
What to do if head itches on nerves


On the human condition is constantly affected by many factors. Many people are faced with the phenomenon of constantly scratching his head. The causes of this phenomenon may be different. In any case, measures must be taken to eliminate this unpleasant symptom. Details are presented in the article.

Why does it itch your head? Causes may be associated with the appearance of lice. But this happens only in advanced cases. Inflammation and irritation on the head is usually observed in young children who do not like water treatments, and unscrupulous parents do not bathe them. It is easy to find traces of lice, because pests leave stains. Lice are usually formed where there is dandruff.

If a person follows hygiene, the possibility of such a problem is minimal. If you have doubts about this, you should ask a loved one to examine your head for the presence of parasites. You can see them with your own eyes or through a magnifying glass.

"Why does it itch your head, is it clean after all?" - Often people can hear just such a question. If itching occurs after washing the head, then shampoo is probably not suitable. In this case, you need to buy a pharmacy remedy against this symptom.

Often, a person appears to be allergic to certain components that are part of personal care products. Allergens include compounds of sodium and sulfates. In this case, it is necessary to replace the shampoo, otherwise with allergies on the head red spots can form, and dandruff will be released even more. Inflammation and dandruff appear when the head is very dry, and the person uses shampoo for oily hair.

Chemical damage

If the head is scratched, the causes may be in chemical damage. Typically, this problem occurs in the fair sex after extensions and staining. Itching occurs due to the influence of many chemical components on the skin and hair. In this case, it is necessary to determine which of the remedies causes the allergy. If it is revealed, it is necessary to refuse its use.

It is necessary to pay attention to the composition, compare it with other means used. Often allergy is caused by ordinary henna. After contact with the head, it has a negative effect on the epidermis. An allergen can be ammonia, which is an aggressive agent for epithelium.

Usually helps the transition to the products of another company. Therefore, if the head is scratched from shampoo, it is necessary to try another detergent. To get rid of unpleasant sensations, you must use a soothing gel, lotion, balm. Suit various herbal tinctures.


Constantly itching head due to the presence of the disease. Loss of curls is associated with a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements for hair and skin. A weakening of the bulbs occurs, the strands become thinner and break, and then fall out.

Itching may occur due to skin disease in the form of a fungus, ringworm. The disease can occur in people of any age and gender. Usually sores are presented as frequent blemishes on the skin. The affected area may not be the head. The disease can manifest itself all over the body, especially in areas of friction - on the knees or elbows. The spots turn white, scaly, because of this, the person feels a strong itch. In this case, you should consult with your doctor about treatment methods.

If the head is constantly scratched, then the reason may lie in the presence of seborrhea. This disease occurs due to the strong oily skin. Then dandruff appears in greater numbers. In addition, there is peeling. It may be dermatitis or psoriasis. It is not necessary to treat the disease at home, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

The causes of this phenomenon are constant stress and depression, malnutrition, disruptions in immunity or hormonal system. If the skin is sensitive, then even with washing with hard water can cause this unpleasant symptom. The head is still itching because of a genetic factor, allergies or health problems.

Allergy to paint

The head may itch from using poor quality paint or a compound with ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, it is important to control what the master will use for painting. Non-ammonia paints or shampoos are more suitable. Before the procedure, you must perform an allergy test.


Itching may occur due to the use in large quantities of sweet, spicy, smoked, canned and coffee. Overeating with these products necessarily affects the skin, dermatitis, eczema, acne, rash appear.

When these skin manifestations observed itching and scratching in places of rash. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the use of harmful food, it is necessary to use more plain water, lean products without spices. After this itching can go away on its own.

Unsuitable headgear

If it is cramped or synthetic, then there will definitely be discomfort on the head. Debate only aggravates the situation. In this case, it is required to replace the headpiece with a pleasant one, made of natural material. In addition, they should be worn at a certain temperature, do not overheat and overcool the scalp.

Itchy scalp can also occur due to:

  • blood circulation disorders
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • Frequent use of a hair dryer, curling iron, overvoltage.

Can itch your head from nerves? Stress and hair are interrelated. Therefore, it is likely that itching will occur. During stress, there are changes in the activity of the immune system, which is beginning to work actively. This activation can cause attacks of its own cells.

Because of this, in some systems there is an imbalance of the factors of protection and aggression. Due to damage to the tissues of the scalp, irritation of the nerve endings is observed, transmitting a signal of damage to the brain. The nervous system understands this as itchy skin. This damage to the hair follicles can lead to hair loss.

When is treatment required?

Eliminate dandruff, itching and other skin problems can and should be. You must contact your doctor if you find:

  • scabies
  • excessive oily scalp,
  • skin peeling,
  • acne.

If itchy head in one place or different, at home you can use shampoos and medical masks. Various effective remedies are being sold against specific problems.

How to restore hair?

Stress can significantly affect the condition of the hair. How to perform a restore? The following recommendations will help in this matter:

  1. Exclusion of factors that damage the scalp and hair. Do not use paints, perm, use a hot dryer, a straightener.
  2. The use of methods that improve the blood flow to the scalp. This applies to laser comb and darsonwal. Procedures activate blood flow and improve hair growth.
  3. Self-massage is useful.
  4. The comb should be used soft, preferably wood with a low frequency of teeth.

Following these recommendations will help to quickly restore the amount of hair on the head.

If the scalp is itchy, what should I do? Special shampoos relieve this unpleasant symptom:

  1. From dandruff. But it can only be used if there is no allergy.
  2. From fungus and lichen. You should purchase products with zinc and climbazole.
  3. From itching and burning. Mousses and gels with salicylic acid and tar are suitable.
  4. From seborrhea. It is necessary to use therapeutic masks and shampoos with tar, sulfur, antibacterial components and trace elements.
  5. From irritation. It is better to choose shampoos with chamomile, oak bark and other medicinal herbs and plants.

Medication use

If the head is scratched, treatment can be performed with medicines prescribed by a doctor. Do not use them arbitrarily. Usually, for dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis, vitamin complexes with vitamins A, E, B and preparations with fungi are prescribed.

If depression and stress are constantly accompanied, you need to relax and calm down. In this case, you should use antidepressants, such as Novopassit, and tincture of motherwort and chamomile. If the hormonal system is normal, it is necessary to take the drug to restore the balance between male and female hormones.

Traditional medicine

It is not necessary to use medicines, because there is traditional medicine. Its means can quickly improve the condition of the scalp and hair:

  1. Massage. The procedure restores blood circulation, eliminates unpleasant symptoms painlessly.
  2. Herbal decoctions. For the treatment of suitable bark oak, chamomile, nettle. They can be used in rinsing after shampooing.
  3. Juice of garlic and onions. The found acids and sulfur allow to eliminate a peeling, a dandruff, an itch. You will need juice of garlic or onion, which must be mixed with lemon juice (in an amount of 1: 1). You also need to add a little oil, preferably olive. The mixture is applied to wet strands and scalp for half an hour. Then everything should be washed off with warm water. If desired, add a few drops of lemon juice to the water.
  4. Mask of apple. It will quickly get rid of the itch. It will take an average-sized apple, which should be ground on a grater, and then applied to the curls and scalp. Then it is necessary to wrap the head with a warm towel for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo. Procedures can be performed 2 times a week, which will provide excellent results.
  5. Onion Husk It will take 1 tbsp. This product, which must be placed in a saucepan and pour boiling water (1 liter). The mixture should be cooked on low heat for 1 hour. Broth is used to remove the itch to rinse after shampoos. To achieve the best effect, you need to perform procedures 2-3 times a week.


Any disease is better to prevent than to cure. In order not to cause itchy scalp, it is important to follow simple rules:

  1. Use high-quality shampoos, balms, lotions, in which there are no harmful substances-allergens.
  2. It is important to use only your styling tools - combs, hairpins, curling irons, stylers.
  3. In hairdressers and salons need to monitor the processing tool.
  4. It is necessary to adhere to an active lifestyle, eat right, eliminate bad habits.
  5. It is important to remember that you should not self-medicate.

Thus, the head can itch from various factors. At the same time there are many means to eliminate this unpleasant symptom. And if you follow the rules of prevention, you can prevent the appearance of itching and other ailments of the scalp.

Mechanism of itching

Often itching occurs in people who have poor control over their emotional state and are prone to nervosa. The main representatives of this group are women and children who have problems in the control of experiences and emotions.

The prerequisites for a problem are: lack of sleep, conflict at work, nervous tension, depression, and so on. In the process of mental stress, the level of adrenal gland hormone production, which has an increased anti-inflammatory property, decreases. This causes the skin to itch.


As in most cases associated with a change in health, you should not self-diagnose the problem and try to determine the cause. Instead, you should consult a doctor who, on the basis of the information provided by the patient, will make a verdict and determine what served as a catalyst for the problem. The main factor indicating that the cause of the itch was the emotional component was the appearance of a symptom:

  • at the same time as stress
  • shortly after the patient suffered stress,
  • during a protracted depression.

Note! Itchiness is mainly local and episodic. The disease can manifest itself in various parts of the human body, for example, on the head, in the arms, legs, etc. They especially begin to itch at night. Also, the condition is often accompanied by redness and rash.

Therapy and methods of dealing with the problem should be discussed with the doctor who prescribes the necessary drugs. This approach is safer, because when trying to self-treatment increases the chance of deterioration of the situation.

At the first stage, the doctor prescribes medications aimed at improving the emotional state of the patient. At the beginning, sedative substances on a plant basis will have a good effect.

In cases where the emotional state of a person is extremely difficult, more powerful drugs of the group of antidepressants and strong sedatives are used (Venlafaccin, etc.).

If itching appears on the scalp, it is impossible to use ointments and similar means. but It is allowed to use herbal-based shampoos that are sold in a pharmacy.

Also increase the chances of winning in the fight against the problem will contribute to taking antihistamines (Suprastin and others), which relieve various manifestations of itching and can completely eliminate it. Despite the strong effect and relative safety, you cannot take them yourself, because they can have a detrimental effect on the body.

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Causes of Itching

If the unpleasant itching disturbs the scalp, this may be due to the fact that the skin is very dry. Often it is accompanied by hair loss. If he is worried about his arms and legs, then this may be due to tight clothing, or in the case when there are remains of laundry detergent on her.

Among the many reasons there are a dozen of the most common. In any case, it is impossible to independently determine why the itch does not stop for a long time, since even an experienced doctor is not immediately able to determine the source of the trouble. The reasons may be completely harmless factors and those that entail serious problems, such as:

  • disorders of the liver,
  • food intolerance,
  • reaction to taking certain drugs,
  • temperature fluctuations
  • dry skin in old age
  • mental abnormalities
  • endocrine-related diseases
  • tumors
  • anemia,
  • parasites.

Separately distinguished skin diseases: scabies, urticaria, allergic dermatitis, shingles, eczema, etc.

Nervous pruritus

The expression "all diseases of the nerves" is known to all, and itchy skin is one of the symptoms of nervous tension. Problems that often have to be solved one by one, undermine the internal forces of the body, and it can not cope with the load. In most cases, pruritus runs away on its own and no treatment is required. But sometimes there are severe cases in which a visit to the doctor is indispensable. Ignore the symptom is not worth it, because the disease can become chronic.

At risk are women with an unbalanced temper and children who are too emotional.

What is the reason for the appearance of pruritus on nerves? It all depends on how a person reacts to a particular problem, how he copes with difficult life problems. If a person goes into a panic, he has nervous breakdowns, often there is depression - the chances of rashes and skin itch increase many times over. There is no single picture of the manifestation of this symptom, and itching may occur both during a stressful situation and after a certain period. It all depends on the nature of the person, on his individual characteristics and what his resistance to stress. In some cases, the patient is able to comb the skin before the wounds, and if no help is given, infection may begin.

In severe cases, the temperature rises, the person is too excitable, there is swelling in those places where there are rashes. There is a general weakness, depression. The skin is covered in the first stage with small acne, but when the state of mind deteriorates, it comes to large blisters.

Nervous allergies can occur everywhere; even the respiratory and digestive systems are sometimes seriously affected and react with itching and rashes. The following manifestations are observed in various parts of the body:

  • On the scalp, rash and itching,
  • Urticaria on the nervous soil is characterized by large blisters, which can be combined into extensive foci,
  • Eczema. It is difficult to distinguish from the allergic variant.
  • Runny nose Regardless of the weather can be plentiful,
  • Cough. It does not take a long time and do not help drugs
  • Suffocation. It is rare, but if it does, it is a serious threat to life and health,
  • Rash and inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth. Similar in symptoms to stomatitis.

Itching on the skin and its treatment

The main task is to eliminate the cause of itching, and this will require the use of sedatives. If the attacks of excitement short-term, it will help valerian. If there are regular problems with the psyche, when nervous breakdowns become habitual, the doctor should, after a thorough examination, prescribe more serious drugs. It is necessary to select them with care as habituation quickly arises.

Treatment must be complex, as it is impossible to achieve a result of temporary measures. The patient is prescribed antihistamine drugs, the purpose of which is to relieve him of the itching of the skin as from the main symptom.

Since this symptom can be applicable to many diseases, self-treatment is absolutely unacceptable. Sometimes a month struggling with rashes, but the problem is not solved at all. Only a professional doctor can find out the cause of the disease and prescribe an effective treatment. Probably, you will need to consult an allergist, a neurologist, and in some cases a psychologist will help.

There are a number of errors that make people who are self-medicating:

  • Without establishing the exact cause of itching and rash, getting rid of it will not work. It will come out so that the situation will be complicated and, as a result, even greater nerve overloads will strengthen the already sad picture of the disease.
  • It is impossible without the appointment of a doctor to lubricate the place of itching and rashes with hormone ointment. In some cases, their use is contraindicated.
  • If a long time to use drugs without a doctor's prescription, then often this leads to irreversible changes in the body.
  • When refusing to take sedatives, itching as an additional irritant seriously affects the nervous system and weakens it even more.

First of all, you need to consult a doctor. He will schedule an examination, it will be necessary to pass blood tests, urine, feces.

The main thing - peace of mind and tranquility. It is important to learn how to control yourself, avoid stressful situations, get positive emotions. Do not hesitate to contact a psychologist, try to treat without prejudice to prescribed drugs, if the case is severe. When there is no opportunity to work in a relaxed atmosphere - change the place of service, communicate more with the family. It will be good to feel their support and understanding, to revise life values, to lead a healthy lifestyle. If the physical load at the moment is higher than the measure, it must also be reduced by time.

Only all the factors in the complex are able to correct the situation, so it is impossible to recover only by taking pills - our health is in our hands.

Why is itching on nerves?

As a result of anxiety, experiences, nervous overstrain, the immune system fails in the body and starts attacking its own cells, responding in this way to stress. There is an imbalance between defensive and aggressive mechanisms, where the latter begin to dominate the former, leading, thus, to failure. The free nerve endings of the skin - sensory receptors - begin to activate and give a signal to the spinal cord, which, in turn, transmits it to the head. Pruritus is a prerequisite for pain, as if severe receptor irritation occurs, it will cause a feeling of pain.

How to distinguish nerve itching from other skin diseases?

Besides the fact that itching can occur on the background of mental breakdowns, it can be a symptom of the development of other skin and parasitic diseases, such as scabies, urticaria, dermatitis, mycosis. But how can you distinguish it from other skin diseases?

Usually, the skin ceases to scratch after taking sedatives, but if after this itching continues, you should immediately consult a doctor and pass the necessary medical tests, as this indicates a more serious situation. You should not self-diagnose and drink various pills. This can lead to difficulties in determining the diagnosis by doctors, as well as to give a reverse reaction.

Here are some examples of diseases, the main symptom of which is the appearance of itching on the skin.

For example, urticaria is accompanied by persistent itching, which causes the patient to strongly comb the body parts. Blisters appear, condensed reddish formations that may look like insect bites. The rash may suddenly appear and disappear in 1-2 hours. After a while again.

Itching is also accompanied by scabies. In this disease, itching often increases at night. Rash is mainly localized between the fingers, on the elbows, near the armpit, in the navel, etc.

Symptoms of dermatitis: itching, redness of the skin of the hands and face, as well as the appearance of seboric crusts on the eyebrows, eyelids or scalp.

Mycosis in addition to itching is accompanied by peeling, flaking of the skin, the appearance of bubbles, irritation between the fingers.

As well as pruritus, accompanied by chickenpox and many other diseases. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that each of these diseases has a symptom of itching, some of them may be secretive, therefore, in order not to start the disease, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination.

Itchy skin - drugs and medicines

Nervous pruritus causes discomfort and anxiety. The classic treatment is to eliminate the causes of its occurrence. It is recommended to take sedatives. In the event that such a reaction of the body is intermittent, then valerian extract should be taken. Otherwise, it is necessary to use stronger drugs, the prescription of which can only be prescribed by a doctor. If taken improperly, which passes without medical supervision, allergic reactions may occur, as well as addiction to the drug. In combination with sedatives, antihistamines are prescribed to relieve itching.

Causes of "nervous" itch

First, let's see if the body can be itchy from nerves. The answer is clear: yes, and not only in people suffering from psychosomatic disorders or neurological diseases.

The fact is that the human nervous system is a kind of defense mechanism, which is included in response to the effects of various external stimuli. Itching is one of the manifestations of this reaction. But, of course, sometimes it can signal serious disturbances in the work of the nervous system.

So, why does itching on nerves? The main causes of this symptom include:

  • prolonged depression,
  • prolonged exposure to stressful situations
  • the presence of phobias, strong and insurmountable fears,
  • panic attacks.

Note. Itching nerves can be observed in people who have suffered a shock or a severe nervous shock. If these factors do not cause the development of dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema, etc.), then as soon as the psycho-emotional state of the person returns to normal, the unpleasant symptom will pass by itself. In case of development of skin pathologies, the patient may require special treatment.

Risk groups

Nervous scabies often develop in women and young children. Such susceptibility is a feature of the development of the nervous system in women. As for children, their central nervous system is not yet fully formed, and one of the few ways to respond to a nervous shock or stress is the occurrence of an itch.

Note. Too sensitive people also often notice the appearance of itchy skin on nerves. In addition, other unpleasant symptoms may occur in parallel, and it will be impossible to get rid of them without taking therapeutic measures.

Typical symptoms and possible consequences

It is important to be able to recognize the symptoms of pruritus on nerves, and to distinguish them from those that occur against the background of various dermatological diseases. It should be noted right away: if the problem is really in stress or overwork, then you should not be afraid of life-threatening consequences. But to respond to the situation, though, is necessary.

As a rule, in a nervous disorder, limbs are primarily affected. A rash of nerves in the arms or legs is a very common symptom, but sometimes it can affect other parts of the body. This causes unbearable itching that can disturb a person not only during the day, but also at night.

In some people, not only the body, but also the head itches from the nerves. This is not only unpleasant, but also a phenomenon fraught with consequences. Of course, it has nothing to do with pediculosis, although against the background of nervous overstrain, this pathology is also fully capable of developing.

For itching in the nervous system is characterized by the occurrence of related symptoms in the form of:

  • erythema,
  • skin swelling in the affected area,
  • increase the local body temperature
  • hyperemia of the skin.

In parallel, red spots of nerves may appear. They are prone to itching and flaking, and cause their owner not only aesthetic, but also psychological and physical discomfort.

Among the non-specific symptoms associated with “nervous” itching, we can note the appearance of:

  • lethargy, apathy,
  • outbursts of anger or irritation arising on the background of an intolerable and constant desire to scratch the skin,
  • general weakness or indisposition
  • problems sleeping and falling asleep.

On a note. Particularly acute body itching on the nerve soil is manifested in children. He perceived them much harder than adults, so they can become irritable, moody, tearful.

Possible consequences

Nervous soil often exacerbates and develops various skin diseases. First of all, it concerns atopic eczema or dermatitis, psoriasis. And if you can get rid of other symptoms of “nervous” itching with the help of stabilization of the psycho-emotional state of a person, then in the case of the aforementioned diseases, you will have to resort to medical treatment.

But this is not all the danger that the body itches from the nerves. With regular scratching of the itchy areas, the skin becomes thinner, and microscopic cracks and wounds form on its surface. Pathogenic microflora that can cause bacterial, viral or fungal dermatological diseases easily penetrate into them.

Therefore, it should be remembered that no matter how strong the desire to scratch the problem area, it should be contained. Instead, it is necessary to take measures in order to completely eliminate the itching of the skin and the rash of nerves.

Features of the treatment of itching on nerve soil

Now go directly to the question that is relevant for people in this situation: "I scratch my nerves - what to do?". First of all, it must be remembered that without eliminating the source of the ailment, it will be very problematic to get rid of him.

In most cases, with “nervous” itching, sedatives in tablets or syrups help well: valerian, Persen, Sedavit, Novo-Passit. Perfectly relieves psycho-emotional stress, eliminates mood changes and increases the endurance of the brain and nervous system, Bifren preparation in capsules.

Note. If the body is scratched on the nervous system, and this process is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms (tachycardia, pain in the heart) caused by severe stress, instead of herbal sedatives, you should resort to the use of heart drops or tablets: Corvalol, Corvaltab, Tricardine, Corvalment or Barboval. Drops are taken in a dosage of 20-30 drops per half glass of water or a teaspoon of sugar. The tablets covered with a gelatinous cover are applied sublingually (under language).

Simple folk remedies

To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, you can use the following simplest recipes of alternative medicine.

  1. Acetic wiping. Vinegar 9% diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2, respectively. Wipe problem areas until itching is complete.
  2. Menthol or Tea Tree Essential Oils. They need to be used carefully, especially with ultra-sensitive skin. It is also possible to treat itching with EM lavender, mint or orange. Such procedures are good help, even if there was an exacerbation of chronic or the development of acute skin diseases from the nerves.
  3. Tomato juice mixed with water in a ratio of 2: 1, respectively. Treat the problem areas several times a day.

If folk remedies do not help, or the itch only increases, you should not waste time waiting for the problem to disappear by itself. In this case, only a competent specialist can help, who will prescribe treatments to eliminate the source of the ailment, and also prescribe remedies for symptomatic therapy.

Causes of itching

Stress and hair are closely related to each other by several mechanisms that can lead to unpleasant itchy sensations on the skin of the scalp. In stressful situations or nervous overvoltages, changes occur in the functioning of the immune system, which becomes active. Such activation leads to the attack of its own cells.

Because of this, in many systems, an imbalance of the factors of protection and aggression in favor of the latter begins. Active damage to the tissues of the scalp leads to irritation of the nerve endings, which transmit a signal of damage to the brain. The signal is interpreted by the central nervous system as itchy skin. It is important to understand that such damage to the structures of the hair follicle leads to hair loss, increasing the risk of baldness.

Itchy head and dandruff: how to fix the problem.

What is oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp: treatment and causes, prevention of the disease.

The second mechanism that the head is scratched from nerves is similar to the first. Malfunctions of the immune system cause the development of local allergic reactions, which are also associated with severe itching and irritation of the skin.

Itching for other diseases

When a person asks a question whether his head may scratch on the nerves of the soil, it is important not to confuse itchy skin with manifestations of diseases such as scabies, dermatitis, fungal skin lesions. What are the signs that distinguish nervous itching from other types of damage?

The main factor that makes it possible to quickly distinguish nervous itch from other causes is the rapid disappearance on the background of the intake of medicinal sedatives that block excessive excitation of the central nervous system. If, with adequate intake of such drugs, the head continues to itch, then it is necessary to continue the diagnosis to identify the true cause of the itch.

Important! Do not self-medicate: set yourself diagnoses and prescribe medicines. This will eventually lead to the progression of the underlying disease, increased symptoms, up to baldness.

Diseases that can cause itching on the skin of the head:

  1. Allergic urticaria is a common cause of a symptom. Occurrence is associated with the presence in humans of hypersensitivity to any substances in the environment. With the development of urticaria there is a strong persistent itching, the occurrence of small seals on the skin that resemble the bites of mosquitoes and other insects. Rashes appear within a few minutes and can pass on their own after 20 minutes. There may be frequent recurrences of itching when a person does not know about the existing allergies.
  2. Dermatitis is often found especially in childhood, manifested by itching of the scalp. However, in addition to this manifestation, there are always other symptoms: redness of the skin, the appearance of seborrheic crusts on the skin, which are easily separated from it.
  3. Fungal lesions of the skin lead to permanent irritation of the skin, accompanied by the appearance of a blister, leading to flaking of the skin.

Since the pathological conditions that lead to the fact that itchy head, a lot, you should always consult a doctor for this symptom. Only a dermatologist or trichologist is able to conduct a full examination and identify the cause of an unpleasant symptom.

Treatment of pruritus on the head

What to do when itching for nerves? First of all, you need to visit a dermatologist who is able to make an accurate diagnosis. The main method of treatment is based on the use of soothing drugs that reduce the person's perception of stress, improve brain function.

If itching on the head rarely occurs and passes on its own, it is recommended to take valerian extract or other herbal sedatives that have a slight effect on the body.

When itching is permanent, you need potent drugs used in psychiatry - anxiolytics, tranquilizers. With the simultaneous appointment of antihistamines, treatment results are improved.

It is important to note that all medicines should be used only as prescribed by a physician, as otherwise their low efficacy and the appearance of a side effect, an allergy that intensifies itching, is possible.

In addition to medicines, traditional medicine products are used: rinsing with chamomile, oatmeal, fenugreek, lavender, and oak bark. When rubbing the skin with herbal decoctions, the intensity of local inflammation of the skin decreases, and allergic manifestations disappear. However, when using methods of alternative medicine, it is important to remember that their effectiveness is not proven.

Hair restoration

After finding out how stress affects the hair, it becomes clear that it can significantly damage them. Therefore, the task of the doctor is how to restore hair after stress? There are a number of specific recommendations:

  1. Exclude factors that have a damaging effect on the scalp and hair. A person is not recommended to use hair dye, perm, use a hot hair dryer, straighten hair.
  2. Apply methods that improve blood flow to the scalp. These include the use of a laser comb and darsonval. Scientific evidence shows that such methods activate blood flow and promote hair growth.
  3. Excellent results show a regular self-massage or massage the skin on the scalp, as well as the area on the back of the neck.
  4. The comb should be soft, preferably wooden with a low frequency of location of the teeth.

Why does gray hair appear in a child: causes, diagnosis and restoration of hair color.

Beauties note: fruits and vegetables for hair, three recipes of beauty.

Learn how to soften tough hair: mask recipes, cosmetics.

Following these recommendations allows you to quickly restore the amount of hair on the head, a decrease which is observed with prolonged stress.


Damage to the skin on the scalp as a result of a person’s nervous overexcitation causes a number of symptoms, the most important of which is pruritus and progressive baldness. Knowing this fact allows you to quickly identify unpleasant symptoms, seek medical help, stopping the progression of damage to the hair.

Among the main symptoms are the following:

  • The rash may be of a different nature, ranging from red spots, and ending with small bubbles of liquid,
  • The skin becomes inflamed and becomes sensitive to external stimuli. So, while combing your hair, there is unpleasant discomfort,
  • Persistent itching
  • General weakness of the whole body, in rare cases, body temperature may rise.

But the most unpleasant thing here is that these symptoms are characteristic of other causes of scabies. Therefore, it is quite difficult to recognize a nervous itch even to a qualified and experienced dermatologist.

Causes of nervous itching of the skin of the head

Nervous for you the usual thing? Then we invite you to familiarize yourself with the information that fully explains the cause of nervous itch. Very often, nervous skin diseases occur in people with mental disorders, with schizophrenia and other serious disorders. But one should not take it for granted. After all, it is not uncommon that the head also scratches on the nerve soil of quite healthy people who have suffered severe stress, for example, the death of a loved one.

40% of nervous itching of the scalp is observed in children, and more precisely, in adolescents with an unstable and unformed nervous system. Pregnancy and PMS in women can also cause itchy scalp, as irritability and nervousness increase during this period.

What to do with it

In this case, the best option would be to go to a qualified specialist who, after a series of tests and finding out the cause of the itch, will prescribe a complex treatment to the patient. If in your case head itch is caused by stress, then a few sessions with a psychologist can solve the problem.

In more complicated cases, the patient is prescribed antihistamine and sedative medications. Experts do not recommend scratching the skin, as this can only aggravate the problem. Receiving antihistamines can alleviate discomfort. With proper implementation of the recommendations of the doctor, itching should leave the patient within one week.

Eliminate itching with the help of folk remedies

If the cause of the itch is nervous and stressful situations, then try drinking tea from mint and lemon balm - this natural sedative will relieve tension and calm down.

Take herbal baths with chamomile, calendula, lavender and oak bark. Rinse your head with this decoction, so you can effectively remove the inflammation of the skin and soothe it.

Also the current method is rinsing the head with vinegar and water mixed in equal quantities.


Watch the video: Why do we itch? - Emma Bryce (July 2024).