
So no longer wear: 6 hairstyles, which is time to forget


Lady.Day.Az with reference to presents the main tips for those who want to have beautiful long hair:


So that you have really long and healthy hair, you do not need to cut it as often as written in glossy magazines or stylists say.

“You just don’t grow really long curls if you’re cleaning the length so often. All you need is to keep your hair healthy: take care for the ends of your hair and trim your hair only 2 times a year. Believe me, that’s enough ". (Justine Mardjan, New York Fashion Week stylist)


Not only image-makers, but also hair stylists recommend paying attention to stars that look like you. This is the easiest way to find your style and your hairstyle.

"Watch the stars that have the same texture and hair color as yours. If they have selected haircuts and shades, then most likely it will work fine for you." (Eloise Chang, stylist Claudia Schiffer)


Professionals assure that the change of image should be approached gradually, especially if it concerns a fundamental change.

"Do not rush into the pool with your head! Some hairstyles take a couple of months to return to their former appearance. And there are situations when it will take years to return to a familiar look." (Eloise Chang)


Few people understand, but in the hairdresser’s art, color is a real science, and an ideal tone can only happen after a few sessions of coloring.

"A natural brunette or brown-haired woman will never have the same blond hair tone as a natural blonde. This is the law and you can't argue with him. But in order to get closer to the desired color, be realistic and give the master time." (Diaz, a master from a popular New York salon)


So that your master has a visual idea of ​​what result in dyeing and cutting you expect, be sure to show him the photos with what you like and don’t like.

"Every client will feel more comfortable if he feels a mutual understanding with his master. To achieve it, you need to show photos of hairstyles that inspire you. It is very important for stylists to understand which direction to go and what you really want to see in the mirror." (Francesca, master from the popular New York salon)


A hairdresser is a person who is responsible for creating your image, so the most important thing is to find contact with him.

"Talk to the master and analyze how much you like him as a person. It is important that he really heard and understood what you want. Do not give yourself up to someone who is not attentive to your wishes or simply does not fit your spirit. Result you are definitely not satisfied. " (Eloise Chang)

Parting in the middle

This year, stylists propose to abandon the classic parting in the middle. It can be moved to the right or left - as you like. By the way, this will give your hair extra volume. If you do not want to change the parting at all, then you can make it zigzag or even just a little less equal. In this case, slight negligence will not spoil the hairstyle!

Fantasy braids

Trend is natural! Therefore, leave the volumetric fantasy braids only for a special occasion, where such styling would be appropriate. For a casual look, more restrained pigtails or loose curls will do.

Classic bangs

This season, the classical thick bangs to the eyebrows replaced several options at once. You can either shorten the bangs to the middle of the forehead (in this case it is important to pay special attention to the shape of the eyebrows!), Or refresh the image with the help of “torn” strands in the bangs and coloring.

Radical ombre

Ombre became the ancestor of other similar dyeing techniques that are not only more relevant, but also more gentle to hair. Soft ombre, balayazh, shatush - the choice is great! But the radical ombra should be left in the past.

Coloring under gray hair

This season, gray and steel hair are no longer relevant. Firstly, with the strong lightening that is required for such coloring, the hair suffers a lot and then requires intensive care. Secondly, these shades are very difficult to maintain in perfect condition - you definitely need purple shampoo to maintain pigment. Thirdly, artificial gray hair still ages. If the soul asks for experiments, rely on pink - all shades from pastel to pink gold are in trend.

Colombian hairstyles

Trendy North American look quite modern. Those who want to be in trend - copy Hollywood fashion, adding their own color details. It looks quite simple, concise and relevant. Due to the dark skin color and a certain structure of hair, Colombian prefer dark stains. But some do not neglect the lighter caramel shades. What can I say, the most famous Colombian Shakira at one time chose the style of blond, after which her countrywomen were equal to her for a long time.


Sofia Vergara

Closer to the national image of the Colombian - a bright accent in the hair. Representatives of this country have hot blood, ardent temper, but in the hair of a true Colombian woman there is always an element of tradition. A bright flower, kerchief or bandage is a must-have accessory on the head of simple girls and women of Colombia. At various beauty contests, they annually present their national images. In the hairstyles of real summer: feathers, flowers, satin ribbons of different shades and intricate designs of braids. At the same time, according to tradition, hair is not necessarily cleaned at the back of the head.

And all the same, Colombian beauties at all times looked gorgeous: they were inspired by charisma, self-confidence, inner strength and passion. And their hairstyles only emphasized their bright originality. Here in men in Colombia is a completely different story on the head. Shakira would hardly appreciate it.

India hairstyles

Hairstyles in India were designed to endlessly show off the beauty and richness of female hair. Indian women have a whole hair care cult. They are cherished and in every way adorned. It is from India that most of the “hanging” hair accessories came to us: these are tics, various chains, rings, beads. As well as the tradition of hair care with oils and henna. Hair was seldom hidden, and if it was covered with fine matter, it was only symbolic. The Indian woman of fashion from the past looked too elegant and even pretentiously at a European look. Apparently, the people of India are in everything: lively, incredibly sensual, bright. Suffice it to recall these crazy films with their dances, kinship ties, expressive facial expressions and Jimmy-Jimmy Acha-Acha.

Today, modern Indian metropolitan differ little from Zit and Geet familiar to us. However, in the current hairstyles there was some moderation. Hair continues to decorate: abundance means well-being. Even some of the traditions have not changed: girls in India never wear bangs. In their understanding, the fringe hides the thoughts of the wife from her husband. And yet, the heavy and shiny curls of Indian women are still in price, so modern women of fashion, even if they cut their hair under the square, leave strands loose. It is interesting, because a new-fashioned laconic style in a hair style demonstrates much more the richness of the hair of its owner. Or is this a matter of taste and habit?

Indian actress Deepika Padukon

Priyanka Chopra

Hairstyles bavaria

Incredibly, after decades the hairstyle of Bavarian fashionistas almost did not change. By nature, bavarkas are blondes or light brown, portly beauties. Girls weave braids and make incredible hairstyles with them. An interesting fact is that in Bavaria, even a thirty-year-old modern woman confidently braids two pigtails, like a third-grader, and confidently combines this with the image of a casual one. Bavarkas tie their heads with floral shawls, combining this “hairstyle” with short, bright dresses with an expressive neckline. By the way, if you didn't know, this traditional outfit is called dirndl. Wear and loose hair. It sometimes looks a bit careless, but cute enough.

Sometimes they come back to retro hairstyles from the 50s. Surprisingly, Bavarians are one of the few Europeans who wear elements of national costume in their daily life.

Korea hairstyles

The ancient Koreans in their fashion resembled Japanese women. The hair designs were not as complex as those of women in the Land of the Rising Sun, but they also cost a lot of effort and time.

Ideal straight black hair they have from nature, and even now any model haircut on Asian hair looks incredible: on European-type hair, it is almost impossible to achieve such a texture without styling products. And those, frankly, do not save. However, Korean women’s heavy, striking hairstyles are wigs called kache . Wore their noble Koreans. The weight of such a structure was up to 4 kg. You can imagine how difficult it was to wear it.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Korean fashionable women caught chic; up to the 40s, women's hairstyles looked very elegant and feminine. After the division of Korea into North and South for some time, the fashion of these two divided territories remained the same. And then it was divided into "ice and fire."

Now Korean women in the south look rather relaxed and modern. They set the fashion even in Europe, you just look at these trends hairstyles. After all, they came up with their miniature Korean women.

In the north, Korean women are still as conservative as they were 50 years ago. Girls rarely dye and style their hair. Hairstyles fashionistas of North Korea are simple, concise and sustained. In truth, there is a certain charm in this simplicity.

Mexico Hair

The fashion for hairstyles in Mexico has changed over the years in the most radical way. If from books and old films we see a Mexican in a colorful dress with curly greasy hair, from the beginning of the 20th century, the image began to change completely. Because of civil unrest and revolution at the beginning of the last century, the Mexican had to play the role of a rebel-tomboy. Braid pigtails were dragged along, hair was removed under a hat, simplicity and boyishness were the leading motif.

How to change hairstyles in Mexico

The glamorous 20s with the advent of the artist and the icons of Frida Kahlo's style changed the fashion for the next few decades: hot girls also became glamorous. Embellished lips, eyebrows, from-under the caps and bandanas the first curls playfully began to look out. It is from Mexico that the legendary “beehive” hairstyle, the symbol of the 60s, came into fashion.

How to make Frida Kahlo's haircut: video

Today, Mexicans look very natural and try to make hair the same. Light curls, a minimum of accessories in the hair, natural volume. What what, and the quality of the hair of this nation is not deprived. The natural beauty of Mexicans is very rich, and the charisma and fiery look do not allow them to remain gray mice.

Hairstyles australia

For many, Australia is another planet. We are rarely interested in events on this continent, we know little about its history. Interestingly, despite the distance of Australia from the rest of the world, fashion there is not much different from Western Europe. The same naturalness in the trends, straight lines, minimalism. Australian women very rarely use make-up and almost never make complicated styling. Therefore, their hairstyles look quite succinctly. We will not use the word "boring" - we sincerely believe that Australians are insanely interesting personalities.

Australian women almost do not wear hair accessories, and their fashion, if changing with time, is only in details. The basis remains the same - simplicity in everything.

1. No need to cut hair every 6 weeks

So that you have really long and healthy hair, you do not need to cut it as often as written in glossy magazines or stylists say.

“You simply can’t grow really long curls for yourself if you’ve removed the length so often. All you need is to maintain the hair in a healthy state: do care for the ends of the hair and trim the hair only 2 times a year. Believe me, that's enough. ” (Justine Mardjan, New York Fashion Week stylist)

2. Look at the stars that have the same texture and natural hair color as you

Not only image-makers, but also hair stylists recommend paying attention to stars that look like you. This is the easiest way to find your style and your hairstyle.

“Watch the stars that have the same texture and hair color as yours. If they are selected haircuts and shades, then most likely, it will work fine for you. ” (Eloise Chang, stylist of Queen Rania and Claudia Schiffer)

3. Never make a drastic change, better change the image gradually.

Professionals assure that the change of image should be approached gradually, especially if it concerns a fundamental change.

“Do not rush into the pool with your head! Some hairstyles need a couple of months to return to the previous look. And there are situations when it will take years to return to the usual form. ” (Eloise Chang, stylist of Queen Rania and Claudia Schiffer)

4. The shade you dream about will never be achieved in a single staining session.

Few people understand, but in hairdressing, color is a real science, and the ideal tone can be obtained only after a few sessions of coloring.

“A natural brunette or brown-haired woman will never have the same blond hair tone as a natural blonde. This is the law, and you can not argue with him. But in order to get closer to the desired color, be realistic and give the master time. ” (Diaz, a master from a popular New York salon)

5. Always show pictures of what you like and dislike.

So that your master has a visual idea of ​​what result in dyeing and cutting you expect, be sure to show him the photos with what you like and don’t like.

“Each client will feel more comfortable if he feels a mutual understanding with his master. To achieve it, you need to show photos of hairstyles that inspire you. Stylists are very important to understand in which direction to move and what you really want to see in the mirror. ” (Francesca, master from the popular New York salon)

6. Take the time to find your perfect master.

A hairdresser is a person who is responsible for creating your image, so the most important thing is to find contact with him.

“Talk to the master and analyze how much you like him as a person. It is important that he really hear and understand what you want. Do not give into the hands of someone who is not paying attention to your wishes or simply does not fit you in spirit. The result will definitely not suit you. ” (Eloise Chang, stylist of Queen Rania and Claudia Schiffer)

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1. Classic Pixie Haircut

When Twiggy was an icon of style, no one knew the words “pixie”, but the essence of the name does not change: an ultrashort haircut with torn ends is very sexy and fashionable.

Strands of different length, decorated in careless curls - this hairstyle has won the right to be considered eternal, because it does not require styling, is suitable for any type of hair and is equally good for both long and short hair.

3. Under Mireille Mathieu

Crow hair and a perfectly smooth long bang line are the main elements of the hairstyle. The bulk of the hair can be removed in a bun, shell, or be cut under a square.

Universal haircut with so many modifications that the eyes diverge. The key point is the length to the chin, careless torn ends and laying on the side parting.

Radically, not for everyone, but thanks to Demi Moore, Sigourney Weaver and now Cara Delevingne, no one will say that this is unladylike. In addition, if you have experimented with staining and perm for many years, this can be a good way to start over with healthy hair.


Watch the video: 3 Easy Headband Hairstyles. Cute Girls Hairstyles (July 2024).