
How to get rid of dandruff forever - folk remedies


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Folk Dandruff Masks

Since dandruff, as we have already found out, is not a disease, no antibiotics are needed to pacify the insidious Pityrosporum Ovale. All that is needed is to create uncomfortable conditions for reproduction for the fungus. The first step is to reduce the sebum secretion that it feeds on.

  1. A 0.5-liter mug of live beer and one raw yolk of an egg will very quickly turn into a mask, which, if regularly used, will help to curb the appetite from the fungus and relieve dandruff. Beer and yolk are whipped in a blender, put the mixture on a dirty head, always thoroughly rubbing into the hair roots. Over the mask put on a plastic cap and tie a handkerchief. An hour later, wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo for children. Rinse with a decoction of chamomile or nettle. For five days of daily use of the mask, you can permanently get rid of dandruff.
  2. Beat raw yolk of an egg with two spoons of lemon juice, add a little burdock oil to the mixture. Apply the mask to the scalp half an hour before washing the head. Rinse with baby shampoo, rinse hair with herbal decoction.
  3. A tablespoon of castor oil, the same amount of vodka and a quarter cup of very strong tea, mix thoroughly, rub into the hair roots and into the scalp, cover the hair with polyethylene and a scarf, leave the mask for three hours. Rinse with warm water and baby shampoo. Do this procedure three times a week, and after 14 days the dandruff simply “melts”. Recipe tested!
  4. Half a cup of low-fat kefir, a quarter of lemon with the skin, whisk raw chicken yolk in a blender until the citrus is completely crushed. The resulting mixture is a mask designed to "pacify" the fungus that causes dandruff. Use it at least three times a week for an hour before washing your hair, just like any other compress mask. Rinse with baby shampoo.
  5. Two tablespoons of brandy, two chicken yolks, juice of half a lemon - beat, mix the mixture on the scalp and hair roots. Withstand the mask for about two hours, rinse with warm water and baby shampoo.

Useful tips on getting rid of dandruff

To get rid of dandruff forever, often use when washing the head rinsing from decoctions of nettle, chamomile, celandine.

In the “war” with oily dandruff, you can sometimes be defeated by a single “weapon” - lemon. Gruel from grind in a meat grinder together with the peel of the fruit rubbed into the scalp for half an hour before washing the hair for five days. The feeling of mild discomfort during these procedures is fully offset by a complete victory over dandruff.

Dry dandruff "wither" on the eyes, if you regularly rub in the scalp castor oil in half with crushed aloe pulp.

When seborrhea forget about hot water to wash your hair - use only warm.

Dry hair, dry skin

Are you a fan of frequent hair dyeing, daily hair dryer, using electric pliers or ironing to create your own unique look? In this case, you are probably struggling with dry dandruff, which terribly loves overdried scalp, thin and the same dry hair. Often dry dandruff appears in women who are actively struggling with obesity - hard diets can spoil the metabolism and, as a result, the body has a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, which can not but affect the state of the scalp. And even if before the start of the diet you were not familiar with dandruff, the active illiterate weight loss will provide you with this acquaintance.

Oily hair, oily skin

If you are a lover of buns and other goodies, and the main principle of your life is one life, and you have no reason to deny yourself any pleasure, most likely you are familiar with oily dandruff. It is slightly different from its dry representative - it has the appearance of yellowish sticky plates and larger in size. Oily dandruff prefers to be friends with people who are overweight, as well as being a concomitant symptom of many endocrine and skin diseases. Immediately make a reservation that the treatment of such diseases is a medical matter, it is the doctors who should prescribe you an adequate therapy, which in the meantime will destroy dandruff. We do not set a goal of our conversation to travel to the tangled world of medical pathologies, but only tell you how to get rid of dandruff at home, if its appearance is caused by improper care of yourself.

Means the first, proven over the years

Simple, guaranteed 100% result. Ask - what is it? The answer is banal and old - the right way of life. Those. healthy. In people who know how to conduct it - the body weight is normal, the skin condition is normal, the hair is normal. And dandruff on the head, if everything is normal on it, never appears. Only if suddenly the strongest stress does not interfere. But as it intervenes, it will go away, and with it harmful dandruff will disappear.

Do not shake your head, they say, it's hard to part with pleasant bad habits - it's better to think about how to get rid of dandruff at home in another way! Maybe with the help of money, and maybe with the help of folk remedies.

Well, differently, differently.

So the first thing you should do is choose the right shampoo. Correct in this case does not mean expensive. But before giving the list of names of effective anti-dandruff products, we recall a few simple rules for their use:

  • Water for washing the head should be warm enough, pleasant, but not hot,
  • Concentrated shampoos require dilution with water in a ratio of 1: 3,
  • Therapeutic shampoos should be applied twice, with an interval of 10 minutes. That is - apply, thoroughly rub into the scalp, rinse. In ten minutes do the same. It is better to buy dandruff shampoos in a pharmacy or in specialized stores, where you can present a quality certificate for the product,
  • For rinsing hair, use herbal infusions - chamomile, nettle, birch leaves, calendula.

Recommended shampoos

  • Well-known and widely publicized Head & Shoulders. Judging by the reviews - the effect is positive, but addictive. You can use no more than 2 weeks.
  • Nizoral is an excellent remedy, suitable for both women and men. Buy at the pharmacy and use in accordance with the instructions on the package.
  • "Sulsena" is a therapeutic agent, produced in the form of a paste. It is used to treat seborrheic dandruff. We buy in a pharmacy, we use it once a week for 3 to 4 months. And, of course, in combination with a healthy diet.
  • Expensive Node DS + French shampoo Anti-relapse is described as a very effective remedy for dandruff. True, its cost is so high (about $ 20) that middle-income people are unlikely to risk acquiring it.

Egg yolk

Washing the head with yolks is a long-known method. Just beat 3-4 yolks of homemade eggs, and rub into the scalp, not forgetting to evenly distribute the yolk and the entire length of the hair. After rinse hair decoction of chamomile or nettle. In addition to getting rid of dandruff, yolks will make your hair shiny and smooth. Checked repeatedly.

Causes of the disease: where does the fungus come from

The appearance of dandruff causes a fungus that lives in the skin of the head. Under favorable conditions, it begins to multiply rapidly, causing exfoliation of skin scales, called dandruff.

Reproduction of the fungus causes dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. As a result of excess fat production fatty seborrhea is formed, and with its deficiency - dry.

Treatment of dandruff folk remedies aimed at restoring the normal production of fat glands and the destruction of overgrown fungus.

Fatty Dandruff Remedies

To solve the problem will help funds that can absorb excess fat.

  • Bodyaga Mix a teaspoon of dry bodyagi with a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and a glass of water. After applying the mask for half an hour, then rinse. During the procedure a slight burning sensation may be felt. Apply treatment at least twice a week for at least 8 weeks.

  • Fruits and vegetables. Apply gruel of cucumber, zucchini or strawberry on the skin and leave for 30 minutes, then remove with shampoo. Apply before each wash 3 months.

  • Bow. Squeeze the juice out of several onions, dissolve it in the same volume of water, rub into the skin, cover the head with a towel and leave the mask for 20 minutes. Then wash your hair. To use means to eliminate dandruff.

  • Mustard. Mix the same volume of mustard powder, vegetable oil and water. A mixture of smear on the skin and leave for 15 minutes, then remove. To be treated with this mask for at least 4 weeks, using it once every 10 days.

  • Rye bread. Soak a few pieces of dried bread with water. Received bread gruel, hold on the head for 5 minutes. Apply as needed.

Means for the treatment of dry-type dandruff

With dry seborrhea, nourishing and moisturizing masks help to remove dandruff using folk remedies.

  • Honey, egg yolk, aloe juice, mayonnaise, vegetable oil. Mix the ingredients, distribute them in problem areas, cover with polyethylene, wash them off after half an hour. Use weekly 3-4 weeks.

  • Burr oil. Rub into the skin, cover with cellophane and warm with a towel. Keep the oil for at least 20 minutes, then remove with shampoo. To apply means within a month.

  • Kefir. Rub, cover with cellophane and hold for half an hour. Apply as needed.

  • Nettle decoction, yolk, vegetable oil, vodka. 50 g of dry nettle pour 300 ml boiling water and protomit 20 minutes. Cool and strain broth. To 100 ml of liquid add yolk, 2 tablespoons of vodka and a quarter cup of vegetable oil. Rub the mask, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse. Apply after 10 days 6 weeks.

  • Olive oil, sea buckthorn. 200 mg of fresh berries rub and mix with 150 ml of oil. After applying the head to warm, wash off after 40 minutes. Use weekly 2 months.

Folk remedies for dandruff for rubbing into the scalp

Liquid means of seborrhea destruction should be applied to problem areas, carefully rubbed with light massage movements.

These include:

  • burdock and castor oil,
  • a mixture of the same amount of vodka, onion juice and honey,
  • thyme decoction
  • kefir,
  • a mixture of one egg and one and a half tablespoons of alcohol.

Masks to quickly get rid of dandruff and itching on the head

Treatment masks must be left for some time after application for intensive exposure. At the same time, the head must be covered with cellophane and warmed with a towel.

The most popular anti-dandruff masks include:

  • mask of oatmeal flakes, which is steamed with a decoction of sage, chamomile or nettle. The exposure time is at least 2 hours. With regular use, dandruff disappears in a month
  • The pulp of onion pulp lasts for several hours. To achieve the effect it is necessary to apply a mask for 2 months
  • The mustard mask is a mustard powder diluted with water. Keep it should be no more than 3 minutes, because it causes a burning sensation.

Dandruff rinse

To enhance the effect of treatment, it is recommended to use natural conditioners, for example:

  • lemon water
  • pharmaceutical chamomile or sage infusion,

  • decoction of nettle leaves.

Dandruff Shampoo

Replace the factory tools can be analogs prepared according to popular recipes.

  1. Egg shampoo. Mix two egg yolks from chicken eggs, two tablespoons of rum and the same amount of flax oil.
  2. Rye bread. Grind stale pieces with water and rub the hair and scalp with this mass.
  3. Mustard shampoo. Half a tablespoon of dry mustard diluted with half a liter of water.

Compresses for the night of dandruff

Compresses suggest long-term exposure, so they are best applied at night. They help to cure seborrhea even in severe forms.

  1. Honeysuckle compress. 50 grams of raw materials pour 300 milliliters of water, bring to a boil and stir for 15 minutes at low temperature. Cool the prepared broth, wet them with a soft cloth and apply it to the damaged areas. Use the tool every 3 days until the foci of the disease disappear.
  2. Castor oil, vodka and strong black tea. Ingredients mix in equal shares. Cover the mixture with cellophane and insulate. Use once every 10 days. It is used for oily seborrhea.
  3. Yarrow decoction. 20 grams of grass, pour half a liter of water and boil for 5 minutes. Apply 14 days. Suitable for all types of seborrhea.

Dandruff Remedies

According to popular recipes, you can prepare products for both external and internal use. Such drugs help to enhance the effect of the use of ointments, compresses and rinses.

  1. Decoction of burdock root. Throw in 3 tablespoons of the crushed raw materials in half a liter of boiling water, boil half an hour on a gentle fire. Drink 40 minutes before a meal, 100 ml three times a day.
  2. Red wine, honey, aloe juice. Ingredients mix in equal shares and drink a tablespoon before meals.

Folk remedies for dandruff can serve both independently and to help medicines

In the treatment of seborrhea folk remedies are used as an independent way to eliminate dandruff, or serve as an effective supplement to drugs.

Causes of dandruff

Hair coloring

“Dandruff may appear 3-4 days after dyeing hair. As a rule, it is accompanied by itching and redness of the scalp. Usually this state lasts no more than 2 weeks and passes on its own. But if you constantly resort to staining with such paint, then in the end everything will end with allergies and chronic inflammation. If this happens, Dixidox DeLuxe Antidandruff Shampoo and Dixidox DeLuxe Antidandruff Lotion will help relieve the symptoms. In a duet, these funds not only eliminate dandruff once and for all, but also prevent its further occurrence, as well as regulate sebum (sebum) secretion. ”

"Wrong" shampoo

“Usually peeling and itching after using the wrong shampoo appear immediately. In this case, change the shampoo, for example, to sulfate-free Luminox Shine Shampoo No. 001. It contains no sulphates and parabens. The hair is nourished by special amino acids from oats and rapeseed contained in the shampoo, which give the hair a healthy, well-groomed appearance. ”

Problems with the digestive tract
“Until you restore the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you can forget about healthy scalp. We advise you to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. "

Harmful carbohydrates

“The interrelation between the use of cakes, chocolates, sweets, cakes, croissants and the appearance of dandruff against the background of increased hair content has already been proven. This is because light carbohydrates actively stimulate the activity of oil-hair follicles.In this case, we recommend avoiding the use of "light" carbohydrates.

How to get rid of dandruff

Method number 1: mechanical peeling

Begin to do regular peeling of the scalp, as dandruff interferes with normal hair growth. For example, the brand Dixidox DeLuxe has a mechanical peeling tool Dixidox DeLuxe Peeling, which is based on a complex of fruit acids and salicylic acid, plant extracts and powder from apricot kernels. Due to natural fruit acids, peeling of superficial keratin scales occurs, the scalp is moistened and the immune system is activated, and the skin becomes fresh, soft and velvety.

Method number 2: deep cleansing lotion

Try using special lotions. For example, Detox Deep Cleansing Lotion No. 004 contains a natural component derived from yeast that helps remove cellular degradation products. Apply about 3 ml of lotion on dry or wet scalp. Lightly rub the drug into the skin, making a soft massage. Not my head immediately after applying the lotion, give the opportunity to therapeutic components to penetrate deeper. If you are going to wash your hair, do it before applying the lotion, or no earlier than 4 hours after applying it.

Method number 3: chemical peeling

Peeling is the most effective way to fight dandruff. In salons and trichological clinics there is a procedure for chemical peeling based on glycolic acid, created specifically for the scalp. Having an anti-inflammatory effect, peeling of the scalp promotes deep cleansing of hair follicles. The Saco Salon uses Time to grow 30 and 50% cosmetics.

Method number 4: a global approach to the problem

First, determine whether your dandruff is dry or oily.

Dry appears a day or two after washing the head, there are many of it, it flies easily, accompanied by brittleness, hair loss and itching of the scalp. The reasons for its appearance: hormonal problems, poor food, lack of vitamins, bad habits, poor cosmetics. If your dandruff is dry, then you need to start drinking vitamin complexes, which include vitamins of group B6 and PP, eat a lot of vegetables, fruits and seafood, as well as use high-quality cosmetics for hair.

Oily dandruff manifests itself later, on the third or fifth day, it is yellowish, oily to the touch, difficult to comb out. It appears due to poor performance of the sebaceous glands of the scalp and metabolic disorders. To permanently get rid of oily dandruff, you can cleanse the body of toxins, refuse fast food, fatty, sweet, carbonated drinks, lose weight if necessary, test your hormones, try to take special medications (prescription) and do homemade masks against dandruff

Remember: regardless of the causes of dandruff, it is necessary to consult a doctor-trichologist, not to miss something serious.

If hair falls out

Dandruff and hair loss are combined quite often. If this happens to you, know that 2 symptoms in the complex - a sign of some problems in the body. Find a doctor - a trichologist or a dermatologist; he will help you find the cause of the trouble and eliminate it. And before the appointment of treatment, do the following:

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of honey, the same amount of aloe juice, one - two cloves of garlic. If the scalp is dry, add a little burdock oil to the mass, if oily - take the yolk as a base. Apply on the head for 20 minutes before washing. Cover the head well with a towel. Wash in the usual way.
  • Helps fight hair loss and bitter pepper tincture. For its preparation you need a regular bottle of vodka and pods of 5-8 hot peppers. Fill pepper with vodka and wait a week - the therapeutic tincture is ready. Rub it into the scalp with a cotton swab, but do not wrap it. Hot pepper can burn the skin. For dry scalp is not recommended.

If hair is greasy

With oily scalp and oily hair often you can not wash your hair. And you want to look good. Prepare a dry hair shampoo, after the application of which no one will think that you did not wash your head today. By the way, dry shampoos dry their scalp and it will be difficult to survive oily seborrheic dandruff. Everything is done elementary. Dry shampoo consists of a base and an additive, in the role of which common dietary salt or soda acts. The proportions are as follows - base - half a glass, supplement - 1 tsp. For the basics you can use:

  • Rye or wheat flour
  • Cereals,
  • Dry mustard,
  • Cocoa powder.

Mix the ingredients, apply on hair, massage well, and using a comb to remove the remnants of dry shampoo. It is clear that brunettes are better not to use flour, and cocoa blondes are not very suitable. Choose the appropriate option, try. And to evenly distribute dry shampoo use a jar-mill for spices, or an ordinary castor with holes.


We hope, our advice you liked and come in handy. But if you have firmly decided not to meet with dandruff, re-read the tool first, proven over the years. Use it, and then the answer to the question of how to get rid of dandruff at home will be indifferent to you.

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Watch the video: Quick and Easy Home Remedies For Dandruff (July 2024).