Useful tips

Pantovigar - 1 of the best for hair


Pantovigar - complex of vitamins and trace elementswhich promotes strengthening and growth of hair, stops loss.

This tool compensates for the lack of vitamins, strengthening the hair structure from the inside.

The composition of the drug

This complex includes such vitamins and trace elements:

  • Vitamin B1 - stimulates the activity of the hair follicles and accelerates skin regeneration. Restores energy metabolism, increases nerve conduction,
  • Vitamin B5 - stimulates the production of keratin,
  • Keratin - gives hair strength and shine, prevents dehydration and dryness,
  • Medical Yeast - A unique component that contains a large amount of vitamins and amino acids. It provides the absorption of vitamins and elements, a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.

  • Cystine - promotes the production of collagen and keratin,
  • Vitamin B10 (Para-aminobenzoic acid) - plays an important role in regulating the level of proteins in the body, has antioxidant properties. In combination with vitamin B5 slows graying hair.

Recommendations for use

Pantovigar designed to combat diffuse hair loss.

In addition, it is recommended to apply with hair loss caused by:

  • Lack of vitamins or hypovitaminosis,
  • Stress and emotional turmoil,
  • Radiation therapy,
  • Frequent staining or perm,
  • Frequent use thermal instruments: hair dryer, curling iron, etc.
  • Exposure to sunlight,
  • Kind of.


Pantovigar not recommended in such cases:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug,
  • Pregnancy (І and ІІ trimester),
  • Breastfeeding period
  • In childhood (up to 12 years).

Do not expect positive results from this drug in the event that problems with hair loss are caused by hormonal disorders or other diseases.

if you accept sulfa drugs, you should consult with your doctor, since the negative consequences of this interaction are possible.

Important! Do not self-medicate without consulting a doctor!

Pantovigar is not recommended as a primary treatment androgenic alopecia in men! For this purpose, it can be prescribed only as an additional drug.

Dosage and instructions for use

Take vitamins is necessary during the meal, without chewing. To wash down with a small amount of water.

Dose: 1 capsule 3 times a day.

The duration of treatment with pantovigar - from 3 to 6 months.

Before you start a second course, you must consult with the doctor-trichologist.

What results to expect?

Do not panic, if after a week the condition of your hair did not return to normal!

Pantovigar - long-acting drug (therefore the duration of treatment is from 3 to 6 months).

At the end of the treatment period, you should notice the following effect:

  • Reduced hair loss
  • Hair becomes healthier: it becomes more shiny, thick, strong,
  • Increases hair growth
  • Itching of the scalp disappears (if there is one).

If after treatment such positive results are not observed, you need to consult with a trichologist! Perhaps hair loss caused by other reasons.

Useful properties of Pantovigar

Pantovigar is praised in reviews for the price, as well as for the fact that when it is used, the rarity of the hair coat disappears with time, due to which at the end of the reception the hair becomes elastic again, shiny and becomes saturated in color. This happens for the following reasons:

  • the drug has a positive effect on hair thickening in both women and men,
  • the use of Pantovigara hair for women significantly reduces the frequency of their loss,
  • vitamins and trace elements contained in the preparation, strengthen hair follicles, preventing re-possibility of hair loss.
  • the use of Pantovigar in combination with various procedures can get rid of unwanted bald spots.

Pantovigar is a drug and in order to achieve maximum results, which tell reviews on the Internet, and to fully feel the full range of useful properties, it must be taken, strictly following a certain set of rules. To do this, there is an instruction manual for Pantigar.

Pantovigar - instructions for use

The manual describes all the important information necessary for the mandatory reading, this will prevent the occurrence of side effects and increase the chances of getting the maximum effect for your hair. Instructions for use Pantovigara hair will give you answers to basic questions that may arise when buying a drug:

  1. Pharmacological properties. The preparation, in contrast to analogs, contains a complete list of elements useful for horn formations (nails and hair):
    • amino acids
    • L-cystine
    • keratin,
    • Calcium D-Pantonate.

Thanks to these components, the vitamin complex Pantovigar can show its regenerating and strengthening properties.

These vitamins are prescribed for symptoms of diffuse alopecia of non-hormonal etiology, as well as when the hairline is damaged, as a result of exposure to ultraviolet and sunlight or chemicals.

The drug is not intended for children, nursing mothers, as well as not appointed in the early months of pregnancy and with individual intolerance to the components that make up.

Vitamin complex Pantovigar can be prescribed by a doctor only after the onset of the third trimester or after 6 months from the moment of conception.

Pantovigar capsules should be consumed once, 3 times a day with meals and with a small portion of liquid. The optimal course length is 6 months. If necessary, it can be continued or repeated.

Pruritus and urticaria symptoms are possible as a result of allergic reactions. There is also an increase in sweating and an increase in heart rate. According to reviews, recorded cases of nausea, gagging, flatulence and pain in the stomach.

When using sulfamilanide drugs before a course, you should consult with experts and clarify what doses the drug is used in these cases.

Hair restoration and hair strengthening is a long process, so Pantovigar should be used continuously throughout the course (6 months). Otherwise, the effect may be lower than the stated level of feedback. If during the use of the medication the symptoms continue to increase, or there is no progress, then it is necessary to contact your doctor for recommendations. Perhaps a decrease in hair is only a symptom of another disease.

The drug is not essential in cases of infectious diseases of the nails and androgenic alopecia. With these effects, Pantovigar can only be used as an adjunct drug.

  1. Expiration dates and storage conditions.

Vitamins Pantovigar should be stored in a dark place that does not have access in children. The temperature should be no higher than 25 degrees, the humidity - low. Stored Pantovigar 3 years. At the end of the drug must be disposed of.

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription from doctors.

Before using vitamins, be sure to read all the instructions and read the reviews.

The composition of Pantovigar

The composition of one capsule medication Pantovigar hair includes the following active ingredients:

Thanks to him, the hair follicles are more resistant to hypoxia and other factors that occur during stress, as well as stimulates their work.

Favorably affects the synthesis of keratin and other components of horn formations. Reduces the need for oxygen in the hair follicles.

It occupies one of the leading roles in the processes, the flow of which is associated with the breakdown of proteins and their subsequent utilization.

It is the main component in the structure of the hair.

It is a sulfur-containing amino acid, is part of alpha keratin. It is used to improve the structure of the hair, as it takes the main part in the synthesis of keratin and procollagen, aimed at the formation of skin and hair tissue. This allows hair to recover and grow faster. Stimulates the absorption of iron and zinc in the intestine. It has strong antioxidant properties.

  1. Yeast extract (medical).

Despite being related to beer and bread yeast, it possesses completely different properties, due to which there is no weight gain. They are a rare component of hair preparations. Natural source of vitamins included in group B, amino acids, as well as various trace elements. It has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and contributes to the complete resorption of beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Such a strong composition allows you to use Pantovigar for hair, without fear for your intestines, because of this, in reviews you can rarely meet people complaining of a symptom of abdominal pain.

Analogs of Pantovigar

Pantovigar is an expensive tool and not everyone can afford. The price for it often exceeds a thousand. There are a few cheaply priced counterparts, which, according to reviews, are not inferior to him in pharmaceutical properties in one way or another. There is no complete replacement for this drug yet, but there are several vitamin complexes that can partially replace Pantovigar: Vitrum beauty, Coenzyme Q10, Vitamax, their price is lower.

Price Pantovigar

Now let's get to the more important point and find out at what price Pantovigar is sold in pharmacies. It is worth noting that the price of this drug is not small, for 1 600 rubles you can buy Pantovigar made in Germany, there will be only 90 capsules in a box. However, if 90 capsules are not enough for you, then you can take a more advanced version of this 300 capsule drug. The cost of Pantovigar for the extended modification made in Germany by the company MERZ PHARMA will cost you 4,096 rubles. Therefore, if you seriously decided to improve your hair, you should give preference to an extended modification of Pantovigar, since it is more profitable in the future by more than 700 rubles.

Patient reviews about Pantovigar

On the Internet you can find various reviews of vitamins Pantovigar. Some in the reviews write that this tool is the best at the price of all presented on the market, and it is a panacea for this kind of hair diseases.

Others, on the contrary, criticize his actions, cursing about the time spent and money thrown away because of the high price. Reviews of the latter often arise due to improper use of the drug, non-compliance with the instructions or due to an incorrect diagnosis. Sometimes you can find among the reviews allergies, which can adversely affect substances that are part of the vitamins.

Here are some reviews that people have left on our site:

Alexey, 39 years old, Nizhny Novgorod.

Good day. He began to receive Pantovigar about a year ago. I still drink according to the instructions, my wife is also extremely like the composition. Good tool for the price.

Initially prescribed by the attending physician, in connection with diffuse alopecia, manifested in the nervous system. I was very worried about the death of my beloved pet. Still, I lived with a dog for 20 years, he was always like a brother to me, and there was such a misfortune. After that, and began to crumble hair. As soon as I began to drink Pantovigar, after 3 months the spraying was delayed. By the way, nobody knew about her, except for relatives, as the winter was there, everywhere I walked in a hat.

The wife also constantly praises the price and how good the Pantovigar is for hair. Like, better and softer hair has become.

Anna, 22 years old, Severouralsk.

I got one pack of Pantovigar for the sample, since the price was rather big, although according to my calculations it was necessary for one full course 3. After I had drunk the Pantovigar for a month, I did not feel any special results. I decided not to use this drug anymore, since for the price these capsules are not the cheapest.

Maria, 34 years old, Nizhny Tagil.

I started to drink Pantovigar for hair 3 more years ago. The result could feel only after 5 months. However, it turned out to be very weak, although I heard a couple of compliments that my hair began to shimmer in the sun. But I didn’t stop at that and continued to take it, because, according to the instructions of the attending physician, I bought 6 packs for 6 months. As a result, I drank Pantovigar for 2 months longer, since I missed the time of admission from time to time. Despite this, the result was simply amazing! The composition of vitamins and the price is good. By the end of the reception I had already forgotten how terrible my hair looked before the start of the course.

Vera, 25 years old, Volgograd.

I bought 2 packs, because I read a lot of positive reviews about these vitamins. Sawed 2 months and realizing that there is no result, did not even continue. Pantovigar hair for the price of the tool is not cheap, sorry for wasted money. Yes, and only lost time.

Lyuba, 25 years old, Krasnoufimsk.

Pantovigar began to drink on the recommendation of his attending dermatologist, leave a review. After 40-50 days, the result was already visible: the hair became much denser and thicker, almost ceased to fall out. Before, I constantly itched my head from itching, I could scratch it up to blood, it just killed me. But as soon as I started drinking these vitamins, he immediately disappeared. Now I enjoy life without any problems associated with hair, and, of course, I continue to drink Pantovigar, which is better than its counterparts for the price.

From the reviews one can understand that in order to get a result, it is necessary to have patience, which not all people have. What about the Pantovigar for hair experts say?

Doctors reviews about the drug Pantovigar

Doctors, along with their patients, also leave various reviews about the beneficial effects of vitamins Pantovigar for hair.

Many experts trichologists in the reviews recommend this complex of vitamins to women who develop diffuse prolapse, or their hair began to lose an attractive appearance. In addition, after the first treatment, the doctor will write you Pantovigar in the prescription, not analogs. This proves that trichologists trust this drug.

Recommendations of doctors - this is their feedback, because experienced specialists will prescribe you only time tested products.

Vitamins for hair Pantovigar

So what is Pantovigar? This is a powerful vitamin complex for hair, which eliminates the problems associated with poor growth of hair follicles, hair loss and other various manifestations of hair weakness such as brittleness, section and so on. The hair preparation Pantovigar itself is now very much discussed and has its own army of admirers from trichologists. The use of Pantovigar within a long period, namely, it is prescribed somewhere for half a year can cure your curls, give them vitality, make them strong, healthy and elastic.

This drug can help only if the hairs have suffered from your personal intervention, or this seasonal loss due to lack of vitamins. Or, for example, constant stress, also adversely affect our hair.

It is very important to understand! What if the causes of hair loss are baldness, then taking Pantovigar will be useless! It can not help in the case of androgenic hair loss.

In general, we first find out the reason, then we think about the application! And not vice versa. Also a common mistake of many girls is the desire to make their hair thicker. If you think about it, then you need to add more hair follicles to the skin of the head. But to do this with the help of a vitamin complex is impossible. There is a possibility that the hairs will become thicker, and visually it will seem that the density has increased.

Trichologist reviews

Vladimir, 42 years old.
I quite often prescribe this drug to my patients. If you follow the instructions, it gives very good results. Contrary to popular belief among people, drugs that act from the inside are much more effective than external drugs.

Olga, 38 years old.
In general, pantovigar - an effective tool. Sometimes patients, coming to the reception, immediately ask about this drug, because they heard about it from friends. But this, all the same, is not a panacea! I prescribe it for diffuse alopecia. For less serious problems, I recommend not often, as the price of the drug is quite high. Many do not comply with the terms of treatment, and then the effect is not the same.

Alexander, 46 years old
Very positive attitude to this drug. He helped many of my patients. If you strictly follow the instructions and get treated for half a year, the promised result will not take long.

Pantovigar - application and instruction

Before you start taking the drug, read the contraindications. But on this account can only survive nursing and pregnant, plus children under 12 years. In any case, you need to consult with your doctor about this.

You need to understand that the course of taking the drug is long, from three to six months. It is this period that is recommended by the specialists of trichologists when taking Pantovigar.

The use of Pantovigar itself is carried out 3 times a day, in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, one capsule each. Greater effect is achieved by drugs in the case of an exact reception in time, they love the regime.

Price of the drug

The cost of the drug is not small and few people will turn the language to find it democratic, the price of Pantovigar for a month of administration is around 1,500 rubles, which is 90 capsules. If you buy 300 capsules at once, then the cost is about 4000 rubles. Thus, you will spend about 8,000 rubles for a course of 6 months. Pantovigar whose price is by no means small simply forces people to look for cheaper substitutes for it, read about it a little lower.

Reviews of Pantovigar

If we analyze the reviews of the capsules, we can draw certain conclusions. As for experts and trichologists, they almost all say at once that this is a high-quality drug that helps a lot.

If we study the reviews of people, then there is already someone who says ... Very contradictory reviews. Some say, accept and nothing has absolutely changed. Others are grateful to the drug and glad to transform the hair.

Feedback from people, as always, is different.

The conclusion can be drawn such that it is impossible to fully rely on the drug, regardless of whether it is expensive or cheap. All of them have their own individual characteristics, and some of them will take up the assimilation of vitamins and minerals as expected, while others will not cause any reaction and changes.

Are there cheap analogues of pantovigar?

Due to the high price of the drug, many are trying to find Pantovigar cheaply or its analogues. But unlike many other expensive medications that have their analogs for 3 kopecks, this is a bit more complicated with this drug. He has no exact analogues that could replace all his properties. Therefore, you can consider only other vitamins for hair similar to this drug at least something, but at a price significantly lower.

An example of such vitamins for hair can be:

  • Perfictil (Perfectil) - good vitamins, help to strengthen the nails and hair, at one time cost about 450 rubles.
  • Komplivit radiance - a vitamin complex in its properties of a similar direction and also much cheaper.
  • Vitasharm - improve hair growth and strengthen nails.

a) capsules "Perfectil", b) tablets "Vitasharm"

In general, if you do not want to spend big money on vitamins for hair, you can use some kind of natural complex for hair growth. Personally, I have long been fond of the mask activator from the company Magic Glance, a French company that sells high-quality and very effective cosmetics.

Remember, it is also important that the vitamins are well balanced and not all drugs have such properties. Therefore, find the right one for you.

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Pantovigar - 1 of the best for hair

For hair restoration, our readers successfully use Minoxidil. Seeing the popularity of this tool, we decided to offer it to your attention.
Read more here ...

Hair health can be maintained in various ways.

Replenishing the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals will allow you to solve problems such as hair loss.

  • What substances strengthen hair
  • Pantovigar: indications and contraindications, instructions for use, composition and price
  • Other biological supplements for hair growth: Russian analogues
  • Restorative means and strengthening of immunity
  • Customer reviews and trichologists about vitamins and pills against hair loss

Masks, creams, baths and herbal balsams improve the appearance and give a good look. However, all these efforts will be reduced to zero with a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Solving the problem helps to receive specialized vitamin complexes. Pharmaceutical companies offer a large selection of such agents, with a wide variety of properties.

What substances strengthen hair

To curls were strong and healthy, they must receive proper nutrition. Some of the nutrients get the hair through external sources, masks and balms.

Vitamins are necessary for internal hair nutrition:

  • A. Normalize the sebaceous glands, prevent fragility.
  • B1, B6, B6 and B12 normalizes cellular metabolism, accelerates growth and protects the strands from fragility.
  • E. It nourishes the follicles, activates their vital activity, awakens dormant hair follicles. Essential for the transport of oxygen.
  • C. Responsible for microcirculation of blood in the capillaries. It is the most important antioxidant, controls the process of regeneration in the body.

No matter how balanced the food, it is impossible to get the daily need of all the vitamins in the kitchen.

So, to ensure the daily need for vitamin B, you need to eat every day for a kilogram of rye bread. And the body also needs minerals and other substances, such as iron, zinc, selenium, calcium, yeast and keratin.

Therefore, vitamin complexes to maintain the beauty of hair are in great demand. One of these drugs is Pantovigar.

There are also cheap analogs of pantovigar, however, in efficiency they are somewhat inferior to the original.

pharmachologic effect

The drug promotes structural hair and nail restoration, accelerates their growth. The drug contains a number of elements that are necessary for the healthy formation of the structure of nails and hair (calcium d-pantothenate, thiamine, cystine). A noticeable therapeutic effect is observed in the course of hair and nail growth after 2-6 weeks.

Indications for use

Dermatologists prescribe vitamins Pantovigar for hair and nails. In the treatment of drugs prescribed for the treatment of infectious lesions of the nail plates. For men, Pantovigar is shown when androgenic alopecia. For hair growth is recommended long-term use of the drug.

The drug is prescribed:

  • with increased need for vitamins,
  • at hypovitaminosis (including for prophylaxis),
  • after radiation therapy,
  • in the postoperative period,
  • after stressful situations,
  • after intoxication,
  • during the period of pregnancy,
  • during lactation,
  • with unbalanced and malnutrition,
  • in the period of convalescence after an infectious disease.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated. Possible side effects of Pantovigar: dyspeptic disorders, vomiting, itchy skin, flatulence, hives, tachycardia, epigastric pain, sweating.

Instructions for use Pantovigara (method and dosage)

The drug is used only orally. Instructions on Pantovigar contains recommendations for taking capsules together with a meal, drinking plenty of liquids. It is unacceptable to break and chew the capsules, as the protective shell is damaged. The duration of therapy is determined only by the attending doctor.

Pantovigar against hair loss It is recommended to take a long time according to the standard scheme: 1 capsule three times a day. On average, the course is designed for 3-6 months. With good tolerance and registration of the expected therapeutic effect of the tablets for hair loss can be taken up to 1 year. In the absence of the effect, re-examination is required to identify additional causes of the disease.

Vitamins can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Release form and composition

Pantovigar is available in the form of capsules for oral administration of 15 pieces in blisters, a cardboard box contains 3 or 6 blisters, a detailed instruction with a description is attached to the preparation.

  1. One capsule contains 100 mg of medical yeast, 60 mg of vitamins B1 and B5, and 20 mg of para-aminobenzoic acid, keratin and cystine each. Composition of vitamins: B1 - thiamine mononitrate, B5 - calcium pantothenate.
  2. Auxiliary components: colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, talc.
  3. The shell consists of indigo carmine, titanium dioxide, gelatin, water.

Pharmacological effect

The effectiveness of Pantovigar is due to its active components. The therapeutic effect appears after 2-6 weeks after the start of treatment. Each of the components of the composition has specific properties:

  1. Vitamin B1 - thiamine (L-cysteine). Makes hair follicles more resistant to negative external factors, strengthens hair.
  2. Medical yeast. They are a source of vitamins B, provide improved absorption of nutrients in the intestine.
  3. Vitamin B5 (Calcium D-Pantothenate). Activates the formation of keratin, which reduces the hair's need for oxygen.
  4. Para-aminobenzoic acid. Reduces the effect of free radicals on the structure and growth of hair.
  5. Keratin. It is a protein that is very important for the structure of the hair. It gives them strength, healthy appearance, elasticity.

Dosage and method of use

In the instructions for use indicated that Pantovigar prescribed for adults, the drug is prescribed 1 capsule 3 times / day. The drug is recommended to be taken simultaneously with a meal, the capsule should be swallowed whole, without chewing, with a small amount of liquid.

Course duration treatment is 3-6 months. If necessary, an increase in the duration of the course of treatment or its repetition is possible.

special instructions

Before you start using the drug, read the specific instructions:

  1. It should be explained to the patient that hair formation is a long process, and therefore the drug should be taken in the indicated doses regularly for 3-6 months.
  2. Infectious diseases of the nail and androgenic alopecia are not indications for the use of the drug. With these pathologies, the drug can be used as part of a combination therapy.
  3. The patient should be aware that if the diseases of the hair or nails take an unfavorable, strongly progressive course, it is necessary to consult a doctor again, because these diseases can be symptoms of systemic diseases.

Drug interactions

If you need to take Pantovigar with sulfanilamide therapy, you need to consult with your doctor about the possibility of this combination.

We picked up some reviews of people who used the drug Pantovigar:

  1. Lily As an experienced dermatologist, I advise you not to use this tool without an appointment. The cause of hair loss can be any: stress, hormonal disorders, frequent coloring. First you need to eliminate these factors, and only then begin therapy. Many of my patients are prescribing Pantovigar. The average course in six months brings a positive result.
  2. Helena . Age inevitably moves to 50, alas. There are all sorts of problems with the hair and me, and my friends. A hairdresser a year ago, drawing attention to the fact that my hair was climbing heavily, advised Pantovigar to drink 6 months. I did so. True, the pleasure is not cheap. But the effect is. I think for the prevention, I repeat the course.
  3. Anna After pregnancy, cut her long hair. They fell out very much, flowed and broke. When finished feeding her son, bought vitamins for hair Pantovigar. I took the instructions for 3 months, but I saw the improvement already at week 8 in the form of nail strengthening. Treatment hair grew by 3 cm. I recommend using with special shampoos.
  4. Oksana. The treatment is expensive but effective. The complex “worked” every penny spent on it)) After 2.5-3 months I noticed the growth of new hair. Continued treatment to achieve the ultimate goal. I was pleased. Analogs, I think, can also be used. It all depends on the stage of the disease. If you rush in time, you can get by with less monetary losses.

There are no absolute analogues of this complex in composition. There is only a very close drug that includes the same ingredients. This is Revalid, which is also prescribed to improve the health of hair and nails. The drug includes the following active ingredients:

  • thiamine hydrochloride,
  • iron,
  • zinc,
  • L-cysteine,
  • calcium pantothenate,
  • medical yeast,
  • wheat germ extract
  • para-aminobenzoic acid,
  • copper,
  • millet extract,
  • trace elements in chelate complex,
  • DL-Methionine,
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride.

This complex can not be attributed to the category of budgetary drugs. Due to the high price, many patients often look for analogues of this tool with a lower cost. Their effectiveness is often not at such a high level. You can choose an analogue Pantovigar for hair from the following list:

  • Perfectil,
  • Vitrum Beauty,
  • Velman,
  • Livolin Forte,
  • Revalid,
  • Gerimaks.

Before using analogues consult your doctor.

What is due to the therapeutic effect of Pantovigar?

The effect of Pantovigar is due to its components, including cystine, essential amino acids, keratin, calcium pantothenate. Due to the content of vitamins and auxiliary components, it perfectly fills the shortage of necessary substances that directly affect not only hair growth, but also their structure, strength and healthy appearance.

Pantovigar copes with hair loss in women, in particular if it is due to spring and winter vitamin deficiencies, the postpartum period and the deficiency of nutrients. As a remedy for male alopecia (alopecia), the effectiveness of the drug has not been proven, since in this case the pathological process is caused by hormonal changes associated with impaired secretion of male sex hormones. This gives grounds to use Pantovigar with multi-component treatment, combining with a variety of drugs.

The drug is available in the form of dark green gelatin capsules, with a powdery content, with a characteristic smell. It should be noted that there are no other forms (tablets, solution) of Pantovigar.

The composition of the vitamin complex

One capsule of Pantovigar contains:

  • L-cysteine ​​(vitamin B1 - thiamine). Increases the degree of resistance of hair follicles to the effects of negative environmental factors, accelerates their recovery and stimulates the growth of new hair.
  • Calcium D-pantothenate (vitamin B5). Stimulates the synthesis of keratin, which helps to ensure less oxygen demand for hair, and also has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect.
  • Medical yeast. They improve the absorption of vitamins and microelements in the intestines, as well as being a natural source of B vitamins.
  • Keratin. An important structural protein of the hair, which ensures its strength, elasticity and healthy appearance.
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid. Allows to reduce the effect of free radicals on the growth and structure of hair. Increases the absorption of proteins in the intestine.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug should not be taken:

  • people with individual intolerance to the components of the vitamin complex,
  • during the first and second trimester of pregnancy,
  • during the lactation period
  • children under 14 years old.

During the course of treatment, adverse reactions such as:

  • allergic response: itching, swelling of the face, urticaria,
  • dyspeptic symptoms: feeling of nausea, abdominal discomfort, vomiting, increased gas generation,
  • increased heart rate,
  • excessive work of sweat glands.

If you have noticed the appearance of something from the above list or have felt other negative manifestations, you should immediately stop taking Pantovigar and consult with your doctor.

How to take the drug?

It is necessary to take a preparation during food intake on 1 capsule three times a day, washing down with an insignificant amount of liquid. It should be noted that the course of treatment indicated in the instructions is quite long - 3-6 months. This is due to the impact on the process of hair growth, which occurs very slowly. A doctor can increase or shorten the period of taking this medicine. When receiving sulfonamide therapy, it is necessary to consult with your doctor about dose adjustment and frequency of taking Pantovigar.

Opinion trichologists

The drug in most cases deserved good feedback from practicing doctors trichologists. Due to the rich complex composition of its positive effect is predictable and beneficial for the hair.

According to statistics, only 10% of patients complaining of hair loss, have a systemic pathology. The remaining 90% are practically healthy women, still having hair loss. In such cases, it is necessary to conduct a differential diagnosis between diffuse telogen hair loss and androgenetic alopecia. If your doctor has found diffuse hair loss, then Pantovigar is one of the drugs of choice.

Julia Y. Romanova - Dermatologist, trichologist, cosmetologist, member of the Professional Society of Trichologists non-profit partnership, specialist at the Institute for Beautiful Hair.

Vitamin and biologically active supplements - table

  • Beta carotene
  • B vitamins,
  • vitamin D.
  • Micronutrient deficiencies,
  • hair loss.
  • Age up to 14 years
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • individual intolerance.
  • Multivitamin complex (vitamins of group B, A, C),
  • ginseng extract
  • zinc.
  • Age up to 15 years
  • epilepsy,
  • arterial hypertension,
  • individual sensitivity.
  • Wheat germ extract,
  • DL-Methionine,
  • L-cysteine,
  • medical yeast.
  • Individual intolerance to the components
  • hormonal disorders,
  • fungal and inflammatory diseases of the nails.

Tool Reviews

Pantovigar, without a doubt, an effective tool! Expect a lightning result is not worth it, since the restoration of normal hair development is a long process. My result was already visible in the first month of admission, but more often the treatment with Pantovigar takes up to 3 months. Yes, it is expensive, but it is better to be with the hair on the head))


I really liked Pantovigar by giving excellent hair growth. Usually my hair grows one and a half centimeters a month. Even regular mustard masks did not particularly disperse growth, well, maybe up to 2.5 centimeters per month. And with Pantovigar, the hair of the industry in a month is three cm, maybe even a little more. But we must take into account another important factor - this is summer time of the season. In fact, in the summer, a person’s hair grows much faster, and this is really the case !!


I noticed the first results not on the hair, but on the nails: they became stronger and stopped breaking off. In addition, during the month went yellow with the tips of the nails. In addition, general health, performance and mood were on top. In the spring, in the period of colds and an abundance of ill colleagues around, I managed not to catch either a cold or other “charms”, she was cheerful and cheerful, she easily got up in the morning. And most importantly - yes, the hair began to fall less, but the loss stopped by about 30–40%. And yes, the hair began to grow faster: if my usual rate of growth per month is about 1.5 cm, then while taking the Pantovigar vitamins and in the following month after taking the hair growth was 3 cm per month. In my opinion, an excellent result, especially given the fact that I took less vitamins per day than recommended. I would also like to note that after a month of taking vitamins, I got light, thin new hairs in the temporal part of the head, on the "bald patches".

Sweet lady

Pantovigar against hair loss - video

Pantovigar - quite an effective method of combating hair loss. It should be remembered that the drug should be taken only if the cause of the problem was a shortage of nutrients, and not hormonal imbalance, infectious pathology or other diseases. Before taking the funds in the necessary order, you must consult with your doctor.

Pantovigar: indications and contraindications, instructions for use, composition and price

The purpose of this complex is to saturate the inside of the follicles and strands with minerals and vitamins that are necessary for healthy hair and scalp, it is used for increased stress, stress and intoxication.

The action of Pantovigar compensates for the imbalance of nutrition and helps to recover from infectious diseases. The composition of this biologically active additives include:

  1. Medical Yeast - 100 mg,
  2. Thiamine mononitrate (B1) - 60 mg,
  3. Calcium Pantothenate (B5) - 60 mg,
  4. Cystine - 20 mg,
  5. Aminobenzoic acid - 20 mg,
  6. Keratin - 20 mg.

As with every drug, pantovigar can not be taken by everyone. Contraindications are the first and second third of pregnancy, it is not recommended for use during breastfeeding, and it should not be taken by children.

Naturally, individual intolerance to the drug components is possible. Symptoms of intolerance are:

Another major drawback of the drug is the high cost. Full course of administration for 3 months, 3 capsules per day. The price of 300 capsules ranges from 4 to 5 thousand rubles, which is far from affordable for everyone.

We need to know that Pantovigar is not just a vitamin complex, but a medical complex. And it must be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

Other biological supplements for hair growth: Russian analogues

It is difficult to choose a direct analogue of pantovigar in composition; in each vitamin complex, the substances act differently:

  • Mertz Beauty. It contains vitamins E, C, B1, B5, B6, B 12 and P, zinc, cysteine ​​and methionine.
  • Perfectil: Vitamin B, C, D, E, dab and echinacea, cystine, carotene, selenium, iron, zinc, silicon.
  • Alerana. Vitamin complex of Russian production, presented in the form of morning and evening formula. The morning part includes vitamins B1, C, E, the evening part contains vitamins B2, B6, B12 and D3 and trace elements.
  • Vitasharm. Includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, as well as nicotinamide and pantothenate.

It is impossible to guess which pharmacy vitamins are best suited for a particular consumer. This is verified only by practice.

But if individual intolerance to one drug has occurred, there is always the possibility to switch to another supplement. Both imported and Russian analogs of pantovigar can be found on the market.

Restorative means and strengthening of immunity

Normalize the health of hair can not only specialized means, but also tonic vitamins.

Strengthening the immune system activates the natural regeneration processes in the body. It will be much cheaper, although the healing effect for the hair will not be very fast.

Another way to improve the state of curls - proper nutrition. Yes, you shouldn’t eat a loaf of black bread a day, but a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, red meat, seafood and protein foods will strengthen the immune system and prevent hair from getting sick.

Customer reviews and trichologists about vitamins and pills against hair loss

The wars of internet marketers have confused the consumer, it has become difficult to assess the objectivity of product reviews.

However, negative reviews about Pantovigar difficult to find.

For a long time she tried to cure her hair, for many years chemistry and regular dyeing did not pass without a trace. After starting to drink Pantovigar effect appeared in two weeks. Hair gained elasticity and shine, it was not scary to look at the comb after combing, before that whole hairs were gathered there. I recommend to everyone.

I went to the hairdresser very badly, my hair was dried out, they became brittle and dry. A friend advised Pantovigar, but the pharmacy said that you need to consult a doctor, although this is not necessary. I went to the clinic, the doctor confirmed that I can drink it. I liked the effect, although I hoped for more.

Before you buy a particular drug that will save you from hair loss, read customer reviews

There were never any problems with curls, and then hairs began to remain on the comb. On the Internet, I read reviews about Pantovigar, bought 30 capsules. I didn’t notice much difference, maybe it’s just too early.


Hello. I spent three months drinking the pantovigar, I didn’t notice the effect on the hair, and cannons grow on my face. What to do and whether he will fall out after some time?

Saw half a year Pantovigar. As promised in advertising, hair bulbs woke. But he did not save him from the problem of falling out for a day. As clumps got out, and continue. After this drug bought Perfectil. The result is the same - zero. But the latter is even cheaper at times, because Pantovigar had to spend a lot of money.

I bought my daughter, she was 13 years old and her hair began to fall out from lack of iron and even different vitamins, the doctor recommended this drug. Nakakogo effect completely, cut 3 months and the hair fell out only more and more. A strange drug, probably it is designed for those who have a fallout goes by itself)

Not only did the Pantovigar not help me! Generally a strange drug. Dear and useless! Then saw selentsin, cheaper by 2 times and helped perfectly! Then, to strengthen the result, they used their shampoo and balsam. Good line of funds.

Strange, many write that helps pantovigar.

My hair started falling out at the age of 12, when my parents died and I got into an orphanage. Then I didn’t care for my hair and I didn’t care for them, I didn’t give a damn, then at 16 I already felt uneasy, my hair was absolutely everywhere, I started to buy masks, shampoos, etc. nothing helped, to be honest, I didn’t try to cure them, this time I’m 25 and I’ve been busy with this problem, I make onion masks, I drink pantovigar and I really see very good results, if before the headwashing caused horror hair climbed, and then drying the hair, how much was left on the comb, it’s scary to remember, this time it’s 2 lost hairs, I’m very happy with the result, Pantovigar is drinking only the second package, short hairs have already appeared, fluffy has become :) I will continue taking Pontavigar

Pantovigar has caused me severe headaches. I did not understand right away, because not a word in the side effects. First, I canceled the morning reception, the evening left - awakened a terrible headache. Then she missed the day - everything is fine, she resumes - again, the headaches are very pronounced. Even made an MRI of the head, consulted a neurologist - everything is fine. Wrote to the official website of the manufacturer twice - did not answer. I had to pay an expensive pantovigar girlfriend. I immediately bought 5 packs, so I think the course will not be interrupted. She after a month of admission - an allergic rash all over her body. In this drug megadoses B.

I bought without a doctor's recommendation. just try it. After a month and a half, I was surprised to notice a noticeable increase in length, which was not there before, an improvement in the appearance of the hair. In my opinion, the drug works fine.

Every year my hair began to fall out stronger and stronger, and on the pillow, and on the clothes, throughout the apartment, my hair is everywhere. What I just did not do: masks, head massage, shampoos, ampoules for hair loss, various vitamins for hair did not help. Last hope for Pantovigar. Expensive, but already nothing to lose. And lo and behold. The result did not take long to wait, after the first week of use the difference became noticeable. Hair loss has drastically decreased, after 2 weeks the undercoat has already reached. I'm just insanely happy. I finish the first package and I do not believe that I have found my recipe. I wish you all good luck.

In general, I don’t belong to Pantovigar any more, my spouse drank a pack for a month, so, firstly, he doesn’t have stubble, and he has to shave every day and now there are bald patches in his head

I really want to try but in the reviews I read that sideburns can grow or worse-mustaches ..

If nature has not laid mustaches and whiskers, then you will not have them. Hair will begin to grow more intense, but only where you have always had it. Those. On the head, in the armpit and in the bikini zone. On the arms and legs, if any. It's a pity that not all of this drug helps. I have been drinking for a month now, but my hair falls out the same way as before. There are no whiskers or whiskers. I'll try to drink another month

Consumer opinion

About the effectiveness of vitamins for hair "Pantovigar", you can learn from the reviews:

Natalia, 34 years old

Multivitamin "Pantovigar", I decided to drink, when I noticed that the hair began to fall out strongly and became very thin. The result appeared three months later when I already wanted to refuse to take the drug. As a result, the curls became more dense, the loss did not stop, but the number of lost hairs became much smaller. In addition, added shine, hairstyle has become more "lively" and mobile. I continue taking vitamins and hope for a complete cessation of loss.

Victoria, 27 years old

Personally to me, multivitamins helped. After constant dyeing, the strands became very dry, brittle, the tips constantly split, and there was much more hair left on the comb than it should be. After drinking a course, I became the owner of beautiful, thick and shiny curls, besides, dandruff and constant itching of the head disappeared. Now, I am much more careful with my hair and, periodically, I drink vitamins, in a course of three months. ”

Despite the high price, the reviews on the Pantovigar hair vitamins are mostly positive. Trichologists include it in the complex treatment of diffuse alopecia, confirming the high efficacy of the drug. The main condition for achieving positive results is regular admission and the mandatory completion of the full course.


Watch the video: Hims 6 Month Update Review. Side Effects and How To Use (July 2024).