
Lamination of hair salon and home: all the pros and cons


If you are looking for an affordable way to improve your hair, you should look at this option, as lamination hair gelatin at home. This procedure allows to significantly improve the condition of the bulbs on the head, as well as to hide the significant signs of their damage. a similar procedure in the cabin is very significant, therefore, home lamination using gelatin is becoming increasingly popular.

Hair benefits

The main advantage of gelatin is the presence of collagen in it, which is a protein known for its peculiarity to preserve the natural beauty of the whole organism. That is why gelatin is taken as a basis in home lamination. The effect is achieved by covering the treated surface with a protective film in order to hide microcracks and other obvious damage.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • The result of the procedure is to increase the thickness of the hair,
  • Smoothness and extraordinary softness, as well as impressive healthy shine,
  • Restore split ends,
  • Electrified,
  • Absolute security. Home lamination is allowed even for pregnant women.
  • Tangible savings compared to a similar salon procedure.


  • Failure to comply with all stages of the recipe playback can lead to unpleasant consequences: overdrying, excessive fat, etc.
  • Perhaps no effect
  • The period when hair begins to grow fat is accelerated
  • There is a possibility of increasing the dryness of the tips.
  • The classic method of lamination.

Important! Like any other product, gelatin powder may be an allergen, so before starting the procedure it is advisable to try it on a small area of ​​the head. It is better to apply a small amount of the product behind the ear and wait about 15 minutes. If there is no redness and other disturbing signs, the gelatinous mass can be applied.

The classic recipe for gelatin lamination

Let us examine how to do lamination of hair at home gelatin step by step. Usually, the following two methods are indicated below this procedure:

Ingredients Required:

  • 1 sachet (15 gr.) Gelatin powder,
  • 3 tablespoons of boiled water. It should not be cold (the product will swell for a long time) and not hot (may curl). The ideal temperature is room temperature or slightly higher.
  • half a tablespoon of a suitable mask.

Depending on the length of the hair, the ingredients may need more.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The gelling agent is filled with water for a period of 20 minutes. Stir well to avoid lumps. And if they have formed, it is better to strain the resulting slush through cheesecloth. Otherwise, they will stick to the hair, and you will not be able to comb them.
  2. The next step is to dissolve the gelatin powder. This can be done either in a water bath or in a microwave.
  3. Finally, any suitable mask is added.
  4. Rubbing movements in the direction from top to bottom, means are distributed over the entire length. The roots can not be touched.
  5. Further, the composition is covered with polyethylene and a heated towel. Exposure time - 40 minutes.
  6. Then you just need to wash your hair and dry naturally.

Important! Hair dryer to dry the hair immediately after the procedure can not be. Otherwise, the effect of weighting and pollution may be obtained.

Another option for home lamination occurs in two stages:

Stage 1 - preparation and application of lamination shampoo

For convenience, you can immediately dilute a pack of gelatin powder for both stages, and then distribute in half for further preparation.

You will need:

  • half a pack of gelatin,
  • from 6 to 8 spoons of warm water,
  • 50 ml of baby or organic shampoo.


  1. Dissolve the main component in warm water until smooth. And add shampoo in a 1: 1 ratio. Shampoo must be the same with the gelling agent, otherwise you can ruin the curls, making them excessively fragile.
  2. Apply to unwashed head. We maintain the gruel for 40 minutes, covering the composition with polyethylene and a heated towel.
  3. Further, all foams and wash well with warm water.

Stage 2 - Mask Preparation

You will need all the same products as in the first stage, but instead of shampoo, we add balm 1: 1.


  1. Apply in the usual way, avoiding areas at the roots.
  2. In the same way we wrap polyethylene and wrap in a heated towel. We stand from 40 to 120 minutes.
  3. Rinse with warm water.

  1. This procedure is best done no more than once every three weeks.
  2. Hair with a dense "Asian" structure is better not to laminate. But thin and overdried - very much recommended.
  3. Especially good to carry out lamination for colored hair. Since the resulting film prevents the pigment from leaching. Naturally, staining should be carried out before such a procedure.
  4. It is possible to use a hair dryer after lamination, but it is better to refuse rectifiers (curling, ironing, etc.).
  5. If possible, it is better not to wash your hair after lamination for several days.
  6. During the day after the procedure, it is better not to tighten the hair into a ponytail, bun, or braid.
  7. Make masks based on gelatin.
  8. Since these cosmetics are similar in effect to home lamination, they can also be used for the recovery of their hair. When applied, the composition is covered with polyethylene and a towel, and after a seasoned time it is washed off with shampoo.

Gelatin Mask Recipes

Egg mask for all hair types

Mix a bag of gelatin powder, yolk and a couple of tablespoons of balsam. Leave for 30 minutes for swelling and apply on the head. Dates of application - no more than once a week.

Mask for dry hair

Mix a glass of milk, a tablespoon of gelatin powder and the same spoon of honey. Give swell and apply for 1 hour.

Mask with lemon for oily and colored hair

Mix the juice of half a citrus and a tablespoon of gelatin powder, let it swell, add a couple of tablespoons of shampoo and leave for half an hour. Wash off with just water.

The essence of the procedure

Lamination of hair is the application of special products that cover the hair with a thin film. Protective film retains moisture inside, protecting hair from environmental exposure, filling the voids and cavities inside. Currently, there are several varieties of lamination, each of which differs in some features: some of them even imply additional saturation of the hair with useful substances, vitamins and plant extracts, and some are even capable of tinting and dyeing the hair.

Lamination can solve the following problems:

  • Fragility.
  • Dryness.
  • Increased electrification.
  • Split ends.
  • Porosity.

If you apply this procedure after highlighting, coloring or coloring the curls, the color and luster will last much longer.

Lamination is best for thin, thin, rare and dry hair, as this procedure can make every hair thicker. Lamination can be applied both on curly and on straight curls.

This procedure is not recommended for thick and full hair structure. Also, do not carry out lamination on weak hairs. Otherwise, it can cause hair loss, as they become more severe.

As a rule, the effect of lamination can be seen already after one session of the procedure. Repeating the procedure is allowed three weeks after the first session. The result, as a rule, lasts from one to two months.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive side of lamination Curls are as follows:

  • Thanks to the procedure, the hairs are healed. Some formulations include keratin, proteins, vitamins, and other beneficial substances. The composition penetrates the hair cavity and smoothes the scales to the trunk.
  • The hairstyle is protected from the harmful effects of the environment. Under the influence of the composition, each hair is sealed in a protective film that protects it from the sun, dry air, dust and frost.
  • The hairstyle gets beautiful glossy shine.
  • Eliminates the likelihood of glut hair composition, so lamination can be done very often.
  • The procedure is allowed to apply after perm.

But Lamination also has some disadvantages:

  • If the hairs are very dry, porous and badly damaged, then you should not expect a strong effect. In such situations, several sessions of the procedure will be required.
  • If you immediately paint the curls after lamination, then it is likely that the paint will fall unevenly, as each hair is sealed, and dyes will be quite difficult to penetrate into the hair structure through the film.
  • Lamination is a rather lengthy procedure, it takes about 3 hours, depending on the thickness and length of the hair.
  • High price. Quality tools from leading manufacturers are distinguished by high cost. The average cost of lamination in a professional salon ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Contraindications and harm

The composition is completely safe.It is not capable of causing any allergic reactions, it does not have a sharp smell. That is why these tools are allowed to be applied even during pregnancy.

If you have small wounds or abrasions on your head, it is recommended to cure them before the procedure.

There is an opinion that if lamination is carried out once, it will have to be carried out constantly. But this is a purely subjective factor.

It happened when heavier hair began to fall out. That is why you should not abuse the procedure if your curls are very weak. In such a situation, they must first be cured.

Lamination house

If you want to buy a beautiful luxurious head of hair, while spending the minimum amount of money, you can use lamination hair gelatin. This procedure is suitable for women who have too damaged hair structure. In addition, if the tips are badly whipped, and the curls are dry and dull, then the procedure at home will become a real magic wand.

With the help of lamination with gelatin, you can return the healthy shine of the hair. This procedure can cause special delight among owners of rare and fine hairs, as after its application the hairstyle increases in volume. But the main advantage of gelatin lamination is in the availability of the procedure. Gelatin is inexpensive, it can be purchased at any grocery store. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that it will take no more than one hour to conduct such a procedure at home.

The composition of gelatin is collagen, which is considered a natural protein compound. He is able to completely envelop the surface of each hair, covering it with a protective film. Due to this curls look much larger and thicker. In addition, gelatin is able to moisturize the curls and nourish them with vitality.

But it should be noted right away that you hardly notice the visible result from the first time. In order for it to be noticeable, it is necessary to carry out at least three procedures.

Lamination recipe

For gelatinous lamination at home, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • One pack of plain gelatin. You can use any, since the composition of different manufacturers is identical. Product value does not play any value.
  • Pre-boiled and cooled to room temperature water. You can take a little warm.
  • Any mask for hair. Instead, you can use the balm that you wash your hair.
  • Plastic bag or hair cap.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the whole set in advance so that all the ingredients are on hand. Boil the water and cool it to room temperature.
  2. Take a glass container, pour into it a tablespoon of gelatin. Fill the product with water at the rate of three tablespoons of water for one spoonful of gelatin. But if you have long hair, the number of ingredients must be increased by 3 times. Stir gelatin thoroughly with water. Do not be afraid if the pieces of gelatin begin to stick to the spoon. It is easily washed off under warm water. Capacity should be covered with a plate. So gelatin not only swells better, but does not cool.
  3. Leave the gelatinous mixture to swell, and go to the bathroom. Now you need to wash your hair and apply balm after washing on curls. Do it as you always do. Wash off the balm, blot the hair with a towel. Hair should not be completely dry, curls should be left slightly wet.
  4. 15 minutes after you have prepared the gelatin mixture, you can proceed to the main stage.
  5. Add in a gelatinous gruel the floor of a tablespoon of a hair mask. The mask can be used any, any manufacturer and price range. But do not add more amount of funds to the gelatin. Otherwise, the effect does not live up to expectations. In the end, should get a mass, the consistency of a thick sour cream.
  6. The resulting composition should be applied to slightly moist curls. Try not to touch the scalp. Therefore, it is worth to retreat a couple of centimeters from the roots.
  7. Put a plastic bag or cap on your head. Toward the head with a towel. Warm hair through towel with hair dryer for about 15 minutes.
  8. Wash off the hair with warm water. Do not use shampoo, otherwise the effect of home lamination will be minimal.

And now you can begin to consider reviews from those women who have already tried gelatinous lamination at home.

Gelatin Lamination Reviews

Surely many have already heard about the salon lamination. After this procedure, the hair becomes more shiny and smooth, the volume increases, brittleness disappears, and the coloring stays much better. You can endlessly list the positive aspects of this procedure, but there is one negative, which is a great value. Therefore, having studied many recipes, I decided to carry out gelatin lamination of hair at home. I was pleased with the result. Now I will experiment by adding various oils to gelatin.

And you yourself try to laminate hair with ordinary gelatin. For this, I took one bag of gelatin, poured it with boiling water, waited until it swells. It took me half an hour. Then she washed her hair well with shampoo, put on conditioner and washed it off. Only then put a gelatin mask on the entire length of the hair, without touching the scalp. She wrapped her hair in a bag, put a towel on top, waited 1 hour. The effect just shook me: such softness and shine, hair as smooth as silk. So I have not seen them for a long time.

A week later, the effect remained the same. The hair is shiny and smooth. I advise you to try all the girls necessarily, it will definitely not be worse from such a procedure! I wish you all a smart head of hair!

Today, on almost every second beauty blog on women's topics you can find recipes for lamination with gelatin at home. And this procedure has gained great popularity among women. And I also decided to try on myself the effect of such a procedure, which I did not regret a bit.Although I used to be a bit skeptical about such unusual procedures at home. Gelatinous lamination gave a stunning effect, curls acquired a new shine, it seems now alive and shining health. I am delighted!

After reading a lot of positive reviews, I decided to do it once, and now I’ve been doing lamination at home to this day, and quite often. In general, I love to care for my hair, as I can remember, I constantly wore long hair, and they require special care. And once I caught fire to make lamination hair. But this procedure is very expensive, and I found a recipe at home using gelatin. Of course, one should not expect the effect that can be obtained after visiting the salon. But this method is definitely good.

I learned about this method of lamination from some forum, at first I was skeptical about it, but the result exceeded all expectations. I did everything according to the classic recipe: I filled the gelatin with water, added a mask, washed my hair before the procedure, applied the composition to wet curls. Washed off the mask with warm water without shampoo. The curls became very smooth and soft, all the irregularities literally disappeared. And most importantly, that this whole beauty is worth a penny. Gelatin contains a lot of collagen that nourishes the hair. By the way, I want to note that after such a procedure, my hair became less fat. The effect lasts about 3 weeks. I wish you all beautiful curls!

Salon lamination hair

The procedure is to cover the curls with a special protective composition, gluing hair scales and leveling the strands from root to tip. There are two types of salon hair lamination - colorless and color. Colorless coating involves the use of standard tools, color gives the effect of staining.

Stages of the procedure

  • The first step is deep cleansing of the hair structure using special shampoos with a high alkali content.
  • Next, a means is applied to the curls, activating the regeneration of hair, it is kept on the hair in warmth for about fifteen minutes, after which it is washed off.
  • In the next stage, vitamins saturated with vitamins are applied to the strands, which affect the hair shaft and nourish it.
  • Applying a special tool that “solders” the scales and hair bundles, followed by washing of the head, is the final stage of the procedure.
  • The hair is dried and laid. In this case, the use of hot and chemical methods of laying is strictly prohibited.

The main advantages of lamination

During the lamination procedure, the hair is impregnated with a special protective composition that forms a film that helps strengthen the hair, protect it from aggressive environmental influences, solar radiation and corrosive urban dust. Now the hair does not lose the acquired and generated useful elements, while retaining the ability to absorb oxygen, which is extremely important for maintaining healthy hair and shine.

Hair becomes more susceptible to various types of styling, and also, over time, acquire additional volume.

Due to giving additional shine to hair, natural or artificially created color acquires a special saturation and retains its shade much longer.

Disadvantages of the lamination procedure

  • The procedure is effective for women with brittle, thin and dry hair. For healthy and strong hair, the procedure is practically useless. The only result of the application of the tool becomes the acquired ease of installation.
  • Laminated hair will not be able to dye, since the protective film covering the hair will reject the paint elements.
  • Laminated hair must be washed with special shampoos designed to maintain the effectiveness of the procedure. In this case, the hair becomes immune to additional care products. Masks, balms and sprays will be absolutely useless.
  • With a relatively high cost of the procedure, the result of its use is maintained for a month, and sometimes more, depending on the frequency of washing the head, combing and other procedures. After a month, the laminated cover is recommended to be restored again.

Useful videos

Marina Grishkova talks about straightening with gelatin:

Svetlana Bozhina talks about a mask with gelatin:

Effect of gelatin on hair

Lamination in a professional salon involves applying a special composition to the hair, which covers each hair with a transparent thin film that transforms the appearance of the hair and also protects it from the negative effects of external factors.

Lamination does not easily improve the appearance of the strands, but also heals them, making them smoother, more docile, and also returns shine.

Salon procedure is truly magical, because it can bring to life even the most damaged hairs. But this pleasure is worth a lot. Those women who want to save a family budget, but at the same time want to look great, can use lamination at home with gelatin, the recipe is very simple. This product includes almost all properties that have salon products for this cosmetic procedure:

  • Gelatin contains natural protein, collagen, dietary fiber, amino acids, vitamins, cellulose, trace elements, which are necessary for hair restoration. When exposed to gelatin substances included in its composition, are absorbed, improving the structure of each hair on the head.
  • This product covers hairs with an airtight film that protects them from the effects of external negative factors. Due to this, the strands look more elastic and voluminous, smoothed, and you can forget about the cut ends.
  • Gelatin has thermoprotective properties, so it is suitable for women who use a dryer for drying or styling tongs.
  • The product makes the strands obedient, easily remembering their shape.
  • After the house procedure, the hair is nourished, and moisture is retained in them due to the fact that gelatin contains a large amount of vitamin E.

It should be noted that the majority of professional hair care products contain gelatin..

The main advantages of lamination

Surely every hostess can find gelatin, but if it is not there, it will not be difficult to buy it at the grocery store. The cost of gelatin is low, so home lamination with gelatin hair is affordable for every woman. Gelatin hair treatment at home does not take much time. It is only necessary to find a few minutes for the preparation and application of the composition, and the waiting time for the impact can be spent on household chores, a simple rest or watching your favorite TV series.

Gelatin composition for hair with the effect of lamination is suitable for everyone, without exception, there are no contraindications to its use.

Lamination at home can yield to the salon only in that its effect is not immediately visible, but only after several sessions of the procedure.. In professional stores, even the most damaged strands immediately gain vitality. In addition, lamination in the salon can preserve the effect for a long time, up to six months, and the home lamination procedure should be repeated every month, as gelatin is quickly washed off from the hair. But this product has a revitalizing effect on the curls. Having the ability to accumulate, gelatin penetrates the hair structure, so after several procedures it will stay on the head of hair for a longer time.

The classic composition of the mixture

You do not need any specific ingredients for lamination hair gelatin.

The recipe for making a mask is quite simple. If the procedures will be carried out regularly, it is advisable to purchase a special container of small diameter, since the mixture being prepared will not be too large in volume. In a pan with a wide bottom, such a composition spreads out in a thin layer, after which it is inconvenient to collect and mix it. Phased production of the composition for lamination hair:

  1. Take 15 grams or one tablespoon of gelatin, pour into a pan, pour 3 tablespoons of slightly warm boiling water. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Cover the container on top with a lid, leave in a position for 20 minutes, so that the gelatin is swollen. If after this time lumps remain in the composition that do not stir, the mixture must be heated so that they completely dissolve. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the composition does not boil, since after that it will lose all of its properties and can also burn.
  2. In the resulting mixture, add half a tablespoon of balm, conditioner or hair mask that you usually use for shampooing. If the mixture is too liquid, you can add a small amount of balm to it, but do not overdo it, otherwise the procedure will not bring the desired effect.
  3. Before the event, the hair should be washed with ordinary shampoo, then blot them with a towel so that the strands remain a little wet.
  4. Apply the mixture to slightly damp hair, trying not to affect the scalp. Apply the mask as quickly as possible so that the composition is not frozen in the tank. If it is still frozen in a saucepan, it can be slightly warmed up, and then continue the application on the hair.
  5. When the tool is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, it is necessary to wrap the head with a plastic bag or cling film, warming it with a terry towel or a wool cap from above. In order to better influence the mask, the hair can be heated with a hair dryer for 15 minutes, tightly pressing his head. Thus, the laminator penetrates the hair pores better. But it is not necessary to conduct such heating.
  6. After that, you need to walk for another half an hour, then wash off the product from the hair with warm, not hot, water without the use of detergent. Gelatin is easily removed with simple water from the strand. To fix the effect, it is recommended to rinse the hair with lemon juice, diluted in water: 1 tsp. on 1 l of liquid.

These proportions are designed for lamination of short hair. Owners of long strands need to increase the number of components. During the preparation of the mixture also need to take into account the fact that one part of the gelatin is taken three parts of the liquid.

Useful gelatin masks

This classic recipe is used as an independent tool, and is also used as a base for a gelatin mask that has almost the same lamination effect. The main difference from simple lamination is that one or more auxiliary components are added to the mask that can nourish the curls. The principles of making gelatinous base will almost always be the same.

Hair loss

To prepare a mask for hair loss, you need to take a gelatin mixture, add 0.5 tsp. burdock or castor oil. Thoroughly mix the ingredients, then apply the mask evenly along the entire length of the strands, wrap the head in a warm towel, and an hour later wash off the composition with simple warm water.

To give volume

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a gelatin base according to the classic recipe, then add to it 1 yolk of an egg, 2 spoons of water, 1 tsp. mustard and colorless henna. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, not allowing the formation of lumps. If necessary, you can add water so that you get a mask of thick sour cream consistency.

Spread the resulting mixture evenly, warm the head from above, and in an hour wash the mask off the head with simple warm water.

For all hair types

1 tbsp. l gelatin must be dissolved in warm water, heated so that all the lumps are melted. When the mixture has cooled slightly, add a spoonful of aloe juice and a teaspoon of parsley juice. The resulting composition is applied to the head, wrapped with polyethylene and a towel. After one hour, rinse the head with warm water.

For dry curls

A tablespoon of gelatin must be dissolved in three tablespoons of plain water, if necessary, heat the mixture in a water bath. In a warm mixture add one drop of lavender essential oil, one teaspoon of vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly, and immediately apply the composition to your hair, wrapping them well in a towel. The mask from hair is washed off in 30 minutes.

For greasy hair

4 tablespoons of lemon juice should be heated in a water bath, add a tablespoon of gelatin, stir the ingredients until completely dissolved. Mix one yolk of an egg with half a spoonful of balm or mask. The resulting composition is combined with a gelatinous mass. Stir the mixture until smooth. The resulting mask is applied to clean curls, on top wrapped head with plastic wrap. Holds a mask on his head for half an hour. After this time, the composition is washed off with warm water without the use of shampoo.

Gelatin mask with honey

In the gelatin mass, prepared according to the classic recipe, you need to add one drop of almond, rosemary or sage oil, as well as a tablespoon of honey. Heat the mixture slightly until the oils completely dissolve, then apply the mask on clean strands. From above the head is warmed, and keeps for 40 minutes. Rinse off with warm plain water without using detergent.

Properties of gelatin as a hair laminator

Salon lamination involves applying a special composition to the hair, covering each hair with a thin transparent film that transforms the appearance of the hair and protects it from negative external factors. Lamination not only improves the appearance of hair, but also heals them, making them docile and smooth, returns shine.

This is a truly magical tool that can bring back even the most damaged hair. However, this procedure is worth a lot. For those who save the family budget, but want to look great, lamination of hair with gelatin at home is suitable. The product has almost all the properties with which salon hair lamination tools are endowed:

  1. Contains natural collagen, protein, amino acids, dietary fiber, cellulose, vitamins and trace elements necessary for hair restoration. In the process of exposure, substances are absorbed, improving the structure of each hair.
  2. Covers hair with breathable film that protects against external negative factors. Due to this, the hair looks more voluminous and elastic, smoothed out, the cut ends disappear.
  3. It has thermoprotective properties, therefore it is suitable for women who use a hairdryer and forceps.
  4. Makes hair obedient, easy to remember shape.
  5. It nourishes the hair and retains moisture due to the high content of vitamin E.

It is also worth noting that in most store hair care products with lamination properties, gelatin is present in the composition.

The advantages of home lamination

Gelatin probably is in the house of every hostess, although in the absence of buy it is not difficult. The product is inexpensive, so every woman can afford it. The lamination process does not take much time - only on the preparation and application of the composition, the waiting time of the impact is spent on household chores, watching your favorite TV series or just relaxing.

Gelatin hair product with a lamination effect is suitable for everyone without exception, there are no contraindications to its use. Gelatin helps eliminate many hair problems:

  • damaged split ends,
  • thin and brittle curls,
  • will give shine and elasticity to hair,
  • Will make a rare head of hair visually more dense.

Home lamination is inferior to the salon only, perhaps, the fact that its action is not visible immediately, but after several sessions. In the salon, even the most damaged hair will immediately gain vitality.

In addition, salon lamination retains the effect for quite a long time - from 4 to 6 months, the home lamination procedure will have to be repeated in a month, as the gelatin is quickly washed off. However, it acts on the hair regenerating, tends to accumulate, penetrating into the structure of the hair, so after a few courses it will last for a longer time.

The classic recipe home lamination

Recipe composition for lamination hair gelatin at home is simple. Preparation of the mask does not require much effort. If you plan to conduct regular hair restoration procedures, it is advisable to purchase a special pan with a small bottom diameter. Since the prepared composition by volume will not be too large, in a pan with a wide bottom it will spread in a thin layer, and it will be inconvenient to mix and collect.

So, the phased preparation of a household composition for lamination of hair:

1. Pour 1 bag of gelatin (15 g, or 1 tbsp. L.) Into a saucepan, add 3 tbsp to it. l lightly cooled boiling water and mix thoroughly. Cover the container with a lid and leave to swell for 15-20 minutes. If after swelling there are lumps that just do not stir, the composition is heated to their complete dissolution. In this case, make sure that the mixture does not boil, as the gelatin loses its properties when boiling, and it burns quickly enough.

2. In the resulting mass add ½ tbsp. l balm, mask or conditioner for hair, usually used when washing the head. If the mass is too thin, add a little more balm, but you should not overdo it, otherwise there will be no desired effect.

3. Wash hair with usual shampoo, blot with a towel so that they remain wet.

4. Apply the prepared mixture to the hair, avoiding contact with the scalp as soon as possible so that the mass does not stand in the container. If it still happened, it can be slightly heated and continue to apply.

5. After the distribution of the gelatinous mass for lamination along the length of the hair, wrap the head with a cling film or plastic bag, warm it with a wool hat or a usual towel. For better impact, hair can be heated with a hairdryer for 10-15 minutes, pressing it to the head. So the laminator penetrates the pores of the hair. However, heating is not necessary.

6. After warming up, walk like this for another half hour, then wash off the composition with warm (but not hot!) Water without using detergents. Gelatin is easily removed from the hair. To consolidate the effect of hair, rinse with lemon juice, diluted in water (1 tsp. Per liter of water).

The given proportions are designed for short hair. Owners of long curls need to increase the number of components. When preparing it is worth considering that three parts of the liquid (regardless of its composition) are added to one part of gelatin.

Hair masks with a gelatin base

The above recipe is a classic one. It is used as an independent means or as a basis for a gelatin mask, which will also have the effect of lamination. The main difference from conventional lamination will be the addition of one or more auxiliary components that additionally nourish the hair. The principle of making gelatinous base in each case will be almost the same.

For dry hair.

Gelatin - 1 t. L.
Water - 3 tbsp. l
Apple vinegar - 1 tsp.
Lavender essential oil - 1 drop.

Dissolve gelatin in water, if necessary, heat in a water bath. Add oil, pour vinegar, immediately apply to hair and wrap well. Wash off after 30 minutes.

Mask-shampoo for hair.

Decoction of herbs (nettle, burdock root, chamomile) - 1/3 cup.
Gelatin - 3 tbsp. l
Shampoo - 2 tbsp. l

Dissolve gelatin in warm broth, add shampoo, mix. Apply the composition to the hair, leave for 10 minutes (without insulation), rinse with warm water.

Honey gelatin mask for hair.

Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l
Water - 3 tbsp. l
Honey - 1 tbsp. l
Essential oil (sage, almond, rosemary - your choice) - 1 drop.

Add honey and essential oil to the gelatinous mass, heat slightly to dissolve the oils and apply to clean hair. To warm the head and hold the mask for 30-40 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

The essence of the method

Gelatin is a partially hydrolyzed collagen protein, which is synthesized by processing animal connective tissue.

Gelatin is an affordable product that resourceful beauties use for home lamination of hair.

At home lamination, the product envelops each hair with a special film, which:

  • closes the flap of the curl, "solves" split ends,
  • thickens hair
  • nourishes and moisturizes the curls,
  • protects strands from the harmful effects of external factors (hot-laying appliances, weather conditions, etc.).

After the procedure with gelatin hair look healthy and well-groomed, smooth, shiny and more voluminous.

Indications and contraindications

It is recommended to resort to gelatinous lamination in case of damaged, split, dull hair lacking volume.

Gelatin protects hair from the detrimental effects of appliances for hot styling

For those who can not do without hot styling, the procedure will help protect the curls from the harmful effects of hair dryers, curtains and irons.

The only contraindication for gelatin lamination is individual intolerance to animal protein. Before using the composition recommended allergotest. A small amount of gelatinous mixture should be applied for 7–8 minutes on the elbow bend, if during the day undesirable reactions (itching, irritation, redness, etc.) do not appear, you can resort to lamination.

If other ingredients are used in addition to gelatin and water, their contraindications should be considered.

Laminating is used with care for dry hair. In this case, it is recommended to enrich the composition with moisturizing ingredients (oils, egg yolk, milk).

Are negative consequences possible?

Some girls who have experienced lamination with gelatin have noticed that after the procedure, the hair begins to quickly get dirty: you have to wash your hair more often. Therefore, if the hair is oily, you should not add milk and vegetable oils to the composition; instead, you can enrich the mixture with 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil, ylang-ylang or rosemary.

Oily hair after gelatin lamination may start to lose a fresh look even faster.


To achieve an additional effect, additional ingredients may be included in the gelatin lamination formulation. This can be done in 3 ways:

  • replace the water with another ingredient
  • replace with a different ingredient a mask or balm
  • to enrich the mixture prepared according to the classic recipe with other ingredients.

What to replace the water?

To enhance the positive effect of the lamination composition on the hair, water in the classic recipe can be replaced:

  • milk
  • juice (lemon for light hair, carrot for dark),
  • herbal decoction (for blondes suitable chamomile, for brunettes - nettle).

Dark hair owners can substitute water for the lamination with a decoction of nettle to give looknam extra care

How to make herbal decoction? Pour 2 tablespoons of raw material with a glass of boiling water and soak for 5–10 minutes on the steam bath. After cooling, filter.

Contraindications for lamination of hair

  • The main contraindication is strong hair loss, as well as their considerable length. The agents used in this procedure make your curls heavier, which can contribute to the loss of healthy hair.
  • It is forbidden to laminate hair in the presence of small wounds, rashes, irritations and other negative manifestations on the scalp. There is a threat of various infections and as a result, the development of infection. In addition, the components that make up the hair lamination products can get into the blood through wounds, which can lead to serious health problems.

Thus, lamination of hair, despite the high efficiency of the final result, has a number of significant contraindications and is designed for girls with problematic hair. You should not use lamination, if your hair and so healthy.

However, the salon procedure has the main “but” - the session costs from 5,000 rubles. But it turns out that there is an alternative option - everything can be done at home. And it will cost you only 20 rubles (the price of a bag of gelatin). This is a savings! A bag of food gelatin will help to quickly, cheaply and permanently improve the appearance of the hair.

Advantages of gelatin for lamination

The advantages of lamination recipes with gelatin are many, and the most basic is the affordable price.

In addition, there are a number of advantages:

  • The procedure can be carried out for all types of hair (brittle, dyed, oily, dull, damaged, dry).
  • Gelatin perfectly restores damaged strand structure.
  • Coated gelatinous layer of curls perfectly protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, external stimuli.
  • Stubborn hair after the procedure easily fit into an intricate hairstyle.
  • It is recommended to apply recipes with gelatin at home on dyed or curled curls - the paint will last longer, and the perm will keep its shape longer.
  • Regular use will allow you to forget about split ends.
  • Using a hair dryer, dryer or curling iron will not damage the protected strands.

Recipes, in which the main component is gelatin, a lot. You can use it in combination with different products, which allows you to lamination hair at home, moisturize and replenish the lack of nutrients in their tissues.

What is the secret of lamination with gelatin?

Gelatin contains natural collagen, enveloping each hair, forming a protective film. Hair becomes thicker and more bulky, gain shine, cease to electrify, look more lively and more attractive. In addition, gelatin moisturizes and nourishes the roots. Gelatin lamination is absolutely harmless and shown even during pregnancy, despite the difficulties of its course and duration.

Rules for using gelatin at home

Most often, the recipe for lamination of gelatin is used in combination with a mask (it is recommended to take a product that contains silicone - this will greatly facilitate combing at home) or a balm.

The procedure is carried out in this order:

  1. 25 gr. gelatinous granules pour 85 ml of hot water, leave for half an hour.
  2. Send a container with swollen gelatin granules to the water bath, stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Slightly cool the liquid, pour in 25-30 ml of hair balm (you can add a finished mask).
  4. Wash hair well, rinse conditioner.
  5. A little dry, spread the gelatin mask with your fingers or brush over the entire length of the hair evenly (do not apply the remedy on the roots, it is better to retreat a little from the scalp).
  6. Warm the head with a film and a towel, hold the gelatin mask for at least an hour.
  7. Wash off the mixture with cool water (hot liquid is not recommended, it will wash away the gelatin layer from the hair).
  8. Lamination repeat no more than once a week, otherwise you can dry out the curls.

When applying a gelatin mask, it should be remembered that lumps are unacceptable in the mixture, otherwise it will be very difficult to remove them from the hair. If it was not possible to completely dissolve the granules, it is necessary to pre-strain the mixture, only after that you can use it on the curls.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Pour a spoonful of gelatin in a glass container and add 3 tbsp. spoons of warm water. Stir thoroughly, then cover the container with a lid. After 20 minutes, the gelatin granules swell. Put in a water bath and, heating, stir until the granules are completely dissolved in water.
  2. Wash your hair with shampoo and then again with conditioner. Towel to remove excess moisture.
  3. Mix gelatin with half a tablespoon of conditioner or a mask, apply on wet strands, stepping back from the roots by one centimeter: this will prevent skin irritation and dandruff.
  4. Cover the head with polyethylene, bind with a towel and warm the entire structure with a hair dryer, turned on for medium power for 15 minutes.

After 45 minutes, wash your head without shampoo with warm water.

It is important to know

  • Do not wait for a lasting result from the very first procedure. Home lamination should be carried out at least three to five times, and ideally weekly for three months.
  • Gelatin mask is indicated for use at least once a week.
  • Do not allow boiling gelatin when warming up in a water bath!
  • Gelatinous mass should be obtained without lumps - they are very difficult to comb out of the hair.
  • If, after several well-performed procedures, the hair has not acquired the expected brilliance and the effect of lamination is not observed, it may be necessary to consult a specialist who will help to identify the cause or disease.

So, we have stated all the pros and cons of the salon procedure and hair lamination at home. The choice, of course, is yours, and we wish you to create a "head of dream" in any of the ways described.


Reviews of women on the procedure

I have already got used to straightening the lamination of hair at home. Without gelatin, I simply cannot imagine caring for my hair. For the first time I tried to test the lamination procedure about 2 years ago. And never once regretted it. I see no reason to go to professional salons, laying out considerable means for biolamination, if you can help your hair at home with gelatin for free at home.

I prefer to laminate my hair, rather than using different curling irons and flat irons for straightening. In addition, lamination with the use of gelatin is an incredible benefit to the health of the hair. After such a procedure, the curls become more obedient.

Just want to say that I tried both professional salon lamination and lamination at home with gelatin. Of course, the effect of the professional procedure lasts much longer. At home, I have to hold this event about 2 times a month. Since my hair is long, I have to suffer a little to distribute the entire gelatin composition evenly. But in parallel with lamination once a week I also make various hair masks, most often with honey. In principle, gelatin will be ideal for those who want to save money and walk with luxurious hair.

Gelatin and sea salt

The recipe will make the strands shiny and light, while at the same time repairing curls damaged by cosmetic procedures.

  • 25 gr. gelatin powder
  • 15 gr. sea ​​salt,
  • 10 ml of castor oil,
  • 90 ml of water
  • 15 ml burdock oil,
  • 2-5 ml of rosemary (can be replaced by ylang-ylang).

Pour gelatin powder with hot water, wait half an hour, dissolve using a water bath (you can use a microwave for this purpose). Add the remaining ingredients to the cooled gelatin liquid. Apply the mask for lamination at home for half an hour, then wash off using a mild shampoo (you can take the kids).

Gelatin and Herbal Collection

Plant materials will not only increase the effect of gelatin, but will moisturize and penetrate deep into the hair tissue, nourishing them with substances necessary for growth and strengthening.

  • 10 gr. mint,
  • 15 gr. chamomile
  • 20 gr. nettle,
  • 140 ml of water
  • 25 gr. gelatinous crumb,
  • 45 ml of shampoo.

Prepare herbal decoction (pour boiled water over crushed vegetable raw material), insist for a quarter of an hour, strain. Pour gelatinous crumb decoction, wait for swelling, dissolve. Add shampoo, apply on hair. The exposure time gelatinous mask for lamination - half an hour. Rinse with cool water only.

Gelatin and Cocoa

Such a recipe at home perfectly laminates curls and gives them a delightful shade. Blondes do not use a mask with cocoa - very light strands can get a gray dull shade.


  • 55 gr. cocoa (powder),
  • 235 ml of water
  • 30 gr. gelatinous granules
  • 15 gr. cosmetic oils (you can take any).

Dissolve gelatin granules in a water bath (first let it swell a little), mix the liquid with the other ingredients. On the curls withstand the mask for lamination for about 2 hours. Wash off using natural shampoo.

Gelatin and Lemon

The recipe of the gelatin-lemon mask will not only create the effect of lamination on the hair, but also perfectly clean them, removing grease and dirt.

  • 50 ml of lemon juice,
  • 25-28 gr. gelatin powder
  • 45 ml of shampoo.

Gelatin powder pour lemon juice, wait a quarter of an hour, send the container to the microwave and wait until the granules completely dissolve. Pour in the shampoo, apply the mixture to the curls. Wait an hour and a half, wash the mask from the hair.

Feedback on the results

They will talk about how effective home-made hair gel is gelatin, reviews from women who have already experienced its effects. Almost all the responses are positive, and the ladies share not only their impressions of the use of funds, but also the recipes, which, in their opinion, are the most effective. Women in the reviews are sure that the curls look no worse than after the salon lamination procedure, and this beauty costs them much less.

Review from Svetlana (26 years old)

Until recently, lamination on the hair was done to me in a beauty salon, and I wouldn’t say that the cost of the procedure was fascinating to me, but I really wanted the hair to look beautiful. I couldn’t know about the fact that you can do it yourself, with the usual gelatin, until I saw a friend buy a bag of culinary product and say that it is for hair. To admit that I didn’t even hear about it, it was inconvenient, so I immediately climbed into the computer at home and found recipes for using gelatin at home and their effect on hair.

The procedure decided to do on the weekend, so that if something goes wrong, I had time to remove the consequences. There were no difficulties in preparing and applying the mask (I used gelatin with hair balm). The effect after lamination struck me - that was how my hair looked after an expensive visit to a beautician! Now I am doing my own hair, I have found many recipes for masks and alternate their use. Thanks to this care, I spend much less money on myself, and my hair looks just as good.

Even there are doubts about the effectiveness of gelatin, you can try to apply a mask with this ingredient - harm from the product in any case will not. The experiment will help to make sure that the culinary product really creates a lamination effect on the curls, and to do this easily and simply by yourself at home, without regular visits to the salon.

How to replace the purchase mask (balsam)?

Instead of a purchased mask (balm), you can use egg yolk, which must be added after heating the gelatin mixture on the steam bath.

Purchased mask (balm) in the composition for lamination not only nourishes the hair, but also helps to quickly and easily remove the mixture from the curls with running water. Egg yolk has similar properties, so it can be used as a natural alternative to this component.

How to enrich the composition for gelatin lamination?

In the mixture prepared according to the classic recipe, you can add:

  • honey: tablespoon,
  • cold pressed unrefined vegetable oil (castor, burdock, olive, almond, coconut, etc.): 0.5 teaspoon with oily hair, 1 teaspoon with normal and 1.5 teaspoon with dry,
  • essential oil (lavender, rosemary, cedar, beat, ylang-ylang, etc.): 2-3 drops,
  • Vitamins A and / or E: 2-4 drops.

Vitamins and vegetable oils are recommended to be included in the composition at the time of heating the gelatin mixture on the steam bath, essential oils and honey - after heating together with the purchase mask (balm).

Key recommendations

  1. Composition for lamination to prepare immediately before use.
  2. The ratio of gelatin to water (or its replacement fluid) should always be 1 to 3.
  3. The finished mass should be stirred until uniform (it will be very difficult to comb the lumps out of the hair).

Classic recipe

  1. Pour gelatin with warm, but not hot water, observing the ratio of 1 to 3. For medium-length hair, a tablespoon of gelatin is sufficient. Mix well the mass.
  2. Cover the container with the composition of a plate or lid and let it stand for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Heat the mixture on the steam bath, stirring constantly, so that the gelatin crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. Enter into the mass half a tablespoon of any purchased hair mask (you can replace the balm). Stir until a homogeneous, creamy consistency.

The composition for gelatin lamination resembles thick sour cream.

For the preparation of the composition is recommended to use non-carbonated mineral water.

Video: classic gelatin lamination


To achieve an additional effect, additional ingredients may be included in the gelatin lamination formulation. This can be done in 3 ways:

  • replace the water with another ingredient
  • replace with a different ingredient a mask or balm
  • to enrich the mixture prepared according to the classic recipe with other ingredients.

What to replace the water?

To enhance the positive effect of the lamination composition on the hair, water in the classic recipe can be replaced:

  • milk
  • juice (lemon for light hair, carrot for dark),
  • herbal decoction (for blondes suitable chamomile, for brunettes - nettle).

Dark hair owners can substitute water for the lamination with a decoction of nettle to give looknam extra care

How to make herbal decoction? Pour 2 tablespoons of raw material with a glass of boiling water and soak for 5–10 minutes on the steam bath. After cooling, filter.

Video: recipe with milk

How to replace the purchase mask (balsam)?

Instead of a purchased mask (balm), you can use egg yolk, which must be added after heating the gelatin mixture on the steam bath.

Purchased mask (balm) in the composition for lamination not only nourishes the hair, but also helps to quickly and easily remove the mixture from the curls with running water. Egg yolk has similar properties, so it can be used as a natural alternative to this component.

How to enrich the composition for gelatin lamination?

In the mixture prepared according to the classic recipe, you can add:

  • honey: tablespoon,
  • cold pressed unrefined vegetable oil (castor, burdock, olive, almond, coconut, etc.): 0.5 teaspoon with oily hair, 1 teaspoon with normal and 1.5 teaspoon with dry,
  • essential oil (lavender, rosemary, cedar, beat, ylang-ylang, etc.): 2-3 drops,
  • Vitamins A and / or E: 2-4 drops.

Vitamins and vegetable oils are recommended to be included in the composition at the time of heating the gelatin mixture on the steam bath, essential oils and honey - after heating together with the purchase mask (balm).

Video: recipe with oil and vitamin E

Gallery: additional components in lamination formulations

How to make gelatin lamination?

Key recommendations

  1. Lamination is recommended at least 1 time per week for 1-2 months (the visible effect usually appears after 3 procedures).
  2. The composition is prohibited to apply to the scalp and hair roots.
  3. If during the course of procedures there is a deterioration of the hair, you should abandon the lamination with gelatin and look for another way to care for curls.

Preparatory stage

  1. Wash hair with shampoo.
  2. Apply any purchased balm to the strands, withstand the time recommended in the instructions, rinse with running water.
  3. Slightly dry the curls with a towel.

The composition for gelatinous lamination is applied to clean wet hair

Main stage

  1. On wet hair apply gelatinous composition, retreating from the roots of 1–2 cm.
  2. Wrap your head with cling film or put on a shower cap and warm with a towel.
  3. For 15–20 minutes, warm the hair with a hair dryer.
  4. Leave the gelatin mixture to "work" for another 45 minutes.
  5. Rinse with running water without using shampoo.

Hair care after lamination with gelatin

During the course of gelatin lamination and after it for a long-term preservation of the effect it is recommended:

  • for washing hair use shampoos without SLS and SLeS,
  • Do not resort to the use of oil masks, as they wash gelatin from the structure of the curl.

If you do not want to abandon the masks with oils, you can do them immediately before the procedure of lamination with gelatin.

Reviews gelatin hair lamination

I have done the lamination with gelatin already 2 times. According to this recipe: for 1 tablespoon of gelatin 3 tablespoons of hot water. Then mix it all up actively and, if there are lumps, put in a microwave to get rid of them. After 10 minutes, when the whole mixture hardens, I add 1/2 tbsp of hair mask to it. Again, all the stir well. Before applying the mixture to the hair, they need to be washed. Then apply the mixture over the entire length to wet hair, retreating from the roots of 2 cm, and trying not to touch the scalp. I put on a cellophane cap and wrap a warm towel over it. I leave for 50–60 minutes. Then wash off. Want to, wash off with shampoo, want - no. Do you want to apply a balm, you want, no. But hair becomes gorgeous! They shine very much, become heavier, and because of this straight, smooth and very soft. They say that it is desirable to make such a mask once every 2 weeks.


I tried it, I liked it! My thin long hair damaged by painting quickened, the highlighting began to play, I just can not pass calmly past the mirror. In winter, terrible problems generally begin with hair: split, fall out, dull, sluggish, lifeless. I think this is a great quick recipe against lethargy and tip section. Here are some tips and cautions for those who decide to try: 1. Do not rub gelatinous mixtures into the hair roots, as gelatin can form a crust on the skin and cause itching and flaking. 2. When heating gelatin in a water bath, see that the mixture does not boil. If this does happen, we advise you to repeat the procedure with new components. 3. Make sure that there are no lumps in gelatinous shampoos and masks, otherwise they mercilessly grab your hair and the process of home lamination of the hair will turn into a long session of combing gelatin residues from the hairstyle. 5.If gelatin for hair did not bring the long-awaited shine and strength, we advise you to consult a doctor. It is possible that your thinned and weakened curls are the cause of the progression of some disease, and it should be treated not with hair masks, but with serious medicines.


And I made my own recipe for lamination on the basis of gelatin, and I absolutely love it. All my life I straightened out my crooked wavy hair, which I didn’t try, and for the first time I’m so excited about the homely penny method. I started with a gelatin mask according to the classic recipe. I liked her, but not very much. And that's where it all led me. We need: 1 bag of gelatin, 7 tbsp. tablespoons of water, 1 egg, 1 bottle of propolis tincture, half a pack of live yeast and a teaspoon of hand cream or body with the smell of vanilla and a bag of vanillin. This is to discourage the smell. The smell of yeast and eggs is really nasty. Mix gelatin with water and propolis and let it brew, heat in the microwave for one and a half minutes, taking out and stirring every 30 seconds. And then set to cool, so that when we add the egg mixture, the egg does not cook. In another bowl, mix the egg, yeast, vanillin and cream with a mixer, mix thoroughly, pour it all slowly and stir the mixer into a slightly warm gelatinous mixture. If you get a very thick mixture, like dough, then just warm in the microwave a little bit on a small mode. Then put on a pre-washed head, dried with a towel, hold the mixture for about an hour so that it dries and hardens. Then we wash it off very carefully with warm water so that there are no lumps left. Once I didn’t wash very carefully and I had a crust on my head, I had to comb it. Then dry your head with a hairdryer. I usually still straighten hair with a flat iron. The effect is amazing! Glitter hair, silkiness, straightening such that I was in shock, kept for two days! Moreover, during the night I usually have a nest on my head. Although I do not advise anyone to reclaim volume with an iron, it disappears, which is what I actually need. Oh yeah, and if the mask seems too oily for your hair, I advise you to reduce the amount of cream to 0.5 tsp. Well, or remove it altogether, although I did not try it that way. Probably have to add more water then.


Gallery: photo "before" and "after"

Gelatin lamination will give your hair a luxurious and well-groomed look. However, taking care of the external gloss of curls, do not forget about a balanced diet, an active lifestyle and timely treatment of existing diseases, as the beauty and health of the strands is determined by the general condition of the body.


Watch the video: Eyelash Lifting Procedure Incredible Eyelash Transformations (July 2024).