
Mass market or luxury: what do our hair like?


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Features of the choice of cottage cheese and flour, heating the pan and other subtleties of cooking cheesecakes.

With increased pressure and puffiness you can not drink water and other absurd errors, in which it is time to stop believing.

Have time to overcome it before the start of discounts.

Poor quality shoes can cause fungus, damage to the joints, and even spoil the posture. Be carefull.

You learned the minimum age and training requirements, a list of classes, children's room hours, and other important details.

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Hair products "Mass market"

Marketing campaigns for hair care products work very successfully: any schoolchild or retiree can call “No. 1 anti-dandruff shampoo in Russia”. All these shaumy, dava and pantina fall into a certain category - mass-market means. If you compare the compositions of advertising shampoos, the differences are not so much. And the price usually depends on the degree of brand recognition. This category of cosmetics has its own characteristics that will help you make a choice:

  • Affordable price

Although the range of the cost of store cosmetics is quite wide, for the most part it is still available to an audience with an average level of income. And, considering the fact that you follow the beauty and health of your hair regularly (elementary - daily shampooing), reasonable prices are a big plus in the direction of these brands.

  • Addictive.

Yes and no. If, when switching to another brand of shampoo, balm or a whole line, your hair feels uncomfortable: they get dirty or become disobedient, this brand most likely does not suit you. Anyway, all products on the shelves received a certificate of quality and perform their function. Perhaps you only need to continue the search.

It's more interesting here. In the commercials, we are shown “express restoration”, “mirror shine” and “smoothness of silk”, but in fact, apart from a cleanly washed head and a slight combing, you do not see any difference. Mass-market group tools do a good job with basic hair care functions. That is, if you cannot boast of the ideal health of your hair, there are damages or diseases, you need specialized means. In turn, the normal type of hair perfectly perceives such funds, it is only necessary to choose the right brand.

Luxury hair products

Or professional cosmetics. You will not find it on the shelves of supermarkets and ordinary stores - most often they have their own target audience. These funds appear in beauty salons, in specialized places of sale. They are advised by beauticians, hair care specialists. Prices are also markedly different from the usual.

One of the main features of this class of products, which distinguishes them from ordinary cosmetics. Usually composed of selective (selective) components, most often organic or vegetable origin. So, hydrolyzed proteins of soybeans and corn condition the hair, filling the structure and creating a laminating effect. Retinol (or vitamin A) makes the hair elastic and durable, prevents the cross section and protects against external influences.

Or quality. Let's be honest: professional hair care products, correctly and individually selected, give their effect immediately. Well in this case, restorative cosmetics works. Luxury products are distinguished by the use of innovative technologies and rich content. Most commonly, betaine, lipids and free amino acids can be found in the list of selected components. They actively restore damaged hair structure and fill them with vital energy. The complex of means suitable for you gives all chances to save even the most dried up by daily styling and frequent coloring of hair.

Real luxury hair care products - in any case, the authoring of leading experts in the field of cosmetology. Manufacturer a priori does not seek to enter global markets. Their goal is to occupy their own, a separate prestigious niche. And, of course, the recipes for these products are truly unique. Therefore, the choice of cosmetics of this level is better suited very selectively. Before buying an expensive product, make sure of the authenticity of the goods. Do not be lazy to make inquiries: sometimes under the label “Premium” there is an encrypted “middle-market” - expensive, not high-quality and not at all practical.

Professional hair cosmetics have a directional effect. That is, each individual tool performs its specific function, which it copes with hurray with the right selection. For you will be an excellent tool for luxury products if you have problematic hair: there is damage after long stains or dry scalp. In order not to be mistaken in the choice, always consult a specialist. This may be your hairdresser or a trichologist.

Everything is poison and everything is medicine. Sometimes a balsam for 50 rubles in a pharmacy can be more effective for your hair than an expensive mask from the salon. First, figure out what exactly you need, taking into account all the individual characteristics and qualities. In short, try to approach the choice of cosmetics more seriously and not to experiment once again. And then you will be able to care for your hair much more productively, or at least just not to expose them to unnecessary stress.

General Preamble

In my 20 I could not harm the cheapest mass market, and no best luxury suite could significantly improve me.

At 20, I really didn’t notice the difference, as was the overwhelming majority of 20-year-olds who had no particular skin problems, as well as snobbery and excessive suggestibility. This difference was not objective, my skin coped very well with minimal support.

In my 20, I could use anything or not use anything, there was no difference.

In my 30, I already used actively, but the difference between lux and mass did not yet exist. Moreover, I could choose one cream that worked well, use the same cream for three years in a row, and it worked well all these three years.

Today I am almost 44, and this scheme no longer works. The needs of my skin are changing faster, it has become more sensitive to changing seasons and circumstances than before. It requires different means at different times. And she began to distinguish between masses and conditional lux, that is, she became more sensitive to the composition and quality of cosmetics.

In this post, under the cut, I summarized my today's choice in favor of one category or another by the types of those skin care products that I use, with brief explanations. This is the first part, dedicated to means for cleansing the skin, as well as masks, the second, about serums, face and eye creams, will be next glamorous weekend. Then we will consistently analyze this issue for hair products, and for the body, and for decorative cosmetics.

Biphasic eye makeup remover

I prefer this type of product because I use (water-resistant) mascara. If you have sensitive allergy eyes with experience, believe me, it is better to find a good resistant mascara that is guaranteed not to crumble into your eyes than to touch mascara "for sensitive eyes", of which one of twenty will not irritate your eyes, one of hundred will suit you.

Accordingly, I need a two-phase tool to remove such mascara. Ten years ago, I used Nivea or L'Oreal, and everything suited me. Yes, I knew that there is a Bi-Facil in the world and enjoyed using it when the opportunity was tweaked, but if there is no difference, why pay more? Moreover, it is fast and in large quantities consumable product.

A few years ago, the difference began to make itself felt in the form of a fine wrinkle pattern that manifests itself in the morning, even after a good cream, if I used the usual mass-market washes the day before and. the lack of such, if I used more expensive makeup remover. I have very thin dry eyelid skin, and rather quickly, this difference forced me to drop the economy.

The reason is simple, in order to make an effective two-phase system that would only consume the wax of the carcass and the oily base of the shadows, but not your own fat, which is so valuable in this zone, the manufacturer needs not only to work hard, but also to spend extra money. First of all, to spend money on the quality of the components and on careful balancing of the concentration, so that the dissolution of cosmetics takes a minimum of time, as well as on the introduction of components that could have a protective effect on the eyelid skin directly in the process. That is why the price of two-phase products of this type is one of the most honest in the cosmetic market. Usually, the more expensive, the softer with the same efficiency. True, there is some reasonable limit, so La Prairie and other Swiss Ponte do not take into account, they are able to fight money even for the air, in which they waved the lid from the can with their logo.

My favorite products in this category are now still the same Bi-Facil Lancome (for all these years since the release, it has not become worse, and the formula has been shaken up a couple of times) and Take the day off Clinique, no less effective, although a little more oily in sensations, but also somewhat more affordable.

Oil and serum makeup remover

I already wrote that I discovered this type of means quite recently, and in the winter period I liked it more than the usual cleansing with micellar water. In winter, I often use BB and SS creams for additional protection and color correction than powder, which I use mainly in other seasons. The principle here is the same, the so-called hydrophilic oil washes away cosmetics faster and more efficiently in a more benign mode. Here I have little experience and I didn’t have much time to try, but, nevertheless, I can say that in this category the cheaper products of Korean manufacturers, such as Tony Moly and Holika Holika, turned out to be better, that is, they emulsify faster, spend less , they have more solubilizing ability (the ability to capture pollution) than Kiehl's oil and much better than Lancome oil. The experience of the manufacturer in creating an authentic product definitely wins at this point. Competition to Koreans could make oil L'Occitane, but it costs at least two times more expensive, and overpay meaningless, in my opinion.

Micellar water

This is the main type of products that I use for makeup removal. In this column, overpayment is also devoid of any meaning, since an ordinary surfactant solution, designed to quickly remove makeup, is a simple system, and it is difficult to invent something special here or spoil it. This tool somehow holds a minimum of time on the face and the remnants of it are then removed, so there is one criterion, it either works or not, you just need to use a product that suits your skin type. Micellar Garnier and L'Oreal work, I guarantee it. But if you are prone to atopic reactions, then this is the case when you should look for suitable micellar water in a pharmacy, as, by the way, all other care products. Pharmaceutical micelles like me less precisely because they are softer and remove makeup worse.

Foams and gels for washing

Up to about 40 years, I preferred gel textures that need to be foamed on the face or in the hands. Now I came to the conclusion (I had to) that the finished foam acts softer, which is natural - it needs less and the amount of surfactant in each portion in it is also less with the same solubilizing ability. Since good foaming and foam stability are not the most difficult options for a non-handicraft manufacturer, it is not too surprising that there are decent tools in the mass market segment. Now I really like Arnaud and Biore skins, it is these two that I alternate and use.

Toning lotions

Up to about 37-38 years old, I quietly enjoyed everything in the mass market segment, from Arno and Nivei to L'Oreal and various know-hows that tuck under the arm. Then I began to notice two things - cheap tonics, even suitable for the type of skin, ceased to be comfortable when used after face masks, began to cause a feeling of tightness, if I was delayed in applying serum, and, most importantly, they are not friendly with professional serums, which I began to use more and more actively. Serum after such tonics can roll, poorly absorbed, cause unusual irritation.

The reason here is also clear, the tonic should quickly equalize the pH of the surface of the skin, effectively removing the remnants of cleansing agents, and also not leave behind a coating of surfactants or other components that would impede the penetration of care products or react with them. It is with the last part that cheap tonics have a problem, because for some purely technical reasons, providing this function in combination with a quick recovery of the pH balance will not work too cheap. The exceptions are the financially available aloe-based aqueous compositions and some so-called floral waters (aqueous solutions of chamomile, calendula extracts, etc.), but they are not always friendly with professional serums. Although they do not prevent their penetration, but the active substances of the extracts can interact with the substances of the sera, and this is not always good and useful.

For this reason, if you use active and / or aggressive corrective means, it makes sense to buy tonic or professional lines, or pharmacy, that is, such that are deliberately designed to apply such a tool after their use.

My favorite tonic for a long time is Lierac tonic (they have one, in an orange bottle), suitable for eyes and face, combined with absolutely any serum and cream. Not cheap, especially considering the expense. Another tonic that I like is Collistar's multivitamin tonic, it is very good for the summer season and is friendly with any antioxidant serum, but you need to be more careful with retinol drugs, you can get a reaction.

Also I recommend to pay attention to the mineral tonic lotion Ahava. For people with sensitive skin, this is what is needed, just to keep in mind that it is not suitable for use in combination with ascorbic acid serums (some minerals, more precisely, the metal ions contained in them, catalyze its oxidation).

Software (enhancers)

A specific type of funds that requires a separate conversation. These are lotions that break the integrity of the cell membrane and thereby provide better penetration of the serum and creams leaving components that lay on top. One of the steps of the Asian multistage care system. The two most popular components of such agents in their modern form are low molecular weight alcohols and dimethyl sulfoxide. My personal opinion is that for dry, aged skin with a lipid synthesis deficiency, regular use of such means of death is similar. I do not use it, only sporadically, if I come across some probes in the boxes. Class and price of funds do not matter.

I honestly use masks only occasionally, when I need to add some bonuses to the current life-bar, before events or. after those :)). For me personally, regularity and discipline are much more important, that is, those means that I use daily and strictly. Nevertheless, on this point I have something to say.

- cleansing clay or mud. In my experience, the price does not matter whether the tools of all segments work equally well or poorly. But if you have a choice, take Israeli, they have the richest mineral composition.

- moisturizing.My favorite mask is again Time to Hydrate Ahava, and I don’t know its competitors, but among all the others I don’t see a difference, I don’t see a difference, the pharmacy, the professional, the mass market and the Koreans work equally well on me . This is the type of masks where the same very decent result can be obtained with expensive and cheap means, especially on the basis of low molecular weight polysaccharides.

- “Cinderella's masks”, i.e., means designed to provide instant shine, alignment and tone. It gets boring, but again I refer you to the Israeli Sea of ​​Spa masks, especially the Black Pearl line, or Ahava, if you want the best. And this is not a consequence of their price, but a direct consequence of the region of their production and of the raw materials used for them. Yes, I tried and mask with a rose Sisley, and masks Glam Glow, and others of the same segment, they do not even half the Israeli result, but cost three to six times more. Even the mask of the brand Ultraceuticals, to which I am more than loyal, the Israeli masks will have no competition. The only exception I really like is Kiehl's turmeric mask, but as often as Israeli, it should not be used, it is less benign.

- lifting masks. If you follow the instructions of the manufacturer, then we are waiting for some financial bummer. Because the only mask that was able to provide me with a real lifting effect, so that the contour correction was visible not only with a myopic eye, this is the Swiss Line double night mask. For this money, you can correct myopia in a decent and not the cheapest clinic.

But if you remember the post about the use of non-cosmetic products for cosmetic purposes, then you can achieve the same effect and even superior with the help of ten times (!) cheaper surgical gel Emalan:)

That's all for today, the post has already come out long, but you can - and I urge you to it - add it in the comments and share your own experience on this issue.

Konovalova Maria Alexandrovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the website

- February 27, 2017, 8:14 PM

I'm mixed up. There is a suite and mas market. For example, the mascara is now Vivien sabo-beige. But for me it is better than luxury. Lipstick is also now as something more mass market more. Like Loreal and niks. But the brilliance only Chanel like. Shadows are mostly suites.

- February 27, 2017, 20:19

My eyes hurt from cheap mascara, buying luxury. I see no point in expensive shadows. Lipstick is completely different, I look at the shade and that the smell was pleasant.

- February 27, 2017, 20:19

I'm mixed up. There is a suite and mas market. For example, the mascara is now Vivien sabo-beige. But for me it is better than luxury. Lipstick is also now as something more mass market more. Like Loreal and niks. But the brilliance only Chanel like. Shadows are mostly suites.

I also heard about Vivien sabot mostly positive reviews. Does it lengthen well? Or does it add more volume?

- February 27, 2017 at 8:20 pm

I use the one and the other, and the average price range. I read a lot on this topic, and L'Oreal there or Maybelline invest so much in research and development as luxury companies can not afford. Therefore, I am guided by what suits me personally, and not prestige. I think the bronzer is Nina Ricci, Maybelline mascara, Urban Decay shadows, powder in general e.l.f. (two dollars), serum - Clinique (something about 5 and a half thousand rubles for 30 ml) - and further in the same spirit.

- February 27, 2017, 20:22

Mass market. I only take some luxury care, wash my face mostly, I only buy pharmacies for the cream - the skin is dry. Lipstick only the Overcoat, because it makes no sense to buy cheaper - after 20 minutes it is either blurred, or you can’t see it (it’s just bright, noticeable, but I always have 2-3 of such saturated colors, and there are cheap coral shades ). I don't have much room for a suite, so I’m getting better.

- February 27, 2017, 20:22

I have body lotion and shower gel and pharmacy washing foam. The price is 3-4 times higher than the mass of the market. Hand cream which is usual in Auchan bought. Shampoo and balm estel liter cans. Face cream is also bought in Loreal Auchan. I have a tattoo of the lips so that from lipstick I use only lip balm Nivea it can be bought both at the pharmacy and Auchan. I have a little makeup. I use mostly mascara and rarely shade. I buy in a flyer or rive Goshe from inexpensive

- February 27, 2017, 20:23

It depends on what kind of cosmetics, mascara and tonalnik exactly luxury, the rest of the mood. On one luxury blush, concealer and lip gloss, you can sometimes go broke.

- February 27, 2017, 20:23

- February 27, 2017, 8:39 PM

- February 27, 2017 at 8:40 pm

From decorative buy what you like. Lipstick Chanel Rouge Coco Shine, Essen, Nix. Shadows niks and shiseydo. Blush clarence, mascara favorite clarence, sometimes Loreal will buy it and Belarusian one recently bought “Lush cilia”. Previously, always the foundation and powder-lux, now the Korean company Misha. Care is always a dressing, and pharmacy and Korean cosmetics and Loksitan, Kils, Gamard (I do not know what it is).

- February 27, 2017 at 8:42 pm

To post 10. I want to buy care from Chanel, there is a cream for sensitive skin, I do not know whether it is worth it? Sometimes you want to pamper yourself)

- February 27, 2017 at 8:44 pm

Luxury. I tried the mass market, then allergy, it stinks incomprehensibly than, then the quality of the slop. Maybe there is something decent, I do not argue, but as long as you find it you will spend as much money as the same thing in luxury performance. And someone would not say, the quality of the ingredients in the suite is much higher.

- February 27, 2017 at 8:44 pm

If the care, then the best suite. If decorative, then mixed. I look at the reviews, I find out from my friends, the testers always try on everything. What is suitable, then take it. Fashion bloggers are now very helpful in this - everyone is testing and already due to their conclusions, you can not overpay. I liked Max's factor and iwsen laurent's mascara, only poppy toner or makeup forever, orange lipstick from lively ones - the only shade that suits me.

- February 27, 2017 at 8:54 pm

I have all the luxury, namely - foundation, makeup base, mascara, blush. Mass market only shadows, because I rarely use them. Lipsticks and lip liners are mixed in both.

- February 27, 2017 at 9:10 pm

Mass market. If you are able to make up or finish makeup artist courses, you can make quite good makeup with a makeup from a mass market. And if the hands from one place, then there is Chanel or L'Oreal - it does not matter.
I found a lot of good and suitable products in the mass market. The main thing is to look for and select it for yourself.

- February 27, 2017, 21:12

I have mascara from chanel, this sabot cannot be compared with it, there is also a sabot. Face cream from clinics and the Japanese firm. Shadows from the Italian factory, the best.

- February 27, 2017, 9:13 PM

Care cosmetics in a pharmacy buy. Decorative: Dior caps, Chanel lipstick, Yves Saint Laurent mascara.

Related topics

- February 27, 2017, 21:28

I'm mixed up. There is a suite and mas market. For example, the mascara is now Vivien sabo-beige. But for me it is better than luxury. Lipstick is also now as something more mass market more. Like Loreal and niks. But the brilliance only Chanel like. Shadows are mostly suites.

I also heard about Vivien sabot mostly positive reviews. Does it lengthen well? Or does it add more volume?
After reading the comments, I bought myself a vivien sabo cabaret. Ran for one more. This mascara is the best I've ever had. There were in my life and luxury and mas market. Their eyelashes are short with a bend. It lengthens and gives volume. I did not think that for such money you can discover such an excellent mascara.

- February 27, 2017 at 9:29 pm

Dear ladies, would you like to clarify, do you use mass-market cosmetics or luxury?
Why choose? Buy what you like. But as described above, the tone and powder are luxurious. They all go anyway differently. The same basic shadows and lipsticks are also luxury.
I spent 2 hours on the purchase of each base product, but I found exactly what I needed.
Shadows, lipsticks of every-day shades, of course, cheaper.
And how can I listen to someone in terms of choosing cosmetics I do not understand. Read aha-sighs on the carcass lunk, Dior. Generally for me about anything. But the unloved L'Horeal had the best carcasses.

- February 27, 2017, 21:41

Care cosmetics only professional, luxury played for a long time and realized that it does not give much effect.
But I can buy their decorations and more often, but more often they are luxurious, it is even nicer to hold it in my hands, I rather buy something like dazzling lip liners and lip pencils for pampering.

- February 27, 2017 at 9:42 pm

I have care pharmacy and korea.
Tonal, powder, blush is only lux and one is Korean bb tone, I am very pleased
Mascara, I also love cabaret)))
Lipstick, shine Chanel and Gerlen, others have a striped effect on me
Shadows are urban wild, but I rarely use them.
The tone of the suite and mas market is 2 big differences, there is a suite

- February 27, 2017 at 9:52 PM

To do this, you need to look at the reviews and understand what kind of cosmetics can be cheap and which is not, for example, the mascara is mascara in Africa, that Chanel is Loreal, but the toner cannot be at least cheap because it’s a face! But from the suite you need to choose carefully to fit

- February 27, 2017, 10:09 PM

To do this, you need to look at the reviews and understand what kind of cosmetics can be cheap and which is not, for example, the mascara is mascara in Africa, that Chanel is Loreal, but the toner cannot be at least cheap because it’s a face! But from the suite you need to choose carefully to fit

So mascara brushes are different, so they are applied differently. There are more liquid, thick.
For me, it’s better at the beginning to be udlenennoy, and then bulk make up. Here then is the effect. The main thing is that the carcasses are fresh, do not create lumps.

- February 27, 2017, 22:41

I also heard about Vivien sabot mostly positive reviews. Does it lengthen well? Or does it add more volume?
After reading the comments, I bought myself a vivien sabo cabaret. Ran for one more. This mascara is the best I've ever had. There were in my life and luxury and mas market. Their eyelashes are short with a bend. It lengthens and gives volume. I did not think that for such money you can discover such an excellent mascara.

Does she have a silicone brush?

- February 27, 2017, 10:43

I also heard about Vivien sabot mostly positive reviews. Does it lengthen well? Or does it add more volume?

I like their cabaret mascara. The volume is amazing. Familiar care products takes very expensive, and the ink also loves this one.

- February 27, 2017 at 10:53 pm

Still, the mass market. Bought shadows Zhivanshi, chalky, it is impossible to make up, even throw out. Lip gloss of the same brand stinks of old lipstick. Praised poppy powder is not better than baked pupas. Shadows of make up forever do not fall without a base, and with it there is no ice. Every time I think "I must pamper myself," but in the end I use the bourgeois, meybellin and navel)

- February 27, 2017, 10:54 pm

* Mac up Forever))

- February 27, 2017, 10:58 pm

I want to try hydrophilic oil. What company advise where to buy?

- February 27, 2017, 23:16

Still, the mass market. Bought shadows Zhivanshi, chalky, it is impossible to make up, even throw out. Lip gloss of the same brand stinks of old lipstick. Praised poppy powder is not better than baked pupas. Shadows of make up forever do not fall without a base, and with it there is no ice. Every time I think "I must pamper myself," but in the end I use the bourgeois, meybellin and navel)

So you need to look for a product and do not scold the entire suite. Shadows at Chanel and I do not need, they do not fall beautifully, but Yesti Lauder has just a song, I haven’t changed them for 10 years. Although cheaper Chanel.

- February 28, 2017, 01:05

For cleansing only hydrophilic oil, with it and scrubs are not needed, the pores are clean.
Pulls all.
From the eye - biozler cellar.

- February 28, 2017, 5:51 pm

I'm mixed up. There is a suite and mas market. For example, the mascara is now Vivien sabo-beige. But for me it is better than luxury. Lipstick is also now as something more mass market more. Like Loreal and niks. But the brilliance only Chanel like. Shadows are mostly suites.

Mascara Vivien Szabo eventually spoils eyelashes, if you use it often. Since the ink is "cheap", then the raw material in it is cheap - synthetic waxes, while in expensive carcasses - natural.

- February 28, 2017, 5:54 pm

I use the one and the other, and the average price range. I read a lot on this topic, and L'Oreal there or Maybelline invest so much in research and development as luxury companies can not afford. Therefore, I am guided by what suits me personally, and not prestige. I think the bronzer is Nina Ricci, Maybelline mascara, Urban Decay shadows, powder in general e.l.f. (two dollars), serum - Clinique (something about 5 and a half thousand rubles for 30 ml) - and further in the same spirit.

The concern L'Oreal has different brands of cosmetics, in different price categories. The price is based on the quality of the raw materials.

- February 28, 2017, 5:56 pm

It depends on what kind of cosmetics, mascara and tonalnik exactly luxury, the rest of the mood. On one luxury blush, concealer and lip gloss, you can sometimes go broke.

Here it is true! Mascara and tonal is desirable to have expensive, everything else - as it will.

- February 28, 2017, 6:02 PM

a guest
I also heard about Vivien sabot mostly positive reviews. Does it lengthen well? Or does it add more volume?
I like their cabaret mascara. The volume is amazing. Familiar care products takes very expensive, and the ink also loves this one.
Kareprost + Cabaret = Eyes on the floor of the face!
A colleague was so sad that she does more than Gerlen. ..

Let a colleague not be sad, she will keep her eyelashes in order (if, of course, Gerlen is not fake)))

- February 28, 2017, 6:03 PM

a guest
I also heard about Vivien sabot mostly positive reviews. Does it lengthen well? Or does it add more volume?
I like their cabaret mascara. The volume is amazing. Familiar care products takes very expensive, and the ink also loves this one.
Kareprost + Cabaret = Eyes on the floor of the face!
A colleague was so sad that she does more than Gerlen. ..

Let a colleague not be sad, she will keep her eyelashes in order (if, of course, Gerlen is not fake)))
You seem far from marketing

- February 28, 2017, 6:04 PM

* Mac up Forever))

make up forever

- February 28, 2017, 6:05 pm

I also heard about Vivien sabot mostly positive reviews. Does it lengthen well? Or does it add more volume?
I like their cabaret mascara. The volume is amazing. Familiar care products takes very expensive, and the ink also loves this one.
Kareprost + Cabaret = Eyes on the floor of the face!
A colleague was so sad that she does more than Gerlen. ..
Let a colleague not be sad, she will keep her eyelashes in order (if, of course, Gerlen is not fake)))
You seem far from marketing

This is what you get from? This, apparently, is far from everything at all, dear, even from money))

- February 28, 2017, 6:16 PM

I also heard about Vivien sabot mostly positive reviews. Does it lengthen well? Or does it add more volume?
I like their cabaret mascara. The volume is amazing. Familiar care products takes very expensive, and the ink also loves this one.
Kareprost + Cabaret = Eyes on the floor of the face!
A colleague was so sad that she does more than Gerlen. ..
Let a colleague not be sad, she will keep her eyelashes in order (if, of course, Gerlen is not fake)))
You seem far from marketing

At least you read the compositions, before you dabble on anything that gets into yourself, my dull, illiterate swallow, and you would know that Lankom, and Armani, and Yves Saint Laurent and Elena Rubinstein, and many other brands are all concern L'Oreal . And expensive cosmetics is not only a big name, but also high-quality raw materials for its production.

- February 28, 2017, 18:18

Guest Guest Guest
I also heard about Vivien sabot mostly positive reviews. Does it lengthen well? Or does it add more volume?
I like their cabaret mascara. The volume is amazing. Familiar care products takes very expensive, and the ink also loves this one.
Kareprost + Cabaret = Eyes on the floor of the face!
A colleague was so sad that she does more than Gerlen. ..
Let a colleague not be sad, she will keep her eyelashes in order (if, of course, Gerlen is not fake)))
You seem far from marketing
This is what you get from? This, apparently, is far from everything at all, dear, even from money))

This is what you get from? This YOU, apparently, are far from everything at all, even from money)))


Watch the video: I Went from Thin to Thick Hair in Just a Week (June 2024).