
Un hairstyle underskirt (undercut)


Modern young people do not like to wear boring, modest hairstyles. They like something stylish, unusual, creative. This fashionable version has become a modern male hairstyle Undercut (underrkat).

She is so brave and bold that she became popular not only among guys, but also girls. Translated from the English word undercut sounds like "cut off the bottom." The peculiarity of this haircut is that it does not have a smooth transition between short hair at the back of the head and long hair at the top of the head.

To date, fashionable men's hairstyle Undercut has found many modifications and fell in love with not only its owners, but also the masters of hairdressing.

History of

A century ago, the British began to wear such an unusual haircut that appeared in Germany. It did not acquire mass use then, but gained popularity among the soldiers. Men at the time did not cut short, and long strands were a hindrance in the fighting. The best option for the British military was the original haircut.

Later, this style was intercepted by Irish and Scottish immigrants. Gradually, the undercard became popular among the young men of the working class, especially the participants of street gangs. Special growth hairstyles of this type were in the era of jazz. Later, Nazi German officers wore a certain variation of the U style, as it is now called.

In the 80s of the last century, the “under the pot” haircut replaced the bouffant, which gradually transformed into an undercard. After that, for twenty years, they forgot about her. But starting in 2010, she again burst into fashion not only for some subcultures, but for all young people in the world.

U style benefits

At first glance, it seems that strict and indifferent men do not attach much importance to their image. But it is not. Almost any request can satisfy men's hairstyle undercut. Photos in the article prove some positive aspects of this style:

  • it provides the creation of many images,
  • different practicality in hot weather
  • emphasizes the dignity of appearance,
  • makes a masculine look bright and expressive,
  • saves laying time
  • is a wonderful way to attract attention
  • makes notes of rebellion and free-thinking in the image of the owner,
  • gives confidence.

What is typical for such a fashionable hairstyle? First, it is the contrast: trimmed temples gently wedged on the sides into longer strands from above. Experts believe that U style is unrivaled among Hollywood stars, politicians, and sportsmen.

Most often there are three main directions of this hairstyle, suitable for men:

  1. The whole head is completely shaved, and the long hair on the top of the head is collected in the tail. As a rule, so go young guys or odious personalities.
  2. The strands on the crown are left long, and on the sides they smoothly move to the desired length.
  3. Whiskey is completely shaved, and the upper part of the head is cut with a gradient.

The wide alternative of cutting Undercut allows you to always feel comfortable and in trend.

Who should make this trendy look?

Fans of the U style are more often young people. Young people always strive for experimentation and creative solutions. Experts consider this style to be flexible and versatile and say that it suits everyone. Owners of smooth and even hair can safely decide on such an experiment. Looks more effectively the difference in length on dark strands.

Before you choose this haircut, consider whether it fits your dress code and lifestyle. Check with an experienced hairdresser. Also worth considering your build, face shape and hair type.

Owners of thick and tough hair will emphasize their courage with this style. It is especially suitable for guys of medium and athletic build. Looks pretty brutal hairstyle for bright men. Most suitable for owners of a round and square face, because it draws it. Guys with a narrowed or long face is not quite suitable for this option.

Who better to refrain from this haircut?

Young people who want to cut their Undercut should consider some tips. If you adhere to a strict classical style, wear a business suit, then this style does not quite fit your image. It is also undesirable to choose this hairstyle for people at the age, because its extravagance and dynamism will be superfluous for them. It is more suitable for young and cheeky guys. For owners of curly and unruly hair, as well as for men who have ears that stick out too much, it doesn’t fit.

Basic hairstyle interpretations

Men of different social statuses choose an underkat because it has many options. One of them is a haircut in military style. Whiskey in this case, completely shaved, and on the back of the head and in the upper part of the head leave a pile of hair. The length of the strands can be adjusted. For such a shaved nape you need to constantly care for.

Many young guys prefer undercut with parting and strand combed to the side. This option can be worn smoothly shaved men, as well as owners of a beard. This haircut fell in love with young, successful businessmen.

Some young people choose underrc hayerresembling the hair of Elvis Presley. The peculiarity of this option is that the hair is cut unevenly, it is simply used filiration.

Another version of undercut stands haircut punk. The strands on the crown should be of maximum length so that the mohawk can be formed. Such a radical approach is chosen by young people with an active lifestyle.

Undercut on curly hair sometimes it looks very original. Unusual curls and shaved temples serve to create a stylish look. The owner of such hair can play with the texture of curly strands.

Anderkat with textured pattern - a unique image

Many men pay great attention to the appearance of their hair. And, perhaps, the most outrageous option is ruffled hair (hair) and the original pattern on the back of the head or temples. The guys in this case use special styling tools. Thin and straight strands enough styling ordinary light wax. Thick and hard hair is laid with heavy varnish.

The shaved patterns give a special uniqueness to the haircut. It can be bold lines, playful prints, stars, zigzags.

How to make a male hairstyle undercut?

To maintain the appearance of the hairstyle described, the guys turn to the hairdresser every 2 weeks, but they can also be helped by their close ones. Some men shave their own whiskey. First you need to decide how short you want to shave your hair at the temples. Some leave quite a short length with a sharp transition to the crown. Others like shaved temples and a smooth transition to the top of their head. The option is not too short hair on the sides, but with a sharp transition at the top, and a smooth transition at the top is welcomed.

To perform a haircut, you will need straight scissors and an electromachine with various nozzles. Begin with the smallest nozzle number 1 near the ears. Then take the nozzle number 2 and pass it to the occipital zone. Closer to the top of her change to number 3. This will make a smooth transition. At the crown and front of the head, the strands are kept as long as possible so that the bangs reach the back of the head. Hairdressers sometimes also mills the upper hair.

Undercut male styling options

In the haircut described, the most noticeable part of the hair is on the top of the head, so it is with them that you can model different styling. Here are some options:

  1. The ends of the upper strands are sent to the middle. In some cases, for this use a strong hold lacquer or wax. The final result resembles a cocoon with soft edges.
  2. Making the strands upright. In this case, the main thing - to properly distribute the hair on top.
  3. Neatly "licked" hair for a business man. Bangs are sent to the back of the head and fixed with varnish or gel.
  4. Strands are collected in the upper or lower part of the neck in the tail or a small bundle. Many men admire such hairstyles today.

As a result, it is worth noting that Undercut haircut is always interesting. If you add uniqueness and expression to it, you can create a stylish image.

How did this hairstyle come about?

Its homeland is England, despite its bold and bold style, it has a completely traditional history. For the first time such an unusual hairstyle was performed about a century ago, it did not become mass, but the warriors noticed it. In those days, ultrashort hairstyles for men were not in demand, and long hair interfered in battle. Anderkat “killed two birds with one stone” - kept the maximum length, but freed the warriors' face from strands. She appeared on world catwalks in the 60s, at that time she was only male. Today, Hollywood stars also love this stylish haircut: tennis player Boris Becker, footballers David Beckham and Marco Royce have been wearing it for many years.

What kind of underrc has?

This unusual haircut is hard not to notice, it has two characteristics: shaved temples and lush head of hair at the top and the back of the head. Moreover, the border between hair of different lengths should be clear, not smooth. She is popular with the representatives of the stronger sex of different ages and social statuses, largely due to the diversity of her interpretations:

  • The creative version of this male hairstyle has only one shaved temple, the second is the maximum hair length. The most courageous men make tattoos on the shaved part of the head or shave the picture. Volume top can be supplemented with oblique bangs.
  • Retro style was at the peak of popularity at the beginning of the last century, but among modern men are also his fans. Retro undercut combines short, smooth strands at the temples and long at the crown. Most often in this case, the hair combed back, this styling resembles the image of a gangster of those times.
  • The Hairer - an undercat like Elvis Presley has two shaved temples and an average length of hair at the crown. Most importantly, the hair is unevenly cut, this effect is achieved through the use of thinning.
  • Punk is the most courageous version of this haircut, which is preferred by informal young people. The hair on the top of the head in this case has a maximum length so that it is possible to create a mohawk out of them.

Who should not choose this haircut?

As with any unusual hairstyle, the undercard is suitable not for every man. Definitely abandon it is the following representatives of a strong half of humanity:

  • Those who adhere to the classical style in clothes. The hairstyle should look harmoniously with the clothes worn by its owner, the underrun will be out of place with a business suit.
  • It should be abandoned for older men, this haircut is too dynamic and extravagant for older people. It will be inappropriate on the head of a gray-haired old man, it was created for young and daring guys.
  • Stylists do not recommend this hairstyle to men with wavy, too thick and unruly hair. Such a haircut requires a certain styling, and on the hair of "wild" to create it will not be easy.

What men suit undercut?

Before choosing such an unusual haircut, it is worthwhile to imagine how it will look with your usual wardrobe, whether it corresponds to a way of life and whether it suits the dress code set in the company in which the man works.

If you find it difficult to make a choice, ask advice from friends, colleagues and an experienced hairdresser. And even if such an extravagant haircut fits perfectly into your daily life, it is worth considering whether it matches the parameters of your appearance. In this case, the role played by the build of a man, the shape of his face and the type of hair.

Stylists advise such a haircut to men with such features:

  • Holders of smooth elastic, not too soft hair. Especially beneficial emphasizes the courage and strength of men with thick and tough hair. But this hairstyle requires mandatory styling.
  • Goes to young men and young men of medium and athletic build. In rare cases, it is acceptable for thin guys, it is worth giving up "big men".
  • Hair color does not matter, but more effectively this haircut looks on dark curls. If the curls are too light, the transition between short and long layers will not be so noticeable, and it is this contrasting element that gives the hairstyle a special masculinity and brutality.
  • It will perfectly emphasize the shape of the oval face, and the square masculinity. This is a good option for a round shape, as this haircut visually pulls the profile. You should not choose her guys with a narrow and long face, so it will look even thinner. Also, this haircut is not suitable for men with a heart-shaped face.

Technology performance male haircuts Anderkat.

To perform fit straight scissors and electric clippers with nozzles. A hairdresser with experience easily does without a typewriter. The hair is clipped from one of the temporal areas.

Nozzle No. 1 is used to trim the area in front of the ears, then changes to nozzle 2 and moves to the back of the head. Haircut perform against hair growth.

Having reached the top of the head, you can change the nozzle to the number 3, if the client wants a smooth transition in the area of ​​the top. The final stage of the wizard will work with hair on the top and front of the head. Given the style of this haircut, the hair in these areas is left long, with bangs, begins on the frontal part and ends at the back of the head.

In this haircut, the graduation between the upper and lower parts of the hairstyle is not done. For convenience, you can pre-choose the best option for yourself by specifying the desired length of hair in the temples, back, crown and transition.

Before you decide on an underrun, you need to consider the following: the haircut style should correspond to the one that is specific to you, the temporal and occipital parts should be short-haired, and leave long hair at the crown, sharp transitions are done individually, at will.

If a man decided to bare the temples and make the hair shorter, then it is worth preparing the master such tools: a machine with nozzles, a comb, ordinary scissors and thinning scissors. The hair in the temporal part is trimmed with a machine, and the top of the head is cut with scissors.

If a man’s hair is very thin, it is best to keep the hair as short as possible, but at the top of the head the length should be longer. The photo shows a male haircut on all sides:

Men's haircut underkat step by step. The main job of a hairdresser is to make a clear boundary between short and long strands. If this line is smooth, then get a different haircut called Hitler. But, these two popular haircuts will look alike for the rest. Many believe that Anderkat is a simpler version of the hair cut of the Hitler youth, it does not need the precision of a professional.

To wear such a haircut, you have to grow a certain length of hair for a start. Doing the Undercut, on short hair, will not work properly, because the difference between different parts of the head will be almost not noticeable. The technique of cutting takes into account the individual features of the face and the shape of the head.The hairdresser must be able to accurately determine the long side and top hairs, and also separate these two parts with a line so that in the final result the haircut hides all the client's shortcomings and harmonizes with the image.

Technique of cutting undercut step by step: Pre-wash hair and dry lightly.

Separate the zones with clips to fix the hair 13

Place the desired size on the machine and start cutting the hair in the temporal and occipital area up to 1 cm. If you wish, you can treat the temples with a razor.

Trim the length of the usual scissors at the crown, the hair ends shape.

Make styling 16.

Haircut underrc male photo for a hairdresser. Choosing such an unusual haircut, you need to imagine how it will look with your style, your usual wardrobe, whether it meets your lifestyle and dress code requirements at work. This extravagant haircut will always fit perfectly into your daily life, but you need to think about whether it really fits your appearance. After all, here everything will depend on the body of the man, his face shape and hair type. Stylist tips:

Looks impressive on smooth, hard hair. Well emphasizes the male power of men with thick hair. This hairstyle should always fit.

Suitable for teenagers and young men of athletic build. Sometimes acceptable to thin guys, full better to give it up.

Hair color does not play a role, but more effectively it looks on dark hair. If the hair is light, the transition will not be noticeable between short and long layers, it gives the hair masculinity and brutality.

Successfully emphasizes the shape of an oval and square face. This is also a great option for a round face, because the haircut visually pulls the profile. Guys with a narrow and long face is better to abandon such a haircut and look at a different look.

Selection rules

Anderkat is great for strong and self-confident men who look after their appearance.

This stylish men's hairstyle looks great, both under sportswear and business suit.

This type of installation allows young people to feel confident and comfortable in any setting.

Nowadays, underrc style is popular in many countries.

Photo by David Beckham, who initiated this style:

Anderkat is characterized by shaved temples and the back of the head. The top of the hairstyle remains long, and the bang has an ending in the forehead area.

This men's hairstyle does not imply a smooth transition directly from long to short strands. It is this feature that distinguishes underrc from all other hairstyles for men.

As you know, hairstyle is the main component of the image, which means that it should show others the character and manners of its owner.

Those men who choose an undercard, thus show their originality and absolute determination.

This men's hairstyle will definitely not go unnoticed among women, as most of them prefer to see confident and strong men next to them.

Meanwhile, the underrun is not suitable for all types of men, and therefore the choice of this hairstyle should be approached with full responsibility.

Undercore style is especially popular among young people, however, such hairstyles are chosen by many middle-aged men who want to radically change their image.

You should not stop the choice on this stylish laying to those men who by nature have curly locks.

If you make this styling on hard strands, then in order for the hairstyle to always have a stable shape, they will have to be straightened regularly, which is not very convenient.

This hairstyle is optimal for those representatives of the strong half of humanity who have even hair with a smooth structure and medium length.

This styling is based on contrast, which is characterized by a sharp difference in the length of hair. In some cases, this important part of the hairstyle can be originally added with a color difference.

The undercut haircut model does not have specific rules and criteria for the overall image of a man. It can be easily worn under almost any clothing, which makes this hairstyle universal.

To date, the underwriter is chosen by many famous personalities whose photos do not go off the covers of magazines.

Anyone who decided to opt for an undercard hairstyle should be prepared for the fact that they will have to constantly care for their hair.

This styling looks amazing only on clean and healthy strands that are saturated with natural strength.

Secrets of execution

When performing an undercard, it is necessary to take into account the type of hair, as well as the shape of the face and head.

It is necessary to think carefully about the length of the hair in the temples and neck, as well as on the top of the head. Hair on the sides and back of the head can be removed with scissors and a machine.

In this case, it all depends on the preferred length. You can increase the effect of such styling by changing the length of the strands in different areas.

Much more options for styling will appear if you leave longer hair.

This haircut can be adjusted in the back of the head due to the different height of the transition.

Meanwhile, in order for the undercard hairstyle to fit harmoniously into the overall image as harmoniously as possible, it is necessary to take into account certain points.

First of all, her performance style must necessarily be matched to a specific type of man.

It is important to correctly determine the length of the hair on the sides and the back of the head, as well as in the area of ​​the crown. All the sharp transitions in this hairstyle are selected only individually.

For those who want to have strongly shaven temples and relatively short hair on top, there are several versions.

In this case, the hair in the area of ​​the crown can be cut with a comb and scissors.

In turn, the hair on the temples and the back of the head is removed by a clipper, while their length is adjusted by using different attachments.

Holders of thin and not very thick hair is best to remove the curls from the sides as short as possible, and at the top, on the contrary, leave longer ones. Anderkat in some cases allows a smoother transition.

In order to correctly determine the style of execution hairstyles, it is recommended to use various catalogs with photos, which present a variety of options for underrun.

Meanwhile, in many respects the quality of this hairstyle depends on the daily styling, which should be carried out using special styling cosmetic compositions.

Piling procedure

This universal hairstyle can be laid in a variety of ways that allows you to change your image almost daily. Most often, laying is done upstairs.

In this case, it is necessary to use all kinds of cosmetic gels and mousses, as well as fixing varnish. Separately fit bangs, and here the decisive role played by its length.

It can be sent to the side or along with all the hair gently comb back. This hairstyle is good because there are no restrictions and rules for styling.

Hair can be safely sent to any side, smooth down smoothly or make a stand in the form of a hedgehog. There is a huge amount of the most different ways of styling an underrun.

In addition, you can safely experiment and show imagination. When choosing a method of laying it is important to consider the shape of the face.

So, for owners of a thin face, a full smoothing of the hair directly back is best.

In turn, holders of a dense face shape are advised to stay on a small hedgehog in combination with voluminous bangs.

To date, there are two main types of styling for the undercard. The most common way is to carefully comb the hair back.

In turn, for courageous young people who lead an active lifestyle, a hedgehog styling, effectively complemented by a bang, would be an excellent option.

It all depends on personal preferences and characteristic features of the exterior.

Undercount History

The first who began to cut their hair in this style are warriors. Once men were not allowed to walk with short hair, but in battle long strands interfered.

Therefore, a successful solution was chosen: shave the temples and the back of the head, and leave long strands on the crown.

Later, in the 20s of the 20th century, this model with this haircut appeared on the catwalks in America.

But she gained special popularity lately: Now in the style of undercard can be cut in barbershop, and in simple hairdressing salons.

Features haircuts

Underkerkat is based on the principle of contrast. it combination of short-shaven temporal part and long bangs on the back of the head and parietal area.

Undercut is the opposite of the classic male haircut, which is characterized by smooth transitions. He is distinguished by a noticeable contrast between the lengths of the strands, which makes this male hairstyle so bright.


This haircut has several variations, so every man will be able to choose for himself an undercat that fits his style and character.

    Retro style implies short hair in the temples and long strands at the crown. The perfect styling of this haircut is combing back hair.

Military or short underrc suitable for men who do not want to spend time laying, but at the same time tend to be stylish. In this embodiment, the temples and the neck are completely shaved, the hair remains only on the upper part of the head.

  • Punk or mohawk - This is the choice of daring young men. The crown strands must be long enough to create a mohawk. The length of the remaining hair should be minimal. This is an aggressive Underkerk variant and is suitable for young confident people with an active lifestyle.
  • Who should do

    Despite its popularity, men's undercut haircut is not suitable for everyone. Its worth doing:

    • holders straight hair with good stiffness. Although, skilled craftsmen can make undercut and wavy strands,
    • those who are willing to spend every day laying time this stylish haircut,
    • to men with a dark shade of hair: the contrast of the cut line is more visible on them,
    • to men with a round or square face shape.

    Technology male haircuts undercut

    To create this hairstyle, the master uses straight hairdressing scissors and a typewriter with various nozzles. Below is an instruction on how to make this haircut step by step.

    1. Begin to cut from the temporal region. The wizard selects the form depending on the selected undercore.
    2. Nozzle number 1 is used to work with hair growing in front of the ears. To work with the occipital region take the nozzle number 2. The third number is needed for a smooth, soft transition to the strands at the crown.
    3. Hair cut against the direction of growth.
    4. The desired length of the strands for this haircut is 10cm.
    5. All details are negotiated with the client, the underrun is selected individually, taking into account the features of appearance.

    This video demonstrates how to cut and stack:

    How to lay

    On the Internet you can find photos with various ways of styling for short hair.

    Anderkat refers to those haircuts that need to be monitored daily and put in order.

    1. The classic option - bangs combed back and fix styling means.
    2. A bold decision - the creation of the top strand of the "tuft". Means for laying put in the direction from the nape to the forehead.
    3. Form a mohawk and fix hairspray.
    4. Extreme strands are laid toward the middle of the head and fixed by means of styling.
    5. Form spikes like a hedgehog and secure with styling agent.

    Anderkat is a combination of style and masculinity.. The man who made this haircut will immediately be in the center of attention - after all, such an original hairstyle will emphasize his individuality and sense of style.

    How to make a haircut undercut

    First of all, you need to find a good hairdresser who is well acquainted with how to make this modern haircut (since she has gained wide popularity over the past few years, therefore, find a professional who does not know how to make a haircut undercat, pretty hard). Secondly, you should stock up with the right tools for the care and styling of your future hairstyle. Do not think that your haircut will always be the same as on the day it was created. In order for it not to lose its original form, it should be looked after, so approach this issue with full responsibility. In the end, get a quality shampoo that is suitable for your hair.

    Military style undercut

    If you prefer simple hairstyles, but you want to have a modern and unique style, then a short undercard military style will suit you best. This is absolutely shaven temples, neck and head of hair on the top of the head. Quite a sharp style, but it can be made more elegant if you play with the length of the strands.

    This type of hair requires special care, because in order for the temple and the back of the head to be always shaven, you need to have a haircutter and a firm hand. Although with the latter you can help a faithful friend. Thus, you can significantly save on a hairdresser.

    Undercut pompadour

    If the short options are not for you, then you will probably like the Pampadour haircut. She is known for her many variations, but her only characteristic feature remains unchanged - her hair combed back. You can also pack your hair with mousse or special wax (to give more volume), thereby obtaining a stylish hairstyle, as in the photo below.

    When it comes to the Pompadour haircut, the longer your curls are, the more fashionable the hairstyle will be. However, it is worth noting that the temples and the back of the head should not be cut "to zero." That is, some length still needs to remain, otherwise you will get an undercard in military style.

    Men's hairstyle hair combed back to the sides shaved (Pompadour).

    If your hairs are not so obedient and some curls fall out of the general construction - it does not matter. Some asymmetry will only add to your look chic and sexy.

    Undercut with parted and hair combed to the side

    Hairstyles with a parting in fashion again! A slightly modified, classic men's hairstyle with parting and strand combed to the side has received a new silhouette with the help of an undercut haircut. A distinctive feature of this model is the length of the strands of the top - at least 5 cm. This is done so that you can easily comb your hair to the desired side, giving them the necessary texture and volume.

    This hairstyle is equally well going smoothly shaved and guys with a beard. As a rule, the latter, together with the haircut master, contours the beard, to give clear lines symmetrical to the parting. Strict lines and split hair in the style of makeovers give the image a solid and well-groomed look, which is combined with any business suit. Therefore, this hairstyle is in demand among young and successful businessmen. Such a skillful manipulation of the hair design gives a wide scope for wearing a male hairstyle an undercard with parting on its side for any reason.

    Undercut with curly hair

    With curly, wavy, or just thick hair, problems may arise in giving them the necessary shape, but an undercard can really make a difference in your favor. Men's undercard hairstyles, as a rule, are focused on straight curls, although thick and thick also have their drawbacks, so undercut hair with curly shoe will look no worse.

    In addition, this hairstyle can be adapted to work with the texture of curly hair. Playing on the contrast of curls with shaved temples can achieve a much greater effect than with straight strands. Agree, with the skillful approach of a stylist and hairdresser, as a result, you can get a fairly topical haircut in 2017.

    Hauer Undercut with Textured Pattern

    When it comes to short men's haircuts, a lot of time is spent on choosing the right hairstyle for your style, because it really has a huge impact on the look. Chaotic ruffled hair (hair) and pattern on the temples or the back of the head attracts most attention. This is achieved by using the right products to care for them.

    If they are thin and straight, then light wax will be enough to create controlled chaos on your head and confuse the look. While tough, thick hair may require special clay or heavy varnish to make them docile and pliable.

    Hauer Anderkat is ideal for men who do not want military neatness and do not have wavy curls to create any textured haircuts. If the hair is easy to manage, you can add additional details in the form of shaved patterns on the back of the head or temples to create a unique look.

    Undercut with mohawk

    A punk or mohawk is one of the most courageous solutions for the uniqueness of your style with a haircut. This is also one of the variations of the Underkat hairstyles, however, it has a more radical approach, and therefore is preferably for young people with an active lifestyle.

    Jasper Pääkkonen in the image of a Viking in the series of the same name.

    The top mop of hair is as long as possible, which makes it possible to create a mohawk. This is an aggressive type of undercut haircut, which many centuries ago men used to intimidate their opponents in battle. Its most popular admirers were the Vikings. They shaved their skull from behind and from the sides, for further scheduling with awesome tattoos, and left the maximum length of the strands. Modern men who make their own haircuts are unlikely to have the militancy inherent in the Vikings, however, it looks no less impressive.

    And so, the main options for undercut haircuts for men:

    • The military version is a fairly bright haircut, with high contrast, which requires minimal styling, but more care,
    • the pompadour has a longer, wider middle part,
    • an undercut hairstyle with combing to the side and parting gives more control over thick hair,
    • the way for curly hair is well suited for long and short curls, and also goes with any style of clothing,
    • Undercut with a textured pattern is ideal for fine hair that needs extra volume.

    Men's hairstyles are not always so interesting, but “Anderkat” is something that you can easily embed into your image and easily add expression and uniqueness to it, regardless of the type of hair.

    Think about how much work you want to invest in your style, and what kind of haircut will suit your head best before you go to the hairdresser. In spite of the fact that variations of anderkat can be picked up by each man, it is better to first make sure that you choose the right one for you.

    What hairstyles do you prefer to wear? Or perhaps considerUndercuthaircut is no longer in trend? Share your opinion in the comments below, it is very important for us!


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