without preparation, it may not work. But after several attempts you will definitely succeed. Therefore, if you have conceived to make a shell with your own hands for a solemn event, then practice in advance, “fill your hand” in order not to be trapped just before the celebration itself.

If you make a seashell for a holiday, decorate it with decorative accessories: fancy hairpins, beautiful clips, hairpins, elegant invisible hair, ribbons, etc. All these decorations will make your hairstyle truly festive.

On the video - hairdo shell on long hair with his own hands:

We considered - how to make a hair "shell" for short and long hair. Now you know how and by what means you can build this elegant and current styling on your head. Therefore, for everyday images and even for evening you will now always have in the arsenal an interesting and original version of the installation.

Shell - step by step instructions

In order that the hairstyle of the cockleshell acquired an incomparable look, the following manipulations should be done:

  • First of all, it is necessary to apply a foam or mousse on the hair for styling, so small hairs will not fall out and stick in different directions.
  • More effectively the hairstyle of a cockleshell looks with a side parting therefore if at you an equal part make it from a side.
  • Comb the hair on the left side and comb it well.
  • Fix the strands from behind to form a tight tail.
  • Lift the tail up and begin to twist it into a tight rope, as if winding it around your thumb, until the tips are inside.
  • Fix the shell with pins and hairpins.
  • For a good hold, spray the hair with lacquer.

Tips and tricks to help you do your hair perfectly:

  • You should not make a shell on wet hair, it will only make the hair fragile and it will disintegrate faster.
  • Use styling products very carefully, do not overdo it, they can give your hair a fresh, dirty look.
  • You can make the hairstyle even more festive royal look by firing several beautiful strands in front and twisting them into curls.

  • You can purchase sets of special styling tools that are designed for different types of hairstyles.
  • It is possible to add volume to the hairstyle, by separating the upper part of the hair, and make a bouffant there.

If you have difficulties in curling your hair, and the result is far from the same as expectations, do not despair. There is still a way to make the perfect shell with the help of Chinese chopsticks. For this you need:

  • Lock tail down by combing hair to the side
  • Attach the sticks to the hair on both sides of the tail
  • Spin your hair, holding their chopsticks, towards the center of the head
  • Fix hair with hairpins and gently remove the sticks from the top of the hair
  • Sprinkle the shell with lacquer to fix.
  • Hair ready

Variety hairstyles

  1. Wavy shell is one of the varieties of this hairstyle, which is suitable for owners of curly wavy hair. She will also like girls who love light, slightly carelessly styled hairstyles.

The way of laying and the procedure of actions is the same as for the classical beam, only use of mousse or foam is not recommended. Align the curls with a rectifier is also not necessary. The whole secret of this charmingly casual haircut is in wavy curly hair, so that it does not require extra procedures with hair.

  1. Double Shell - This is another one of the unique and not particularly difficult ways to perform this hairstyle. The technology of performance is the same as for the classic hairstyle, only now it is necessary to divide the hair into two parts, given the parting in front, and fixing the two tails in the back of the head, twist the jute to the center of the head and secure it with each other by the pins.

If for a classic hairstyle, the tips of the hair were hidden inside the shells, in this way they can be left on top, fixed with hairpins and curled the curls with a curling iron. This will give your hair a unique and more festive look.

  1. Shell, complete with pigtails. Such a look of this hairstyle will require higher skills in handling your hair. But, what comes out in the end will hold millions of looks on your hair. This type of hairstyle is used for the most significant and important events in life, as it will require a lot of skill, patience and time to create.

To perform a shell with elements of weaving braids make the following manipulations:

  • Separate the hair side parting
  • Separate a small part of the hair in the temporal zone gently braid into a braid
  • Fix the tail and braid in the back of the head
  • Tighten the harness
  • The tips can be hidden inside the shells, and left on top, giving them a wavy appearance

To perform a haircut with braids, you can not only braid the braid on one side, but do the same manipulations on both sides.

  • Any of the ways of styling the cockleshell can be supplemented with various hairpins with flowers, beads, bows. Suitable for decoration and beautiful hairpin, and comb.
  • You can weave a ribbon in braids, add a flower composition to your hair.
  • Hoops or hair pins can also be used to create this sophisticated hairstyle.

It all depends on your imagination, skill and reason. The main thing is not to overdo it with the decoration.Imagine, create and enjoy the result.

Who is suitable?

The main advantage of the French beam, exposing the neck line - its ability to emphasize the grace of posture, making it more graceful look of its owner.

Is this the reason for the continued popularity of this installation?

  • Owners of long and medium hair of any thickness and structure.
  • Representatives of all ages: young girls, mature women and older ladies.
  • Graduates of secondary and higher education institutions. It fits and little girls. Among the variety of hairstyles for girls at graduation in kindergarten, shells occupy a special place.
  • Secular ladies gathering for a ball or representative reception.
  • Business women leading responsible negotiations.
  • Teachers of schools and universities.
  • Brides seeking to create a particularly exquisite image.

Hairstyles based on the French beam are many-sided: they can be smooth, deliberately careless, framed with luxurious curls, tails, braids and pigtails. They are given a volume with the help of a wall, decorated with fresh and artificial flowers, decorative pins, combs and hairpins. The usual bundle is no less relevant than the shell. Bundled hair can be worn in everyday life or at holiday events. This hairstyle always looks appropriate.

Another advantage of this type of hairstyle is their compatibility with clothes of any style and style: they are combined with wedding dresses, and with strict suits, and with open cocktail dresses.

On long curls

Long hair is good for creating luxurious evening hairstyles. The cockleshells framed with large curls or curls look great. To create them you need to leave part of the hair on the sides of the head. An alternative shell is a beautiful high tail for long hair.

Bangs in retro style

  • Mentally drawing a line at the level of the ears, from the side of the forehead separate a large strand of hair that fell into this zone. Of them will be formed later bangs.
  • To separate the strand does not interfere with the creation of hair, it intercepted with a rubber band or barrette.
  • Of the remaining curls perform classic French beam.
  • After that stack bang. To give her the appearance of a volume roller will help a bottle of varnish (its diameter should not exceed 4 cm). The strand is just wrapped around it. The bottle is removed, and the hair gently pin up the pins.
  • In order to achieve smoothness of styling, they are armed with a comb with frequent teeth, and after sprinkling it with hairspray, they pass through unruly strands that spoil the overall look of the hairstyle.

For the bride

This unusually elegant hairstyle is very simple in design.

  • Carefully preparing the curls for styling (washing, drying and combing), they are wrapped in a classic French bun, leaving the long ends of the hair outside.
  • Separating small strands, they are randomly distributed throughout the head, creating fancy patterns from curls. Each element of the pattern is fixed with pins. Particularly impressive is the decor of stones, pearls, natural or artificial flowers.

Double mirror version

Hairstyle of this type looks very impressive thanks to two rollers from the hair, twisted towards each other. Each roller is performed according to the standard scheme.

  • Since the double French bundle belongs to the category of the most fragile hairstyles, before creating it, it is necessary to carefully prepare the curls, having processed them with a special styling agent.
  • Dividing the entire mass of hair with a direct central parting, they begin to alternately tighten the rollers: first with one and then on the other side of it. Twisting the strands produced in a mirror image, towards each other.
  • To fix this styling will require a significant amount of hairpins and hair spray.

Custom shell

It is better to entrust such laying to a professional or use the services of a volunteer assistant, since one more pair of hands will be required.

  • Before creating a hairstyle, the entire mass of hair is divided into four parts: parietal, two temporal and occipital.
  • The hair of the parietal zone is given the maximum possible volume with the help of a steep pile and fastened with hairpins.
  • The strands of the temples are divided into three or four parts and twisted into tight bundles. Gathered at one point, they are fixed invisible, and the ends are hidden inside the hair.
  • The hair of the occipital zone is twisted into one tight shell and pinned with pins.

Stylish image on medium length hair

On the hair of medium length, you can make a spectacular shell in the form of a wave. It should begin above the ear and end at the back of the head, effectively bending around the auricle. By the way, this particular hairstyle of the French is often referred to as a banana for the similarity of the resulting roller with the shape of this fruit.

  • Having combed the curls well, they are stabbed with a number of long invisible beings over the ear before twisting. They will play the role of a skeleton for a future shell.
  • Having taken care of the basis of the hairstyle, they begin to gently twirl the curls, trying to make the forming roller tight and even. If the girl's hair does not have the necessary thickness, you can put an artificial thin roller inside or twist the strands not too tight. Another way out of this situation can be a strong nacre of thin strands, thanks to which the shell will turn out to be particularly stylish and voluminous.
  • This hairstyle is suitable for an office employee or a school teacher, because it harmoniously combines beauty, severity and practicality. If you add a hairstyle with a luxurious flower or a beautiful hairpin, it is quite suitable for creating an evening look.

Variants of fast and beautiful hairstyles complements the shell, because it can be done in just 5 minutes!

From short strands

Very short strands are not suitable for creating a French bundle. To hair turned out, the hair must reach at least the level of the neck.

  • If you want to create a shell of short hair with a vertical arrangement of the roller, you need to stock up on a large number of invisible women, clips or small hair clips. After collecting the hair in a low tail, they begin to twist them into a tight bundle, as you move up, pinning up the strands with hairpins or hairpins. Having reached the top of the hairstyle, the remaining tail is tucked inside the formed roller. To keep laying as long as possible, it is carefully fixed with strong hold varnish.
  • From short strands the easiest way to make a shell with a horizontal roller. Curls tied to the tail with gum, located almost at the very edge of the hair. Having twisted the tip of the tail, they begin to create a tight horizontal roller, simultaneously pinning up the hair with hairpins. The direction of twisting strands can be different: the roller can be twisted both inwards and outwards.
  • An interesting variation of hairstyle with twisting strands is styling "snail". Dividing the short curls into three equal parts, first twist into a bundle the one that is located in the center. Putting it in the form of a ring, pinned with pins. Similar manipulations are done with the two remaining strands. The tips of each harness are carefully hidden inside each "snail".

How to make the hair itself: a step-by-step process

It is rather simple to carry out laying of a cockleshell: any girl can do it. To create it will have to arm:

  • Massage brush.
  • Comb for performance of a pile.
  • Comb with a tail.
  • Hairdresser ironing (if you need a smooth styling).
  • A set of studs or stealth (the shorter the curls - the greater the number of pins need).
  • Mousse or lacquer strong fixation.
  • Elegant accessories (if you need to make a festive version of hair).

Execution of the classic version

  • After washing and slightly drying the curls, they are applied a small amount of styling foam.
  • If a large volume of hair is required for styling, they are dried using a hair dryer, with their heads lowered to the floor and lifting the strands at the roots with their free hand.
  • Dried strands are well combed with a massage brush from the forehead to the back of the head.
  • After combing, the hair is collected in the tail, starting at the largest vertebra at the base of the neck.
  • Making sure that all the strands are collected, they begin to twist the tail with a movement directed inside the head. Depending on which hand is working, the twisting of the rope will be made either to the right or to the left.
  • Twisting start from the base of the tail, with each turn moving twisted strands to the top of the head, at the same time raising the hand as the harness increases.

What are the variations of evening hairstyles for medium hair with bangs, you will learn from our article.

  • Having reached the top of the head, they decide what to do with the remaining tips of the strands. If they are short, the resulting tail can be hidden inside the cockleshell, twisting hair to the very tips: this will guarantee that the strands will not crumble.
  • The long ends of the remaining curls can be laid in the form of a figure of eight or a flower.
  • Roller shell is fixed with pins. If necessary, use stealth to hold curls, located in the area of ​​the temples and on the edges of the head.
  • If desired, the shell is decorated with decorative accessories.
  • To give a special smoothness, the hair is additionally smoothed with a fine hairbrush.

On chinese chopsticks

The use of Chinese chopsticks can help those girls who do not manage to gently twist the hair in the form of a shell.

  • Having made a low tail on the side, it is over-tightened with an elastic band that is offset 5 centimeters below the level of the ear.
  • Having seized the tail with a pair of Chinese sticks directed at an angle to each other, they begin to twist the strands of the tail on them.
  • Having performed a tight roller, securely fix it with pins.
  • Chinese sticks can be gently removed, and you can leave your hair inside - this will give it additional originality. This arrangement can be done for a theme party in the oriental style.

Want to make an unusual weave of hair. Here you can see hairstyles from braids for long hair.

Laying the shell has a number of undoubted advantages: it is extremely convenient, practical and compatible with any situation. The specificity of the curling hair visually lengthens the neck, so that the silhouette of the owner of this hairstyle seems slimmer. Is it any wonder that this ancient style continues to be popular among women living in the 21st century?

What tools you need to perform hair

  • flat comb with frequent teeth and sharp handle,
  • Massage brush with rare teeth to create volume
  • hairpins, stealth, you may need a special roller,
  • tongs for straightening and styling hair
  • styling products: strong fixing varnish for fixing the final hairstyle, as well as gel, foam or mousse for styling unruly fine strands and hairs knocked out of the hairstyle.

Hair preparation

Before creating a hairstyle, you should prepare a little hair:

  • First, wash them with the usual shampoo
  • After that, you need to apply a balm or rinse to the hair so that the hair becomes softer and more docile,
  • After washing, you must properly dry the hair, it depends on how neatly the hairstyle will look. Dry hair with a hairdryer, cold air. As the hair dries, it is necessary to work with brushing, laying it back slightly and straightening,
The process of drying hair with a hairdryer while working through brushing
  • If, after drying, you are not happy with how straightened your hair, you can use a flat iron.

Never use the iron on wet hair - you just burn them.

Attention! If you create a hairstyle for a holiday or a date, and a dress with a narrow neck, it is better to dress before you start creating a hairstyle.

Creating hairstyle shell with his own hands step by step

It is very important to follow the instructions for creating a seashell with your own hands step by step. It is very important to dry the hair well, since doing the styling on wet hair will cause the shell to look messy.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Apply a small amount of hair styling to your hair. You do not want your hair to look greasy and dirty, so do not zealous with mousse or foam.
  2. Make a part, as you used to. In this hairstyle, we will allow both direct parting and side parting.
  3. Comb all the hair in one direction, making a tail of them. Adjust the height of the tail according to your desire.
  4. The resulting tail twist into a bundle. You can twist the harness as much as possible, and you can make it weak, then the hairstyle will turn out more lush. Experiment.
  5. Wrap the flagellum inside and secure with studs.
  6. If there are sticking ends of hair, tuck them and pin them with pins.
  7. Smooth hair on the parietal and temporal areas using foam or mousse.
  8. Fix the resulting hairstyle by sprinkling it with a strong hold lacquer a couple of times.

If your hair is thin and thin, you can before twisting the tail into a snail, comb it, giving extra volume.

Making shell with your own hands step by step on the hair of medium length

On the hair of medium length the shell looks extremely elegant. Creating a styling does not take a lot of time, you only need to carefully remove all the tips that are out of the snail.

For this:

  • brush your hair on one side
  • pin several invisibles along the line dividing the head longitudinally from the back of the head so as to fix the hair,
  • twist the snail from the curls in the direction of pinned stealth,
  • straighten out the strands into the shell with a comb with frequent teeth.

Attention! To create a festive shell with your own hands, use a large, eye-catching hair ornament. This will give your image piquancy and temptation.

When creating the evening version of "Shells" it is recommended to use a bright, large hair ornament.

Making shells do it yourself step by step on your long hair

If you have long hair, creating a cockleshell hair doesn’t take much time and effort. A little workout - and you will always look perfect.

Long hair gives plenty of imagination.. The number of hairstyles that can be created from such a head of hair is not limited, it is enough to turn on the fantasy and create.

long hair will help to lay ordinary chopsticks for Japanese food.

Step-by-step hair-dressing shell for long hair with your own hands:

  1. Make the tail on the side, slightly below the back of the head.
  2. Pinch the tip of the tail with the chopsticks and start spinning in the direction opposite to that on which the tail is made.
  3. Remove sticks from the tail and secure the resulting structure with pins.
Option hairstyle "Shell" can be done by hand with the help of chopsticks for Japanese food. The creation process is described in steps.

If you put all the curls inside the hair, it will create additional volume. You can leave the tips of the locks uncluttered and, slightly curled, lay on top of the beam.

It opens the flight for imagination, you can create a variety of styling options. And if you add curls with ornaments or fresh flowers, then it will be impossible to look away from the hair.

Shell on short hair

On short hair that can not be collected in a ponytail, you can create a hairstyle that will resemble a shell in shape. If you still can make a tail, then make and twist in a bundle put in the hair.

The problem with short hair is that there will be a lot of protruding tips, so for careful styling you will need to gently hide all the tips inside with the help of hair products and invisible women.

If the tail does not work, place individual strands towards the center of the crown, imitating a classic shell.

Shell with roller

The roller is used to create a shell for creating volume without scales and additional fixing means.

Hairstyle shell with their own hands on the step-by-step instructions given above, only the tail must be screwed on the roller, completely hiding his hair.

The process of creating hair "Shell" with a roller

This option is indispensable for creating hairstyles, if you plan to release. The roller gives the shell an ideal shape, and the hairstyle laid in this way can keep its shape for a long time.

French snail shell with french twister

Sequence of actions in the formation of hairstyles:

  • comb your hair, apply styling product on it and spread it over the entire length,
  • pass the tail between the tube and the clip, and stretch the twister almost to the very tip of the tail,
  • wind the tail on the twister and form a shell,
  • hide the tips inside and secure the hair style with pins.
Twister Shell

Wavy shell

This option is ideal for girls with curly hair and lovers of romantic images.

If your hair is straight, you must curl it first. Hairstyle wavy shell looks slightly worn and careless, which gives its owner lightness and lightness. The shell on the curly hair turns out to be voluminous, with knocked out curls.

Double shell

This hairstyle looks very unusual and at the same time elegant. It is done just like a shell, with your own hands step by step.

The difference is that you need to do not one tail, but two, you need to twist them towards each other. Both the resulting snails need to be carefully fixed on the head and among themselves.

A festive version of this hairstyle can be created if the tips of the hair are not hidden inside the bunches, but released outside from above and curled.

Shell bow

Very stylish and informal haircut it will turn out if you make a shell bow:

  • make a high tail, and divide it into three unequal parts. The part in the middle should be a little less than the other two,
  • Twist these two parts into bundles and form a semblance of a bow, with the hair remaining in the middle, imitate the bow of the bow, fastening with hairpins.

The combination of shells and braids

Such a hairstyle will require serious practice. You can create a pigtail shell yourself only if you can perfectly handle your hair.

Hair styling:

  • divide the hair in a direct part into two unequal parts,
  • on the side where there is less hair, braid one large or several small braids to the middle of the length of the hair,
  • fasten the ends of braids stealth in the middle of the head,
  • then proceed according to the instructions for creating a seashell with your own hands, step by step, given above.

Shell with a loop

Formed as follows:

  • collect the hair, forming the tail at the height where the shell will start,
  • loop the tail at the base with your index and middle fingers,
  • Spread the rest of the tail around the resulting loop. Tip the tail inward, leaving a loop on top,
  • secure with studs and decorate with a large barrette.

Cockleshell with pile and bang

If you have no bangs, this does not mean that such a hairstyle can not be done. You can separate part of the hair in front and create a semblance of bangs, leaving a few curls free.

The Cockleshell with a pile and long strands released from the hair looks very impressive.

Studs and Invisibles

The easiest option to securely fasten hair is to use all known hairpins and stealth. If desired, they can be turned into a decorative element by attaching an ornament or a flower to them. If you have thick, heavy hair, hairpins like spirals will do.

The twister is the wire flexible framework sheathed by soft fabric. With the help of a twister, you can create different versions of beams and shells. Well this device is that very carefully captures the hairstyle, without wringing and not too tight hair.

The ideal version of a twister for creating a classic shell is a french twister. It is a thin and flexible metal mesh with a clip for fastening.

Hairpin bump is the secret of Hollywood stars. With its help, you can give the shell a volume, while the hair does not fall apart.

It is a double bezel with teeth for better fastening on the hair. Bampit is placed on the back of the head and the hair is combed onto it, and then the shell is formed as described above in the instructions for creating a seashell with your own hands step by step.

Bampit gives hair extra volume

Cockleshell really universal hairstyle! Creating a cockleshell hairstyle with your own hands, you can make it different every time for any occasion.

You can decorate it with rhinestones, flowers, large hairpins or pins with decor, as well as headbands and scarves, corrugated strands, sparkles and in general everything that comes into your head. Be creative!

Be beautiful!

Useful videos on how to make hair "Shell" with his own hands. Independent creation of evening hairstyles step by step

Technology create hairstyles "Shell":

"Shell" with his own hands:

Evening hairstyles with your own hands step by step:

Who is the French bun for?

One of the main advantages of this classic hairstyle is versatility. A cockleshell or snail fits any length, both medium and below the shoulders. The texture is also not important - the hairstyle looks great on perfectly straight strands and wavy curls.

We also note the fact that the French shell makes the silhouette slimmer, and neck - thinner and longer. A woman with such a hairstyle looks feminine, elegant and incredibly stylish.

What you need to create a snail?

Hair snail assumes the presence of a whole set of all kinds of tools:

  1. Massage brush - choose a flat or square brush of medium hardness. It unravels the knots and gives your hair the necessary shape.
  2. Comb with pointed end and fine teeth. With it, you can easily divide the parting or bouffant.
  3. Mousse and varnish. These strong styling products will keep your styling throughout the day.
  4. Flat for straightening strands with wide plates. It will be necessary for those who want to level curly strands and give a more strict shape to stylish styling.
  5. Hairpins and studs are necessary for fixing.
  6. Accessories - will decorate the evening version.

It is better to perform the hairstyle on perfectly dry strands - wet can affect its final appearance.

Classic snail

At the heart of the classic French beam is a regular spiral. Having mastered this element, you will be able to make the traditional snail yourself.

  1. Apply a little mousse or foam to your hair so that it becomes more obedient. If the hair is thick, dry them well.
  2. Comb the prepared hair and collect on the back of your head with your hand.
  3. Do not tie the resulting tail with a rubber band, but twist it into a tight bundle. True, if there is a desire, it can be made free.
  4. Make a loop from the harness and hide the remaining tip inside the shell.
  5. Fix hair hairstyles (their number depends on the density of the hair).
  6. Gently comb the sticking hair with a fine comb. They can be smoothed with gel, and sprinkled with varnish on top.

Snail curly strands

How to make a hair shell for curly hair? It's easy enough! You do not have to pull them with an iron, because the French snail can be very careless, disheveled and free. The hairstyle will be magnificent, with protruding curls that will make the image playful, light and perky.

  1. Apply any styling product (foam, gel or mousse) to washed and dried hair.
  2. Carefully comb the strands, distributing styling throughout their length.
  3. Collect the tail with your hands. The lower it is located, the lower the "shell" will sit down.
  4. Form a light harness and twist it inward, fixing a pair of studs in the direction from the bottom up.
  5. Leave the tips of the tail - they can be screwed on the curling iron and beautifully laid.

French bundle with weaving

It looks very unusual and suitable for parties. And the most interesting thing that such a snail can be done in 5-10 minutes.

Shell for a couple of seconds

Sequin "Second" for long hair suitable for every day. No time to pack? This quick option is exactly what you were looking for.

  1. Comb and slightly comb the strands.
  2. Collect the hair in the tail, fixing the gum actually at the very end.
  3. Insert into it two sticks for hair and wind the strands on them.
  4. Fix hair with hairpins.
  5. Pull sticks out of it.

Hairstyle shell with loop

This styling for every day can be easily done by itself. It can be carried to the office or to meet friends.

1. Assemble the tail with your hand.

2. Wrap it around two fingers.

3. You got a loop - you need to wrap it, making movements counterclockwise.

4. Continue to spin the tail.

5. Fill the tip inside the shell, leaving a large loop.

6. Decorate with a beautiful hair clip.

French beam for beginners

If you are just going to try your hand at hairdressing, try this very easy styling.

Making a French beam with a twister

With a twister you can do almost any styling, including the shell.

  1. Carefully comb and collect the hair in the tail.
  2. Thread the hair at the very base of the tail between the clip and the twister tube.
  3. Stretch it down.
  4. Roll the hair roller, hiding all the tips inside.
  5. Secure the snail with pins.

Snail with fleece on bangs

  1. Combing strands. We leave bangs free.
  2. The hair on the left side is transferred to the right and fixed in the middle with the help of invisible women.
  3. We comb a bang and comb back.
  4. The hair on the right side is rolled onto the finger and laid on top. We hide the tips inside.
  5. All fix the studs.

How else to lay the snail?

As a rule, all shells are made in the same way as above. And then everything is in your hands! French bundle can be made for special occasions. It does not seem ordinary, because it is easy to supplement it with a barrette or a flower - an elegant styling will come out.

Snail in a youth style looks incredible! Decorate it with a handkerchief - you will be irresistible.

In the evening hair dress shells, you can use glitter, shirred strands, rhinestones and other decor. This image just will not go unnoticed.

Hair Style Shell for Long Hair

Shell for long hair is chosen especially often, as this hairstyle allows you to carefully collect hair and put out of order. Having learned to do such a set, you can get ready for work or a walk in a few minutes and look well-groomed and elegant all day long.

  • Make the side of the tail of the entire volume of hair,
  • With the help of sticks, you should wrap the tail at the level of the gum and then wind it up, turning the stick to the left,
  • Spinning should be quite tight when winding,
  • Sticks need to pull out, and secure the snail with stealth.

You can use the bezel, which is advantageous to complement the image and make the girl very feminine and stylish.

This hairstyle is suitable for publication, for romantic dates, as well as wedding dressing for the bride.

Cocktail Hair Style Medium Hair

For girls with medium-length hair, it will be especially easy to make a shell haircut. With the length of the hair to the shoulders or slightly lower, it is not difficult to tuck the ends inside the shell, which will make the shell smooth and neat.

How to perform this type of installation will be disassembled further.

  • Hair combed to the right, pin it up using stealth,
  • The styling is done by winding all the hair masses onto the hand or finger,
  • If during twisting part of the order is knocked out of the total mass, use a comb with fine teeth in order to fill them,
  • Using hairpins, fasten the hair and decorate it with flowers or any other decorations.

One catchy and volumetric decoration will look very impressive.

Haircut shell for short hair

To perform shells, hair should be at least shoulder-length. It is also possible to perform styling, very similar to the shell, and on short hair.

  • First you need to comb your hair comb. This will give the hair the necessary volume,
  • Put hair back, lock it in a ponytail,
  • It should be screwed to the left and pin up invisible,
  • Fix the result by spraying hair with varnish,

This hairstyle looks very interesting and festive. You will feel feminine and sophisticated person with this styling.

Bridal hairstyle shell

Increasingly, brides prefer this particular styling for the happiest day of their lives. This is due to the huge variety of variations of this hairstyle. The shell can be made both on the crown and on the side of the temple, as well as diagonally. The hairstyle is unique and very original, which explains its wide popularity.

It is especially important to combine a wedding seashell with fresh flowers, decorated with rhinestones barrettes and original beads. Hairstyle visually lengthen the neck and give the image elegance and refinement.

The combination of seashells and comb

If you add a cute comb or an original hairpin to your seashell hair, your look will be much more interesting. These accessories are fixed after installation. The comb is fixed most often from above, and the barrette can be placed anywhere on the hair at your discretion.

Shell with combed hair

If the hair is not thick and thin, it is recommended to lightly comb it before styling. The extra volume will make the hair much more docile, and the hairstyle is unusual and very beautiful.

Much of the time it takes to create a shell with a pile will take exactly the volume of the strands. They comb each curl separately, splashing it with varnish afterwards. Front curls can be left flat and smooth.

This volumetric hairstyle is very stylish and unusual, the girl in this image will look very luxurious.

The combination of shells and bangs

Bangs do not lose their relevance. Many girls like to wear bangs, and someone just does not fit other hairstyles.

Shell with bangs will look great if you make a snail beautiful and voluminous, and bangs, on the contrary, smooth using mousse.

It is also possible to make a pile and remove the bangs to the side, or leave it hanging beautifully on the face.

If the girl’s bangs are very thick, her combination with a shell will look especially fresh and romantic.

Hairstyle shell for special occasions

Beautifully styled curls when creating an evening hairstyle shells, it is very beneficial to complement any image. It will suit both an evening dress and an elegant business suit.

If desired, you can use accessories to decorate your hair. It can be hairpins, combs, beautiful studs with rhinestones and even fresh flowers.

Stylists perform a huge number of gorgeous hairstyles made on the basis of seashells. They combine unusual weaving with stylish accessories, which makes the owner of a hairstyle-like standard of style and beauty.

Hairstyle shell for kids

In the life of the little fashionistas there are also quite a few festive events when you need to look great, such as graduation in kindergarten, September first, New Year's Eve, birthday, etc. The sheath hair for such events is just the way. You can do it yourself by letting your child choose the accessories she likes.

If you have a need to do the styling, the seashell hair is just what you need. With its help, you can quickly transform and look spectacular, not only on weekdays, but also at any special event!

Creation options

The hairstyle of the cockleshell has several variants of execution - here are some of them.

To complete them you will need:

  • hairbrush,
  • styling agent
  • hairpins, combs, hairpins for fixing,
  • ironing

Original hairstyle for all occasions

The French bundle, called the shell - a great, and most importantly a simple way of laying appropriate for each day, and for a special occasion. This hairstyle ideally emphasizes all femininity and elegance of the owner, visually stretches and makes a more elegant neck, adds nobility to any image.

To whom such styling is available.

The shell is quite simple to perform, the main thing is to practice a little in order to gain insight into all the subtleties and you can do it yourself in a matter of minutes. Of course, the first time may be neat and fail, but over time, having filled his hand, an understanding of all its simplicity comes.

For this installation does not require special tools. It is enough to have a comb, hairpins and any means for fixing on hand. In addition, any jewelry will be suitable for it, whether it be studs with stones, hairpins or an ordinary scarf.

Another advantage of shells is versatility. It can be performed on any hair, the main thing is that their length should not be shorter than the shoulders. Thin, thick, smooth or curly - absolutely not important. A variety of options for shells allows you to choose the most ideal fit for the occasion and appearance of almost any woman.

Laying options shell

The cockleshell can be both strict business and slightly disheveled romantic with embossed locks. As a volume, high, with a pile, and very modest. Most of its options come from a single classic, so familiarity must begin with it.

Classic shell

  • Fresh hair can be lightly moistened and applied to them with any available styling products (gel, mousse, foam),
  • Dry and comb well (if the hair is thin or sparse, you should comb it a little at the roots),
  • We collect all the curls back to the tail, but do not overtighten with a rubber band,
  • We twist from the tail a neat plait,
  • We form a plait from the rope and hide the tips under it,
  • Fix the studs and stealth so that you can probably spray varnish.

By adding a small bouffant on top, or firing strands on the sides, or both at the same time, you can turn a regular everyday classic shell into a real festive hairstyle.

Shell without a harness

This option is often referred to as a twist or banana. For its styling, you need a little more stealth and the styling tools used must necessarily have a strong hold.

  • Apply a styling product to the washed out slightly wet curls and comb it with the comb, spreading it over the entire length,
  • We collect the tail and move it to the left, and on the right we select all the loose sticking hairs,
  • We twist hair in the roller on the right, we hide the ends in inside,
  • Fix invisible and varnish.

Bouffant and elongated strands are relevant in this version as well.

Bangs and shell

The hairstyle of a cockleshell is combined more favorably with long bangs, but a short bang is not a reason to refuse it. It is best to strand bangs lay on its side or pick up in bouffant. Of course, bangs are the best corrector for facial features, but the shell looks much more elegant without it.

Shell for long hair

Hairstyle shell for long hair is one of the options for salvation, when you need to quickly bring hair in order and somewhere to hurry. On long enough hair, it is easiest to make it and it will be much safer to hold on. In addition, the lush roller formed by long hair has a gorgeous look.

Medium Length Hair Shell

The technology of styling shell on medium length hair is not very different from the technology for long curls. Simply, the shorter the length of the hair, the more difficult it is to achieve neatness and more funds are needed for fixation.

Tips how to diversify the shell

  • The iron for alignment of hair will help to achieve unsurpassed smoothness and severity of forms,
  • Long curls or bangs can be twisted with a curling iron and lay curls at the crown.
  • For beginners not very skillful, but wanting to learn how to make a shell, there is a great thing called twister. It will greatly facilitate the process of creating hairstyles.

Photo master classes how to make a shell yourself

Step-by-step photo master class is an indispensable tool for beginners in any business. For those who want to learn how to do shell hair-do-it-yourself is not only an excellent teacher, but also a deep source of inspiration for unusual options and ideas.

Seashell or French twist is a classic hairstyle that is always relevant. It cannot be called super fashionable, rather universal and most suitable for special occasions: ceremonial events, social receptions, weddings, etc. Although in a restaurant, office or at a party, such a hairstyle will be quite appropriate.

What kind of hair will fit

The undeniable plus of shells is that it can be created even on medium-length hair. The main thing - they should be perfectly smooth. Well, girls with curly hair will have to pre-align it with an iron.

In general, to make a shell is not very difficult. However, on the first attempt, this is not enough for anyone - training is needed.

To create a shell, you will need:

  • massage brush - used for high-quality combing of hair before styling,
  • a fine comb with a long sharp tip and fine teeth - with its help it performs a pile and simulates the location of individual long curls,
  • invisible hairpin studs
  • iron (French shell),
  • foam, mousse and hairspray - as fixatives,
  • various jewelry and accessories (hairpin, scallop, etc.).

Create a shell quickly and easily

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly, apply a scum or mousse and dry the curls a little with a hair dryer.
  2. Remove all the strands in the left side, and the remaining hair behind asymmetrically secure studs.
  3. Twist the long strands inside, as if winding them around your thumb.
  4. Fix the resulting hairstyle stealth and sprinkle with varnish.

That's all - a stylish and beautiful shell is ready.

Pin-up style

Someone this hairstyle may seem normal and not worthy of special attention, but this is not entirely true. A special vintage style gives it an arrangement from the side. At the same time, remember that it is not necessary to tighten medium and long curls too tightly. They should be soft and slightly wavy.

As an addition to the pin-ap shell, you can also make a bouffant and high-laid bangs. Naturally you can not do here without hairspray, otherwise the hair will not last five minutes.

  1. Create a volumetric bouffant on top and put the hair in a ponytail, leaving the front strand free.
  2. Twist the curls into the shell so that their tips "stuck out" from above.
  3. Next, comb the free strands back to front and connect them again with the free front.
  4. Using curling curl a little curls.
  5. Take a handkerchief and wrap the hairstyle with it, tying the ends in front. Bangs at the same time remains, as it were, under the hair.

Wedding shell

In this case, the most original version is the shell with bukami. But it fits, unfortunately, only for owners of thick, long and lush curls.

  1. Make an ordinary shell, as presented above.
  2. Take a few curls on top, wrap each one of them (separately) from below under the shell - you get a very beautiful and unusual flower.
  3. Fix hair with hairpins and varnish.

Informal shell

This hairstyle will be appreciated by ladies with unconventional imagination and bold dreams, well, or those who just like to stand out from the crowd.

  1. Create the most luxurious bouffant at the top and leave a few long strands on the sides.
  2. Then from these loose strands twist tight bundles and wrap them in a tight shell.

As you can see, the execution instruction is very simple.

French double bun

An alternative to the usual shell can be a double shell. This hairstyle looks very original and stylish - two bunches, twisted towards each other. It creates a beautiful mirror effect.

To make a French double bundle, use the same pattern as for a simple shell. Of course, there are still some minor differences: two strands twisted on each other are fastened together, that is, more hairpins are needed here, since the hairstyle is rather fragile.

Some more interesting examples

For the shell, as already mentioned, ideal straight hair is most suitable, however, the undulating shell of last season was a wavy shell. Simply put, the basis of this hairstyle is exactly wavy curls. This option looks very careless - as if in a hurry, which makes the hair really romantic.

For an evening out or a solemn event, it is best to make a smooth shell, complemented by beautiful accessories - a scallop, a flower, a tiara or a hairpin with rhinestones. The decoration can be fixed both around the hairstyle and directly on it. And for those who prefer even greater sophistication and sophistication, the following option is suitable: a French shell with a free strand or curl at the side.

Twist braid

This version of the shells can be made from the French, Dutch and classical braids, or you can braid several small braids and then join them into an original bundle. It all depends on your desire and imagination.

Shell with original patterns

Of course, it’s very difficult to make a twist with patterns at home, and you cannot do without outside help. But this French hairstyle looks amazing.

  1. Create a usual shell just below the head, leaving thin strands along the hairline, and from them start to create your original masterpiece right on the head.
  2. To begin with, process the strands with special wax and “paint” any pattern you like: words, hearts, flowers, faces of animals, etc.
  3. Fix hair with threads or small hairpins.

Note: the pattern can be made all over the head or only on the shell.

Useful tips and tricks

  • Do not make a shell or a bun on wet hair (no matter short or long), otherwise it will quickly disintegrate.
  • In addition, you should not use a large amount of mousse or hair gel - the effect of wet hair easily becomes the effect of unwashed curls, which looks repulsive and unpleasant.

If you could not put the hair right the first time, do not despair, try to do it with the help of Chinese sticks. Take the hair back by placing it on the side. Next, hold the tail with Chinese chopsticks and start curling the curls towards the center of the neck.

At the end of the French hairstyle fixed invisible and hairspray.

Stylish and elegant hair "shell" does not leave the fashion Olympus for many decades. This is not surprising - because it is simply made, suitable for hair of any type, very feminine, gives a noble and stylish look.

In addition, it goes well with any images, suitable for daytime wear, as an evening and even wedding styling. The article will consider the features of this hairstyle and find out how to make it on the long and short head of hair.

Benefits and features

Another name for the hairstyle is “French bun”. Also there are such names as "snail", "banana", and even "twist". Consider what features has a hairstyle, and what advantages can boast.

  • Shell - unusual, original and stylish hairstyle. Like no other, she is able to emphasize the grace of a long neck, neck, beautiful head shape.
  • The hairstyle fixes hair well, will not lose its shape even after a hard working day or a long corporate event.
  • The shell looks good in combination with any face shape, suitable for hair of different types and lengths. This makes the hair universal and explains its continued demand.
  • Any of the options for seashells is based on the classic. That is, if you master the basic way of creating a hairstyle, you can easily perform all other types.

  • Massage brush. Use the option with natural bristles - this brush is more careful with hair.
  • A comb that has a long, pointed, straight tip. This comb is very convenient to grab the strands, adjusting their volume and direction.
  • Comb with frequent teeth will help to level the surface of hair, relieve the shell from the "roosters", "loop" and other flaws.
  • Laying tools: modeling mousse or foam, hairspray. If you do your hair for a holiday, you can use styling products with a brilliant effect - they will give shine to the shine.
  • Invisibles and studs. If you do an evening hairstyle, use more elegant accessories.

Options for short hair

Consider - what options are suitable hairstyles for short hair.

This name speaks for itself - the hairstyle is distinguished by an enviable execution speed. Therefore, it is suitable for beginner self-taught stylists.


  • Comb your hair and collect it at the bottom, at the back of the head.
  • Twist the bundle from them - the strands should be directed inward. Twist the shell from the neck, gradually moving up to the crown. In the course of work, fasten the strands with pins so that your hair does not fly apart.
  • Reaching the top of the head, fasten the last strands, and you get a neat shell - stylish and beautiful.
  • Invisible hide flaws and irregularities, with studs securely fasten hair.
  • If necessary, sprinkle styling with varnish.

This version of the hairstyle is well suited to those ladies who by nature have a wavy or curly hair. The hairstyle is good in this case because it does not require preliminary straightening of the strands, which is necessary in all other cases. As you know, the frequent use of ironing, in addition to taking a lot of time, it also damages hair considerably.

This shell is executed in the same way as the classic version. Do not try too carefully to smooth out loose strands - in this case they are appropriate and, conversely, give the image even more charm, make the hair slightly sloppy, which is very stylish and overwhelmed.

Shell for long hair

Consider options for hairstyles that will look good on long hair.

This option is the most common shell, the foundation on which all other options are built. It is simple to perform it on long hair - in this case it will be overpowered and decoratively the most advantageous. Such a shell is made quite quickly and simply.


  • Spray hair with water from a spray bottle to make it more flexible and manageable. But if you have curly hair, then skip this point - after straightening the strands with an iron, wet them with water is not recommended.
  • Apply the modeling agent to the strands. Slightly dry your hair with a hair dryer.
  • Separate a broad strand from the forehead, stab it with invisible heads.
  • The rest of the hair comb and take to the side. Twist all this mass of hair tight bundle - the tips should be directed inside the structure.
  • Secure the strands securely with studs. Include front locks in a design so that it went on top of other hair. Or you can leave it alone and twist it onto the curling iron, making it a graceful side curl that will perfectly complement the evening styling. For the everyday image of such a lock to anything.
  • Fix hair with lacquer. The shell is ready. Over time, and with experience, it will come out in literally half a minute - literally, automatically.

What is a haircut for long curly hair, will help to understand the information from this article.

It will also be interesting to look at the step-by-step instructions on how to make a cockleshell for medium hair. To do this, follow the link.

But how is styling for a round face on long hair, you can look at the video here in the article:

You may also be interested to see instructions for making hairstyles careless bun.

This hairstyle is a variation of the classic look. The main feature - in this case, not one large sink, but two smaller ones coils on the head. This option looks unusual and original. More suitable as an elegant evening styling. Two seashells can be located on the head symmetrically, mirror and even can be "nested" one into the other - but the latter option is more likely under the power of a professional master stylist - it is unlikely that such a "feat" will be accomplished on its own.

As for tools and tools, they are standard here. Only studs and stealth need more than when creating the classic version.


  • Comb your hair, sprinkle it out of the spray gun and gently divide it into two equal parts using a straight vertical parting. Do not try to make a perfectly smooth parting - it will still not be visible after the hair.
  • Twist one part of the hair into a tight braid and make a loop out of it, stretch the ends and secure this loop with hairpins.
  • Do the same with the other half of the hair.
  • You can connect the harnesses or form individual shells, looking at each other or in different directions. And you can connect these harnesses in one design.
  • Fix the finished hairstyle with lacquer, decorate it with matching accessories.

This hairstyle is done on the basis of the classic shell. However, a special foam roller is placed under the hair, which adds volume to the hair. This hairstyle is more suitable as an exquisite evening option.

This option can be attributed to retro styling. Despite this, the roller is now very popular - its ability to give hair volume volume is invaluable.

But how to make a bump of hair with a roller, described in detail in the video of this article.

On the photo - how to make a shell with a roller:

Get a roller for styling the color of your hair. This will help to hide it under the hair more securely.

This is one of the most popular and common hairstyle options. Based on the French styling, a huge variety of shells are created: everyday, wedding, evening and fantasy. The French shell, like the classic one, can be single or double. In any case, it will overwhelm gracefully and stylishly.

The peculiarity of this option is that before curls are twisted, they are combed. This technique gives the hair pomp and volume. Suitable for fine hair.

Bridal version of the "shells" can have a complex, stepwise execution, implying a multi-layered. In addition, wedding hairstyles are very beautifully decorated with studs with pearls, rhinestones, flowers, etc. Shells can be combined with weaving, braids, plaits. How is weaving a French braid with a ribbon, you can see in the video in this article.

Also, the "shell" can be combined with a bang or be performed without it. In either case, it looks interesting and beautiful in its own way. With a bang, a more mischievous image is obtained; without it, a more strict, classical, and graceful one.

Bang functions:

  • Gives the hairstyle mischief and easy spontaneity.
  • Bangs help hide some flaws in appearance. For example - wrinkles on the forehead, corrects the shape of a long narrow face. Long oblique bangs help to “hide” full cheeks, make the face more harmonious and elegant.
  • Ripped bangs will make styling more youthful and stylish. This hairstyle will look good in combination with everyday images.

Consider which accessories are suitable for decorating hairstyles.

  • A beautiful hair clip with a mechanical clip is suitable if it is light enough. Heavy metal accessory weights hair and will be inharmoniously look on the hair.
  • Shell can be decorated with a crab barrette. This is probably the easiest and fastest option. Suitable for working days and exploring the city. Gives a relaxed look.
  • Elegant studs with rhinestones, pearls and other elegant decor is perfect for decorating the evening seashell and for the wedding option.
  • Wearing an elegant lace net on the shell will make the hair even more elegant and decorative.
  • If you are creating a wedding seashell, then an elegant tiara with sparkling stones or romantic flowers is perfect for decorating it.

On the video hairstyle shell with your own hands step by step:

You may also be interested to see the photo on how to make a beautiful bunch of hair.

For those who have very long hair, it is worth reading the information on how to stab long hair beautifully. But how beautiful this haircut will look on your hair can also be seen on the video in this article.

It will also be interesting to learn about what beautiful hairstyles with flowing hair to school exist and how to make them correctly. To do this, follow the link.

Useful points that will help more harmoniously make the hair "shell".

Although the hairstyle is universal, stylists still advise performing it on straight strands. The smooth structure of the hair will help the hairstyle look especially elegant - as they say, “hair to hair”. Therefore, if you naturally curly hair, then without the help of a straightening iron can not do.

To make a "shell" requires practice and at least minimal, but training. From the first time without preparation, it may not work. But after several attempts you will definitely succeed. Therefore, if you have conceived to make a shell with your own hands for a solemn event, then practice in advance, “fill your hand” in order not to be trapped just before the celebration itself.

If you make a seashell for a holiday, decorate it with decorative accessories: fancy hairpins, beautiful clips, hairpins, elegant invisible hair, ribbons, etc. All these decorations will make your hairstyle truly festive.

On the video - hairdo shell on long hair with his own hands:

We considered - how to make a hair "shell" for short and long hair. Now you know how and by what means you can build this elegant and current styling on your head. Therefore, for everyday images and even for evening you will now always have in the arsenal an interesting and original version of the installation.

Modern hairstyle shell for everyone

Nearly fifty years have passed since the moment when the shell became firmly in fashion as a festive hairstyle, and remained there, at least for the time being, it is no less popular, and now it’s permissible to do it not only for an evening visit to a restaurant, for corporate or a party, but just like that, going to work in the office, and even resting in nature will be easier, taking your exuberant head of hair into an elegant, and at the same time, convenient and comfortable French bunch.

Many girls and even women do not know that the open neck and back, which is opened for everyone to see hairstyles such as, for example, a shell, make the silhouette much slimmer and sexier. In addition, the shell haircut visually makes the growth larger, and the image is more elongated, which also makes the body slim.

Like it or not, many people are interested in how to make the shell hairdo itself, because each time it is impossible to run to the hairdresser to do something at home, at least, uneconomical and wasteful. Of course, most girls do not have such professional skills as a real master, but there is nothing difficult in creating such a hairstyle either, so you should think about making a French bun with your own hands, and even acquaintances can be helped.

On medium hair

One of the easiest and most popular ways to create seashells. Suitable for curls middle length.

First you need to wash your hair, apply styling agent and blow-dry it with a round brush. When drying it is necessary to give curls root volume and comb through thoroughly.

Comb back all strands. Twist them into a harness with your finger.

Wrap the pinch around your finger 1 time and lift them up, as shown in the photo. Make another 2 turns around your finger. Secure with a barrette or hairpin.

Hair, striking her unobtrusive elegance is ready!

Careless option for long hair

Make a small pile in the crown area.

Collect all the curls in a low tail, securing each strand vertically on the back of his head with the help of stealth, as shown in the photo. In the area of ​​the crown should be created accurate volume.

To twist the hair around the arm, creating a roller of them kind of roller.

Gently secure the roller in the back of the head with the help of pins.

Sprinkle with varnish. The shell is ready!

This slightly careless styling will be appropriate both in the daytime look and in the evening. It is enough to choose the right clothes and accessories, and the image will play in a special way!

A variant of shells for long hair is presented in the video:

Simple and neat: doing hair with Chinese chopsticks

Carefully comb the curls, divide them into a side parting and collect in the low free tail "side" as shown in the photo.

Clamp the tail with the chopsticks at the point of attachment of the rubber band, as shown in the photo, and twist it into the shell.

Secure with studs, and then pull out the sticks. Sprinkle with varnish. Hair is ready!

Laying with the help of Chinese chopsticks always turns out very neat. And it is very simple. 5 minutes and graceful hair shell is ready! It is perfect for everyday exits.

As you can see, it is easy to recreate an aristocratic shell with your own hands, you just have to study the instructions more carefully and practice.

To make a more complex laying in the form of shells, you need to watch the video lesson.

"French Shell" - the queen of evening hairstyles

Having received an invitation to a festive event, the first thing that almost every girl thinks about is hovering their own marafet. As a rule, the upcoming event obliges to carefully think through not only the details of the toilet, but also such an important component of the appearance, as hairstyle. By tradition, many young ladies traditionally choose the “French shell”.The refined appearance of her hairstyle has provided her not only widespread demand among women, but also quite a long relevance. The idea to make the hair shape of a seashell appeared at the beginning of the last century. Initially, such hair styling was considered to be purely evening, but over time, the shell acquired some variations, allowing it to be freely used in everyday life. Nowadays, with such styling, you can appear almost everywhere - at a secular reception, business meeting, party or any other celebration. If we talk about the features, in this case it should be noted only one thing - the classic French shell is performed exclusively on even, smooth hair. Therefore, the owners of curly hair should always be on hand iron with a ceramic coating. In terms of hair length, everything is much simpler, since both long and medium curls can be beautifully laid in a shell. To make an ideal and, most importantly, a strong French shell, you will need a certain set of tools and a well-stuffed hand. About how and with what help to create an elegant and very effective styling talk in this article.

Hair "Shell" - a stylish classic

Hair "Shell" or, as it is called by some, "French bun" deservedly occupies a separate place among the classic styling, which can be called universal.

Initially, when the "Shell" just appeared, it was used only as an evening hairstyle. But today the implementation of the "French beam" is used for celebratory, festive and fun events, and for events when you want to look elegant enough and modest, and for business meetings, and for special occasions such as weddings or parties.

  • The hairstyle "Shell" received its name due to its similarity with the real sea shell.
  • This hairstyle is performed mainly on straight strands, which allows to emphasize the smoothness of the lines.
  • The owners of curly, curly or wavy hair before the performance of "Shell" we recommend to straighten your "wealth" with a special iron.
  • The “French beam” is performed both in the beauty salon by the hands of a professional hairdresser and at home by yourself.
  • If the "Shell" hairstyle is done with your own hands for the first time, it may fail right away. Although the process of execution itself is simple, it is advisable to practice beforehand, rather than before leaving the house.
  • There are several variants of the “French beam” that will always be very attractive and relevant for any occasion.

First way

  1. Slightly wetted strands, apply to them a suitable hair foam or mousse and lightly dry with a hairdryer. It is not worth much to wet the strands: it will make it wait a long time until it dries. The owners of curly, wavy or curly "wealth" after leveling wet hair is not worth it, just apply the foam or mousse.
  2. In the area of ​​the bangs, we separate a broad strand that must be stabbed by invisible beings.
  3. The whole mass of strands again must be combed and taken to one of the sides. Often, the matched strands are retracted to the left and fixed with invisible marks, creating a fastening of the neck area.
  4. We twist the strand from the hair, twisting the strands to the right, and fasten it with the pins. The tips while gently hiding in the middle.
  5. The completed hairstyle must be sprayed with varnish for a secure fit.

Second way

  1. As in the first method, to make a classic model, you must first apply a foam or mousse and dry the hair.
  2. Dry and combed strands collected in the tail in the neck. If the curls are long, you can use a rubber to secure the tail.
  3. The tail is twisted into a bundle. If the harness is not tight, then the "shell" will be more magnificent.
  4. From the obtained harness we make a loop, which we fix with pins.
  5. The tips are hidden in the middle and fix all varnish.The hairs that fell out from the hairstyle are fixed with invisible hair.

How to make the hairstyle of the cockleshell itself - instructions in the video:

If desired, you can comb the hair in the area of ​​the crown before performing hair, which will make it higher and more voluminous. The pile is hiding in the middle of the shell. Before complete fixation of any varnish, you must put a bang, if there is one.

Shellfish for festive or evening events

Each special case requires a special approach to the hairstyle in order to make the image not only appropriate, but also the most attractive.

“Shell” for festive or evening events are performed by the above methods, but to make the hairstyle unique, emphasizing all the winning details, use additional elements.

  1. You can use when performing styling is not the entire mass of hair, leaving a strand in the temporal zone, and wind it. And you can also leave two strands on the temples and braid pigtails from them, the tips of which should be fastened on the top of the "Shells". They also leave a few strands on the one hand, from which they make even curls, which in the form of waves are attached to the hair by invisible hair.
  2. To make the "Shells" unique, braid several thin braids in different ways before doing the hairstyle, and then follow the hairstyle according to the algorithm. You can experiment with asymmetry, using as an addition thin braids of different weaving. How to make a festive hairstyle Cockleshell with weaving - video:
  3. Leave a little hair on the back of your head, and fasten the curls at the shells or the side of the hair.
  4. Often use "Shell" for celebrations with hidden tips, of which with the help of studs make "curls" or simply wind it up.
  5. As an addition to the hair, you can use flowers, rhinestones, beads, as well as a tiara or a beautiful hairpin.

Shell "second"

The "second" shell differs from the usual one not because of external features or specific characteristics. The name itself already speaks for itself.

Often this hairstyle is used for everyday wear on strands of medium length. It is carried out in three stages, using elastic for strands and hair sticks:

  1. At the first stage, comb the strands and fix their tips with an elastic band.
  2. At the second stage, the tip of the hair sticks is inserted into the gum, or two are wrapped around the tail.
  3. And at the final stage, curl the curls into a braid and from the bottom insert the free tip of the hair sticks from the bottom of the braid, pulling it out.

The highlight of styling is that it allows you to create an image in which moderation, simplicity, elegance and beauty are combined.

Who is this hairstyle

One of the advantages of such styling is the fact that hairstyles for long hair are as easy to make as shells for medium hair. It is important to take into account that it is easier to make it on smooth curls. But if you are the owner of curly hair, then you need to straighten the strands ironing, after washing your head and drying it with a hairdryer.

Do not forget to use the mousse before leveling to protect the curls from the hot air stream and record the actions performed.

If you have a thick and long hair, you can experiment with the strands, pulling them out of the shell, fluff, comb, etc. The French beam has the peculiarity of making a woman's silhouette more slender, refined, the neck will visually become thinner, and the image is even more feminine.

Try to upload your photo and see how this hairstyle will look at you.

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Evening styling

If you expect a hair-shell for long hair in the evening, then the manipulations will be the same, but will be complemented with some nuances - decorations.

And it will depend on your mood, evening dress and fantasy itself.

  1. In the classic shell-helix, you can leave a strand on top, and then wind it into a separate strand or bend it with a hair iron. A sort of curl will be very original to frame the face.
  2. You can also add glitter by fixing it with glitter or adding a small but original decoration that will complement your look. It can be a diadem with rhinestones or a precious stone, scallops.

Jewelry options are inexhaustible.

  1. In the summer, there will always be relevant decorations of this kind as fresh flowers. Imagine how original it would be to decorate your seashell with a sea shell, adding a bit of decorative sea stars and finish the image with a beautiful light turquoise dress. This view will make an impression.

The hairpin hair clasp makes it very easy and quick to create beautiful evening styling.

We perform stacking step by step

  1. We divide the strands into three parts: the first is a fringe, fix it with stealth so that it does not interfere, the second is the upper strands, and the third is the back of the head.

Very important!
Both the back and front parts of the strands should be identical in volume, but the parting does not have to be even, you can make it careless.

That's about this should get the result.

  1. We take the lower part of your hair (the upper one can still be fixed with invisible ones), we twist them in the upward direction. In the end, you got a "banana". Screw it up and hide the ends of the remaining strands. Fix the first shell with studs.
  2. Remained part of the upper strands, doing the same with it, only in the direction from top to bottom. We also hide the tips of the strands in the resulting second bundle and fix them with stealth. Thus, you get two mirrored shells.
  3. Then we return to the bangs. We brush it a little, we wind it on a pencil and we form a beautiful equal loop of hair. We will fix the resulting wave with invisible ones and spray varnish so that this curl fits well to the head.
  4. Optionally, you can add in your styling studs with rhinestones or flowers, a barrette of ribbons, or as a version of a living flower. The accessories you have selected will depend only on what kind of outfit you have and what event you are going to attend.
  5. We finish our creation by fixing the entire installation with varnish.

You can diversify your image with different hairpins, the price for them is very different, everyone will be able to choose a suitable option for themselves.

That's all! Hairstyle is ready. And you will spend twenty minutes of time on this work of art, and you will be able to cope with time with the acquisition of experience and cope with it in ten minutes.


A little workout and a charming image is ready!

This type of styling is good because it can make you even more feminine and attractive absolutely at any event. To go to work in the office, just to visit and even on a date such an image will also be attractive. A video in this article will help to deal with the secrets of this installation more clearly.


Watch the video: How To Cut Layers in Long Hair - The Ombre Layering Technique (July 2024).